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Release Of Pressure Detonators
The next type of detonating device I will discuss is called a
releas-of-pressure mechanism. This device employs exactly the same principles
as the pressure-trigger device, except in reverse. The movement of the
pressure plate, rather than down, is now up. This can be used effectively when
a weight is placed on the pressure plate. Then when it is removed, the
explosives will be ignited. To construct, use a heavy-duty spring beneath the
first metal plate. Connect a wire from the blasting cap to the first metal
plate. The second wire is then stretched from the bottom of battery "A", to
the second metal plate. The third wire is run from the electrical blasting cap
to the top of battery "B". When this is accomplished, the booby trap is fully
cocked. When the weight on the pressure plate is remove, the spring will will
force the second metal plate against the first, thus completing the electrical
circuit and exploding the device.
In a tension-release booby trap, when the tension, resulting from a
wire pulling on a pliable metal strip, is released, the metal strip will snap
back into another metal strip. Since the wires from the batteries and blasting
cap are connected to either metal strip, when they touch, the circuit will be
complete and it will detonate the explosive charge. This type of detonator is
especially effective when attached to drawers, doors, or any movable object.