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* * * * * !>lack Hand Society * * * * * *
* * * * * ------------------ * * * * *
* * * * * * in association with * * * * * *
Metal Communications and The Neon Knights
-=- volume one -=-
call these awesome lines:
:It is not enough that only Metalland I AE/BBS/Cat-Fur
one shall succeed, all the 10 megs online
rest must fail............: (503)/538-0761
The Connection AE/BBS/CATSEND
The Mortar Ae: pw-ZANDAR soon Catfur too
10 megs/2 floppies/Rana elite (604)/438-3735
201)/528-6467 The Connection #2
The Reality Ae: pw-HARRIS (612)/471-9492
(818)/706-2054 Metalland III BBS/1200/Cat-Fur
The Metal Ae: pw-KILL (612)/544-3980
(201)/879-6668 -----------------------------
V I D E O D R O M E - - - - - - - - - -
The Anarchy Manual
Written by: Jonin Meka of
The Black Hand Soiety
Section One: The essence of terrorism
Welcome ! In the following text I will attempt to explain to you
the way of Anarchy and how to be an Anarchist. One major section
of Anarchy is terrorism. Terrorism is to me the best thig ever
to grace man's path. Personally I love terrorism because- well
the reason is because I realy hate strangers. Sometimes I'll
decide to blow someone's ar or house or even the person all
together just because they don't look right. But now back to
terrorism: Terrorism defined as "mass-organized ruthlessness" and
a terrorist is defined as "one who rules y terror." Both of
these descriptions are fairly accurate but to me terrorism is the
hatred of allggood, organization, love, and anything liked by
normal morons who live in our disguting society we all call
free ! Therefor terrorism is the destructio of society. I love
that ! To be a terrorist you must have this attitude ! Don't read
any farther unless you are a terrorist. Well, now the we all havethe uderstanding of terrorism we can begin. Note- you don't have
to have killed to be a terrorist. Just be sure you love love to
cause terror !!!
Section Two: Simple Terrorism
Welcome again ! Before I write anymore I must tell you that the
eason I am writing this manual is because I wish to pread
terroristic ideals and ideas. Also I wish to tell you that Black
Hand Society rules. Well, o with it. The following are some of
my own little goodies that I like to do once in a while. One more
thing- this manual does not explain how to make dstruction
devices or any of that kind of stuff. And finally one more thing-
I find experimentation is best when trying to terrorie someone
or something. Here we go !
section two point one: ding dong ditch
Ding dong ditch (DDD) is probably one of the simplest forms of
terrorsm known. It is played by millions and is also the check
point for a future terrorist. What I mean is that we a kid first
plays DDD he sub-conscously decides if he will be a terrorist. I
still love to play this game but I add little things here and
there like ringing the dorr bell,running,andtthen shooting the
moron who answers with a BB gun or with rock shot with a wrist
rocket. Other things are possible too such as ringing the
dorrbell, and no running. This takes great courage and I find it
stupid but extremely funny ! Like the time my friend rang some
morons doorbell then pretended to be selling....well shall I say
sexual protection for both men and women. There was one problem
with this though- while my friend was talking I couldn't stop
cracking my head off ! So finally when the moron decided to (I
can't belive this happened) buy sme I just had to stop the
humility by taking an M-80 and shooting it (with the Wrist
Rocket) through the guys window. Boom ! That was the end of
"Trojan Distributing Western New York Divssion." (God was that a
sectin two point two: shoplifting
Ahhh my favorite. Here is the best and most economical way to
obtain anything you desire: Shoplifting ! One note- this is
highly dangerous in these days of hidden cameras ad microphones
so be very careful and if all else fails and you're caught but
some stupid moron of a "store-detective" just be sure to keep a
cube of "potassium chloide plastic explosives" with so you can
light it while the moron has you by the arm and is taking youwhereever it is they take you when your caught. Well on to some
safetyclauses. For one always be silent while shoplifting as of
the microphones (if any). Next always look for
two-way mirrors, black spots on ony store walls,
and most of all people who stay in a store for
more than an hour- The'r Narcs ! And now for
some advanced techniques. One I find to be fun is
to stuff my jacket then go up to the register an
then buy something small ! That really confuses
the people. Anothr trick is to have your friend
buy something while you talk to him and at the
same time have a goodie right in your own hand
then just walk out of the store still talking
with your friend. One last hing- bagging goods
with stuff you already bought is stupid unless
the store doesn't give reciets but what the f--k
is you're good enough !!!
section two point three: illegal entry
Another of my favorites. What is there really to say about
illegal entry except for it is a great wa to attract attention
to a neighboorhood. I mean with all the cops that come around
the next day. Also this is a great way to obtain aaluble goodies
like electronic equiment. One thing never do this in your own
neighboorhood because you won't be able to use the goodies you
obtain. Well here we go again. Never break into a house with
people in it if you rre trying to obtain goodiesand also never
break into a house with an alarm (no s--t!). Always observe the
area you're going to break into before entering and look through
the window next to the front door to see if they have an alarm.
There are several ways to brea in: One is to lockpick your way
through but to the novice this may take time and years of
learning but one advantage is that it is real silent and
undetectable. Another way is to use the BB gun Ice pick method.
First bring your BB gun (pistol preferable) and shoot a small
hole next to the lock. Then use the Ice pick or some other device
to undo the lock on the window. Never leave anything of yours at
the scene. Cat numbers and the such are traced quick. One final
way to enter is to just crash the window with a stick. This
is really noisy btt fun. If you want to do this the target window
should be next to another noisy place like a street or something.
Also don't spend to much time in the lace after entering and
most off wear gloves and a black suit and always enter a night.
One more,ting I find it enjoyable to paint some type of remark
or sarcastic saying (real big of course) on one of the main
walls. Such an example would be a certain symbol like a pentarram
or a saying like "fuck off" (simple but suggestive) or to be
creative "you have ba taste in panties and curtains" or my
favorite "pigs have little dicks." Most of all be creative when
signing you're little messages usually I sign them by putting
"You're worst dream" and "love, John". You may find it wasteful
to write such messages but personally I think terrorism should be
funny, sarcastic, and confusing. Two more things- try not to
leave any trace of yourself such as articles of your clothing or
even your blood (you might cut yorrself if you break the windw).
And if youconsider yourself a common theif, DONT! You are an
Anarchist and a Terrorist !!!
section two point four: Misc.
Here are other simple things you might like to do:
1) Enter a place with people in it and sneak up them and then
totally surprise the f--k out of them while the're sleeping.
You might do this by screaming and hollering at the foot of
their bed or by setting their bedroom curtan on fire and
then scream and holler at the foot of their bed. Scream "Get
out the house !!! There is a f--king fire !!!" Also if you're
hrrny you might decide to pretend to be the husband and
molest the wife while she's sleeping. Think of the
possibilites. Pretending to be the husband is my favorite
because....well I'm horny. I start off by gently massaging
the women's breast and then taking my other hand and
venturing into beaver land ! Another thing I find enjoyable
is if the the women is alone in the house I do the above but
when she wakes up I simply knock her out with the stick I
used to break in with. If you plan to do this be sure that as
soo as she opens her eyes you give her a swift blow to the
head. Don't wait for her to screm for God's sake ! After you
have done this it's one for all and one for one. One more
thing if you're really horny I suggest you tie her up an
then wait for her to wake. Note- Do note cosider this rape !
It is not ! It is terrorist tension relief. Also it was done
under pleasant circumstances.
2) Letting the air out of people's car tires has always been fun
but I prefer to blow the tires up with impact explosives
etter. Also I recomend blowing up the whole car. This is not
only fun but it makes great reading light. May I also suggest
you do the above before you read the rest of the manual. That
way after youblow the car up you can sit next to a great
reading light and read some more of this manual while the car
burns. And finally one more thing- I love to watch the people
scurrying trying to put the car out. I mean if they had any
brins they would not it is impossible exspecially if you put
a buck of Napalm in their front seat Also I suggest you
paint the ground surrounding the car with impact explosives.
That way hen the car blows up (or just starts on fire) as
soon as the people run to the car and watch it burn they'll
step o the dried explosives and blow themselves up. Note-
This is eally cruel but what the hell ! You're a terrorist !
3) Lastly, suggest you....well fuck I'll let you create your own
little goodies for you to do. I've given you a start now go
out and experiment ! Note- I have lots more but I don't want
to give aay all my secrets. (maybe in later issues.)
Section Three: Destruction (and death as a result)
Many of you I suspect don't want to become murders so I suggest
you dont read any further.It takes a great hatred to killa human
being and I hihly recomend you don't do it. Not only is it
really evil but you will have severe guilt trip and may even
commit suicide as a result. Personally I don't care anymore and
could give a fuck about everything but occasionally I do regret
all the things I've done. Plase don't read the rest of the
manual unless for entertainent purposes otherwise welcome to the
world of Hell. (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !)
(Stupid ? Well yes to a mere human but to a teroorist the above
is a sign of greatness. I mean a terrorist should be crazy !!!)
(This concludes this volume of The Anarchy manual. Watch for
volmme two in the next couple o months. )
(This volume was written on an Apple II+ with64K and three
drives. Also present was an Apple DMP printer and an Apple
Silentype printer with n Echo II speech synthesiser and a
Micromodem //e. Lastly a speaker modification was made so
that the II+ had two speakers: one on each side of the com-
puter. Also the manual was written with Magic Window II so
that it could be formated for 70 columns.)
that it could be formated for 70 columns.)
8: Text Philez A-O
[UD:Punter][55 Min.][40]: