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Hi, everyone. Today I will tell you how to crack themexp setup files. If you use StyleXP v3.xx the you probebly will use sites like themexp for your visual styles, logon screens, boot screens, icons and thems. As you may know now a days they have compiled it into setup files and added spyware to each setup file. When you try to install any of this themexp contents it will force you to install the spyware (toolbars,ads,etc). Well I found a way around it, and I will share it with you. -- Article by F4M0S3 (please keep this article in tack if you redistribute it).
You will need this tool:
:: e_wise.arj :: Wise Setup UnPacker :: h++p://kannegieser.net/~veit/programm/e_wise.arj:: Extract it with WinRAR ::
At this point I asume, you've downloaded e_wise and extracted it into your desired location we will call it "unWISE" in hard drive "C:\".
1. Go to h++p://themexp.org/ and download any file you like, I will use file ( h++p://themexp.org/theme_control.php?mid=128259&type=icon&view=date&page=index&cat=&name=Glossy+red.zip ) for this example. The filename when download it will be "128259.exe" or something simular to that.
2. Copy & Paste the file to our "unWISE" directory and rename it to something like "red.exe".
3. Click "CTRL+R" and type "cmd /k" then when msdos windows opens up, type "cd\" when you see just "C:\>" type "cd unwise".
4. At this point you should be in your "C:\unwise" directory. Now type "e_wise_d red.exe red_done". Where "e_wise_d" is our unpacker program, "red.exe" our downloaded file from themexp and "red_done" is our destination directory for extracted files. You should see series of code flying all over the dos screen, wait till it's done.
5. Go to your "c:\unwise\red_done" directory, you should see file "00000000.BAT" click it to compile all directorys/files.
6. Now you should see "MAINDIR" directory, go to this directory. You should see spyware files in there like; atoolbar400011.exe Also you should see file "EXENAME" without extension.
7. Add .rar/zip extension to our "EXENAME" file. It should look like "EXENAME.rar" or "EXENAME.zip"
8. Now extract the file with WinRAR, go to "EXENAME" directory and you should see all the need files.
Enjoy, I hope this would help some one in need =)