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DegPug TextFile Co. Presents...
/////// Phun With Teachers\\\\\\
+-+-+-+-+Phun in Theatres+-+-+-+-+
By Princess Leia
Restored by Mr Mullins [no period after Mr.]
Note: these philes were some how lost in time, lost in space and were
originally written by Princess Leia. Don't ask me where I got them when, etc.
- all i know is that i have them and no Anarchy memeber will lay claim to them,
though the philes do mention Anarchy and VOID. Leia, if you're reading this.
don't get mad because I was asked to retype in these, so there.
[all formatting, lower case, mistakes, style, has been restored.]
And, so, yes, Anarchy Inc & VOID have another text phile for all of you
VOID and the Connection
"Phun things to do to YOUR favourite teacher..." written by Princess Leia
So, you say school is getting you down? Your teacher is being a real b!tch?
Well, here are just a few phun things I have observed, most of which I have
1. You can start as soon as you walk into class. late. When the teacher
asks for an excuse, you tell her, "I was late because I wanted to miss the first
half of class." Then sit down. This will drive your teacher more crazy than
some wonderful lie...
2. You say your tecaher actually assigned you sentancees? Do you think you
are too old for them? Well, then ask "May I use some or your scratch paper for
them?" Most teachers will say, "Well, I guess so..." But, just in case, do not
wait for a reply. Just walk over there and take the whole stack. Does your
sentences say something like "I will behave in class"? Well, then, write "I" on
the first page. Set it aside. Write "will" oin the second page And so on,
until you finish all of your sentances and/or/ run our of paper and/or your hand
starts to fall off.
3. So, now that you're be yelled at, the teacher tells you "Go sit down".
Well this is the absolute best opportunity to but the teacher. Calmly walk to
the teacher's chair, sit down, put your feet up on the desk, and lean back. The
teacher will most likely glare at you and say "get back to your seat!", at which
point calmly reply, "You just told me to sit down, so I did." Then, start taking
the rubber bands that are on the desk and flick one at the aforementioned
teacher. Preferbly hide the referral slips before doing this.
4. Another real fun trick, which works best with a whole bunch of people, is
to have a party, without getting the teacher's ok first. Some teachers are so
dense that you can actually plan this party IN CLASS. Anyways, delegate the day
of the party, everyone just kicks back and, well, parties...The poor teacher is
usually so shocked that he/she will not know what to do, and yet another period
of class time is wasted.
5. Then, of couse, for those of us unlucky enough to have a "Closed Campus",
there is the traditional "Cutting of Lunch". A Closed Campus is a dumb idea
anyways. What on Earth are |