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* Find me at: *
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* Kaos BBS (xxx) xxx-9561 *
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* Asagard BBS (xxx) xxx-3371 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
** A minor disclaimer; In this text I use all forms of the
masculine in reference to he/she him/her man/woman. Any woman who
may be offended by my unwillingness to spend the extra time
required in typing that type of bullshit should quit reading now.
If just reading this disclaimer is enough to offend you, send me
E-mail at one of the above locations and I'll set up an
appointment for you to blow me. **
Good questions to ask. I am ME. As for statistics; I'm 31,
live near a major city, work in a "white collar" job, have 10
years Navy experience in electronics/computers & radar. As for my
experience/reputation as an Anarchist; I'm the guy you look and
say "How the fuck does he get away with all that bullshit?". I
have been living on the outskirts of society all my life. At
several points in my life, I tried to be "normal", to be like
everyone else, to "fit in". I finally realized the futility of
these efforts. I'm not like everyone else, I'm better! I've
studied the thinking and beliefs of every group I could find that
appeared to live outside the norm. Satanists, Anarchists,
Musicians, Witches, Criminals... They've all given me pieces of
what I am today. I don't know that I now fit into any certain
group. If I do, it would be a very secret and elite group. I know
the power of the human mind and body and I know how to use it and
control it. I know how to live outside society and I know how to
walk right through the middle of it without being noticed. This
article (possibly a series of articles) is a compilation of
observations, opinions, and, wherever possible, factual
information. I don't expect most people would agree with any or
all I have to say here. Most people do not have the level of
understanding and knowledge I have obtained. I share this with
you in the hopes that those of you who belong in this group will
gain some insight and if needed, some direction. Feel free to E-
mail me and express your arguments, disagreements or support.
Through this manner I may consistently learn and grow more
ANARCHY (noun): insurrection, lawlessness, mobocracy, ochlocracy,
revolution, chaos, bedlam, disorder, tumult
ANARCHY (antonym): discipline, order
To be an anarchist implies the practice of all of the former
and to lack the latter. This seems to be taken to the extreme by
the majority of those who choose to call themselves anarchist.
Unfortunately, to practice anarchy without any order or
discipline is more indicative of a rebellious teen attitude than
a developed practice of anarchist belief.
I have searched through the anarchy files of a number of
BBS's in the hopes of gleaning some useful information. What I
find instead are the immature ramblings of what seems to be a
group of 16 year old metal heads trying to find their way through
life, or possibly, someone older who has still not defined where
he is in the world. Files like "How to trash K-mart" or "How to
trash your school" have no place in the anarchists library. The
true anarchist is simply a person who is unlike "the majority"
and senses the unfairness of having to conform to the rules of
Don't misread me or be offended. It is not my intention to
degrade anyone. It IS my intention to make the distinction
between "Teenage Fun" (regardless of the age you may be when
practicing such antics) and true Anarchy. There are those of you
who might say that teenage fun does not go to the degree of
explosives and killing. I disagree! It depends on which group of
teenagers you choose. "Fun" is reckless and serves little useful
purpose other than to entertain or alleviate boredom. Anarchy is
the method through which we (the Anarchists) attempt to live with
and among the idiots around us.
The first belief of the Anarchist must be that he is
"different" from most of the population. He must understand that
he is, in most respects, better than them. He must know and
understand that *most* people (i.e. non-anarchists or the
general population, including government and law enforcement) are
mindless idiots who follow a pattern of life rather than to think
For the most part, it is the idiots who hold much of the
power. They are the majority! There is strength in numbers.
Numerous battles have proven the power of numbers over
technology. Unfortunately, it is technology on which the
Anarchist must rely. In doing so, he immediately is at a
disadvantage. Conversely, the Anarchist is far more intelligent
than society. It is throughout the use of this intelligence that
he manages to exploit the loopholes found in common law and
accepted norm.
Some common traits of the Anarchist:
1) He is considered "weird" by most people
2) He has an above average IQ
3) He feels a sense of "not belonging"
4) He has little tolerance for ignorance and stupidity
5) He is not afraid of life or death
6) He feels emotion more strongly than others
7) He is an opportunist
Most of that is pretty self explanatory, but I will expound
on a few of those points. On the first point, the distinction
should be made between the Anarchist "weird" and the "loser -
weird". Some people (losers) act weird for attention. Acting
retarded is the only thing they can do well enough to get
recognized. The Anarchist is "weird" because he cannot and will
not conform to the rules and laws of "normal" society. This ties
in closely with point three. Society has set certain standards
for how one should dress or act at social functions, on the job,
in school, in public, etc. These standards are set by the
majority (and we've already established that the majority is
nothing but a large group of ignorant assholes), and are designed
to control the actions of those who are largely incapable of
independent thinking. The Anarchist cannot conform to these
standards because he *is* capable of independent thinking. This
is not to say that he must lack social grace entirely, but rather
that he is his true self at all times. The Anarchist is not
hypocritical in his actions or words. The last line should not be
misinterpreted in any way to mean that an Anarchist chooses to
die. It means exactly what it says, that he does not fear death.
The Anarchist understands and accepts the inevitability of death.
To a large degree, one cannot choose when one will die, however
one should not live his life either towards or away from death.
Do not be so foolish or reckless as to cause your own death for
lack of caring!
In essence, you don't. At least, you cannot cause damage
without purpose. The Anarchist feels all emotions to their
extremes and acts accordingly. If someone earns your love and/or
respect, show them that to every extreme possible. Likewise, if
someone earns your hatred, destroy them completely. Death is not
a recommended means of destroying enemies, it frees them from the
potential suffering they may have endured at your hands. It also
increases your chances for jail time. There is no statute of
limitations on murder. (It is possible to kill someone, if
necessary, without risking internment. In time, I may reveal
these methods to those who are capable). Everything the Anarchist
must have purpose in his life. Actions that are clearly illegal
are rarely as effective as those actions which may fall within a
more "grey" area of legality. An Anarchist cannot be effective
within the confines of a jail cell. Fortunately, most people are
sufficiently paranoid enough that, with the proper inducement,
they will destroy themselves! So, one of the first items the
Anarchist must carry in his bag of tricks is a clear
understanding of human psychology. He must learn to "read"
people. He is frequently "the quiet type" because he is too busy
watching and reading others to participate in their endless
psychobable. Drawing attention to yourself by spouting off at the
mouth or through foolish actions is counterproductive. The less
you speak and act, the more difficult it is for others to read
you! Let them wonder what you're up to!
When appropriate. See number 7 under common traits. Ripping
things off is sometimes the only reasonable means of procurement.
Especially if you need something that would be illegal to buy,
or, if you need something that you don't want traced back to you.
The idiots who own businesses, especially large corporations,
will milk you for every dime. The only way to even the odds is to
rip off what you can, and pay for what you have to. This should
help make up for the price gouging. As an opportunist, you should
always be on the lookout for possibilities. When you're driving,
take an extra minute to cruise through an area that's a little of
the beaten path. When you're in a business, look around for easy
targets. Check the vending machines. You'd be surprised how often
people forget to lock them! Sometimes, a machine is out of order
and works to your favor. Be alert and take advantage of other
peoples mistakes. A word of warning though, Sometimes, these
"opportunities" are left as traps. Make sure you know the
situation before you spring on something. It's much better to
walk away than to get busted!
OK. Here's my current list of Anarchist no-no's. It is by no
means complete. By all means, common sense and the quest for
continued freedom a paramount.
1) Do *not* believe that you can download 500 Anarchy
files and not attract the attention of Law enforcement.
The feds frequently monitor BBS's (as does the FCC). If
they suspect you are a *real* threat they will find
2) Do *not* (as one file suggested) walk into a bank and
shoot the guard "to prove you are serious". The cops
will be there before you leave and you will only
"prove" that you are seriously stupid.
3) Do *not* try to pull of some ATM scam and ignore the
fact that nearly ALL ATM's have camera's built into
them. Most ATM rip-off files I've seen totally ignore
4) Do *not* experiment with making explosives in your
house unless you are VERY sure of what you're doing.
Many of the explosives "recipes" you can D/L are pure
bullshit. At best, they don't work. At worst, they are
highly unstable! If you've got to play, go out to your
garage or somewhere.
5) Many of the files that discuss how to fuck with people
or get revenge say nothing of how one might accomplish
these tasks without drawing attention to themselves.
There are 2 solid rules to follow when you're fucking
with some deserving asshole. #1 is; You are only
effective if they KNOW it's you that's fucking with
them. #2 is; They must not have any *proof* that it was
you who committed these acts.
6) Breaking into cars. I have not seen any "breaking into
cars" files that mention the all to common presence of
an alarm. Especially around the bigger cities, nearly
everyone that has a car worth breaking into, has an
alarm. Fortunately, most commercial alarms are lame
pieces of shit, but you DO have to get past them!
7) Telephone games. A tap may be useful/necessary at
times, unfortunately most files on tapping are
unsatisfactory. Either the quality of transmission is
poor or detection is too easy. Bullshit files on frying
modems seem to ignore the fact that the phone company
(and most computers) have spike protection.
I've said a lot about what's wrong with the common Anarchist
and talked about what not to do. I would hardly be in a position
to complain if I didn't have any solutions or answers. Some of
what I know, I won't tell (for reasons that may later become
obvious). Much of the information I will share with you is just
plain common sense thinking. If you have a problem with the
things I said above, you are probably more prankster than
Anarchist and have no place reading any future files. I will
share my formula for living *above* society, for as Anarchists,
we *KNOW* we are better than society! If you must label me, then
call me a "white collar" anarchist. I work more with technology
and loopholes than explosives and weaponry. I'll give you a small
taste of what I'm talking about before I end this first article.
One of the simplest methods of accomplishing a given task is
also one of the best methods for avoiding detection. It is known
well in the business community. For those unfamiliar with the
term; Networking in it's simplest terms means "having the right
friends". Preferably, you'd network with other Anarchist. A non-
anarchist may not be willing to go along with something bordering
on illegal. Then again, if you are using a non-anarchist, you may
be able to get him to play along without realizing what he's
doing. Look through your current list of family, friends,
neighbors, acquaintances and co-workers. You may know people that
have access to information that's difficult to get. You may know
someone who owns a business or equipment that can be useful.
Private detectives, phone company employees (or any utility),
police officers, doctors, lawyers, pharmacists... almost anyone
has potential. Often it is worthwhile to "make friends" with
someone you may need later. It's imperative to have as many
network options as possible. One important point of networking;
*KNOW* the level of trust you can expect from any contact. The
more people you involve at any one time, the more likely it is
that someone will shoot off at the mouth. Whenever possible, work
I haven't given you a bunch of info that you can run out and
do anything special with, yet. In future series, I will discuss
specific subjects and methods for accomplishment. I am
considering doing a "review" of current Anarchy files at some
point in time. If you have, or know of, any files that you
believe to be particularly good or bad, E-mail me at one of the
above boards.
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º *** PART II *** º
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* Find me at: *
* *
* Kaos BBS (xxx) xxx-9561 *
* *
* Alternative BBS (xxx)xxx-6504 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
** Disclaimer/Note; Use this information in conjunction with
(rather than in spite of) your common sense. I am not and will
not advocate any activity which is clearly illegal. The way of
the true Anarchist is to use the law to his advantage. Know the
loopholes and know your limits. At the very least, always
remember this; You can do ANYTHING that you want, as long as
you're willing to accept ALL possible consequences (good or bad).
If you don't understand that philosophy, you needn't read
This is the second in a series. If you have not read the
first part (AREALITY.TXT), stop now and read that first! If you
have read Part I and you are still here, you have obviously
decided that you are an "Outsider". If you're still not sure,
I'll give you a hint; If your main interests are collecting
PhiLeZ and wAreZ and you like hanging out with KeWl d000dz, you
are probably in the wrong place. I think *most* (if not all)
people go through a period of feeling like an outsider. If you
truly belong in this group, you have felt like an outsider ALL of
your life. My goal in writing these articles is to share my
knowledge with you. In doing so, I will hopefully accomplish two
things; 1) I will help you to avoid having to go through some
of the lessons I've learned on my way to getting where I am.
and 2) I will attract the attention of others who are like me
and they will then share their knowledge with me, thus I may
avoid some harsh lessons not yet encountered.
In Part I, I talked, in general terms, about how I (and
people like me) think and I started to discuss some of the
methods one might employ in living outside of societal norms and
law. The final chapter discussed the importance of maintaining a
good "network", so I'll start there.
OK, so you now understand what a network is, but you're not
sure how to develop it or use it. You have looked at your list of
"friends" and identified the resources available through them.
Now what do you do? For the most part, you do nothing until you
need to access those resources. For right now, you need only do
two things; 1) Cultivate the contacts you have. Few people will
want to help you if you only call them when you need something.
Maintain friendly contact with these people as frequently as
possible. Buy them lunch. Do things for them and they will want
to do things for you. 2) Determine where your network is lacking
and assess your ability to eliminate these weak areas.
Admittedly, this could prove to be rather difficult.
There are two rather critical contacts that are worth a
great deal of effort to establish, a lawyer and an accountant.
Any lawyer will "represent" you for a fee. If you've ever had the
displeasure of needing legal services, you soon realize that some
lawyers graduated at the bottom of their class! Paying for legal
representation does not guarantee any level of quality. There
will also be times when you only need legal advice. Your best bet
all around is to have a "friend" who also happens to be a decent
lawyer. An accountant is almost as critical to you. Accountants
know all the tricks for keeping what money you have, and creating
new money sources. It would be extremely costly to seek the
advice of an accountant on a regular basis, having one as a
"friend" allows you to bring up your questions in friendly (and
free) conversations.
With any luck, you already know these people, maybe a
relative or neighbor. If you don't, it can be difficult to
establish yourself in such circles as these types of people might
associate. It's always worth the effort to do anything possible
to get connected with the right people.
As an "outsider", your main purpose in life is not Anarchy
in it's most literal sense. Your use of Anarchist belief and
technique is but a means by which you can live amongst those that
are lesser than you. On a day to day basis, you have little need
for anything that even borders on criminal activity. When the
need for explosives or revenge tactics does arise, there are a
million files available in any Anarchy section of your favorite
BBS. What people *don't* tell you is all the insider tips, tricks
and secrets you can use in every day living. There's a good
reason for this. Most of these methods exist because of loopholes
in existing law and policy, if they are employed by too many
people, they will become obvious and, shortly thereafter, closed
(I will share some of these tips with you later). The other key
to living as an outsider is something I'll label "personality
magic" (hereafter referred to as PM). PM is simply your ability
to control yourself, your life and (to some degree) the people
and events around you. Once you master PM, almost everything in
your life seems much easier.
There is no such thing as "personality magic". It is just a
term I have chosen to use for the purposes of this article. It
allows me to offer you a basis of reference for some of the ideas
and concepts I am discussing. PM is almost a religion. Once you
understand it completely, it will change the way you look at
almost everything around you. As it is almost an entire way of
life, it would be impossible for me to explain every component to
you. I will try to hit on the key points and, hopefully, give you
enough basis for your own expansion. Every component of PM logic
is nearly as crucial at the next, so, these are not presented in
any order of importance.
KNOW YOURSELF! - Sounds easy enough, doesn't it? In
reality, few people are honest enough to know
themselves. You must understand and admit to ALL of
your strengths and weaknesses! Amazingly, people find
it as difficult to admit they are good at something as
to admit they're bad at something. Spend time alone,
evaluating and assessing yourself. Go off into the
woods or somewhere where you know you won't be
bothered. You can start with a simple list of "My good
points/My bad points". Then, look at specific events in
your life. What have you done good? What are your
successes? WHY did you do them good? How could you have
done better? What about the bad things in your life?
The failures? Why where they bad? What did you do to
contribute to you failures? (I don't really care for
the term "failure" - In my mind, you only ever fail
when you quit) What could you have done to change the
bad things in your life? A good rule to follow here
(always) is, Change what you can and don't worry about
what you can't change. (worry *never* solved a
problem!) Don't blame other people for your problems,
they can only effect you as much as you let them.
Accept responsibility for your own life! (and remember
the rule from part I - You can do *whatever* you
want... as long as you're willing to accept the
consequences!) You should not ever "finish" this self
evaluation. Do this regularly and BE HONEST! The most
important thing is, Be the person YOU want to be (not
what your parents, your girlfriend, your wife, your
school, society, or anyone else would like you to be).
KNOW PEOPLE! - I can't stress the importance of this
one enough. Most people don't know how to read other
people. Learn to shut up! You cannot learn anything
about someone by flapping your jaw. Open your eyes and
ears any time you are dealing with other people. Listen
to what they say. Listen to what they mean! Watch their
body language. Everybody has "buttons". Things that
make them happy, sad, angry, etc. You can control the
conversation (and the person) by knowing their buttons.
It could be something you say or something you do.
Knowing what someone's buttons are *always* gives you
the edge. You don't have to be a psychology major to
understand the basic principles of dealing with people.
Use the law of psychological reciprocity to your
advantage! Simply put, it means that people are
compelled to treat you in the same manner you treat
them. (i.e. if you scream and yell at someone, they
feel compelled to scream and yell back). You can
frequently totally disarm an angry adversary by being
nice to him (or at least appearing to be nice). Another
point is to realize that people expect and like
conformity (and resist change). Use this to your
advantage! You can steer people either by appearing to
conform to their expectations, or, if you want to
attract their attention, by doing something completely
unexpected. Silence speaks louder than words! When you
act or speak, it allows others to read YOU. It allows
them to learn what YOUR buttons are (and thereby, they
can then control you!). Silence forces people to draw
their own conclusions based on little or no
information. Most often, left to their own devices,
people will imagine the worst case scenario. Use this
to your advantage. I've read a lot of Revenge files.
They all talk about how to mess with someone
physically. Physical pain ends rather quickly. Mess
with someone's mind, and they may never be the same
CONTROL - Once you have gained a clear understanding of
yourself and others, you can put PM to work for you.
There are hundreds (thousands) of groups that claim to
give you power, in one form or another. Christian
religions rely on the power of prayer. Satanic
practices (satanic worship, witchcraft, ouija boards,
etc.) give you power through ritual. In reality, all
any of these things give you is a reason to believe in
yourself. Lighting candles or praying or dancing naked
around a fire are only a means of focusing the energy
and capabilities within yourself. In essence, they are
all either "real" or they are all "fake". Any ritual
that helps you to focus your mental abilities to the
extent that they will influence the world around you is
"real" - as long as it actually accomplishes this
focus! Anything that promises to give you "power" from
an external source (i.e. God, Satan, Lighting a magic
candle, etc.) is fraud. If you are in a burning
building, and you pray for some god to save you, you
will burn and die. Your mind and will are very powerful
tools, but, they will not cause action on their own.
You cannot *make* things happen through sheer will, you
can only influence, the rest is up to you. You have a
mind AND a body, use them both.
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: What I'm talking about here
pretty much boils down to Self-Confidence and Attitude.
If you believe in yourself, everyone else will too.
It's a proven fact that criminals look for easy
targets, people who appear to lack confidence in
themselves. If you *look* like a victim, you will be a
victim (in some form or another). If your stature and
attitude command respect, you will get respect. I'm not
talking about macho, shooting off your mouth bullshit
or "kicking someone's ass". Neither of those will gain
you any respect (the latter will likely gain you a free
tour of the local jail). Doing such things only serves
to make you appear immature and lacking control. You
needn't be a body builder to command respect. You need
self-confidence, self-control, and attitude . Say
what's on your mind, honestly and intelligently. If you
disagree with someone, tell them! Then, tell them WHY
you disagree. This person may be your boss or teacher
or a cop. If you present your case logically, they will
respect your honesty. They may not agree with you, but
you will have earned a great deal of respect. Always
know the facts. If you *ask* for a raise, you may or
may not get it. Explain to your boss why you believe
you are due a raise in a manner which allows no room
for disagreement. I have found it best to ask as few
questions as possible. If you ask someone a yes or no
question, you are providing them the opportunity to
make a decision. People hate to say "no". Don't make it
easy for them! If you want a date, don't ask "Can I
take you out for dinner some time?", Say "I was
thinking we'd go out for Italian Friday night". You
have to walk the border between arrogant and self-
assured. If you push too hard, you push people away. if
you don't push enough, they'll walk over YOU.
CLOTHES - DRESS FOR SUCCESS! - It's been said that the
clothes make the man. It's sad to think that we live in
a world where a person is judged first on what he looks
like. You won't likely do much to change that, but you
CAN use it to your advantage. PM, charisma and attitude
mean nothing if you don't get the chance to speak.
Dress for the occasion! Wearing the wrong clothes at
the wrong time might cost you an opportunity. An
employer will not take you very seriously if you show
up for an interview in torn jeans and a T-shirt. Then
again, if you're involved in some "black market"
dealings, a suit and tie might make you look like a
Fed. First impressions count for a lot! Studies have
proven that people make the biggest impact on others
within the first 10 SECONDS of meeting them. Don't kid
yourself into believing that a 17-year-old with long
hair and blue jeans gets the same treatment from a cop
as a businessman in a suit and tie.
ADVICE & TAKING IT - Just a quick note on advice.
Listen to everything people have to say. Even if you're
sure they'll be wrong, they may offer some shred of
information you don't have. Always consider the source.
Don't take financial advice from a street bum! Anyone
who claims to have answers should be able to apply them
to their own life.
This "Personality Magic" isn't something you'll learn overnight.
Some people seem to have natural charisma, others need to work to
develop it. The world will always have leaders and followers. Be
one of the leaders! You can't accomplish much from the bottom of
the pile!
More than any insider secrets or any revenge tactics knowing
yourself, knowing how to read people, and understanding
psychology will be the keys to living your life in whatever
manner you choose. Don't waste your time on ignorant assholes!
I've been promising you some "white collar" tips and tricks.
All of this information is available to the public through
various sources. None of it, by itself, will have a major impact
on your life. Living as an outsider means using everything at
your disposal that will allow you to keep what is yours, get
ahead, or just have the freedom to be what you are. Some of them
may seem obvious (or dumb). If so, congratulations! You use
common sense more than most people!
1) If you buy something and it fails its intended purpose,
COMPLAIN! It's amazing how many people will sit back
and do nothing! Bring it back. Write a letter. Whatever
it takes.
2) Traffic tickets - Don't argue with a Cop! A.) State
your case. If he got laid last night, he might give you
a break. If he's in a shitty mood, leave him alone -
take the ticket quietly (you don't need to give him an
excuse to dig any further). B.) Go to court! Insist
that you are innocent (no matter what). Don't get
ignorant or belligerent, just say "I'm sorry but the
officer must have mistaken my car for another like it".
C.) Even before that, try to talk to the cop that gave
you the ticket beforehand. He is much more relaxed in
the courtroom than he was on the street. If he agrees
to not testify against you, the judge will drop the
3) Opportunity - Keep your eyes open for ANY opportunity.
If you find a wallet with money in it, don't be a do-
gooder, Keep it! If you feel the urge to try the "Well,
what if it was MY wallet, I'd want someone to return
it" mentality. Realize that if it WAS your wallet;
a) you wouldn't have been stupid enough to lose it, and
b) if someone DID find it, they'd most likely keep it.
Opportunity presents itself in the most unlikely
places. People make mistakes, machines fail to work
properly, doors are left open (literally and
figuratively)... If the opportunity is legal, jump on
it (it will not likely present itself again). If it's
illegal, weigh the risks, measure your guilt (if you're
going to feel guilty later, DON'T DO IT!), then, IF you
are willing to accept ALL possible consequences, go for
it (if not, leave it alone).
4) Job/School - If you're in school, you're at one of the
easiest points in your life. Play the game enough to
stay out of trouble. Get everything you can out of it
(you never know how or when you'll be able to use it
later). In the job market, try to find something that
allows you some personal freedom. If you punch a time
clock and are stuck in the same building 40 hours a
week, you are losing valuable time. Driving a truck,
multiple person nightshift positions, one person
offices (and you ARE the only one) or working in
outside sales are positions that allow you to mix
personal tasks into your work day. (If you master the
PM skills I discussed above, you can be an excellent
5) Dating/Marriage - As an outsider, there a few people
who can understand and accept exactly what you are.
Take the time to find someone who can. It's not worth
the bullshit you'll go through if you try to make
compromises. Never compromise what you believe.
6) How to get info on anyone - Here's a list of 11 places
Private investigators use to find info on people (you
have access to this info as easily as they do)
a) The registrar of voters - good
source for non-published phone
b) DMV - vehicle info, driving record,
ownership records
c) Post Office - A $1 fee will give
you current address, name of a box
holder, forwarding address
d) Property Records - real estate
info. Liens, deeds, judgements...
e) Tax assessor - info on real estate
or personal property taxes
f) Bureau of vital statistic - Birth,
Death and Marriage records (A good
starting point for setting up a new
g) Reverse phone directories/city
directories - has listings by
address and phone number as well as
by name. Does not usually contain
unlisted numbers.
h) Associations - Doctors, Lawyers,
Accountants... any professional is
likely to belong to some
association (where he gets his
i) Schools - School records usually
will not be released without a
signed consent form, however, they
are unlikely to question any legit
looking form given them.
j) Credit bureaus - If you own a
business, subscribing to credit
bureaus allows you access to a
wealth of personal information
k) Court records - Usually unavailable
without signed consent forms.
7) Shopping - This one is one of the easiest money savers
in the world, but most people are afraid to try it.
Haggle! Every time you buy something, ask for a
discount! Every time! Obviously, K-Mart is less likely
to give in than a mom and pop store. You don't have to
be honest either. Say you can get the item cheaper
somewhere else. Customers with cash are getting hard to
find, salesmen will kiss your ass if you'll give them
more money. Make them lick it too! Be a better salesman
than he is. Make him "buy" your money with his product!
8) Lying - Everybody lies when necessary. (Sorry I'm late
boss. I had a flat.) If you *have* to, then do so as
little as possible (and make it believable!). MOST of
the time, lying just makes matters worse. Consider the
consequences. If you are facing life in prison, you
can't possibly make it worse. Then again, if you get
busted cheating on your wife/girlfriend (a stupid thing
to begin with - trust me, I know), lying to her will
only make it worse (much worse). In a situation like
that, admit your stupidity and take your beating
(remember, before you did anything, you had already
decided to accept ALL possible consequences, right?).
9) The Phone Company - These guys are assholes. Watch your
phone bill. One of their less slick tricks is to try to
bill you for calls you didn't make. When some Phreak
cranks up $1,000 of calls on a stolen card number and
the phone company can't catch him, they try to spread
the calls over several other customers' bills. One tip
off is that these calls usually don't have a time or
date on them. If you see these on your bills, bitch,
yell and scream!
10) Paying your bills - While we're on the subject of
assholes (like the phone company), here's a tip on
paying your bills. Pay them late! They all have a 10 or
15 day grace period. None of them can do anything to
your credit report until you're at least 30 days late.
Pay them all at least 10 days after your due date.
11) Dealing with people - This one is just so much common
sense, I can't believe how many people don't see it.
Put yourself on the other end of your negotiations
("Put yourself in their shoes"). If you're trying to
sell something, thing of what might compel you to buy
under the same circumstances. If you are buying
something, realize that the salesman is there to make a
profit, not to help you. If you need a favor, earn it.
Don't expect someone to keep doing for you if you are
unwilling to do anything for them.
12) Taxes - Do you have a hobby? (computers maybe?) Turn
your hobby into a business! The IRS has a tough time
drawing a line between a business and a hobby. To
qualify as a business the IRS stipulates that you must
show intent to make a profit. The key word is "intent".
You do not actually have to make a profit! Your
accountant can help you with the details. Once your
hobby is a business, you open up a number of deductible
expenses (car, computer, phone bills...)
13) ATM Machines - I've read too many "great ATM ripoff"
files. These things are hardly worth the risk. Even if
you run into a "lucky opportunity" and the machine
starts spitting money, DON'T KEEP IT! Knowingly
overdrawing an account through an ATM is bank fraud - a
FEDERAL crime that can get you 30 years in the big
<keep going... it ain't over yet>
I've given you enough to swallow in one sitting. A lot of
this information is difficult to fully understand immediately.
Think about it. Read it again. Then, think about it some more and
read it again. I'm not teaching you how to be a criminal. I'm
sharing with you some of the methods *I've* used to survive in a
world where the majority is not like me. I think different. I act
different. I AM different. To most people, I'm "weird". That
doesn't make me bad or wrong, just different. I don't expect
everyone to agree with me or like me. I don't care what they
think or feel, as long as they leave me alone to be what I am.
Thanks to all the people who provided feedback (good and
bad) on Part I. Most people where supportive, only one of you
thought I was a complete asshole. More than anyone, it was the
guy who told me I was an asshole that made me think the most
about whether I was right or not. Thanks to the beautiful dark
haired lady that helped push me to finish this by being
supportive, offering her advice and criticisms, and for accepting
me as I am.
I'm wide open to comments, suggestions, support and
criticisms at all time. Feel free to speak your mind. (If I
disagree, I'll jump all over you!). I'm not sure where I want to
go with Part III. If you have any ideas, or certain areas you'd
like to see covered, E-mail me at one of the boards listed at the