307 lines
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307 lines
13 KiB
Credit Card Fraud
By: =-= Phreaker =-=
January 5, 1991
Covered in this text:
I. What is it?
II. How does one get started?
III. Where does one get the numbers?
IV. Where does one call to get the limit on the card?
V. What do the numbers on the card mean?
VI. Where and how does one order?
VII. What should my limit on the order be?
VIII. Where should I send the order?
IX. Where should the order be delivered and when do I pick up the order?
X. What do I do with the merchandise?
XI. What should I do with the numbers?
XII. Warnings, how can I tell when the Police and Feds are in my area?
XIII. Future Editions.
XV. Boards to call.
PART I: What is Credit Card Fraud?
Credit card fraud is defined as such:
When a person uses anothers credit card for personal reasons
while the owner and the person responsible have no notion of
the fact that another is using their card. The person that is
using the card has no connections with the other parties and
has no intention of repayment nor contacting the person that
owns the card that the purchaser has used.
Credit card fraud is not so common thing. Sure, it happens all the time
all over the place, but is not publicized. If it were to be publicized that a
fraud has taken place on another person, but the thief was not caught, everyone
would be doing it to another.
It is also possible that it can be done to ones self. I will elaborate
on that topic later on in the text.
Part II: How does one get started?
A person can get started easily. All you have to do is get someone's
numbers and call a place and order something. It is as easy as that. Not much
to it. There are some risks tho.
Part III: Where does one get the numbers?
The numbers can be obtained from many sources. One source that is
commonly used is the BBS. Some bbs's contain cc #'s. The only problem with
getting a number from a bbs is that the odds are that someone else has already
used it making in almost impossible to use again. Once a number is used, it should be discarded because the person that own the credit card knows that it
has been used because they see a purchase that has not been made by them or any
of the other owners of the card.
Another way that one can get the numbers is by trashing. Trashing is
when one goes to a shop that accepts credit cards and looks for the carbons
or purchase orders that have been made via the credit card. Flower shops and
computer stores are great for this. The best time tho, is around Christmas
time due to the influx of purchases that have been charged. Flower shops are
the best to go and look through around the holidays. Whether it be secretary
day, Valentines Day, New Year, or any other holiday because there is a mass
influx of orders that are taken over the phone and are charged via credit
And yet another way is to work at a place that accepts credit cards.
A place like that is invaluable. One can look at numbers and remember them so
that after a customer that has just purchased an order using a credit card, you
can either look at the copy that the store keeps for records or try and
remember them and jot 'em down on a piece of paper. Just do not let your boss
or any of your co-workers see you doing this.
Part IV: Where does one get the limit on a card?
There are places in each area that contain the current limit on each
card that is owned. The best place to get the number for your area is to go
to a store, watch someone make a purchase and watch the clerk call the place
for verification. Or you can call a company and pretend that you are the
person that owns the card and ask what your limit may be. But the most common
method is to just try and place an order and not worry about the limit and just
hope that it clears.
Part V: What do the numberson the card mean?
The numbers on each of the different cards are as such:
xxxx MM/YY-MM/YY
Part VI: Where and how do I order?
The best place to cc is over a fortress phone. A fortress phone is a
public pay phone. To get the numbers to call to order is through any catalog.
The majority of the products that are cc'd are through the phone.
The how in the question is a bit more complex. That is not really
saying too much, but here we go. You must be in a place that has more than one
phone there. A mall is good, but it can be too noisy. I suggest a place that
is located in the boonies, but near a gas statin. Since gas stations seem to
usuall have like two phones there. The phone that you are not going to use,
take off the hook, call from the other one. When calling, act mature, but not
faking mature. Talk responsibly and talk as you usually would, but with respect
to the person that you are talking to.
If a problem would develope between you are the person that you are
talking to, do not, I repeat DO NOT hang up. I suggest that you bullshit your
way out of the situation. Say that your wife/husband may have made a purchase
that you are unaware at the present time.
NEVER EVE give them your real name. Make up a name that is like, Tony
Dontell. That is a name that they can belive. Just make sure that the last name
that you use matches the one that is on the card. If you are female, you can
say that it is your dads card. If you are a male, say that it is your mother's
Part VII: What should my limit on the order be?
I would personally say that you should purchase only what you need and
not what all your friends want. Keep your purchases small and one that you
could sell easily and then purchase the stuff that you sold legally. This way
if you do get busted, you cannot be proven that you purchased the stuff
illegally because you can prove that you purchased the stuff in a legal manor.
Also, say that you wanted to purchase a computer using a stolen CC #.
What you really have to do is order a stripped down system, no monitor, one
drive, no hd, etc... Get the system. About a month later, purchase the drives.
Lay low, and about once a month, order a new item. In time, you will have a
complete system and be happy with it and a minimal chance of getting busted.
Also, ask the person that you are talking to about how long it will
take until you recieve the package via regular UPS.
Part VIII: Where should I send the order?
That is an easily answered question, to an abandoned house. Or it is
possible that you can scope out a house, learn when the people that live there
go to work and such, and order the item so that it arrives while they are out
and then go get it. But beware, the neighbors are sometimes nosey and will
watch a house, so be careful. Dress like you would normally and just act
natural. A person is more likely to remember a person that looks suspicious
than a person that looks like a normal person.
To find a house that may be abandoned, look in a Homes For Sale paper.
You can usuall find them at any Supermarket or Diner. Get one and look through
it. Odds are that most of the homes that are in there are abondoned and are
ripe for getting items mailed there.
Send the order via regular UPS. Watch the place until the day that the
package arrives and go get it about 20 minutes after it gets there. Never send
a package via overnight delivery. Overnight UPS require a signature for the
delivery, regualar doesn't, tho.
If you decide to use an abondoned house, make sure that the house looks
like there is someone residing there. Leave a note on the door stating that
you sorry that you could not be there to recieve the package and ask the person
to leave it on the back patio or porch.
Paty IX: When and how should I pick up the order?
Pick up the order as soon as possible. Look like a normal person. Do
not dress so that a person cannot see what you look like. The odds are that a
person will notice you and try to remember little things that could point to
Never choose a place that is close to home. The place should be a good
10 to 20 minutes away driving. This way noone will know who you are and
chances are that they will not recognize you.
If and when you go to pick up the order, say that the place that you
ordered the product just called you and said that there was a ix-up in the
mailing department and your package was sent to the wrong address. Say that
the company had a computer crash and some of the addresses got mixed up.
Part X: What do I do with the numbers?
The numbers that you have should be kept on disk and not on paper. When
you keep them stored on disk, you can destroy them easier than if you were to
keep them on paper. With the disk, you could take the disk and dunk it in
water if you were to see some dude outside that looked suspicious. With paper
you would be chewing for a long while. A better idea is to have two or three
copies other than the originals at a couple of friends houses. The odds are
that the feds will not search people that you are associated with.
Part XI: If I get caught, what should I do?
First, shit! Then after you are done realizing what just happened, DO
NOT TALK to them. Play dumb and say that you found the disk that contained the
stuff in school and wondered what it did. You did not know what you were
doing. Or better yet, say that you were on drugs and did this to get money to
get the drugs.
The worst thing that could possibly happen is that you spend some time
in jail, that is if they prove anything, and be forced to repay what you
charged. The only problem with having them make you repay for what you charged
is that they cannot prove that you charged the stuff if you produce documents
that state that you purchased the stuff from a local store.
There is also a chance that you may lose all computer periphels if you
are caught with stuff that was printed on the computer that deals with illegal
activities. So, whenever possible, print the stuff on a laser or an ink jet
printer and get them photocopied. This way you can say that you typed them up
on a type writer.
Part XII: Warnings, how to tell if the feds are around?
One easy way to tell if the feds are around your area is by the
computer bbs's. There is usually one that is an underground bbs in your local
calling area. They will usually have a message posted by a user stating that
the feds are in the area. Or is an important govermental official is going to
visit your area soon.
Also, read the paper. Look for articles that deal with the topics of
Federal Goverment, FBI, CIA, and articles that are titled "Local Police and
Federal Goverment Arrest A Hacker" or stuff that deal with the word hacker.
Read the article and determine for yourself.
Also, if you see men dressed in dark suits and driving cars that look
suspicious, lay low for a while. Destroy all evidence of what you are and were
Part XIII: Future Edtions.
If I do not get busted first, there will be future editions dealing
with the topics of Hacking, Phreaking, CCing, Cracking, etc... Look for them
soon on a bbs near you.
I hereby take no responsibility for what the person that reads this
documentation does. I am providing this document so that a person can gain
knowledge in computer crimes and enable himself to understand the topic of
computer crimes. I hereby take no fault in what the person does. This is for
purposed of enjoyment only.
Part XV: BBS to call
City Under Siege - 215 - 253 - 7985
Death Castle - 215 - 262 - 1548
RipCo - 312 - 528 - 5020
Creative Edge - 808 - 521 - 3306
The bbs's above are not there becuase of what they can supply, but are
there sothat a person is able to broaden their calling spectrum. They are in no
way responsible for the material that is stated in this documentation nor am I.
Special Thanks go to Chec ./ for his kind contribution to this document.
(C) FaTe - 1991