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Documentation for Disk Inventory Utility v1.0B
By The Saint
(c) 870727 Aristos Unlimited
This program is Public Domain.
DIU is a ProDOS utility that will allow you to take an inventory of your
ProDOS disks and create a TXT file which could be used by AppleWorks.
DIU will first ask for the Slot & Drive of the diskette to be inventoried.
This is selected using the light-bar selector. Next DIU will ask were the
information should be displayed (Printer, Screen, or Text file). With this
version 1.0B of DIU, output to text file is the only valid option. Selecting
Text file will promt for the FULL pathname of the text file to be created.
Full pathname means that you must specify the Volume name as well as the
filename [ex. /MYDISK/NEWFILE]. DIU will then read the directory from the
selected slot and drive and create a TXT file on the specified pathname.
The same TXT file may be used again for different disk. Each disk inventory
will be appended to the previous one if the same name is used.
To create an AppleWorks Data Base file from the TXT file, follow the
following instructions.
1. From the Main Menu select option 1, "Add files to Desktop."
2. Next, select option 4, "Make a new file for the Data Base."
3. Select option 2, "Make a new file from a text (ASCII) file."
4. Enter 9 to the question "How many categories per record?"
5. Enter the complete pathname of the file created with DIU.
After Appleworks has read the file, it will as for the name of the newfile.
This is the name of the Data Base file.
There it is! Appleworks now has a Data Base file with an inventory of your
ProDOS disk(s).
Now to fix-up the file.
Press OA-N for "Rename categories." The categories should be changed to the
CATEGORY01 = Pathname CATEGORY06 = Modified Time
CATEGORY02 = Filename CATEGORY07 = Create Date
CATEGORY03 = Type (filetype) CATEGORY08 = Create Time
CATEGORY04 = Blks (Blocks) CATEGORY09 = Endfile (Bytes)
CATEGORY05 = Modified Date
Press OA-L to "Change record layout."
Delete "Modified Time" & "Create Time."
"Filename" should be set at 15 spaces, since this is the maximum number of
charaters allowed in a ProDOS filename.
"Type" should be set to 3 spaces.
"Modified Date" & "Create Date" should both be set at 9 spaces.