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Jai-Alai (pronounced Hi Li)
By: Joe Heidcamp
Jai-Alai on a computer? Absolutely! There is nothing sports master, Joe Heidcamp can't program on the Apple. Right Joe?
Jai-Alai was designed both for entertainment and as a learning tool for those unfamiliar with the betting environment that surrounds the game. Jai-Alai uses a paramutual system of betting. That is to say the odds are determined by the amount of money placed on the players. So if the majority were to bet on #1 to win, #1 would be the favorite on the odds chart.
How Jai-Alai works:
Jai-Alai is a game similar to handball. The players wear a CESTA which is a hooked extension of the hand that catches the ball and throws it at incredible speeds. For our purposes we will use team play only, but Jai-Alai is played equally as well with just two players. Points in the game are scored by forcing the other team to make a mistake (and there are many mistakes to make as you will see in the program).
Teams are numbered 1 thru 8 and the play is in a single elimination format, but if you lose you don't "go home" you just go to the end of the line and wait your next time up. The rotation of teams is something best learned by example with the program. One note of interest, after the first round is over, (all teams have had a chance on the court) the points double! This makes for faster play in a live setting.
The game is over when the first team scores 9 points. This team occupies the WIN position. The second place team occupies the PLACE position and the third place team has the SHOW position. For betting purposes you may place a bet on a team to WIN, PLACE or SHOW as well as others described in the table below.
Betting terms:
WIN: First place
PLACE: Second place
SHOW: Third place
Win/place/show: Bet on a team to win, place or show.
Trifecta: Pick the first/second/third place teams in exact order. *
Exacta: Pick the first/second place teams in exact order. *
Quinela: First and second place in any order. *
* - These bets may be BOXED. When you box a bet the numbers you picked may come up in any order as is the case with the trifecta or you may place more than one bet on the same ticket. (IE: 123 Quinela box pays if either 1,2 or 3 end up in first or second place.)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Jai-Alai is an exciting game of skill that we at UpTime prefer to just watch for its entertainment value. Jai-Alai rules differ from state to state. Local Jai-Alai rules will be posted at the Jai-Alai Fronton.
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