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----------[=Explosive Phun=]----------
-------------[=Chris Jones=]-----------
These projects are for those of you
who would like to get even at somebody,
but you don't really want to hurt them.
Just scare the hell out of em.
----------[=IODINE CRYSTALS=]----------
These little beauties are pressure
sensitive so that the slightest touch
will cause a fairly loud explosion.
(About a fourth of a fire cracker per
crystal) It may not seem like much,
but there are usally about 500 crystals
in a teaspoon of crystalized iodine.
Also, when the first one goes off, it
will most likely start a chain reaction
and cause all of the others around it
to go off too, which would cause all of
the others around each one of those to
go off ect...
1. 1 bottle of iodine crystals.
2. 1 bottle of ammonia nitrate
Mix 2 teaspoons of crytals with about
4 ounces of ammonia. you might have to
expirement with the measurements a
little bit to see what works best.
Stir until dissolved, then pour it
over the area that you want to trap.
Let the ammonia evaporate so all that
will be left are the tiny crystals.
(they are almost invisible)
Then, when somebody steps on or sets
something down on it...
******HE'LL SHIT IN HIS PANTS!!!*******
-------------[=HAVE PHUN=]-------------
Written by Chris Jones.
Technical assistance by James Meeker.