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Lighting Your Apple II Path On Delphi | |
By Mike Thomas, aka Phoenyx
"Teaching the Apple II user how to fish since 1998"
The Lamp! An Onipa'a Software Production Vol. 3, No. 11
Publisher................................Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Editor.....................................................Lyle Syverson
Internet Email, Publisher.........................thelamp@sheppyware.net
Internet Mail, Editor..............................lyle837@FoxValley.net
November 15, 2000
Building A2Central.com-------------------------------------------[OPN]
TIME IN A BOTTLE - AN UNSOLICITED REVIEW------------------------------[RTB]
By Mike Thomas, aka Phoenyx
Starter Disks Available From A2Central.com-----------------------[SDA]
A2Central.com Online Store-- ----------------------------------[OLS]
New Source for Spectrum------------------------------------------[NSS]
What Has Changed in Spectrum v2.4?-------------------------------[WHC]
Upgrades to SIS Will be Awhile-----------------------------------[UTS]
Silvern Castle v5.2 Available in A2 Database---------------------[SCF]
Silvern Castle v6.0----------------------------------------------[SCS]
Silvern Castle Help----------------------------------------------[SCH]
System.II Via the Lost Classics Project--------------------------[SII]
Xenocide Via the Lost Classics Project---------------------------[XLC]
Maxster for the Apple IIgs is in A2 Database---------------------[MID]
Chameleon Available From Ewen's Web Site-------------------------[CAE]
Where Does the no Slot Clock go?---------------------------------[WCG]
Using a Laserwriter II With the Apple IIgs-----------------------[ULW]
Where to Get a 5.25" Drive Cleaning Kit--------------------------[DCK]
Which Modems for the Apple IIgs?---------------------------------[WMF]
Which Sound Card to use------------------------------------------[WSC]
LANceGS Enables Day of Wonder!-----------------------------------[DOW]
Finding an ISP in Alaska... or Anywhere Else---------------------[FAI]
Connecting to the Internet With the IIgs-------------------------[CTI]
Using List Control-----------------------------------------------[ULC]
Projects... Inform Compiler... FTP Server... ?-------------------[PIF]
No Letters to the Editor This Month------------------------------[NLE]
An Invitation----------------------------------------------------[LTE]
KFEST 2001
Keep it in Mind--------------------------------------------------[KFT]
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
[*] [*] [*]
READING THE LAMP! The index system used by The Lamp! is designed to make
""""""""""""""""" your reading easier. To use this system, load this
issue into any word processor or text editor. In the index you will find
something like:
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
To read this article, simply use your search or find command to locate
[INN]. There is a similar tag at the end of each article: [EOA].
From The Editor
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>
Building A2Central.com
Looking down from High Above the Rock River this past summer you would
have noticed a building being built along the river... a new Boat House for
the local Rowing Club. The old Boat House was in need of repair and was
becoming crowded. Lots of the labor was by volunteers.
Reminds me of the construction of A2Central.com that is going on right
now. I drop in twice a day via Lynx to see what is going on... the URL for
this site is at the top of my list of bookmarks. Not only is there a lot
going on there... this site is designed to look spiffy with the graphics
based browsers _and_ be friendly to Lynx for those who are content to come
for information with a simpler browser.
By Mike Thomas, aka Phoenyx
From quazar@dcnet2000.com Thu Nov 16 13:31:06 2000
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 20:42:33 -0500
From: Phoenyx <quazar@dcnet2000.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2
Subject: Review: Time in a bottle CD collection.
First, this is an unsolicited review. It and I am in no way related to the
distributors. Any opinions herein are entirely my own and shall not reflect
upon any other person or association. This text is (C) copyright
03-SEP-2000 Mike Thomas aka Phoenyx. You are free to redistribute by any
means necessary as long as this copyright is retained and credit given for
it's contents.
--=={ Time in a Bottle. An Apple II CD collection }==--
When I first saw the message concerning the soon to be released CD set, I
was very excited. Having missed out on most of the online activity in the
Apple II world, I knew I had lost the chance at a plethora of interesting
and useful information. I immediately went to the online order site and
purchased a set, in spite of the fact that I could put the $50 to better
use. I waited in anticipation as the weekend dragged by, looking forward to
this treasure trove of unknown information. Finally, it arrived in the mail
on Tuesday morning. After all the wait and eager anticipation, was I
Actually, I was, just a bit at first. When I inserted the first CD and
browsed the first few directories I noticed that many of the files were
message groups. Having missed out on these early unions of Apple II users,
I had no idea what to expect in this area. Many of them were simple 'Hi,
how are you' sort of messages with very little useful content. I was also
disappointed a bit later on when I discovered some of the files were
damaged and could not be opened. On top of that, some of the files were
also duplicated elsewhere in the collection. Considering the cost and how
much $50 dollars means to my family, you should be able to understand my
Considering the size of this collection and the time frame it covered, some
duplication should be expected I guess. However, I also expected the
editors to put some effort in eliminating or at least reducing this
duplication and corrupted files. At least in a few of the more obvious
Not one to be daunted, I continued to peruse the files and even stopping a
while to read some of the more interesting messages. My disappointment
began to disappear when I started coming across messages which fit my own
interests, primarily programming, hardware info and utilities.
I decided to stop reading for a while and check out some more of the CD's
contents before I got too engrossed in the messages. I hadn't even realized
how much time had elapsed just in reading them, but it turns out I had
spent a couple of hours and still had many more to go. The wealth of
information in this set is beginning to become apparent. I began to feel
more at ease and decided to finish my initial, superficial investigation
before passing judgment.
Well, let me just say this. My initial reaction to the set was definitely
way off base. Even now, I am finding programs and info which are worth more
than the cost of the CD's. The combined worth is rather difficult to
calculate since each user must decide which of these files are useful to
them. For myself, I have already found things that I would have loved to
use way back when. I have always been a bit disappointed at being unable to
participate in the early A2 online groups. I now have some idea of the
things I missed out on. Sure, I managed to get by back then, since I had no
knowledge of what was going on. Living in the boonies helped to shield me
from being disappointed by not seeing what I was missing. I guess that
sometimes ignorance really is bliss.
The set is nicely arranged in the order I assume the Genie system used. It
is fairly easy to find your way around, even for folks like me who have
never seen the original storage system. I would like to mention, I am set
up with Balloon which is a big asset when browsing through archive sets
like this. It would certainly be much more difficult if I had to open every
file with GS Shrinkit. I managed to get lucky and found the Balloon
archiver on a diskazine in a collection of disks I picked up somewhere. I
don't know where it is available on the net, or even if it is legally
available at all. Also, my Focus drive has been very helpful. I had
already partitioned it to just a few P8 partitions and one large HFS one
which I am using to unpack files for inspection. If you don't have these
capabilities, don't be too disappointed just use whatever means you can to
access those babies. Of course, it could be in the CD set and I haven't run
across it yet.
At this point I am still perusing the file libraries on the second disk and
enjoying every moment. I have not had a chance to return to the message
areas yet. In fact, I haven't gone back and checked many of the other
directories of the first CD. Yes, I'm sure there will be more of those
simplistic messages. Having been a sysop of my own BBS, I know this is
normal for almost any group of people with little in common except the
topic of whatever message base they happen to be in. At this point I will
not be disappointed no matter what I find. The software on the second CD
has more than made up for the cost, even for a poor old country bumpkin'
like myself.
So guys and gals, do yourself a favor and point your browser the URL in the
original message and get your own. Even those with out a CD on their Apple
II can still benefit as long as they have some method of reading a CD in
HFS format. AFAIK, this is no problem for Linux or Beos users and I have
heard of a utility for Windows users also. Of course all you Mac owners are
probably smiling about now since you know you will have no trouble at all
reading the CD's. That's ok, I'm doing just fine on my GS and I can still
use my Linux box if necessary. Plus, I figure it might be one more reason
for those Windows users to jump on the Linux or Beos band wagon. Who knows,
all some of them need is just a little push.
For those who missed the original message, here's the order URL again.
BTW, thanks guys. This has been one of the most useful things I have
purchased for my II's in a long time.
Thank you for your time and interest. I hope it was helpful
or at least interesting.
Apple2 user since March 1984
Links to Phoenyx's pages:
preferred..... http://zip.to/Phoenyx_A2
alternate..... http://www.tinyangeldesigns.com/Apple2
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by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
A2Central.com now shipping Apple II system and starter kit disks.
A2Central.com is pleased to announce that effective immediately, we're able
to ship Apple II system software disks for US $2.00 per disk. This includes
Apple II GS System 6.0.1 and Apple II System Disk 3.2 (for all Apple II
computers with 64K of memory. Also available are HyperCard IIgs, the Apple
II SCSI Utilities, the Apple II Video Overlay Card Utilities, and more.
We have also created Apple II Telecom Starter Kit disks. These disks, with
several versions available depending on which Apple II model you have, come
preconfigured for a standard setup of the Apple II model you use. Each
bootable ProDOS disk includes Modem Mgr telecommunications software and an
assortment of key utilities needed when downloading Apple II software from
online services, including ShrinkIt. These disks, too, are available for $2
A2Central.com is providing these disks at cost to help newcomers to the
Apple II community get their new computers up and running.
Please visit {<http://www.a2central.com/shop>
http://www.a2central.com/shop} for details and an order form.
A2Central.com is an authorized Apple II user group. All Apple software is
distributed under license from Apple Computer Inc.
This announcement may be distributed or reprinted freely, as long as it is
A2Central.com ONLINE STORE
A2Central.com has obtained a substantial number of items that were
previously occupying valuable space in Roger Wagner's garage. Now that
they're occupying valuable space in my garage, we've decided it's time to
clear them out. Therefore, we've now opened the A2Central.com Online Store
{<http://order.kagi.com/?2QP> http://order.kagi.com/?2QP} .
We have a large number of new, still-in-shrinkwrapped-boxes ComputerEyes GS
cards. The ComputerEyes GS is a video capture card that lets you capture a
still image from a video source in about six seconds. We're selling these
for $20, including shipping in the United States, or $30 internationally.
We also have a few copies of the HyperStudio Quick Course, a workbook and
disk for people learning HyperStudio. (It doesn't include HyperStudio,
Additionally, we have the A2-Central Font Collection, a set of eight font
disks published by the original A2-Central. These disks are packed with
ShrinkIt-compressed fonts, all cataloged in an AppleWorks database.
And to top it all off, we have around 30 copies of the ComputerEyes GS
manual, in case you have a card but no manual (the packages mentioned above
include the manual and software; these are extras).
So support A2Central.com and your Apple II habit by visiting the
A2Central.com online store today!
{<http://order.kagi.com/?2QP> http://order.kagi.com/?2QP}
Eric (Sheppy) Shepherd
(SHEPPY, 33736, GO COM A2)
Shareware Solutions II and Spectrum
Shareware Solutions II, in association with Ewen Wannop and My eSource, is
pleased to announce that effective immediately it is the Publisher and
exclusive worldwide distributor of Spectrum.
Written by British author Ewen Wannop, Spectrum is an easy-to-use yet
powerful and comprehensive IIGS desktop telecommunications program that
permits users to dial up a local BBS, to log onto an employer's remote
computer, or to access the far reaches of cyberspace via a local Internet
Service Provider.
Spectrum is an expandable program that has grown far beyond basic
telecommunications. Through the use of Spectrum's External Commands and
powerful Scripting language, Spectrum add-on programs have been created
that allow users to automate online sessions to Delphi with COG (Crock O'
Gold), surf the world wide web with SIS (Spectrum Internet Suite), or send
and receive e-mail via SMTP and POP3 mail servers with SAM (Spectrum
Automated Mailer).
Spectrum is the only program for the Apple IIGS that has been updated to
provide support for Internet access via TCP/IP, thereby freeing Spectrum
users from having to use an increasingly more difficult-to-find unix shell
The latest version of Spectrum - v2.4 - requires System 6.0.1. Highly
recommended are a hard disk drive and 4 megabytes of RAM.
Some of Spectrum 2.4's advanced features include:
* Improved script execution speed.
* Optimize scripts by compiling them.
* Spectrum 2.4 and the XCMDs are Y2K compliant.
* Optional Serial or TCP/IP environment.
* Fully Integrated support for Marinetti 2.0.
* Integrated multi-socket Telnet function.
* Up to 32 simultaneous open TCP/IP connections.
* View HTML files directly from within Spectrum.
* Enhanced !Help! NDA includes Find function.
* Internal support for Babelfish Import and Export.
* Spectrum 2.4 supports the Hierarchic Control Panel.
* Updated Spectrum Port driver.
* 57600 baud connections using Bernie ][ the Rescue.
* More than 50 new or updated script commands.
* More than 30 new replacement items.
* Many enhanced and updated XCMDs:
+ The BinHQX XCMD now includes:
+ BinSCII encoding and decoding.
+ BinHex 4.0 encoding and decoding.
+ MIME Base 64 multipart encoding and decoding.
+ UUencode encoding and decoding.
* Enhanced WorkBench XCMD replaces the ResEdit XCMD:
+ Access and edit resource forks.
+ Make MessageCenter and IPC calls.
+ Make Toolbox & GS/OS calls.
+ Peek and Poke.
* The Spectrum manuals are now supplied in Teach format.
* New CD version has the manuals in Acrobat PDF format.
The cost of Spectrum v2.4 is $35, and first time buyers can purchase the
complete Spectrum package by credit card, on either 3.5" disk or CD-ROM, at
Shareware Solutions II's online store, located at:
Low cost updates for those who purchased Spectrum from My eSource are
available only through the mail, as proof-of-purchase must be supplied.
Shareware Solutions II
166 Alpine Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Questions about Spectrum v2.4? Contact Joe Kohn at joko@foxvalley.net
Shareware Solutions II's web site is located at:
(JOE_KOHN, 33674, GO COM A2)
Is there a list anywhere of what's changed between Spectrum 2.3 and 2.4?
The list Joe's been publishing of new features includes 2.3's new features
too. :)
Eric (Sheppy) Shepherd
(SHEPPY, 33817, GO COM A2)
The only things that have really changed are technical things 'under the
hood' which affect grabbing TCP data from sockets that are closing on you.
This was necessary for the work Geoff is doing on SIS and also for his FTP
On the surface, nothing much has changed but for the splash screen saying
Shareware Solutions is now the publisher.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum 2.4 & Crock O' Gold 3.3
Bernie ][ the Rescue 2.5.1 woofing at 55Mhz on a G3/350
Home Pages: http://www.btinternet.com/~ewannop/
(EWANNOP, 33840, GO COM A2)
> A new SIS, which will fully use a TCP/IP connection, has been announced
> and should be available soon.
Subsequent testing of this product in development shows it is not much more
reliable than the current alpha TCP/IP library for SIS. This basically
means that the announcement for a new version of SIS was premature. I was
using a small sample of web sites (like three) which worked fine, but ran
into problems with a larger set (like most of the sites not in the set of
three). Since I don't use SIS, I wasn't aware of all the problems. The
enhancements that I made offer no new functionality so there will not be a
new released version of SIS soon.
(SISGEOFF, 33823, GO COM A2)
Silvern Castle v5.2 is now done and should be showing up for download soon!
Stuff Changed:
- The tome file readers now returns to the search screen after exiting
dogpaw instead of going back to the extra's menu-press <esc> to now exit
the search screen.
- Since only 2 users have requested the >free< registration instructions
since Silvern Castle was reclassified as freeware, it is no longer
necessary to ask for one. It was my intent to gauge how many A2er's are
playing Silvern, as this remains the only incentive I have left to
develop A2 software <sigh>. Unless you request a unique serial number,
the program will now display the generic SN 9999 by default, and as a
result this will completely disable all the old shareware checks.
New stuff:
- New extra's menu option: Tome of Arcana! This is a help/hint/review guide
compiled from the Delphi A2 Entertainment Forum and JuicedGS. Enjoy!
- BASIC.SYSTEM v1.4.1 is now supported in case anyone has programs with BI
v1.5 (like I do).
- Optional STARTUP file added to start Silvern faster (especially on
non-hard drive systems).
Name: SCUPD52.BXY (Entertainment Software)
Date: 5-NOV-2000 19:38
Size: 253440
This is the Silvern Castle 5.2 update. The tome viewer now returns to the
search screen after exiting Dogpaw instead of going back to the extras
menu. Also, the requirement to ask for registration instructions is gone
(Jeff is getting frustrated by the lack of feedback on the game;if you play
it, please let him know what you think!). Adds the Tome of Arcana, hints,
tips, and reviews from Delphi's A2 forum and Juiced.GS. In addition,
BASIC.SYSTEM 1.4.1 is supported (some people have problems with 1.5), and
startup has been sped up. Silvern Castle has been released as Freeware by
the Author.
(T_DIAZ, 33904, GO COM A2)
SCv6.0 is done and due to be released in the next few weeks!
Here's the vitals:
Bugs fixed:
- Using dispel or haste devices at camp now correctly displays "No effect!"
instead of nothing.
- Using missile weapons and dispel devices in combat now correctly strike
the correct group.
- Enchanted one-charge non-potion devices are now correctly interpreted
(i.e. not treated as doses).
Stuff changed:
- You must run the file MICRODOT.SYSTEM to now start Silvern Castle.
- The Extra's menu no longer contains Dogpaw, because it doesn't run under
MicroDot. Run the SC.READER program under Basic.System (i.e. exit
Silvern) to view them. In addition, you can view all doc files.
- The saved game format is no longer compatible with earlier versions,
because of this you must disband your party before installing SCv6.0.
- The unique monster generator has been removed.
- For those of you with the Second Sight card, pressing CTRL-Z after
exiting the GS control panel will now quickly restore the graphics screen
because Second Sight incorrectly restores the wrong hi-res page switch.
- Speed-up maze plotting slightly.
- Text Mode maze support is back.
- Depending on level, monsters now have a higher chance to hit 2x per
- Updated a few monsters to add some missing special abilities.
- Using non-scroll LIGHT devices (i.e. torch or lanterns) in combat now are
interpreted as thrown flaming missile weapons, doing up to 12hp of damage
to one monster.
New stuff:
- SC now runs under MicroDot, the command shell interface replacement for
Basic.System. MicroDot frees up over 7.5k of memory, so be prepared for
some cool features in future updates to take advantage of this.
- Added 13 new items!
- Added one new device affect!
- Some monsters now have normal weapon immunity, requiring magic weapons,
spells, or devices to hit. You'll get the "No affect" message if your
weapon isn't high enough in enchantment.
Re: Silvern Castle v6.0 Changes:
I'm afraid I went a little overboard and modified some additional stuff!
This will set the release date back to the end of November 2000 for some
more testing, although everything listed here is now in place and working
Here's the additional vitals to the list published in the first message of
this "Silvern Castle v6.x" topic:
Bugs Fixed:
o Enchanted non-potion devices now takes advantage of the extra power.
o Fixed bug in NPC info surrender which displayed wrong special sometimes.
o Fixed centuries-old bug in the monster CALL other groups ability.
o When you are at a maze special (stairs, etc), the white square is now
correctly plotted as a half-square to match the side walls. By design,
the 3-D maze display shows your party occupying the middle of the spot
you are at.
o Fixed an incorrect order of events that "broke" monster magical devices
before the monster actually decided to use it.
o Fixed bug in combat equip that displayed equipped unknown weapons
incorrectly after equipping the same unknown weapon in an earlier combat
Stuff Changed:
o The message "No affect!" is no longer displayed on the FIRST dispel
attempt when ALL the monsters have already been killed or fled.
o Druids can now only I)nfo items that are of a level one-half their
maximum I)d level (i.e. like clerics). This prevents discovering new item
attributes too easily!
o Resize Roster/Update Datafiles now shows processing status.
o The selection of weapons available to the monsters has been increased to
ALL possible types (except special weapons like dragon slayers) because
now I have enough free memory. Also, now there is a "preference" for
certain weapons by monster class (i.e. no more mighty fighters with
enchanted clubs!).
o After using the combat weapon equip option, your original weapon is now
automatically equipped when combat is over (unless the new weapon is
New Stuff:
o Added 36 total new items! Some can be found in limited stock at the
o Added 3 total new device affects!
o New Camp Inspect option: Equip W)eapon only. This quickly equips just a
weapon (or none if you choose), skipping the armour equip part.
II Infinitum,
Jeff Fink
Re: Silvern Castle v6.0 Update Alert
The saved game format of Silvern Castle v6.0 is no longer compatible with
versions earlier than version 6.0. If you are updating from an earlier
version of Silvern Castle you MUST disband your saved game (if one exists,
that is) in the market BEFORE installing the files in this update.
If you don't disband your pre-v6.0 saved game before you install this
update's replacement files, you will NOT be able to run the updated Silvern
Castle program until you do so. To recover in this instance, restore your
BACKUP of Silvern Castle, run it and disband your saved game, then
reinstall this update's replacement files.
*** CATCH-22:
If you fail to heed this update alert warning and overwrite your current
version of Silvern Castle with this update's replacement files without a
BACKUP available, you will be left in a situation where you CANNOT EASILY
disband your saved game. In this case, the simplest solution would be to
delete the GAME saved game file.
If deleting your saved game is not appealing, you will have to go through
the painstaking process of copying the datafiles STATUS, ROSTER, GAME,
STORE, and ROP to a safe place, reinstalling your current version of
Silvern Castle on TOP of Silvern Castle v1.0, copying the datafiles back,
running your current version of Silvern Castle and disbanding your saved
game, then reinstalling this update's replacement files. Remember: BACKUP,
I downloaded one of your earlier versions of Silvern Castle, I don't recall
which one but it was already an update. When I tried it out, all I ever saw
were empty corridors in the upper left corner of the screen. I keep reading
here about people seeing various things. Is this just a manner of speaking
or am I missing something? At any rate, after wandering empty corridors for
a while, I got bored and have not tried it again. I have never seen
Wizardry, so the comparisons are all lost on me.
MT Steve
(S_BERNBAUM, 33781, GO COM A2)
You say you downloaded one of the updates, did you install it on top of
Silvern Castle v1.0? The updates do not comprise a stand alone program,
they only "enhance" the original v1.0 program. But, you must have done this
or how else could you have gotten to the maze?
Anyway, as you wander the corridors of the maze, you really don't see
anything in the way of pictures or graphics. What you do get are monster
encounters and messages at some spots. In this regard, Silvern is much like
Eamon, but since the maze is displayed in 3D there is no need to say things
like "You are in a north south corridor, with doors to the east and west"
because you can "see" corridors and doors.
The combat sequences are similar to Eamon, but much more detailed and
highly developed, especially in regard to magic. In the maze, at some
locations you will find text messages, and other specials (but again, all
in text, never as a picture).
You should have had some monster encounters after wandering only a few
squares of the corridor. Keep wandering! :)
Silvern Castle is very similar to almost all RPG (role-playing games) I've
ever seen, such as: Wizardry, Bard's Tale, the Ultima dungeon scenes,
Dragon Wars, to name a few off the top of my head.
Hope this helps,
Name: SYSII.BXY (Utility Software)
Date: 5-NOV-2000 19:38
Size: 403456
SYSTEM.II is an 8-bit desktop-style system manager for the //c, /e or the
GS in 8-bit mode. Files and drives are represented by icons, and can be
chosen with just a keypress. Some utilities are included with the program,
copy file - copy disk - rename - unlock - delete - format - restart -
The program includes a built-in screen saver. The user can set parameters
such as full or abbreviated menus, setting the system clock speed for
accelerated machines, and have the choice of the keyboard, joystick or
mouse as the input device. Other options include the choice of what slot to
boot from, security settings, access to the GS Control Panel, as well as
setting what files to automatically run at startup as well as shutdown.
This is the Developer's version of SYSTEM.II and contains the tools
necessary to create other utilities that run this program and it's Kernel,
This archive can be copied to either multiple 5.25" disks, a single 800k
disk, or any ProDOS compatible hard drive. Originally published by Kitchen
Sink Software, System II has been released as Freeware by the Copyright
holder, Eric Bush, via The Lost Classics Project. (Please see the
FREEWARE.TXT file in the archive.)
(T_DIAZ, 33904, GO COM A2)
Name: XENOCIDE.BXY (Entertainment Software)
Date: 16-OCT-2000 18:37
Size: 542336
Xenocide is a "kill the aliens" style of arcade game for the Apple IIGS.
Written by Brian Greenstone and Pangea Software, this game takes full
advantage of the GS's graphics and sound abilities. This version of the
program is "uncrippled" and will run on any GS. A joystick is required. Now
released as Freeware via the Lost Classics Project.
(T_DIAZ, 33905, GO COM A2)
Name: MAXSTER.BXY (Telecommunications)
Date: 5-NOV-2000 19:38
Size: 270336
This is Maxster v0.79, the Napster client for the Apple IIgs that was first
demoed at KansasFest 2000 as part of HackFest. This program will search
for, download, and play the first few seconds of MP3 audio files. As an
open beta, its functionality is extremely limited, and has been known to
work with only a small range of songs. As a Spectrum script, it requires
Spectrum v2.0 or later. Freeware by Ken Gagne.
(T_DIAZ, 33905, GO COM A2)
Many, many years ago I wrote a utility called Chameleon. This transferred
files between the four disk formats at the time, DOS 3.3, ProDOS, Pascal
and CP/M.
I had forgotten about it over the years, until someone needed a copy this
last week, and wondered how he could get his Shareware payment to me.
Originally Chameleon was released as commercial software in the UK, but as
Shareware in the US. The address for payment was given as C/O Dark Star in
New York. However that address has not been valid for many years.
As a consequence, I have updated the documentation to show my home address,
and put Chameleon onto my home pages.
This is now the definitive version of the program, and should replace all
others in the various disk libraries. If anyone needs a copy, they can get
it from my home pages.
If any of you have used it in the past, but been unable to pay your
Shareware payment to me, now is you chance to make amends! Download a fresh
copy, and you will read where to send that payment!
I do not charge interest on over due payments... :)
Ewen Wannop - Speccie
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum 2.4 & Crock O' Gold 3.3
Bernie ][ the Rescue 2.5.1 woofing at 55Mhz on a G3/350
Home Pages: http://www.btinternet.com/~ewannop/
(EWANNOP, 33875, GO COM A2)
The NSC goes *anywhere* under a 28 pin ROM.
That means any I/O card with a 28 pin socket in a ][+ even. In a //c or
//c+, does not matter.
The software will seek it out.
(T_DIAZ, 33724, GO COM A2)
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone out there knows how to get a Laserwriter IIntx or
g (I have both) to work with a Apple IIgs. My gs has a Vulcan card in slot
7. I would like to leave the Vulcan in 7 if possible. The manual says I
have to use Appletalk which takes slot 7 away from the Vulcan. Any
(KENSLEG, 33874, GO COM A2)
ROM 01:
Set Printer Port to AppleTalk, Move Vulcan card to Slot 1. Set Startup to
Slot 1. Use the provided plastic separator or an index card like object to
keep the card from touching the P/S case. Install the "LaserWriter" driver
from the System 6.0.1 disk set. If you want to print from ProDOS 8
programs that have been launched *after* GS/OS has been loaded there will
be an option button on the control panel called "Imagewriter Emulator",
click that once per printer session (As long as the printer stays on) and
AppleWorks 3, etc will print in courier, MouseTest and other IW-II commands
will work.
ROM 3:
You can use Slot 1 or 2 for the AppleTalk connection and not have to touch
slot 7. It works with everything the same.
For either, you will need two Localtalk connectors and the cable between
them to use the LaserWriter IIntx or IIg. The IIg is significantly faster
in processing, I don't think the IIgs will 'realize' the difference like a
Mac would though.
(T_DIAZ, 33895, GO COM 2)
Where can you find a 5.25" drive cleaning kit?
I've seen them recently at Radio Shack, but it's not like I've gone looking
real hard for them. . .
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. -- rsuenaga@apple2.org
Publisher, _The Lamp!_, published monthly on Delphi
Posted by PTMM v2.5 - The integrated information solution
(RSUENAGA, 33825, GO COM A2)
I bought a cleaning kit recently from Tandy (Radio Shack) and it included
the 5.25" & 3.5" disk as well, reasonably priced. I also bought a 3.5" only
kit about 2 days earlier from another store for about the same price :(
Another thing to help improve your drive reads would be to check/adjust the
drive speed using a disk utility like Copy ][ Plus (most versions). I
recommend 200.7ms (=299RPM) as per Apples spec.
Make sure you use a newish blank disk for the drive speed adjust as it
writes to the drive erasing the inner track (track $22 from memory)
(LUKE65816, 33834, GO COM A2)
Will these old 14.4 modems work on an Apple II computer?
Yes it will, and any other external modem will too. Modems are not machine
specific, and virtually all follow the Hayes standard modem commands.
Usually you will find that the plain Init string of 'AT&F1' will suffice to
set it up for the IIgs. If in doubt, follow the instructions in the manual
for using it with a Mac.
Setting up the IIgs itself, the comms program you are using, and the
computer to modem cable, are a whole different ball game...
We would need some information from you as to how fast your IIgs was and
what software you will be using, to answer those questions.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum 2.4 & Crock O' Gold 3.3
Bernie ][ the Rescue 2.5.1 woofing at 55Mhz on a G3/350
Home Pages: http://www.btinternet.com/~ewannop/
(EWANNOP, 33859, GO COM A2)
That's not entirely true. There _are_ software modems that specifically
require Windows or Mac based software drivers to handle all the data
compression and error correction. I recommend avoiding these even if you
have a Mac/PC, hardware based modems are more reliable and work on any
I've also seen a couple of Mac-specific modems that power or communicate
through the ADB port, but at least the former should be compatible with the
Using a 14.4K modem or higher on the Apple IIgs also requires a properly
wired serial cable, one that handles hardware handshaking, and not all Mac
HWHS cables are wired properly for use on a GS.
Mitchell Spector
{<mailto:spec@total.net> spec@total.net}
(SPECTOR1, 33862, GO COM A2)
I have an AE SonicBlaster card, as well as MDIdeas, Inc SuperSonic card,
and a Roger Wagner sound input card. Here is my question, which card would
the Roger Wagner work better with (I do note that there is an input on the
AE card) and which card/combo would give me the best support for various
sound programs, esp HyperStudio (which I also have.)
Thanks for the help
Exegete AKA Roy Miller
Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Apple ][ forever!
(EXEGETE, 33958, GO COM A2)
In terms of quality, the MDIdeas SuperSonic card (when jumpered properly)
provides the cleanest stereo output of the two and stands up quite well
compared with other existing stereo cards. It does however require the
SuperSonic Digitizer piggyback daughterboard in order to record sound, and
then only in monaural with below average results.
It can be used in combination with the HyperStudio Slotless Digitizer as it
has pass-thru connector mind you. It too will only record in monaural
however, but irrelevant if your recording external sounds sources (i.e.
your own voice, home-made sound effects).
The AE SonicBlaster has a couple of advantages here: It can output stereo
and record sound as an all-in-one card solution, it can record true
left/right stereo, and it has a back port connector which makes plugging in
speakers, headphones and microphones a snap. Still I very much dislike this
card as it has poor sound-out (it distorts sound above certain volume
levels), has poor sound recording (due to a complete lack of shielding) and
requires you to open the GS up and manually turn pots/dials to adjust the
output level.
I suppose it comes down to what features are most important to you. Output
quality? Recording quality? Convenience?
Mitchell Spector
{<mailto:spec@total.net> spec@total.net}
(SPECTOR1, 33959, GO COM A2)
I set my output levels once, as low as I could, and feed an external amp,
or powered speakers with a volume control. Never have to open the GS again
for volume adjustments. That also should fix the problem of distortion for
the most part.
Carl Knoblock - Telephone Tech - Fri 10 Nov 00 11:27:47 pm
cknoblo@home.com - Via Spectrum v2.3 & Crock O' Gold v3.2
2001: A KFest Odyssey, July 25-29, 2001 - 257 days till KFest
Using Marinetti 2.0.1 - Thank you, Richard.
(CKNOBLO, 33962, GO COM A2)
The day of wonder has at long last arrived...GWFTP (in addition to other
goodies) arrived in my mailbox, courtesy of Mr. Kohn. After a few hours of
monkeying around with my Linux server, the trusty old K-5 133 16 Mb of RAM
that it is, and fooling with GWFTP, I achieved success! I can retrieve
files from the Linux box straight onto my IIGs! WHOO HOO!! I have waited so
long for this...it's simply amazing to be able to do this. If you ask me,
they ought to bundle GWFTP + Marinetti with every LANceGS sold. It's THAT
AWESOME (and that critical for full use of the hardware, at least at this
stage in the game).
Now I'm downloading stuff from the net, sending it over to the Linux box,
and fetching it with the GS. Only odd thing is that the files I've snagged
so far are all SDK format, which makes me go dump the disk images to a
physical disk and then copy the files back on to the hard drive. Especially
with the new version of the LanceGs driver, I think we'll see a change in
how files are made available to Apple users. (No need to SDK them when
people with a 56k modem can dial out through Spectrum, or through their LAN
and fetch the files in a normal GShrink file. Why not bundle all those
disks into one Shrink it file? Unless they won't work that way?)
Anyway, world looks good from over here. GWFTP is definitively a KILLER
Great work, Geoff. You rule.
Email: {<mailto:tarage@bellsouth.net> tarage@bellsouth.net}
(TARAGE, 33964, GO COM A2)
Hi All,
A friend, who recently retired from teaching school, would like to use his
][GS from his NEW home in Ketchikan, Alaska. Does anyone know of an ISP
that he could use. I emailed FoxValley and they do not have a local phone
number for Ketchikan. Are there any others that anyone knows about?
Ketchikan isn't very big. The list of ISPs is likely to be short. The local
phone company is likely to be one, and it may be the only. Especially if it
also runs the cable TV.
I found Ketchikan Internet Service, www.ktn.net, but don't know if it will
serve a IIgs or not. I wasn't able to find anything else.
Carl Knoblock - Telephone Tech - Sat 11 Nov 00 1:15:01 am
cknoblo@home.com - Via Spectrum v2.3 & Crock O' Gold v3.2
2001: A KFest Odyssey, July 25-29, 2001 - 257 days till KFest
Using Marinetti 2.0.1 - Thank you, Richard.
(CKNOBLO, 33965, GO COM A2)
If cost and availability are a concern, it's worth mentioning there are a
large number of Freenet ISPs out there with local dial-up lines in most
major cities across North America. There are no monthly fees or long
distance calling costs, it's completely free all year round.
The catch is they often subject you to annoying ad banners and they may
collect data on sites you visit in order to generate revenue (not to
mention the annoyances of downtime or other hassles involved with a free
service, though it does work).
Making use of them on an Apple II requires two things however.
1. That you use Marinetti since they work only through TCP/IP.
2. You find one that doesn't require special Windows/Mac software to
connect -- or in other words one that doesn't have ad banners.
I used Freewwweb and 1Nation Online to connect my Apple IIgs for awhile,
that is before the services went bankrupt. I couldn't do much due to a lack
of Marinetti-aware software at the time, though that's slowly starting to
Old style Freenets (shell based) typically only have dial-up lines for one
city and so are locally based. These new type are nationally accessible.
Mitchell Spector
{<mailto:spec@total.net> spec@total.net}
(SPECTOR1, 33966, GO COM A2)
As usual, the place to start looking for an ISP is http://www.thelist.com/
Howard Katz, Lyle Syverson, and I wrote an article in _The Lamp!_ some time
ago on other ways you could find an ISP as well. . .
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. -- rsuenaga@apple2.org
Publisher, _The Lamp!_, published monthly on Delphi
Posted by PTMM v2.5 - The integrated information solution
(RSUENAGA, 33963, GO COM A2)
Editor's notes:
The article mentioned by Ryan can be found in the November 1999 issue of
_The Lamp!_
Also at:
and scroll down to 'The Internet and Your Apple II'
How do you get started using Spectrum with Marinetti when you are having
trouble connecting to your ISP?
To cut a long story short, please check with the system manager at your ISP
whether they require CHAP authentication for your PPP dialup connection.
Marinetti does not support CHAP at this point in time. That or some other
special authentication at your ISP will cause Marinetti to crash at a BRK
point that Richard has deliberately left in the code.
If they do require CHAP, you will need to get another ISP that does not.
Are you able to connect to your ISP with the TCP/IP Control Panel from the
Finder without starting Spectrum? If not, then there is no point trying to
use Spectrum with Marinetti.
You must set up Marinetti first, and be able successfully to connect to
your ISP before you use any other application that uses Marinetti. You only
need to do that once when you first configure Marinetti. Spectrum will
automatically connect for you as long as Marinetti has been configured
correctly and is working.
The baud rate and other serial settings within Spectrum are not used for a
Marinetti connection, as Marinetti takes over control of the serial port
when Spectrum is in TCP/IP mode. The baud rate will be set to the one you
defined within Marinetti itself.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum 2.4 & Crock O' Gold 3.3
Bernie ][ the Rescue 2.5.1 woofing at 55Mhz on a G3/350
Home Pages: http://www.btinternet.com/~ewannop/
(EWANNOP, 33901, GO COM A2)
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
Well, I've started diving into the second module of Far Street Bottles,
which is going to require the use of a list control. The thing is, the list
control needs to display 3 columns of data (I'm trying to display an array
of records in Pascal). Is there any special trick to doing this, or do I
have to manually space each line out as I go?
Or am I on the wrong track entirely? Is the list control the way to do
this, or is there a better solution?
Thanks for any tips.
| homas
The list control can effectively only have one column wide, so you would
need to use a mono-spaced font and build the lines with the data for your
three columns onto the single line.
I am assuming that you want to be able to select a line with the mouse and
read which line it was. You would get the three entries of course selected
at one time. You would need to check the mouse position to find which one
was the one you wanted. If you only want to display data, and not select
it, then a TextEdit control with a scroll bar might be easier for you.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum 2.4 & Crock O' Gold 3.3
Bernie ][ the Rescue 2.5.1 woofing at 55Mhz on a G3/350
Home Pages: http://www.btinternet.com/~ewannop/
This kind of control in not available with GS/OS. You have the following
1) Use three separate list controls and overlap the arrows so you see only
the one at the end. You will then need to watch the mouse movements over
the last control and appropriately scroll all three lists at the same
time. You would have to write that routine your self.
2) Write a custom control. This would be more work, but you can add
functionality found in Windows 9x where you can adjust the size of each
column, and specify sort order by clicking the header of each column.
3) Think of another interface if you aren't up to the programming
Couple things:
1. I'm pretty sure you can create lists without scroll bars. I'm not sure
how easy it is, but it can be done (been a long time since I did it
2. Ewen said something about using a monospace font. That's not actually
necessary. You can put any kind of data you want to in your list, since
you write the code to draw the items. Just create a list member record
so that each row contains an array of strings (or numbers, or whatever)
to contain the data for each column of the row, then write your drawing
routine to loop over the array, adjusting the pen position into the next
column and drawing each column one after another.
Eric (Sheppy) Shepherd
Editor, A2Central.com
(SHEPPY, 3222, GO COM A2P)
Thanks for the tips, guys.
I do need to be able to select a line and know which line it is, but From
what you all have said, I think the list will work for me.
Thanks again.
| homas
P.S. I'm definitely NOT up to writing my own controls yet -- I'm barely up
to USING the ones Mike W supplied :)
Just curious what projects people were thinking of...(I don't want to step
on anyone's toes). I was thinking of getting the Inform compiler for
text-adventure games ported to the IIGs. Also thinking of working on an FTP
server and working on Marinetti. Still a ways off as I don't have any of
the ORCA/C tools or books yet...just waiting to see what the package deal
on that stuff ends up being. I'm just throwing out some ideas seeing if
they're already spoken for...
Email: {<mailto:tarage@bellsouth.net> tarage@bellsouth.net}
(TARAGE, 3218 , GO COM A2P)
An Inform compiler would be cool. :)
Eric (Sheppy) Shepherd
Editor, A2Central.com
(SHEPPY, 3219, GO COM A2P)
The mail box for Letters to the Editor remained empty this month.
Express your opinions about the comings and goings in the world of the
Apple II computers.
Send your comments to Lyle Syverson, Editor <lyle@FoxValley.net>
The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.
The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.
KFest 2001
Plan Ahead
KFest 2001 is set for July 25-29 (early arrivals on July 24) at Avila
College. Put it on your calender and start saving your money. You will be
glad you did.
About The Lamp! The Lamp! is published on the fifteenth of every month in
""""""""""""""" the Database of the II Scribe Forum on the Delphi online
service (GO CUS 11).
This publication produced entirely with real or emulated Apple II computers
using Appleworks 5.1 and Hermes. Apple II Forever!
* The Lamp! is (c) copyright 2000 by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W. All
rights reserved.
* To reach The Lamp! on Internet email send mail to
* Back issues of The Lamp! are available in the II Scribe Forum on
Delphi as well as The Lamp! Home Page,
Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of the Delphi Online Services,
Syndicomm, Inc., Ryan M. Suenaga, or Lyle Syverson. Forum messages are
reprinted verbatim and are included in this publication with permission
from the individual authors. Delphi Online Services, Syndicomm, Inc.,
Ryan M. Suenaga, and Lyle Syverson do not guarantee the accuracy or
suitability of any information included herein. We reserve the right to
edit all letters and copy.
Material published in this edition may not be reprinted without the
expressed written consent of the publisher. Registered computer user
groups, not for profit publications , and other interested parties may
write the publisher to apply for permission to reprint any or all material.