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Billabong Surfer Presents:
Ignition Materials
Hello all of you SANctuary fans,I am back with yet another file (ok,so
only my second one.)In case you are blind or suffer from some sort of chronic
seeing sickness and are unable to read the file header,this file is information
on some materials that YOU can make and use for igniters or just use them as
plain ol' incendiaries.
But b4 i continue,lets get all of the legal mumbo-jumbo out of the way.I
am NO WAY RESPONSIBLE for the actions that may be taken by any individual upon
reading this file.This file is intented to be used for strictly INFORMATONAL
purposes only.
Ok,with that taken care of,lets get to the good stuff.Keep in mind that
if you cant obtain these materials you can always try your local Science
Department at your local high school ("Can you get a disncount at K-MART",THen
he was shot in a blaze of glory.)On to the goodz mannn.
Sugar Chlorate:
This is made from a combination of sugar and potassium chlorate or
sodium chlorate.It can be used as a igniter or a readily available incendiarie
(did i say that already,oh well).What you will want to get is:
Granulated Sugar-No confectious or powdered crap
Potassium Chlorate-Or sodium chlorate,no courser that the sugar
Spoon-Non mettalic if you can
Container-any container with a tight fitting lid will do
Rolling Pin-What you used to get beat with
Using the spoon that you stole from your kitchen,place some granulated
sugar into the container about one-quarter container volume,for any idiots
reading this,fill 1/4 of the container with some damn sugar.Then add the same
amount of potassium or sodium chlorate.If the stuff is lumpy,rol it out with the
rolling pin (ohhhh,thats what its for).After all thats done put the lid on and
roll the bottle until the two mixtures are completely mixed.You now have a good
igniter/incendenraie (you know what i mean).Make sure that you can distinguish
it from regular sugar,otherwise you will get the real fealing of heart-burn.
Fire Fudge:
Ok,yet another mixture for you to screw around with.Now this is a
mixture that is composed of sugar and potassium chlorate mixed with a hot water
solution that will solidfy in room tempature.This stuff will look like what
chocalte with a hard surface,great to give to your teacher.You will want to
steal these items from somewhere:
Granulated Sugar-Same type as above
Potassium Chlorate-NOT Sodium Chlorate,no rougher than the sugar
Mettalic,Glass,or Enamel Pan-Hope you have 1 in your kitchen
Measuring Container-That is self explanatory
Thermometer-Not the ones that go in the other end
Take your pan,put it on the heat source (i.e. stove,sterno,etc..)Add one
measurful of water into the pan and then warm it.Then add one measureful of
sugar into the pan.Stir it until it dissolves.Boil the contents until a thick
liquid is created.After that is all done take the pan off your heat source and
quickly add two measurefuls of POTASSIUM CHLORATE.stir gently to mix the syrup
and the powder.After which you can pour it into a mold or lay it on some paper
that it can be peeled off of (please dont do the comics,i just love the comics)
Sugar-Sodium Peroxide:
This little ditty consists of sugar and sodium peroxide.WARNING:It has
been proven and witnessed by myself and others that this mix is sorta
unstable.It will ignite in hih humidity or by drops of water.When using this
mixture please use CAUTION!!Go steal these items from your local kay-mart:
Sugar-You know the deal
Sodium Peroxide-No coarser than the sugar
Using the spoon,fill 1/4 of the container with sugar.Then fill 1/4 of
the container with the sodium peroxide.Tighten the lid on your miracle whip jar
and roll it until the contents are totally mixed.You are now all done,wasnt that
Few words:This mixture shouldnt be kept in the container for more than
three days as decompisition will take place and cause an explosion.It is best to
put the items into two separte jars and then mix them when you are ready.
Aluminum Powder-Sodium peroxide:
This little number consists of a mixtur of (should be obvious by
now),Sodium peroxide and powdered alminum.The same rule applies to this as to
the last,this mixture will ignite under conditions such as high humidty,and
drops of water.Also same deal with the storage,after some time,this stuff will
decompose and explode.You will need to go grab some of this stuff:
Powdered Aluminum-No rougher than granulated sugar
Sodium Peroxide-No rougher than above
Using your trusty spoon,fill 1/4 of the container with the powdered
aluminum stuff.Then fill it up again 1/4 with the sodium peroxide.Put the lid on
and roll it on its side until the mixture is totally mixed.You now have another
great igniter.
Potassium Permanganate-Glycerin:
Well by looking at he header we should be able to figure out what this
little mixture is made of,and if you cant i suggest you turn your computer off
NOW...I'm Waiting..Now that all the idiots are gone,lets let the serious people
get down to work.This is pretty simple so I wont even bother explaining what you
have to go get you listen.Get some glycerin,put it in a small container and set
that aside.Take a large container and fill it with the PP (Potassium
Permanganate).If you can obtain some powdered magnesium or some powdered
aluminum then mix 85 parts of PP with 15 parts of the powdered magnesium or the
powdered aluminum.Keep the mixtures sealed and ready to go.Now how do you light
this stuff you ask,well you dont.Just simply add the Glycerin (ahhh,thats what i
do with that,boink) to the mixture and you should get ignition.
Well folks,that is about it.I have some more methods but as you are
reading this i will be putting them into another file along with some things you
can use them to ignite.Remember,SAFTEY FIRST,i dont care what you think you may
be (chemical expert,rocket scientist),its better to have a failed try thant to
have a fried hand.See ya l8r.
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