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Date: 10/18/89
Time: 10:01 pm
|_____| The Real Smoke Grenade |_____|
|_____| by: |_____|
|_____| MENTAL HIJINX |_____|
The smoke grenade, unlike the smoke bomb, will produce an instantanious cloud of smoke. I find this better than having to light a smoke bomb and then wait for it to fill an area. The only disadvantage of this is that a smoke grenade is usually made only to fill a small area. Of course it can be made bigger
but with that much gunpowder---you had better be able to run fast !
Only a few modifications are needed to change a smoke bomb (see Classic Smoke Bomb phile) into a smoke grenade....
1. The canister used should be smaller--about 4oz (after you've tried a few
times you can make 'em bigger, the bigger the better I always say) also
more exhaust ports are needed--at least 12 make sure their spaced out
evenly around the can.
2. If a rope type fuse is used then it is a good idea to tape some matches
around the end of the fuse--this way all that is needed to light it is a
strike against a rough surface.
()| |()-----matches
| |-|-|-----fuse
| | | |
3. To send the smoke powder flying a small explosive charge is needed the size
of the charge depends on how you intend to use the grenade-- if it's gonna
be close to you the a small charge--if you want to send the shrapnel flying
then a bigger charge to make this diffusion charge put some gunpowder onto
a small piece of thin cloth (about a 3 inch square) fold up the corners to
form a little sack, now insert the fuse into the sack and tie it off with
a piece of string.
4. Now the canister can be filled and the diffusion charge is placed in the
middle of the powder--the canister is then capped and sealed.
Another version of this is to use a cloth bag instead of a canister. This would be like the ninjas use in those cut-rate movies on Saturday mornings. A big burst of smoke then they're gone.... Using a bag would eliminate exhaust ports but it would still have to be lined with a plastic bag. Make this just like the smoke bomb with the above revisions.
This phile doesn't go into great detail because to really understand what to do you should have read The Classic Smoke Bomb first, so read it and also look for Smoke-A Rainbow of Colors.
Don't try this if you don't know what you're doin', cause I ain't responsible!!
Demented Reality - {TXHOU} 713-242/6853
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