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How To Have Phun In School
Ok....here are a few of my ideas on how to make school interesting
for you and a living hell for others....
Section 1- Pissing Off Your Teachers
1)Getting to class early (i know this goes against all your
principals..but)...and steal every piece of chalk in
2)Writing all your homework backwards and when questioned
about it...you and your friends say it looks fine to you.
3)Turning the thurmostat dial as high as it goes.
4)Whenever your yelled at....rip out your pack of mentos
and smile like that pecker on tv.
5)Come to class naked.
6)When doing a punishment assignment...like writing a word
500 times.....periodically switch a the word with something
kewl...for instance i recently had to write the word
mastication 250 times for chewing gum in school so i wrote
something like: "mastication mastication mastication
mastication masterbation mastication mastication..."
Get the idea?
Section 2- Terrorizing Kids
7)Walk up to some girl and say "Nice outfit..but it would
look better crumpeled up in the corner of my room."
8)Scream at EVERY one you see for no apparent reason and
walk away.
9)Steal demerit sheets and fill em in for all the followers
you know.
10)Get a pair of those stupid x-ray specs and walk around
with them on staring at kids suggestivly.
11)Go around stealing or borrowing pens off of lamers...bic
perferably....take the front off of it...the part you write
with...now you should have a tube in one hand and a ball
tip with the ink rod still attached....well...pull that ink
rod off of the pen itself....you will notice it start to
bubble off of the bottom of the rod.....now..quickly put
it back on the ball point part....put the pen back together
be sure not to let too much of the ink escape.....give the
to some dork that all ways wants to borrow one off of you...
tell him he can keep it.....with the air you have let into it
it won't be long till it explodes allll over him and what ever
he is writing..hehe
12)take all of those damn scan-tron sheets and get your nifty
#2 pencil ready...there is a verticle row of black boxes
on the left of the paper..take your pencil and randomly
fill in the spaces in between the boxes on every paper you
get that ain't yours...then pass them forward...those black
boxes are timer marks for the machine to locate and match
answers from the key to your paper...so if there are more
timers than there should be..it will mark the answers wrong.
Section 3- Terrorizing Those Retard Mantence Workers
11)Go to computer class and pull out all the keys and put them
in alfabetical order or some stupid shit like that for
lamers who look at the keys...try them upsidedown.
12)Scratch "Satin Was Here And Will Be Back For You" in real
wicked letters on all the desks you see.
13)Disconnect all the printers in the computer labs and see
if they they figure out how to fix em or if they buy new ones.
14)Clogg all the sinks and turn em on.
15)Shit in the sinks instead of the toilets....or shit in
the stalls.
I hope you now have a purpose in going to school.....i know i still
_-Storm Shadow-_