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The Arsonist
Proudly Presents
'Assorted ways kill someone'
If you do indeed take the information provided in this article seriously
enough to do it, please forget where you read it.
The first and probably least known way to maim (such a nice word) someone is
through the use of various herbal extracts..(no I don't mean Sinsemella)
Diffenbachia (dumbcane)
Take 2-4 of the leaves and boil them in water (don't inhale the fumes) When
the water becomes a greenish color, take the leaves and throw them away..Now
take the liquid and add it to the victims drink,food etc..The victims voice goes
Take a twig of this bush and grind it into a fine powder..Place the powder in
the salt shaker,or sub- stitute it for any other type of seasoning...Causes
death within 3-4 hours...sometimes quicker
Poison Oak/Ivy.
Take the leaves and do the above process..Or boil the leaves and when the
water turns brownish/green pour it out into a vial...Add a few drops to the
victims beverage.. It tends to destroy the victims vocal cords...
Systemic roses.
Take a rose bush and soak the ground around it with a very poisonous
fertilizer..In the days following the roses leaves,stems,etc will become highly
deadly..When the victim gets scratched by it..He/she dies..
Poisons Part 2
The second and more common poisons are that of deadly metals and earthy
Sodium Arsenide.
This along with Lead Arsenide rank in the top ten of leathal materials Sodium
Arsenide can be aquired at a glass staining shop..It is placed int the victims
Potassium Cyanide.
This is chemical is contained in appleseeds..To get it you must grind up about
12 oz of apple seeds ..The effect is close to radiation poisoning...It kills
within 6 hours
This substance is basically a bad poison..It is various poisons combined into
a leathal dosage..It kills within 45 minutes.
Although this material is very common it is also very deadly..Take about 30-40
grams of lead shavings(dust) and put them in someones food.. It does
Mercury is a highly deadly material that kills skin on contact...To use most
effectivly,place about 20 grams wherever the victim might place his hand or any
other part of his body for that matter..Or place it in his food supply...It to
does wonders...<ack!>
This material along with Pulonium, is <VERY> deadly...It causes cancer in even
the most minute dosages. If the victim is exposed to it he will die within a
week of radiation poisoning....<glow in the dark!>
Others (Unknown!)
Although it is impossible to list all of the deadly substances here I will
show how to make contact poison...
(credit to Ima Hacker)
take 3 no-fly pest strips (tm) place them in a jar of turpentine overnight..In
the morning scoop out the white/brown gel at the bottom.
it kills in 60 seconds..Count 'em
(again credit must go to Ima Hacker)
Highway Accidents???
The following section describes various was to seriously harm the occupant by
destroying the victims car...
Take a film canister filled with liquid drano and drop it into the gas
tank...Do this just before your target enters his car...When he's driving down
the freeway or any other part of the HTS his car will suddenly become engulfed
in flame.
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Drill a small hole into the exhaust system of the victims car..From it run a
length of tubing into the passenger compartment..After 20 minutes he will fall
onto the floor and most probably die when he hits something.
Stuck Accelerator
Find the victims throttle cable and cut it..now follow the piece coming out of
the manifold..Now supposing you found where it intersects the valve...There
should be a small spring there that keeps the valve closed...Cut it...push the
valve open....clean up...When Mr. Victim starts his car the engine will race.
when he shifts he should fly out of control down the roadway..until <KERASH>
Other more messy ways
This section is not really what you would call classic..but i suppose it'll
have to do.
The Chain saw.
Don a ski mask and follow your victim. When he stops and turns around...
Give his limbs a vacation with your nifty poulan chainsaw.......
The Exploding House.
Take one pound of plastique and a blasting cap...hook the two wires of the
blasting cap onto your victims telephone Box..insert the blasting cap into the
plastique..Now place the plastique underneath the victims gas meter..Go to a pay
phone and dial his number...when the phone rings
house and all...
This file was first suggested by Someone Else, & The Eraser..
Dutifully Typed by
The Arsonist.
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