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³ Filename: CANNON.TXT ³
³ Title: Cannon ³
³ By: Hell's Angel ³
³ Released: 06/17/96 ³
³ Danger: Û°°°°°°°°° ³
6 Tin Cans
Tennis Balls
Gun Powder
Well the making of this is fairly simple but takes a while.
(And of course this one has that aBBa touch that makes it deadly.....boy..
we're really making ourselves threats to society 'eh?? We ought to be druged
out into the streets and shot.)
Ok anyways, take 6 tin cans. Take the tops and bottoms out of all of them
using a can opener, except for one. Now, take them and slam them all together
so it forms a tube that's open at one end, and closed at the other like
Opened Closed
\ ___________________________ /
--> ()__________________________) <--
The cans should each over lap the cans next to them by at least half an
inch. Now DUCT TAPE THE FUCKING SHIT out of the places where the cans meet.
I cannot emphasize this enough!!!!!
Alright so now you have a tennis ball cannon. So what? What you do is take
some gunpowder, how much is up to you and you have some kind of experiment.
Well after you put the gun powder in you put in the ball. But not just any
tennis ball, for a tennis ball by itself wouldn't do much, if any damage!!!!
What you do is cut a tennis ball in half. Fill it with with gun powder
or blackpowder, at least 1/3 of the way. (Taking into consideration that the
more weight the ball has, the more gunpowder will be needed to launch it.)
Then use that handy old duct tape to put the ball back together again.
Then use the Napalm recipe mentioned above to coat the ball. Then you spray
some aerosol hair spray on there, like that cheap aquanet bull-shit. Light
it where the hair spray is then toss it into the cannon. Get the FUCK away
from there immediately.
If you didn't fuck something up, a flaming ball should have shot out
(As the flaming ball would ignite the gunpowder.) the end of the cannon and
landed on something, lighting on fire whatever it came in contact with, then
blowing up.
Other ideas: Try stuffing it with gravel, broken glass, thumb
tacks or ball bearings. They're great for taking
out cars, by taking the cannon and blasting a shitload
of thumbtacks in front of a car, phucking up it's