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Disclaimer: The author bears no responsibility for the use or misuse of the
following information, which is provided for education and amusement only.
Actually making the devices below could result in damage to private or personalproperty, people, pet etc. Using this information is potentially fatal,
and illegal anyway, so PHUCK it!!!
My 1rst disclaimer, what do you tink of it?
The Anonymous Assassins' Guild presents,
Notes on homemade rockets/missiles, rocket/missle launchers, tennis ball bombstennis ball launchers,iniature pipe bombs, EASY to make physical igniter/detonators, easy to use smoke powder that everyoeshould know about but thatI haven't read about anywhere yet, and SUPER EASY to make detonators usig ouse current
1. Homemade rockets/misiles
Here, I refer of course to using the parts from model rockets.
depending on the payload required, you can just use the model rocket itself,
or you can use only the engines and nosecones.
First, let's discuss relevant engine specs. All you need to know is
which ones to buy. My favorite is the C-6-0, which means engine size "C",
(this has to do with the diameter of the engine)
strength "6" and "0" refers to it being a booster engine, for use in a two
stage model rocket. The advantage here is that when it has burned up it's
propellant, instead of blowing a clay plug forward (this deploys the parachute on model rockets) it oots intense flame forward, enough to ignite the 2ndengine on a 2 stager. This flame will ignite alot anything, because of it'shigh heat-=>Model rocket engines require alot of heat to ignite-they ar dsigned that way to make them safer<=-this explains what you need to know about making a rocket---oadit with whatever, and fire away.
My missiles are smaller and cheaper to make, and depending on the launching method, more accurate.Wh you do is use the C-6-0 engine and the nosecone from a model rocket that would have used an "A" sieengine (smaller diameter) The nosecone fits right into the front of the engine making for a small,shrt package. If you are going to use electronic ignition, then fins are a must. These damn things illfly everywhere if you don't put fins on them. A "model rocket fin aligner" is available at most oy sores, as are all the other M.R. parts. Use the nosecone as a warhead, these are great for startng fies from a distance, or load it with BBs for shrapnel-use your imagination.
2. Launchers and ignition systems
Electronic igntion-and corresponding launchers
Electronic ignition uses the infamous "Solar Igniter" which are made and sold
for the purpose of model rocketry.
The launcher is simply a tube with one end blocked off, and some contact points
you can hook the S.I. to the engine the old fashioned way (slow to load) or
you can experiment with making contacts at the bottom of the tube so you can
just drop the engine in, and fire. A coaxial design works well here.
/-------\ the inner +'s being the positve contact, the outer
| | line being the negative contact -=>just like in a flashlight
| +++ |
| |
Of course, you'll need to make the missile's solar igniter contacts bent in the
same way, or use very thin gauge wires attched to them-the wires will burn up/
off when ignited These launchers can be made of lightweight pvc pipe or metal, metal ones can be useto beat someones ass after you run out of ammo. If you desire extra
concealment, consider using the "A" size engine, and just shooting the engine.
it only has a range of about 15 feet, but can be launched from something as
small as a reusable pen-light, the fat kind. These an be taken everywhere,
you can use the origional light's batteries, and with the front of the
penlight screwed on, it looks like an ordinary penlight. Just don't hook up the
solar igniter until you are ready to fire, remember, it uses the origional
penlight's button, which is very easy to press accidently and set the goddmamn
thing off in your hands, with the top on, for a very bad shrapnel bomb if the
light blows up.
Non-Electornic ignition and launcher
I develped this after I got sick of the inaccuracy of the missiles I was making
the only disadvantage is that it is loud, since it is essentially primer fired.
.177 caliber BB's
Glue optional
Masking tape. Knife maybe.
Box of 12-gauge shotgun shells, somewhat thick metal tubing that is
only slightly larger than the shells (you figure it out) a short (4-8") piece
of metal tubing slightly larger than that.
It just so happens that, with the addition of some masking tape, the "C" size
engine fits into the 12ga shell.
All you have to do is find something solid and kinda flat to jam inside the
larger tube. Then, the launcher is complete.
Cut the top of the 12ga shell off. Pour out the BB's and save them. They
make good shrapnel. Remove the wadding, and throw it out. Remove and save the
gunpowder (OF COURSE!) Prepare the entire box full, or just what you'll need
right away. Wrap the masking tape around the missile until it fits snugly
into the shell. It only needs to be tight enough so it doesn't come apart
say, in your pocket, or as you are reaching for it. Now, holding the missile
nose down, pour a pinch of gunpowder into the engine nozzle. This aids in
ignition, and if you don't do this, when you launch it you'll send that
fucker over 100' without it igniting! This should give you ideas for other
projectiles for this launcher, arrows maybe, marbles, whatever.
After you've poured the powder in, still nose down, put the missile into
the shotgun shell. The better your tape job, the less chance the missile
will loosen inside the shell, spilling it's gun powder. Perhaps a [drop]
of glue here could help. Final Step: tape or glue a BB to the bottom of the
shell, in the middle, so it will set the primer off.
Put the round (shell + missile) into the smaller tube. Put the larger tube over
it. To fire, slam the short tube into the long tube. The flat, closed end of the
larger tube. This will force the BB into the, primer setting it off. The
missile will shoot out and ignite either just before or just after leaving the
lainch tube.
These things are suprisingly accurate, no fins necessary. Unfortunately, they
are also loud. Using the 12ga shells breaks a couple more laws, but do you
care? They are MUCH quicker to load and reload, and more reliable. Armed with
a warhead, they pierce glass really well and then explode, or whatever.
Tennis ball bombs.
Materials: (per bomb)
1 Tennis ball
2 + boxes of STRIKE ANYWHERE matches
1 mini pipe bomb, if desired
Cut a small hole in the T Ball. Cut the tips off of the matches, all of them,
throw the wood pieces away. Pour the match tips into the ball until it's full
then tape it up carefully. Don't drop it!!! The tighter the match tips, the
more compression and the more pressure when it gets set off, resulting in
quicker explosion. The tighter the tips, the easier it is to set off, which
is good, but be carefull.
Throw it, lob it, chuck it, huck it or whatever you call it.
What it does: flies through the air, strikes something, compresses (during the
"bounce") rubbing the match tips together, setting them off in a chain reaction
causing the ball to explode, sending flaming match heads in all directions.
This is great for setting things on fire from a distance, scaring the living
SHIT out of someone at night, etc. If you need more damage, make the hole in
the T ball large enough to put a mini pipe bomb. This makes an effective
impact shrapnel/concussion grenade. But make DAMN sure you don't drop it!!
Tennis ball Launcher
Note: The cans specified are hard to come by, as the industry has stopped
using them
3 metal cans of tennis balls
duct tape
lighter fluid
tin snips
open the cans and set the tennis balls aside.
cut the bottoms out of 2 of the cans, and cut the top rim off of 1 of those 2
tape the cans together in this order: 1rst is the can with the top cut off
and the bottom cut out. Tape the can with just the bottom cut out to that.
then tape the unaltered can to the second can. Cut a small hole in the bottom
can. That's it /\/\/\/\/\/\
| |
| |
| can 1 |
| |
| |
| |
smooth __________\ |____________|
/ | |
| |
| |
| can 2 |
| |
| |
rim present ____\ |------------|
/ | |
| |
| can 3 |
| |
| /\ /__________ hole
| \/ \ |
| |
bottom present ____\ ==============
Use: Pour the lighter fluid into the launcher, then turn the launcher uside
down and shake it (this traps the gasses inside the launcher). While upside
down, load the tennis ball, and turn it right side up. the ball should slide
down to the second can and be stopped by the rim. to launch, light the lighter
and hold it next the hole. Whoom!!!! The ball flies up and out!!
Miniature pipe bomb:
male threaded pipe plug
female treaded piped cap of same diameter
drill with small bit
fuse from firecracker
Use the drill to make a hole in the cap just big enough to poke a fuse
through. Fill the cap with finely ground quick burning gunpwoder.
Engage the cap threads with the plug threads (screw the 2 pieces together)
Slowly tighten the threads down. Done!
Use: If I need to explain this, you shouldn't be reading this PHILE!!
Physical detonators
These are just those party favors called Party Poppers. They look like tiny
plastic wine bottles with strings coming from the top. Just take the bottom
paper out and pull out the confetti. Voila! When you put the mini pipe bomb
or anything else that uses fuses to detonate/launch inside or connected to
the P.P. just pull the string, and there it goes! These make great snares,
traps, tings to string on doors, across roads and pathways, drawers, use
your imagination!!
Smoke powder
Model rocket engines
road flare powder reccomended
grind all the materials together, put in whatever container, with whatever
ignition system you desire. This stuff makes neat filler for tennis ball bombs
and non damaging missile warheads.
When you want a simple detonator, and the device is at or near a structure
with standard house current, use an extension cord or powerstrip with one end
cut off. Then run 1 or 2 strands of fine speaker wire through what it is
you want detonated. Connect these strands to the exposed wires, turn it on,
and WHAMMO!!!!!
Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm)
& the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845
The Salted Slug Strange 408-454-9368
Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766
realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510-527-1662
Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102
Tomorrow's 0rder of Magnitude Finger_Man 415-961-9315
My Dog Bit Jesus Suzanne D'Fault 510-658-8078
New Dork Sublime Demented Pimiento 415-566-0126
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