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The Oxygen People Present...
TECHNIQUES OF HARASSEMENT #2.. Plagiarized from a book by Victor Santoro
Attention sysops/readers: Do NOT add any more credits to this.
This is only stated once. There are no closing credits.
+++ Call Western Union: Chapter 7.
A remarkable number of things can be done by telegram. It is even easier to use Western Union your plans than many other media because, 1. they are fast acting, and 2. they accept messages ove he phone and charge them to your phone bill.
Some applications are:
Send Candygrams to all of your target's business associates and/or friends in his name and of crse charge it to his phone bill. A nice twist is to charge it to his company's bill if he works fo omeone else. He will already be busy enough explaining phone calls, missing shipments, etc.
The day after he goes out of town, send a telegram to his boss saying something like this: "Havfound better offer in Seattle. Sorry to leave you but it was an offer I couldn't refuse. Please sn my final check to 1234 South 56 St. Seattle."
Send telegrams to various companies with whom he does business, cancelling shipments, ordering rious items, or demanding payment of nonexistent shipments.
Send telegrams to his principle customers to inform them that the company has gone bankrupt. Iwill be doubly effective if you sign these "John Smith, President", even if he is only the janitor. n fact, giving him a false title will enhance the effect both on the accounts and on his boss, whe h gets the bill.
If your target goes out of town on business you can send a wire to his hotel or the first compa he visits, addressed to him and purportedly coming from his boss, telling him to come home immediaey because his presence is urgently required.
Send wires changing or cancelling his hotel reservations.
If he owns his own business or is an officer of the company for which he works, send telegrams night to some of the employees telling them not to report for work for whatever reason seems approrate. (bankruptcy, vacation, layoff, fire, etc.)
At Christmas, send all of his employees a turkey by Western Union. One phone call will do it -Western Union will buy the turkeys, greeting cards, and will deliver them. They will also charge te to his phone bill.
It does not matter whether your target has an unlisted number or has his phone disconnected -- u can still zap him by wire.
An additional technique you can use when sending telegrams is to send one in your target's nameo the leader of a militant group in the area stating that you have evidence against him and will deonce him to the authorities the next day. This may provoke a reprisal.
Another way to foul him up by wire is to send a slanderous telegram to one of his friends or buness associates. Some examples:
"Your employee Bill Jones is a homosexual. Suggest you fire him."
"Your employee Bill Jones has been spreading stories that you are a homosexual. Fire him."
"Saw your wife at the XYZ Motel with another man. Sorry to be the one to break the news."
"Your employee Bill Jones told me that he saw your wife at the XYZ Motel with another man. Che it out for your own sake."
+++ Green Stamps, Etc.: Chapter 8.
An excellent way to use the multiplier effect is through classified ads. Most newspapers accepclassified ads over the phone -- you don't have to go to the office in person. This ensures your poection. They either bill the customer direct or charge it to his phone bill. This means it costsyo only the price of the phone call to place a classified ad in your target's name.
The following trick was pulled very successfully several years ago. It tied up the target's phe for several days. This was particularly disturbing because it was a business phone.
Place a classified ad that reads this way:
Fifty thousand Green Stamps absolutely free.
Phone 123-4567
That's all. Callers will be tying up his phone day and night. If it is a business phone he isarticularly vulnerable. He will miss important business calls and there is nothing he can do abouti except to refuse to pay for the ad. A businessman cannot have his number changed to an unlisted ne He cannot have his phone temporarily disconnected. In any event you'll do that for him but tha's n another chapter.
If you choose to list his home number in the Green Stamps ad it might be helpful to add anotherine: "Call after ten p.m." It will cost a bit more but you're not paying for it.
If your target is an employee rather than in business for himself you can hit him at work by liing his name in the ad: "Ask for Mr. -----". After a few calls his boss will be asking him for an xlanation. More explanation will be required if you have the newspaper bill his company.
There are many variations possible on this theme in order to run several ads at once and genera the maximum amount of calls to him. Keep in mind that if you hit his home phone he will have it caged or disconnected after a few days so you want to hit him as hard as possible while you have thechnce. Free decals, samples, etc. are various possibilities. A little imagination will suggest moe t you. Whatever you do keep in mind that it is important to avoid making the ad seem like a "Com-on"to a sales pitch. If that happens a lot fewer people will respond.
Another use of the classified ad should be held in reserve until your target has had his numberisconnected or changed. It reads as follows:
"Bring your beer and soda cans and get ten cents apiece
for them. Bring your bottles to be recycled and we will
pay twenty-five cents each. Old tires one dollar."
This works best when you list a business address. There are two ways you can work it, however.One is to have people respond during business hours. Another is to state in the ad that if they coeafter business hours or on a weekend they are to deposit the recyclables in a designated spot (loain dock, parking lot, etc.) and leave a list of the items with their name and address in the mail sot r under the door and that a check would be mailed to them.
This method is also useful if your target is so disturbed by the harassment that he decides to away for several days to get away from the delivery men, phone calls, etc. With proper wording, yucan arrange it so that when he comes home he will find his carport piled high with garbage.
+++ Handbills and Circulars: Chapter 9.
There is one technique upon which you can fall back after your target has had his phone disconnted and the newspapers no longer take classified ads in his name. It requires access to a printingpess or a duplicator. A Xerox will do fine.
The main idea is to print up advertisements for recyclables. For variety you can include a coun at the bottom of the sheet for listing the contributor's name, address, the items brought in, thercash value (at ten cents per beer can this can add up to quite a bit) and whatever else seems apprprate to put on a coupon. Then print up a thousand of them and distribute them to every store in twn. Put some in every public place you can think of. Try the public library. Don't ask permission-- jst lay a few on each table and counter. Put them by the cash register in luncheonettes. It's asy t get the owner's permission if you tell him it's for a worthy cause -- ecology.
If you cannot duplicate these handbills yourself you will have to pay to have it done. It willost quite a few dollars. A duplicating shop will do it for you at the least cost but don't make th istake of going there yourself. Have a friend you can trust handle the transaction and have him py or it in cash. Checks leave a trail and make it difficult to use an assumed name. You have to sow driver's license or other solid identification. Master Charge carries the same problem with it Noody questions cash on the barrelhead.
+++ On the Job: Chapter 10.
One line of attack that you may be tempted to use is to cause trouble for your target on his jo if he is an employee and not self-employed. There are several ways of doing this.
One is to arrange for a series of phone calls to him on the job as outlined in a previous chapt.
Another way is to call his boss and tell him you are Mr. Smith from another company or an emploent agency and that you are checking on how long he has worked there.
Yet another way is to call as a representative of a credit agency and ask if there are any garnhes on your target's pay. Or you could be checking his credit because your target is trying to purhse something beyond his means.
All of the above will create doubts about the target in the mind of his boss and this can lead some very serious consequences for your target. Even if he manages to convince his boss that somen is trying to "get" him the target will still not have peace of mind. He will be gripped by fear f nameless foe striking at him out of the shadows and disappearing before he can be see. He will ertinly lose a few nights' sleep over this, which is just as well, as he will then be up to answer he cnstantly ringing phone.
The more information you have about your target the better. If you know precisely what his jobs, so much can be done based upon that information. You can impair him directly in his job.
For example, if he is a shipping clerk, you can phone several truckers and ask them to send a tck to pick up a shipment at his company. You could also call several truck lines and ask if they hv shipments for his company. If they do, tell them to put them in storage and not to deliver them ecuse (a) the plant is closing for vacation, or (b) the company has gone bankrupt. When you do thi, mke sure you give his name. As an extra twist, you might tell the official at the trucking compay tht if there are any questions he should call Mr. -----, his boss.
+++ House for Sale: Chapter 11.
One of the most productive ways of using the multiplier effect is to put your target's house upor sale. This seems like a simple trick but it has so many subtleties and ramifications that analyig them will take up a chapter.
Strangely enough the fact that your target does or does not own a house is of little importanceo what you are trying to accomplish. If he does, so much the better -- it enhances the effect. Bu f he does not, don't let that detail impede you. When you place the classified ad in the paper th pople who will phone your target will not know before they phone that he lives only in an apartmen.
The first step is to "case the joint" to see what sort of a house your target lives in. A goodook at the real estate section of the paper will give you an idea of its market value. When you plc the ad make sure that the asking price you insert is several thousand dollars below normal in ordr o attract the maximum number of people who will call. If the target does not own a house it's evn esier. Pick any ad for a moderately low priced house out of the paper and drop the price by seveal tousand.
Do you want to include his phone number or his address in the ad? There are some pros and cons If he doesn't have a phone (and some people in this country still don't) the choice is out of yourhnds. If he doesn't own a house except in your imagination then just list his phone. You might spciy what time you wish prospective clients to call. In any event, when placing the ad charge it tohisphone bill.
Another factor entering into your calculations is the timing. Are you placing the ad before orfter you have his utilities cut off? This is important because if you include his phone number anda the same time arrange to have his phone disconnected it will be counterproductive. In that case t ould be best to include only your target's address, thereby obliging interested parties to call o hi personally. By this time he'll need people to tell his troubles to, anyway.
One effect of listing a house for sale in the paper is that real estate agents will be calling ur target, or calling on him, as the case may be, in order to persuade him to list with their agenc. The low price will insure that he gets their most prompt attention.
+++ Magazine and Book Clubs: Chapter 12.
One of the most annoying things you can do to a person is to send in magazine and book club subription cards in his name. This is not as threatening to his security as action on the job but rate it is like the drip-drip-drip of the Chinese water torture.
This requires some preparation. You must start collecting business reply cards some time in adnce and in fact mail them four to six weeks before the main body of your plan goes into motion becas it takes that length of time for the subscription to be processed and for the bills to be sent ou.
There are several points in this procedure that require some discussion. First is the source oall these cards. Almost all magazines have subscription cards bound in somewhere. Most carry ads o other magazines and for book and record clubs. If you subscribe to a number of magazines there i n problem. If you don't, go to the library. You can probably snatch the cards out of the magazins wthout anyone objecting. A doctor's or dentist's office usually has a few magazines in the waitig rom.
Make sure that what you send in are only postcards. They are handled by hordes of postal worke and you need not worry about fingerprints. When you fill them in be sure to turn the card upside on so that you are writing upside down and backwards. This is an old forger's trick to disguise hadwiting. You won't have any worries about the cards being traced to you.
If there are subscreption forms that require mailing in an envelope you will have to take the pcaution of wearing plastic or rubber gloves.
You will probably want to avoid subscriptions that require money be sent with the application, nce your purpose is to harass your target, not give him a gift. The only exceptions to this are cetin sexually oriented publications which could cause him considerable embarrassment if he gets themathome where his wife would see them or at work where his co-workers would see them. Particularly oteorthy are the gay magazines. However this could cost you quite a few dollars to do.
The effect of getting magazines and the bills for them can be very traumatic in this context asach will require a letter to the publisher explaining that he is the victim of a practical joke andrquesting that the subscription be cancelled. The publisher may request that the magazines alreadyreieved be mailed back. In the case of book or record clubs the return of the free introductory reord or books will almost certainly be requested and this will cost the target more money and effort Hewill be busy enough answering phone calls, sending back deliveries of pizza, food, and liquor, howin real estate agents the house, etc.
+++ Cutting off Utilities: Chapter 13.
Imagine being home one day, taking a shower, when the flow of water stops. As you're scraping f the soap which you could not rinse off your wife comes to tell you that the gas furnace won't wor. You go to have a look at it but the lights go out on you. Then you pick up the phone to call theutlity companies but you don't even get a dial tone. At this point you might feel like a drink of eerfrom the refrigerator, which should still be cold, but if you were thinking of water, forget it. Als, what about all that food you've got in the freezer? It might go bad if you don't get the powr tured back on soon.
That's what can happen to someone whose utilities are turned off simultaneously. You can do th to your target with just a few phone calls. It goes like this:
"Hello. This is Mr.----- of 1234 56th St. We're going on vacation soon and we'd like to have e power (phone, water, gas) turned off on (date) and turned back on again on (date)."
Timing is very important here. It works best if all the utilities go out on the same day, in oer to create the maximum inconvenience and dislocation. He won't be able to use his phone to have h other services turned back on. He'll have to use a pay phone or his neighbor's.
If you had one utility turned off each day, after the second day he would start to put two and o together and check with the other utilities and negate your effort.
The other critical aspect of timing is that the action against his utilities should not conflicwith your other plans. His phone must be working in order for him to receive all those calls aboutte free Green Stamps and other important matters. Ideally, the utilities should be cut off before heother plans take effect. If he gets harassing phone calls before he may be calling the phone comanyhimself to have his phone disconnected or his number changed to an unlisted one. He will then fnd ot that it's already scheduled to be cut off any this may compromise the whole plan. Better to it yor target in his utilities first, before anything else (except for a few magazines that might tickle n early) and then when he gets everything going again, make him wish he'd never had his phonereconneted.
If your target does have his phone eventually disconnected, you must be flexible in your plans.For example, whatever classified ads you have not yet placed will have to be changed to show his adrss instead. If he's had his number changed to an unlisted one, thre are ways of finding it out, a peviously discussed.
It's a good idea to spot check his phone while your plan is running in order to determine if hiphone is still working. A quick call from a pay phone will do it. Check about once a day.
If you want to double his trouble, have the utilities turned off at his place of business simulneously. If he is an employee, call the utility companies in his nbame but use the title vice-presdnt, even if he is only the janitor. He will not be too happy at his sudden promotion and neither il his boss.
If he has his own business so much the better. He then will be facing double responsibility ofetting things going again in both places at once. It is possible that a calm and resourceful perso ight be able to have all the utilities in bothplaces turned back on by the end of the day but unfotuately for him compound problems usually snowball. By the end of the day the problems caused by te lss of the utilities will be piling up beyond his capacity to handle them. These may include cusomer who can't reach him, an account lost, production time lost, food spoiling in the freezer, etc. n any event, if the timing is right, the next day will find the phone ringing off the hook andthe taget one day closer to an ulcer.
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
end of volume 2.
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