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****************************************************************************** * *
* by *
* The Executioner *
* 'Preparation of Piric Acid from Asprin' *
* *
The Ever-present Disclaimer:
This text file is written on a purely INFORMATIONAL (hahaha) bases, if you are fool enough to try this without some prior chemistry training and blow off a body part, I am NOT responsible (If you blow off a body part and you have had prior chemistry training, I'm still not responsible).
Now that the bullshit is out of the way, lets begin.
All of these explosives have been tested by the U.S. Army and the way they are written is so simple even an ignorant grunt can figure it out (So you shouldn't have any problems)
Preparation of Piric Acid from Aspirin:
Piric Acid can be used as a booster explosive in detonators, a high explosive charge, or as an intermediate to preparing lead picrate or DDNP.
Material Required:
Aspirin tablets (5 grains per tablet)
Alcohol (95% pure)
Sulfuric Acid, concentrated ('borrow' your neighbors car battery, drain off acid and boil until white fumes appear.)
Potassium Nitrate (Salt peter, get from garden supplies)
Paper towels
Canning jar, 1 pint
wood or glass stir rod
Glass container
Ceramic or glass dish
Teaspoon and a Tablespoon
Heat Source
1) Crush 20 aspirin tablets in a glass container. Add 1 teaspoon of water and
work into a paste.
2) Add approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup of alcohol to the aspirin paste; stir
while pouring
3) Filter the alcohol-aspirin solution through a paper towel into another
glass container. Discard the solid left on the paper towel.
4) Pour the filtered solution into a ceramic or glass dish.
5) Evaporate the alcohol and water from the solution by placing the dish into
a pan of hot water. White powder will remain in the dish after evaporation. (The water in pan should be at hot bath temperature, not boiling, 160 to 180 degrees F is ideal)
6) Pour 1/3 cup of concentrated sulfuric acid into a canning jar. Add the
white powder to the Sulfuric Acid.
7) Heat canning jar of sulfuric acid in a pan of simmering hot water bath for
15 minutes; then remove jar from the bath. The solution will turn a yellow-orange color.
8) Add 3 level teaspoons of potassium nitrate in three portions to the
yellow-orange solution; stir vigorously during additions. Solution will trun red, and then back to a yellow orange color.
9) Allow the solution to cool to ambient or room temperature while stirring
10) Slowly pour the solution, while stirring, into 1-1/4 cup of cold water and
allow to cool.
11) Filter the solution through a paper towel into a glass container. Light
yellow particles will collect on the paper towel.
12) Wash the light yellow particles with 2 tablespoons of water. Discard the
waste liquid in the container.
13) Place particles in ceramic dish and set in a hot water bath, as in step 5,
for 2 hours.
What you have left is your explosive, as with any other forms of explosive,
handle gently and don't store it (if you do store it, be sure it is kept in a cool dry area).
Call these fine boards:
The Twilight Zone xxx-xxx-xxxx (10 meg BBS/Cat-fur)
The Bartenders Tavern xxx-xxx-xxxx (10 meg BBS/Cat-fur)
The Asylum xxx-xxx-xxxx (10 meg BBS/Cat-fur)
The Shoalin Temple xxx-xxx-xxxx (10 meg bbs)
CALL INFINITY'S EDGE: xxx-xxx-xxxx (300/1200 BAUD 10 MEGS)