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\\//How to commit a bank robbery\\//
//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\by dope\//\\//\\
/\/\/\/\/\/\you don't have to read\/\
Hi im dope and im a big fan of a show called the FBI files. I
watch it because the criminals are so stupid which makes the
show funny. For example: Their were these two guys who killed
two people and left the knife pouches at the crime scene. They
also left finger prints and a shoe print. Then they co-operated
with the police letting them examine what ever they wanted.
They gave the police information without a lawyer. Finally when
the police have everything but the murder weapons the two guys
disappear without taking the murder weapons which are in their
rooms. This might be hard to believe but its true. Eventually I
thought I could do better then these criminals so I wrote this,
this might not work but if you're planning to rob a bank this
can be a guide line. I would also like to legal state that I
wrote this for fun and I am not responsible for your actions.
\/The Plan/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
First you need 4 people willing to help. Steal a van from a
USED car lot. Get a license plate and rip the numbers off
somehow then put fake numbers on (This is so the police don't
pull you over because the vehicle was reported stolen). Then
get some automatic guns if your willing to shoot in defense or
any random guns if you don't want to. One of the people must
know how to open a safe if not you can only get the money in
the draws (It's a better idea to go for the draw because it's
fast and easy). Place stuff in your shoes to make you look
taller to confuse the police when they try to find your height
by using the surveillance footage. Also wear a ski mask and
glasses. Wear gloves so no finger prints can be placed. And do
what ever you can to cover yourself up so no part of your skin
is showing. This will make identifying you really hard. Try to
talk as little as possible because the employees could remember
the voice and tell the police (I saw one episode of the FBI
files where the robbers were found because one of the employees
recognized the voice of the robber which was her neighbor). Try
to rob the bank just before it closes, because all the money
would be in bags being transported to the safe so all you have
to do is run in and take it, or you can go when ever. Have one
person driving the van and the rest in the back (The person
driving should wear gloves if your planning to ditch the van
and sun glasses). Park the van so the rear of it faces the bank
doors, then the people should jump out run in and IMIDIANTLY
say 'Get your hands up and move into that corner!', This is
important because they could trigger a silent alarm when
opening the draw (You should also have a police radio so you
can here when someone's reported you). Get one person to aim a
gun to the peoples head, one to empty the money into a bag and
one to search the rest of the building incase theirs someone in
a corner dialing 911. Do everything as fast as possible. Get
out and run into the van, shut the doors and drive. Then go to
a empty car park and remove the fake license plates. You should
also have another car waiting in that parking lot so you can
dump the guns in the trunk (make sure the car isn~Rt their for
too long or someone will report it). Once you've ditched the
evidence drive home and wait a few days and go pick the
evidence up. Now all you have to do is clean the money!
(Laundering). I don't know how to launder so find out
yourself. Also if you've stolen lots of money, it's a good
idea to leave the country for 5 years because in 5 years you
can't be charged for anything!