203 lines
5.6 KiB
203 lines
5.6 KiB
File Operations in Assembly Language
by Jakash3
February 20, 2010
All of which can be and was done using debug.exe
The following all use the MS-DOS API (int 21) to do these file operations.
(MKDIR) Create Folder
-a 0100
xxxx:0100 mov ah,39 ;Create folder func.
xxxx:0102 mov dx,010c ;Points to pathname
xxxx:0105 int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:0107 mov ax,4c00 ;AH=Exit, AL=Errorlevel
xxxx:010A int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:010C db "C:\NewFolder1",00 ;Null terminated pathname
-n makef.com
-r cx
CX 0000
Writing 001A bytes.
Remove Folder
-a 0100
xxxx:0100 mov ah,3a ;Remove folder func.
xxxx:0102 mov dx,010C ;points to pathname
xxxx:0105 int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:0107 mov ax,4c00 ;Exit func., AL=Errorlevel
xxxx:010A int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:010C db "C:\OldFolder1",00 ;Null terminated pathname
-n rmvf.com
-r cx
CX 0000
Writing 001A bytes.
Create/Truncate File
-a 0100
xxxx:0100 mov ah,3c ;Create file func.
xxxx:0102 mov cx,2 ;Archive file attribute
xxxx:0105 mov dx,010f ;Points to filename
xxxx:0108 int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:010A mov ax,4c00
xxxx:010D int 21
xxxx:010F db "C:\Users\jakash3\newfile1.txt",00
-n mkf.com
-r cx
CX 0000
Writing 001A bytes.
File attributes are specified by the hex value of a bit array.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| ? | ? | ? | 0 | 0 | ? | 0 | 0 |
0 - Read Only
1 - Hidden
2 - System
3 - Volume label (ignored)
4 - Reserved, must be zero (directory)
5 - Archive
6 - Unused
7 - Unused
A Read-Only Archive file: 10000100
In hex that would be: 84
So 84 would be the value for CX in the 3C function of Int 21.
Open File
-a 0100
xxxx:0100 jmp 011c
xxxx:0102 db "C:\Users\jakash3\data.txt",00
xxxx:011C mov ah,3d ;Open file func.
xxxx:011E mov al,40 ;Bit field for read/write access
xxxx:0120 mov dx,0102 ;Points to filename
xxxx:0123 int 21 ;Do it
File access mode bit fields for this function:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| ? | ? | ? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
000 - Read Only (mov cl,0)
001 - Write Only (mov cl,20)
010 - Read/Write (mov cl,40)
After the interrupt call, AX should contain the file handle if no errors occurred.
Close File
-a 0100
xxxx:0100 jmp 011c
xxxx:0102 db "C:\Users\jakash3\data.txt",00
xxxx:011C mov ah,3d ;Open file function
xxxx:011E mov al,40 ;Bit field for read/write access
xxxx:0120 mov dx,0102 ;Points to filename
xxxx:0123 int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:0125 mov bx,ax ;Move file handle to BX for 3e function -------+
xxxx:0127 mov ax,3e00 ;Close file function <------------------------/
xxxx:012A int 21 ;Do it
Read from file
xxxx:0100 jmp 012b
xxxx:0102 db "C:\Users\jakash3\ab.txt",00 ;filename to read from
xxxx:011A db 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,24 ;'$' terminated 10 byte buffer
xxxx:012B mov ah,3d ;Open file function
xxxx:012D mov al,00 ;Read-Only file access
xxxx:012F mov dx,0102 ;Points to filename
xxxx:0132 int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:0134 mov bx,ax ;Move retrieved file handle into BX
xxxx:0136 mov ax,3f00 ;Read from file function
xxxx:0139 mov cx,10 ;Read the first 0x10 bytes of file
xxxx:013C mov dx,011a ;Address of buffer to store bytes read
xxxx:013F int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:0141 mov ax,0900 ;Print string function
xxxx:0144 mov dx,011a ;Points to '$' terminated string to print
xxxx:0147 int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:0149 mov ax,4c00 ;Exit function (AL=Errorlevel to return)
xxxx:014C int 21 ;Do it
CX 0000
-n readfile.com
Writing 0004E bytes
Write to file:
xxxx:0100 jmp 0101
xxxx:0102 db "C:\Users\jakash3\ab.txt",00
xxxx:011A db "hello world!",00
xxxx:0127 mov ah,3d ;Open file function
xxxx:0129 mov al,20 ;Write-Only file access
xxxx:012B mov dx,0102 ;Points to filename
xxxx:012E int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:0130 mov bx,ax ;Move retrieved file handle into BX
xxxx:0132 mov ax,4000 ;Write to File function
xxxx:0135 mov dx,011a ;Points to data to write
xxxx:0138 mov cx,0d ;Number of bytes to write
xxxx:013A int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:013C mov ax,4c00 ;Exit function
xxxx:013F int 21 ;Do it
-r cx
CX 0000
-n wfile.com
Writing 0040 bytes.
Delete file:
-a 0100
xxxx:0100 mov ah,40 ;Delete file function
xxxx:0102 mov dx,010c ;Points to filename
xxxx:0105 int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:0107 mov ax,4c00 ;Exit function
xxxx:010A int 21 ;Do it
xxxx:010C db "C:\Users\jakash3\ab.txt",00
-r cx
CX 0000
-n delf.com
Writing 0024 bytes.