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Miscellanous Nasties
By: Lex Luthor
Most fire bombs are simply gasoline filled bottles with a fuel
soaked rag in the mouth (the bottle's mouth, not yours). The original
Molotov cocktail, and still about the best, was a mixture of one part
gasoline and one part motor oil. The oil helps it to cling to what it
splatters on.
Some use one part roofing tar and one part gasoline. Fire bombs
have been found whcih were made by pouring melted wax into gasoline.
About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistancy,
like jam and is best for use on vehilces or buildings.
Napalms is simply one part gasoline and one part soap. The soap is
either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do.
The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt. The
usual way is with a double boiler where the top part has at least a
two-quart capicity. The water in the bottom part is brought to a boil
and the double boiler is taken from the stove and carried to where
there is no flame.
Then one part, by volume, of gasoline is put in the top part and
allowed to heat as much as it will and the soap is added and the mess
is stirred until it thickens. A better way to heat gasoline is to fill
a bathtub with water as hot as you can get it. It will hold its heat
longer and permit a much larger container than will the double boiler.
Simple safety match heads in a pipe, capped at both ends, make a
devestating bomb. It is set off with a regular fuse
A plastic Baggie is put into the pipe before the heads go in to
prevent detonation by contact with the metal.
Cutting enough match heads to fill the pipe can be tedious work for
one but an evening's fun for the family if you can drag them away from
the TV.
A four strand homemade fuse is used for this. It burns like fury.
It is held down and concealed by a strip of bent tin cut from a can.
The exposed end of the fuse is dipped into the flare igniter. To use
this one, you light the fuse and hold the fire bomb until the fuse has
burned out of sight under the tin. Then throw it and when it breaks,
the burning fuse will ignite the contents.