68 lines
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68 lines
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Mr Robot and his Robot Factory
By:The Centaur
Thanks to - Yosemite Sam & Power Pak
Mr Robot, Datamost's newest release, is one of the more entertaining
game since Loderunner. The game is a cross between Loderunner, in the
way that the player can design his own screens, and Miner 2049'er in
every other way.
Controls ---> Joystick, or Keyboard left= <- right= -> up= A down= Z
Girder dots -------------------- 10
Horseshoe (small)--------------- 100
Pac-Man ------------------------ 100
Energizer ---------------------- 200
Exploding a bomb --------------- 500
Kill fireball while energized -- 500
Kill fireball w/bomb ----------- 30,000
Control characters
CTRL-F Factory editor
CTRL-G Game mode
CTRL-N Next screen
CTRL-P Toggle Joystick/Keyboard
CTRL-S Sound off/on
CTRL-T Main menu
CTRL-X Reverse X-axis
CTRL-Y Reverse Y-axis
CTRL-Z Switch X & Y axis
The Factory Editor
> Conveyor belts - move in the dirrection of > or <
c Small magnets - magnetize you in the dirrection in which the
is closed
O Blinking dots - Energize you. Allow you to kill fireballs
F Keyboard notes - Toggle sound off/on
= Elevator - raise you up until a girder is encountered - jump to elevate
// Pole - allow you to slide down safely, assuming the drop from the base of
the pole to the girder is not a fatal drop.
X Purple/Blue girders - Teleporters
I I Trampoline - self-explanatory
Other figures which appear to do nothing:
Large magnets
Pac-man shaped ball
Object - Simple enough. Clear girders of all dots.