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464 lines
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Cracked by
The Wombat
Dr. Micro The Gonif
- Documentation typed by The Wombat -
HesGames uses two sets of keys during game play: the cursor keys (the
four arrow keys on the right of your keyboard- IIE) and a set of
motion keys (up, down, left, right, and action). You can use the
motion key selections provided (see main menu) or you can select your
own motion keys. Throughout this doc file, the terms (UP, DOWN, RIGHT,
LEFT, and ACTION refer to the general motions, NOT the cursor keys.
From the main menu screen, you can register up to two players: type
in their names and indicate which keys they will use to move.
From this screen, you can switch from one event to another. Once you
have competed in some events, you can review your rank and scores.
To add or change information on the menu screen, use the down arrow
(IIe) or
ctrl-j (II/II+) to cycle through the boxes. The currently selected
box will flash.
In the name box type in a name and affiliation, for example, Jeff
Burman/USSR. You can use these keys: A-Z, 0-9, /, -, and space bar.
Press down the cursor key to begin the "keys" selection. You can
select which keys to use for all the motions you need to make--UP,
DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, and ACTION. When the keys box is flashing, press
the actual key you want to use for each motion.
The keys are listed from left to right in the following order: UP,
DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, and ACTION. You can use the following keys: A-Z,
0-9, LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS, /, -, and space bar.
Once you have registered all the players, load one of the events by
pressing the up or down cursor keys (or the ctrl-j, ctrl-k keys on the
II/II+) until the event you want to load flashes. Press RETURN to load
in that particular event.
For each first place score, you receive a gold medal and 1000
Press the escape key and then press 1 from any event to get back to
the menu screen.
The command mode allows you to perform various operations. Pressing
the escape key takes you into command mode. Once in command mode,
press a key as follows:
1 - Return to main menu
2 - Enter slow motion mode
3 - Save a performance
4 - Load a performance
5 - Watch an instant replay
6 - Enter control mode
7 - Turn sound on and off
8 - Switch between running and hurdles
9 - Switch to next player
I - Initializes a disk
D - Display the files on the disk
ESC - Leave command mode
Each event has two modes: a control mode and a play mode. In control
mode, you review the established records in that event, and change
some event options (such as type of dive and amount of weight). In
play mode, you participate in the event. Press ESC-6 to go into
control mode. Press ESC to exit control mode and return to play mode.
To see the US, world and Olympic records in each event (except Diving
because no records are kept n diving), enter control mode by pressing
ESC-6. Press the left or right cursor keys to cycle through the
You can replay a particular performance if you want to watch it again
and study your technique. Press ESC-5 and the last performance will
replay. You cannot use the instant replay feature in the archery
Press ESC-2 to participate in an event in slow motion. Slow motion
works in all events except archery and weightlifting. Slow motion is
in effect for one round only and can be used with instant replay by
pressing ESC-2, then ESC-5.
The classic replay repeats any performance you have saved on a disk.
The classic replay works with all events except archery.
To save one of your performances, you need a specially prepared
performances disk. To prepare a performances disk, insert a new disk
into the disk drive. Press the ESC key and then press 3 to start the
save function. The program asks you for a filename. Press ESC and then
I to start the initialization process. This will take about one
minute. When initialization is completed, the program asks for a
To get a listing of the performances you have saved on a disk, first
press ESC and then 3 (for save function) or ESC and 4 (for load
function). The program will ask for a filename. Press ESC and then D
to list the directory.
First, make sure you have a prepared "performances" disk in the
drive. To save your best performances, type ESC-3 from any event
screen immediately after the performance. A filename prompt will
appear at the top of the screen. The filename consists of an
abbreviation of the name of the event, a slash, and a filename you
To load a saved performance, type ESC-4 from the event screen. Make
sure the disk with the performance that you want to load is in the
disk drive. A filename prompt will appear - enter the appropriate
filename then simply press RETURN.
Each event (except archery) has a sample performance on the HesGames
disk. To load the sample, press ESC-4 and type in the following for
the filename:
After you have loaded in a performance, press ESC-5 to see the
classic event replayed.
- Press the ACTION key once to indicate you are ready to start the
race. You'll hear the message ON YOUR MARK, and soon after, GET SET.
Begin the sprint when you hear the word GO. If two players are
running, both must indicate readiness before the race can start. If a
previous performance is loaded in, it is always in readiness.
- Press the ACTION key of the second player (when you are running by
yourself) to run against the computer.
- The starting blocks are equipped with sensing devices to detect if
a false start was made.
- The instant you hear GO, start running byu pressing the RIGHT and
LEFT keys in rapid succession until you reach the finish line.
- After the runner crosses the finish line, he will continue to run a
victory lap until you press any key.
You can switch quickly between 100 meter sprint and 110 meter
hurdles. While in either one of these events, press ESC-8. Now use the
left and right cursor keys to select the event, then press ESC to exit
control mode and go to the new event.
- Press the ACTION key once to indicate that you are ready to start
the race. When you hear the word GO run by hitting the LEFT and RIGHT
keys rapidly.
- Run at an even pace between the hurdles and press the ACTION key
when you want to clear the hurdle.
- Skim over the top of each hurdle- try not to fall down or tap the
- Timing in the leap is critical- if you hit the hurdle you'll lose
- The hurdler will continue running a victory lap until you hit a
- Start off running as fast as you can by pressing the RIGHT and LEFT
- The white line is the take-off board. Plant your feet and jump as
close to the center as possible without going over the line (which
would cause a foul and a message "bad jump"). Take off by pressing the
- To make sure you always land forward, press the RIGHT key just
before you land.
- Each player gets six shots at each distance. (The scores are
multiplied by six so that they compare to the actual outdoor event.)
- Keep an eye on the wind speed and direction, which can be
unpredictable depending on the weather conditions for that day, such
as clear or overcast.
- To select between a clear or overcast day (an overcast day has
variable and higher wind speeds), press ESC-8, and use left and right
cursor keys to choose. Press ESC to return.
- Select one of the targets; roughly position the bow by pressing the
keys below:
M , .
- Nock the bow by pressing the space bar.
- Aim the bow as above using the sight and adjusting for wind
direction and speed. Press the space bar when you are ready to release
the arrow.
- The longer you take to aim and shoot, the harder it will be. Your
grip becomes unsteady as time passes, and muscle fatigue sets in under
the strain.
- You are allowed only a certain amount of time to shoot. If you fail
to shoot in the time allowed, that shot will be cancelled and you will
get a score of 0.
- If more than one player participates in this event, pressing ESC-9
switches from player to player.
- Start with the easier dives until you get the feel of the board.
You'll soon be able to execute more dificult dives with precision, and
eventually be able to "call" the dive.
- For a simple dive, press RIGHT once for a forward dive, or LEFT for
a reverse dive. This signals to the judges the type of dive you will
perform. The scores will clear and you'll stand at attention to alert
the judges that you are about to dive.
- Press the ACTION key once to start the forward momentum. You do not
need to run down the board using the left-right motion.
- With no futher action, the diver will spill off the end of the
board. To make a better entry position, press the DOWN key to stop the
rotation at the precise moment.
- Once having mastered the basics of diving, work on your spring
action where you jump at the end of the board. Press the UP, DOWN, UP
keys anticipating the movements of the diver towards the end of the
- Correct timing and rythm give you the proper amount of height and
- Once in the air, time your entry into the water to complete the
required number of sumersalts for your chosen dive. Press the DOWN key
to begin the entry. In a perfect entry, you enter the water
vertically, your toes are pointed, and you make very little splash.
- You will be making a total of five motions once the type of dive
has been selected- ACTION to start the run down the board; UP-DOWN-UP
to obtain the proper spring; and DOWN to start the entry.
- Each judge scores the overall dive, however they may have different
criteria for scoring the dives.
- Practice different types of dives by playing with the timing if the
up-down-up motions.
To "call" or announce the dive you plan to do, enter the control mode
by pressing ESC-6. The TYPE OF DIVE box should flash. The dive you are
required to perform will be indicated before each round. Press the up
cursor key (ctrl-k/II+) until the ROUND flashes. Select the round by
pressing right or left cursor keys. Press the down cursor key
(CTRL-J/II+) to move ro TYPE OF DIVE. Press the right or left cursor
keys until the dive you want to perform for the selected round
flashes. You can pre-set up to ten rounds. Remember to set the round
back to 1 if you want to start at round 1. Press ESC when you are
ready to begin the diving sequence.
If you fail to perform the dive announced, you will get a FAILED DIVE
message and receive no points, even if the dive was done well. If you
complete the dive you announced, the judges will add a bonus of 10% to
the score for pre-calling the dive.
To switch to another player press ESC-9.
- Your weightlifting power is in your thighs. You can control the
thigh muscles with the UP and DOWN keys.
- Start with lighter weights- 45 kg is the lightest; 300 kg is the
heaviest, until you develop weightlifting skills. Timing is critical
and changes as you increase or decrease the weight.
- If you watch weightlifters in action during competition, you may
notice that the lifters develop precise rythm as they lift all that
- To obtain this rythm, press the DOWN and UP keys, pausing briefly
to rest and gather strength at critical moments.
- In the two-hand snatch, reach down, pull on the barbell, then bend
down slightly to split the legs when the weight reaches chest level.
Steady yourself and then thrust the weight up extending your arms
overhead. (You will be making a total of four down and up motions-
- In the clean and jerk, first lift the barbell up to hip level and
then drop down into a squating position. Pause slightly and strengthen
your legs (up) as you hold the weight at shoulder level. Pause to
summon more power. Drop down slightly to bend your knees and
immediately push up to center the weight in front of your nose. Push
down to split your legs and extend your arms. Steady the weight and
push for the final thrust. (You will be making a total of eight up and
down motions- DOWN-UP-DOWN-UP pause DOWN-UP-DOWN-UP.)
- One player will continue lifting until you switch to the second
player by pressing ESC-9.
To change the amount of weight on a barbell, first enter control mode
by pressing ESC-6. The weight box will flash. Use the left cursor key
to decrease the weight and press the right cursor key to increase the
weight. Hiting these keys will change the weights in 2 1/2 k59QM9 The
minimum amount of weight is 45 kg, and the maximum is 300 kg.
To switch from one weightlifting event to another, press ESC-6 to
enter control mode. Press the up and down cursor keys until the event
flashes. Press the left and right cursor keys until the name of the
other event appears. Press the ESC key to leave control mode and go to
the new event.
To see the U.S., World, and Olympic records press ESC-6. Press the up
and down cursor keys until the records flashes. Use the left and right
cursor keys to cycle through the records. Press ESC to leave control