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The Complete Lifestar Documentation
Written by The Warelord of The Nopg
Complete Docs typed by Quick Zipper
Starting the game:
After loading the game, You choose a mission, and skill level. Missions
Outpost is:
To protect orbiting space stations. You can land on them by Thrusting
very slowly towards the opening (White Triangle). When you are close
enough, their tractor beam will pull you into the base. You will be
given ore (cargo) to return to base planet. Outposts are constantly
under attack and it is your mission to defend them from being pillaged.
Escort is:
You have to escort the green envoy ship making sure it makes it to the
base planet at the top left corner of the quadrant map. The ship is
attacked by various bandits who must destroy it.
Invasion is:
All planets are under attack by aliens with joined forces of bandits.
This mission is very difficult to win.
After choosing a mission, you will be Thrusting towards base planet.
Depending on what type of mission you choose, different display messages
will inform you of enemy activity.
Ship commands:
Pressing any key will call the ship's computer menu to appear on the
Enable Missles/Lasers
Quadrant map - Described in detail below
Raise/Lower shields
Hyperdrive - To planet selected from quadrant map
Magnify/Demagnify - Is used to see greater distances from cockpit window
Scan to 10m/1km - Shows your ships flight pattern or
returns to long range radar
Look left - Enables view from left cockpit window
Look right - Enables view from right cockpit window.
Ship shows up and damage boxes point to either
lasers, controlls, engines, and missles. If
dwindling number appears in a box, object damaged
and not functional until number reaches zero.
It also displays fuel in the form of lbs. and
hull % left before destruction.
[Display Screen/Cockpit]
Upper left box is filled with missle count.
Lower left is speedometer.
Middle is radar.
Upper right: (S)hield Power
(L)aser's ability to inflict damage.
Below Middle is a thin line which is fuel level.
Lower right is the time clock.
Under every gauge is a small indicator light:
Green = Go
Red = Damaged/Depleted
Joystick commands:
Button 0 - Thrust
Button 1 - Space Brakes
Both 0&1 - Fire Enabled weapon
Keyboard commands:
Ctrl-S - Sound on/off
Ctrl-; - Pause game
Blue - These weak vessels always attack you.
Purple - getting tougher, this bandit craft is a formitable foe.
Red - Top notch alien Terraackian
fighters that are mean in spirit, and deadly at heart.
Green - These weak fighters are from the planets own defenses and
they are your allies. They help in getting ships off your tail.
Objects in space:
Moons - These annoying rocks in space will damage your
craft opon collision.
Planets - You may only land on base planet (Big, half white
half orange planet on map).
Far planets - These can never be reached.
Space stations - Green and white, 8 sided rotating object
which you defend.
Misc bullshit:
To land on home base, fly into it then you will see the pad. Fly towards
yourself then pull down to the right attempting to land on the pad's
white cross in the center.
To win a mission, hyperdrive to a planet under attack, help it out, try
to land on the station and get 10 tons of ore accumulated. After
sufficent ore is stored on your ship, return to base planet to land.
Quadrant map:
! !..! ! ! ! ! ! 1! ! ! !
! !..! ! ! 2! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! 3! !..!..!..! ! 4! !..! 5! !
! ! ! !..! ! ! !..! ! 6! !
! !BP! !..! ! ! !..! ! ! 7!
! ! ! !..! ! 8! ! ! ! O! !
! 9! !..!..! ! ! ! !..! ! !
! ! ! ! !..! ! ! !..!..! !
!..! !10! !..! ! ! !11!..!..!
!..!..! ! ! !12! ! ! ! !..!
.. - Moons in sector and if attempting warp through
these, you may encounter a hyperspace storm.
1 - Taurus. (Space station)
2 - Beta. (Space station)
3 - Gryphon. (Space station)
4 - Unknown planet (no ss)
5 - Unknown planet (no ss)
6 - Unknown planet (w/ ss)
7 - B-12. (Space station)
8 - Alpha. (Space station)
9 - Unknown planet (w/ ss)
10 - Quantum. (Space station)
11 - Epsilon. (Space station)
12 - Unknown (no ss)
BP - Base planet
O - Outpost