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Colossus Chess IV Docs
Typed up by
Digital Monk of LSD
New Game: Cntrl-G will give Colossus the White pieces.
Your Move: 1) Move cursor to square of the piece you want to move and hit Return. (Joystick also moves and button acts as return) 2) Move cursor to square you wish to move to and hit return. 3) If move is pawn promotion, you will be asked to specify which piece you want (N-knight, B-bishop, R-Rook, Q-Queen) If you wish to enter a castling move, you should move the king two squares either way. If you wish to enter a en-passant capture, you should move the pawn as in a normal capture.
Colossus Move: Pressing Escape will abort it's thinking phase. If the program has found that its move leads to checkmate, it announces the move with the message "Mate N" where N is the number of moves till the mate.
Game Over: Drawn - the game has been drawn by 3-fold repetiton of position, the 50 move rule or by neither side having enough material to mate the opponent. Checkmate - the side which moved last delivered checkmate. Stalemate - the side to move is in stalemate. Time up - Occurs only if you are playing All The Moves game. Ctrl-N starts a new game.
Ctrl-A: alters position
Get initial data, Type G
Move number, Type M
Side to move, Type S
Wipe, Type W
Exit, Type E
Cntrl-B: Back step to the previous move.
Cntrl-F: For step.
Cntrl-C: Choose next best move
Cntrl-D: Save/Load move records and positions.
Cntrl-E: Elapsed time clock.
Cntrl-G: Go.
Cntrl-L: Legal moves.
Cntrl-O: Orientation
Cntrl-P: Play self
Cntrl-Q: Qualify parameters.
Cntrl-R: Replay
Cntrl-S: Supervisor
Cntrl-T: Type of playing mode.
Modes: 1) Tournament Mode, 2) Average Mode, 3) All the Moves Mode, 4) Equality Mode, 5) Infinite Mode, 6) Problem Mode.
Cntrl-V: Visible
Cntrl-W: Write a printer
Cntrl-Z: Zap sound.
Well dudes...Have fun...Sorry the docs are so brief but some of us do have finals next week and have to study night and day.....wellllll maybe just during the day...how about not at all....
later dudes.......
Digital Monk