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I congratulate you for having an open mind. Many experts agree that there may be 100 - 125 billion galaxies in the universe. Within those galaxies, there are another several hundred billion stars.
Recent studies put the number of visible stars discovered with current instruments at 70 sextilion, or the number 70 with 22 zeros after it.
God knows how many of these stars have their own solar systems. That puts a good chance of life, albeit possible simple organisms higher on the probablility scales.
It has been Man's inner calling to explore and discover. With the vast majority of the Earth already mapped, many pioneers look up to the skies.
As we all know, the most famous UFO crash came in 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico. Whether or not it was an alien craft that crashed, it was definitely some form of advanced craft. The sheer vacuum of answers has exploded into an obsession for millions of people across the world.
There are an average of 15 sightings of UFOs per day, and as many as 10,000 per year. Many airliner pilots have seen or witnessed strange craft that did not appear on radar, and if it did, it did not transpond. They have been ordered to conceal any information and reject interviews. But why?
If aliens or extra-terrestrials exist (which is likely), and if they are entering our airspace, or even touching down and exploring our planet, common sense tells us that is because of two main reasons. 1) They are merely curious about other worlds, and are scientifically studying possibly our civilization, development, and environment.
Or 2) They are gathering intelligence when it is needed, much like the US and Soviets did during the Cold War. The more information they have about us, the wider their advantage gap is ahead of ours.
There have been numerous documentations of UFOs interacting with jets, airliners, figher jets, and bombers, air traffic control towers, and everything else. An audio tape, released by the Freedom of Information Act uncovers a discussion with an air traffic controller and a NORAD radar operator. At first, the NORAD operator told the air traffic controller she didn't pick anything up on radar, then suddenly a blip appears, with no transponder code displayed.
I believe we cannot take the chance of not acting. 'They' have taken the first step, now it is our turn. If they are planning an invasion or undercover colonization to alter or mutate our gene pool and DNA, we must take proper precautions. We must not stand by as another Pearl Harbor of the future occurs.
But what can I do you ask? Unfortunately, I do not have the answers yet. But together we may come up with something that could benefit ourselves, if only ourselves. We cannot save the world, but we may be able to keep ourselves as safe as possible until 'the inevitable' happens, if it ever does. I believe this is a chance we must take for ourselves, our future generations, our species, and our planet. The costs far outweigh the negatives.
We must act and we must prepare.
Enjoy and please contribute to the yahoo! group ufosurvivalists
Morrison, David, Sidney Wolff & Andrew Fraknoi. Exploration of the Universe, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1995: 7.
World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, 1997: 205.
Fisher, David. The Origin and Evolution of Our Own Particular Universe. New York: Macmillan, 1988: 60.
The Rebirth of Cosmology. New York: Knopf, 1976: 187.
Galaxy Estimate Up To 125 Billion. Far News. Far Shores. citation of South China Morning Post. 9 January 1999.