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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ANCIENT ART OF WAR AT SEA DOCFILE #2 - GLOSSARY OF TERMS
brought to you by the Gauntlet of C0Dfish
a Circle of Dickz file (c) 1988
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: :
: CAMPAIGN: A campaign is a series of military maneuvers that form a :
: war. The AAoWaS comes with eleven separate campaigns, :
: each set at a different location and time. Using the :
: Game Generator you can design your own campaigns. :
: :
: OPTIONS: Are used to move through the program and to give orders to :
: your ships and squadrons. Command Options will change :
: during the game but can usually be found on the bottom :
: line of the screen. After Zooming, command options can :
: also be found at the top of the screen. To use a Command :
: option, press the key that is indicated or, if no key is :
: indicated, press the first letter of the command. :
: :
: CONDITION: Cannonfire and low supplies will decrease a ship's :
: condition. A ship's condition is determined by her hull :
: and sail damage. When the condition of the sails decrease :
: the ship's speed and maneuverability also will decrease. :
: When a ship's sails are destroyed, the ship will also be :
: disabled. When the condition of a ship's hulls :
: deteriorates, cannons are damaged and firepower decreases. :
: A ship with severe hull damage will sink. :
: To improve the condition of a ship, it must be repaired at a :
: repair port. During a battle, some repairs can be made to :
: a badly damaged ship by boarding with a stronger friendly :
: ship. :
: :
: CROWN : A crown represents the heart of a side's homeland. A war :
: can be won by anchoring a ship next to a Crown of the :
: opposite color, but first, all enemy ships at the Crown :
: must be defeated. A Crown provides supplies and repairs :
: to ships of the same color. Crowns are supplied from :
: inland and do not require merchantships. :
: :
: DETACH : If a squadron contains more than one ship, and ther are :
: fewer than 40 squadrons on the map (including any enemy :
: squadrons not shown), you can divide the squadron in two. :
: Put the marker over the squadron. When "Detach" appears :
: on the command line, press D. Use + or - to select a ship :
: and then press S to switch it to the new squadron. When :
: you are done, press E. The new squadron will appear just :
: to the right of the original squadron. By typing J (join) :
: you can move ships back to the original squadron. :
: :
: ENCOUNTER: If one of your squadrons comes close to an enemy squadron, :
: an encounter will be reported, and both squadrons will :
: turn into the shape of crossed sabres. You can either :
: take command of that squadron and lead it into battle, by :
: Zooming, or let the ships fight without your help. If the :
: two squadrons start flashing, it means they have started :
: fighting without you. You can check the size of both :
: squadrons while they are flashing to see who is winning :
: but you cannot take command after the fighting has :
: started. To adjust the amount of time between an :
: encounter and the start of a battle, go to "Ye Olde :
: Options Shoppe." With "fight delay" set to medium, you :
: have about 30 seconds between an encounter and the start :
: of a battle. :
: :
: ENEMY : The enemy are the black squadrons and ships. The enemy :
: are lead by one of six historical military minds, each :
: with his own style of waging war. :
: :
: The mass tactics of the Duke of Medina Sidonia. :
: The aggressive attack of Blackbeard. :
: The formal tactics of Marten Tromp. :
: The determination of John Paul Jones. :
: The brilliance of Lord Admiral Nelson. :
: The unpredictability of Thor Foote :
: :
: FLAGSHIP: Is a strong ship-of-the-line with an Admiral on board. It :
: is the most powerfull ship on the high seas. Sinking the :
: last flagship on either side wins the campaign. :
: :
: HELP :
: LINE: Is just above the Command Line at the bottom of the screen :
: It appears when using certain commands to tell you what :
: to do. :
: :
: INFO : To get information about a squadron, move the marker over :
: it until you see "Info" on the command line. Then press :
: I. If two or more squadrons are directly over each other :
: on the map, you will get information on only one squadron. :
: Using the Info command, you can learn the name of the :
: ships in the squadron, their type, condition and supplies. :
: You can also adjust their sailing speed. :
: :
: JOIN : If two squadrons are close enough, you can Join them (up to :
: a max of 3 ships in a squadron). If "Join" is not show at :
: the bottom of the screen, you can use "Move" to bring the :
: squadron closer together. Put the marker over the :
: squadron. When "Join" appears on the command line, press :
: J. Use + or - to select a ship and then press the Space :
: bar to move it to the new squadron. When you are done, :
: press E. :
: :
: MARKER : Is represented by the white crosshairs on the screen. Use :
: the arrow keys or joystick to move it. Place it over a :
: squadron to get information, give orders or move the :
: squadron. When the marker is over a squadron, you will :
: hear a peep and the command line will change. It will :
: beep once for every squadron under it, so if two or more :
: squadrons are in the exact same location, you will hear :
: more than one beep. :
: :
: SHIP: Merchantships supply ports. Warships can intercept enemy :
: merchantships, capturing their supplies and sinking them. :
: Your warships can also get supplies by intercepting white :
: merchantships. If the intercepting squadron's supplies :
: are above 50%, the merchantship will have enough supplies :
: left to continue on it's destination. :
: :
: MESSAGES: During a campaign your ships will sometimes report :
: information to you. Messages will appear at the bottom of :
: the screen just above the Help Line. Up to two messages :
: can be shown on the screen at the same time. When a new :
: message comes in, the previous message will move down and :
: the new message will take it's place on top. To remove :
: the messages on the screen, press C to clear them. :
: Reports and sightings are give in terms of map location, :
: not in terms of the squadron sending the report. :
: Some of the messages are: :
: :
: x Enemy Sighted: One of your squadrons has visual contact :
: with an enemy squadron. It will also report the enemy :
: squadrons location on the map. * NOTE * Occasionally, :
: tired sailors ill report a false sighting. :
: x Encounter: Your squadron is preparing to fight another :
: squadron. You have a short time after receiving this :
: message to Zoom to the battle before the fighting starts :
: if you ant to command your ships individually. :
: x Fighting: The two fighting squadrons will flash to show that :
: a battle is in progress. You cannot Zoom in on a squadron :
: while it is fighting. :
: x Battle Won/Lost: The results of fighting will be given when :
: you don't Zoom. :
: x Flagships: The capture of a flagship is a major event. When :
: a flagship is won or lost, it will be reported. :
: x Lost in Rough Water: Rough water is a dangerous place for :
: frigates to be. :
: x Lost in Shallow Water: Shallow water is a dangerous place :
: for ships-of-the-line and flagships. :
: :
: MOVE : To move a squadron, place the marker over a friendly :
: squadron until "Move" is shown on the command line, then :
: press M. Now trace the route you want the squadron to :
: take. When you've reached the end of the route, press :
: M again. A white dot will appear there, marking the :
: destination. :
: :
: PRACTICE: To improve your skills as a tactical commander, move the :
: marker over one of your squadrons and press P. You can :
: then practice using the combat opt<70>3<EFBFBD><33>[<5B>{=M<7F>?<3F><1C><>P<EFBFBD><50>̹<EFBFBD><CCB9><EFBFBD>t<><74>s<EFBFBD>?<3F><>9<EFBFBD><39><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>̭i<CCAD><69>?<3F>!<21>^NZ<7F><5A><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD>vAGO<47><04><><EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD><73>B}<7D>̯:<>9<EFBFBD><39><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>?<3F><>9<EFBFBD><39><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>̷t<CCB7><74><EFBFBD>3<EFBFBD><<3C>'<27><><EFBFBD>~<7E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>(<28><> <20><><EFBFBD>9<EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD>3<EFBFBD><33>k<6B>s<EFBFBD><73><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><7F><EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD><73><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>?<3F><13>ɚ<EFBFBD>g<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>-<2D>ۧ<EFBFBD>b<62><03><>0<><00>.<2E>><3E>/<2F><><<3C><>3Y<33>d<EFBFBD>Z<EFBFBD>"<22><>g<EFBFBD><67><EFBFBD><7F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><0E><><0F><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>7j99<39><39>H}<><7F><EFBFBD>`<60>?<3F><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>C<EFBFBD><43><EFBFBD> <20>˳3<CBB3><33><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><10><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>L<EFBFBD><4C><EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD><73><EFBFBD>h<EFBFBD><68><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>[<5B><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>y<EFBFBD><79>}7dt<><74>}?<3F><1F><>P<EFBFBD><50><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>]!<21><1E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>?<3F><><EFBFBD> <09><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o<EFBFBD><6F>o<EFBFBD><6F>W<EFBFBD>?<3F>=?<3F><><EFBFBD>ݐA<DD90><41>A<EFBFBD><41><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><7F>Bg'3]!<21><19><>:C<>=<17><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><0F><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>g&w<><77>A<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>Ps'<27><>L<EFBFBD><4C><EFBFBD>OH'}7dt<><74>OO<4F><07>n<EFBFBD>&rs5<73>[<5B><><EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD><6C>o[<5B><>z<EFBFBD><7A><EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD><50><EFBFBD>793G33^篾<>d<EFBFBD><64><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD>D<EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD><4F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>w<EFBFBD>vAH<06><4D>OO<4F>'<27><><EFBFBD>A9<<3C><><EFBFBD>{<7B><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> supplies from merchantships. It takes approximately two :
: merchantships to provide enough supplies for a badly :
: damaged ship-of-the-line. When a port receives supplies, :
: it will begin fixing any ship in it's port. Naturally, it :
: will take longer to receive repairs in a crowded port. :
: When a port runs out of supplies, it will change colors :
: and you will hear a tone. :
: :
: RETREAT : When you've "Zoomed" in on a battle, you can have your :
: squadron retreat by sailing off the edge of the screen. A :
: turning ship can disappear off the edge of the screen and :
: then come back (if it doesn't stray to far off screen). :
: :
: :
: RULES : Some rules will change with each campaign. you will see the :
: rules scroll before a campaign begins. Advanced players :
: may wish to change the rules of a campaign for variety. :
: Most rules apply to both you and the enemy, although some :
: may be different for the enemy depending on who their :
: leader is. :
: :
: SIGHTINGS: When one of your squadrons gets close to an enemy squadron, :
: it will report sighting the enemy. When the visibility is :
: not set to unlimited, the squadron that is sighted will :
: appear on the map. It will stay on the map until your :
: squadron loses sight of it. The "rules" determine the :
: visibility. If a sighting is reported and you can't find :
: an enemy squadron in that area, it is because your men :
: lost sight of it quickly. After sighting an enemy :
: squadron, you can trail it, try to run from it or close in :
: to fight. :
: :
: PORT: A supply port will provide supplies to any ship anchored in :
: its harbor. When a port receives supplies, it will :
: gradually transfer them to any ships in port. Naturally, :
: it will take longer to receive supplies in a crowded port. :
: When a port runs out of supplies it will change colors and :
: you will here a tone. :
: :
: SURRENDER: When surrender is on the command line, you can surrender to :
: the enemy Admiral by pressing S. :
: :
: :
: TIME : The time option controls the speed of the game. Time can be :
: varied during the game at your discrection. During Zoom :
: the time setting uses a variable time speed. If all the :
: ships in the battle are slowed down because of wind, :
: damage or other factors, time will speed up to a superfast :
: rate. This speeds up the pace of the game during slow :
: periods. :
: :
: ZOOM : After one of your squadrons reports an Encounter, and before :
: they report a Battle, you can Zoom down to the scene of :
: the battle and take command of the individual ships. To :
: Zoom, place the marker over one of the squadrons in the :
: encounter and press Z. The amount of time between an :
: Encounter and a Battle can be adjusted in Ye Olde Options :
: Shoppe. If you don't Zoom in time, the squadrons will :
: begin fighting one their own, and you won't be able to :
: Zoom into that battle. :
: :
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