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<<UFONET I>> * 416-237-1204 * PC-Pursuitable * File Requestable * HST
* 24 Hour Operation * Sysop - Tom Mickus * Toronto * FREE
OBINA4.TXT - Ben Obina & the "J" Alien - Part IV
- Ben Obina may be reached at the following address:
Ben Obina
2 Steeles Ave., W.
Box 125
Thornhill, Ontario
Note: The following was sent to me this month, and I was asked
to distribute it on the network. For background information,
please see the other "OBINA" files located with the UFONET
File Library.
- Tom Mickus 11/24/89
"B:" = Ben Obina
September 11th, 89. "J:" = Space Alien
9:00 PM - 9:30 PM.
B: When we last talked you told me to watch the news media between
the 20th of August and the beginning of September for something
that will be revealed. Was it the discovery of the gene that
causes Multiple Sclerosis?
J: That's correct.
B: How did you beings participate in the discovery of this?
J: We very simply gave them the correct equations for it. The
equations they had up to that point were completely incorrect
as a proportion. All we did was put it together for them by
showing the correct amount of formula to use. It was gratifying
to know that they were on the right path. It was something that
was in the works for 3 or 4 months now and we decided to do
something for them.
B: And you gave it to them indirectly not revealing that you were
J: That's correct, it was very low keyed. It was done through a
leading scientist that does happen to know us, and of course he
took most of the credit.
B: And this will lead to the actual cure.
J: That's correct.
B: You said that on your trip you were going to talk to your elders
about planning future events. What did you discuss with them?
J: I can give you a basic idea without going into too much defined
detail. One problem we were having was with the Communist
countries. There were 2 opposing factors, one was the Russian
factor and the other was the Chinese factor. We discussed certain
matters with them, but they're not firm believers in us even when
they actually see something right in front of their eyes. That was
one obstacle that we were really running against, so the plan was
to give some dramatic presentation to show people that there is
freedom in the world and that there is a lot you can learn from
each other. So we did what is called the East German connection,
which is why East Germany opened it's doors to West Germany.
B: You beings were responsible for that?
J: That's correct. This is one experience that they basically agreed
upon. If we could help them out in a certain way, they would allow
this to happen.
B: So you helped them in some way and in return they released all
these East Germans?
J: That's correct.
B: In what way did you help them?
J: Something in the form of technology. They were grateful for it,
and are now on a different wavelength. East Germany was one
obstacle and we overcame that.
B: So this is giving them further proof that you beings are peaceful.
J: That's correct.
B: Last time we talked you wouldn't tell me why you were going to
Florida. From what I've read, there's an underground base off the
Florida coast.
J: There is a base there, I can tell you that now.
B: Is that what you didn't want to tell me?
J: That is what I didn't want to tell you, but I was given permission
to expose that if I had to. All our scientific research is held
there and that was part of the scenario.
B: But you do have bases in other locations.
J: Yes we do, but that particular one is our major base.
B: Would this be a base for experiments?
J: It's a base for scientific research and it's also a major
communications base. The magnetic pull from North to South are
extremely strong in that area which is a natural factor on earth.
Therefore a signal that had to be relayed could be transmitted
within a few hours and finally reach home.
B: There have been also reports of a base at Dulce, New Mexico.
J: Yes we know of that one. Actually that's the area where a lot of
UFO's have been spotted going in and out within the mountain
terrain, but those particular crafts aren't ours.
B: So most of the bases currently on earth may belong to other races
as well?
J: Absolutely, but they're not ours exclusively. Like I had mentioned
to you before, there are between 12 and 20 other races on this
planet that we know of.
B: I've read several reports on the Dulce Base, and I find it
disturbing to know what actually goes on there.
J: I know exactly what goes on there, there's no other way that we're
going to interfere to stop it.
B: Do they have any right to do what they do?
J: The experiments in that area is very limited and there's a tendency
for exaggeration. The research is basically performed on wild
animals and on vegetation. If there are any stories that come out,
they're quite often prefabricated.
B: There have been reports of half-human and half-animal creatures at
the Dulce Base.
J: A lot of these stories are basically fantasy. It probably sells a
lot of books and magazines, but it isn't fact. We know exactly
what's going on there since we are the eldest one on this particular
planet. We don't interfere with them and they don't interfere with
us. They're not really changing any great vast plan, all they're
doing is just experimenting. But what they're experimenting on is
for their own planet.
B: How could they benefit by experimenting on animals?
J: For food and preservation basically. They don't have any animals
such as what you know here. It's for the reproduction of animals,
nothing to do with humans. The oxygen content in their enviroment
isn't necessarily as what you have here. They may have meteorite
storms, nucleus gases, it could be a lot of other things that you
don't know about, and therefore only the strong survive. What they
are doing is that they are trying to cross some sub-species that
can survive and reproduce each other, something like what your
cattle would be here.
B: Would that be the reason behind some of the cattle mutilations in
the past?
J: A lot of it has been experimented as such, so it's a strong
possibility if that's what you believe.
B: So it's obvious that many people prefabricate what is actually fact.
J: Well for instance if you've seen a car accident and a person was hit
by a car. The car was travelling 30 miles per hour and the person
fell a foot or two. You relay that story to one person and that
person tells another person and so on. By the time it's completely
finished, the car is travelling 90 miles per hour and the person
fell 10 feet.
B: The story changes with each person.
J: Exactly, it's like the preverbial (sic) game of broken telephone.
A little bit is added each time, and by the time it reaches the
last person the original version has been changed. What is
basically going on there is stockbreeding in animal form that they
hope to take back to their own planet. There's nothing there
that's phenomenal, it's very uninteresting and its very superficial.
If you read of half-human and half-animal creatures, believe me
that doesn't exist. It's genetically impossible to reproduce that.
Even we're not able to do that, and we have no intentions of doing
that. We've had interested parties ask us about that and we've
checked into it ourselves. People see what they want to see, if
one sees a low flying plane then automatically it's a UFO. There's
a possibility that there may be 3 or 4 crafts flying in that area,
but when all of a sudden people start seeing 20 or 30 going in and
out...it's impossible.
B: So this is an example of a person seeing what they want to see.
J: It's not only seeing, a person can actually believe that they've
seen a craft. We actually know that for a fact that there have
been many legitimate claims that they have been spotted. From
last recollection the most that they have in crafts is about 12,
there's absolutely no way there's 20 or 30. Each of their crafts
are identical and most of the reports that have been given out
claims to be the opposite. I know the area that you're talking
about precisely and everyone of these crafts are identical.
B: How would the base at Dulce differ with your base off the coast
of Florida?
J: Our research is scientific to help mankind, their research is
scientific to help themselves. We don't need the help, we're
way beyond that. I'm not bragging or boasting, I'm just telling
you a fact.
B: What sort of research would be done at your base?
J: Scientific research to cure diseases and communication with other
galaxies as well. You people don't realize that the communication
is phenomenal based on earth. You're sending out signals into
space and hoping that it will come back with some sort of response.
You sent up your Voyager craft with a pathetic little record and
hopeful that some race wil find it out in space trying to decipher
exactly what it is. Even we don't know whats ever out there
ourselves, so our base is always trying to communicate with other
civilizations and star charts in your galaxy.
B: So your base would be mainly used as a communications base and a
research facility.
J: That's basically it.
B: I've read that in some bases there are displays that show what
level of technology the earth is currently at.
J: Yes, we do have facilities for that.
B: Have any humans been inside your base?
J: Never, and in order to get into it we would have to switch into
our forms again, otherwise we wouldn't be able to exist in that
type of setting. Our system itself is designed for our own
enviroment. If we entered the base in human form, we would have
to change the air content and the pressurized system or we would
not be able to survive.
B: I've read that they have allowed some people to tour the Dulce
Base. I've seen several pictures, but I don't know if those are
even legitimate or not.
J: I doubt it because they would never allow that to happen. Like I
said we happen to know them, it's an unwritten creed. The only
way they would happen to come across it is perhaps their own
stupidity of stumbling across it because it's so well hidden and
so well disguised.
B: I'm just wondering why some people have claimed to be inside the
J: Some people would like to believe what they want to believe.
B: I've also read that several scientists and military personnel
that have visited Dulce were killed for scientific experiments.
J: That's ridiculous. I know who you're talking about, there's no
way that they would harm anyone. All they're doing is basically
experimenting on animals native to that region and agriculture
work. They're working with plants and a lot of vegetation.
They're working with meat, but not human meat. First of all
they're not even meat eaters, they're vegetarians. The only
reason why they would want cattle would be for the actual
stockbreeding. Why would they want to kill humans? ..it doesn't
make sense. There's always somebody that has to say something
downright negative. They're very peaceful and they have no
hostility whatsoever. The earth was the only planet close enough
that gave some form of vegetation and animal life, which is
basically what they want. Their own planet has a tremendous amount
of water but very little land, and the land that they do have
because of it's soil content cannot grow very much. Therefore
with the experiments of crops with their type of soil samples
and the types of animals here, they are trying to produce results
which they can maintain in their own enviroment.
B: Getting back to the Voyager, you said that NASA has found certain
things that they haven't told the public. What sort of things?
J: What they have found are pictures of other crafts flying along side
(sic) of Voyager, whcih they won't expose just yet. The Voyager
is supposedly sending back pictures from millions of miles away,
and if you think for one minute that those pictures could show
everything that goes on..it's impossible. So we've given it that
little push and helped it along it's way, because that craft should
have quit 5 years ago.
B: When I think about it, there's no way the signal would be strong
enough to send back pictures from that distance.
J: There's no way, but our base has helped chart the Voyager on the
exact course it should be taking and it has also given it the
strength and power to transmit the signal back to earth. All
we're really doing is boosting the signal. As soon as we would
tell NASA that we're assisting it, we would be blamed for
interference immediately. Plus the fact that the pictures that
you've received back aren't exactly accurate, they have been
altered to a certain degree not to expose too much. The Voyager
has been taking pictures consistently for each particular mile,
and NASA has pictures of other crafts which they will not expose
to you just yet.
B: The key word is yet, because they eventually will.
J: They have no alternative because people are starting to question
it themselves. NASA can't keep denying it. All of a sudden
people are being let go into freedom, cures are being found and
nations are talking about disarmament. How come all in one year?
..they're wondering.
B: So you're aiming for world peace.
J: That's our basic goal. Right now there is world peace, that part
of the goal has been more or less achieved. But to maintain it
is something else, we intend to make sure it stays this way.
Actually several years ago the earth should have been destroyed
completely, because you people came very close to pushing buttons.
B: Well thank goodness it didn't happen.
J: We were very fortunate there because we would have been destroyed
ourselves. We know it's very good in planning to make a quick
retreat, but sporadically when all those missiles are launched,
we don't have enough time ourselves to get off your planet.
B: Is that all you discussed with your elders on your trip? Just the
situation between China and Russia?
J: Well that was part of it, the other was for certain cures. We have
to ask ourselves should we do it, should we not do it and weigh out
the possibilities. Some of us said that you people aren't ready
for it yet and some of us said that you are ready and have been
ready for a long time. Yet we were afraid to give you too much
too soon because if we give you a cure for one, immediately you're
going to want a cure for something else. The evolution of earth
is not ready for that yet. It's kind of cold and shallow to say,
but it's better if some of you do die. Your population is currently
overriding itself, and for those who are really sick and beyond help,
it's not fair to invent something and to give them hope where there
isn't any hope. People expect us to do something unbelieveable..
we can't work miracles, we can only work fact.
Plus the fact that your metabolisms aren't exactly the easiest to
work with either, but we did give you something very simple to
work with. AIDS would be the ultimate cure which you people would
probably want. Unfortunately that's a very new one to us as well,
and we're still experimenting with that ourselves. There are things
that we can advise you on, but then again if it doesn't work out we
get blamed automatically for it. So it's better that you experiment
until we are really sure we know exactly what causes it.
B: So you're working on it.
J: Absolutely, but it's very strange because we don't even know
ourselves what it's caused from. If we had the fact of what causes
it, we could experiment with that fact..but yet we don't know what
that fact is. Your doctors don't know and our scientists don't
know either, but we've basically narrowed it down to a couple of
B: But eventually the cure would be found.
J: Eventually yes, I would say in a short time frame. There are some
of your drug companies who claim that they have found something, but
from our knowledge that's like taking aspirin for AIDS and it doesn't
make any sense. I suppose it's alright if it makes the people feel
better and if it gives them some hope. I wish I could say a lot
of positive things about it, but I really don't at this point.
B: Have you found a cure for cancer yet?
J: Yes.
B: And that is something which will be revealed later on.
J: That's something that will be revealed. But like I said we can't
give you all these cures immediately, because unfortunately some
are destined to die. It's evolution, there's nothing that can be
B: I thought that with the formulas you beings have created, you can
prevent certain diseases.
J: We can prevent it, but how many people are willing to take it?
Lets take cancer, once it's set in your body and there's nothing
you can do..you're beyond any help, even we would die ourselves.
B: Then what good are these formulas?
J: These formulas are if you're not in the very late stages of it,
then you can be helped and cured. Right now you don't even have
a cure for the starting or the advanced stages. You don't even
have a precaution for it either, we have the precaution. We
have the cure if you're not in the advanced stages, but if you're
too advanced into it there's nothing we can do. We're not god's
we're only scientists.
B: So what you have is just a precaution and not the cure.
J: Well the cure is there in the respect if you want to take it to
prevent from getting it. If people want the cure for those who
are completely beyond help, then we're being god and we're not out
to do that. If a person is diagnosed with a brain tumour, we
certainly have the means for curing it. But if you get someone
who is in the advanced stage and try giving them the same formula,
nothing is going to happen. There's only so much you can do for a
human being and that's it. Unfortunately the human body is one of
the weakest in the galaxy. A lot of it has to do with your own
natural air which mankind has gradually contaminated. Your ozone
layer has completely deteriorated. The only thing that's holding
it together right now is a lot of outside intervention, other
than that it crumbled 10 years ago.
B: What do you mean by outside intervention?
J: We put something in your atmosphere which is holding it together,
but even that's limited. If you contine to pollute the air the
way you do, there's nothing we can do to help.
B: So you're saying our atmosphere would be the cause of many
diseases which exist.
J: Exactly. We've explained this to your leading scientists, but
unfortunately they won't accept it. We've given you the cause
and we've given you the cure, do something about it yourselves
..and you just don't want to do it. What are we supposed to do?
Are we supposed to spank your hand and say that you're going
about it all wrong? We can't intervene that way, but we have
intervened the other way by putting a nutrient in your systems
and protecting it to a certain degree, but even that's going
to fail.
B: I'm wondering why people are refusing help from you beings.
J: It's your financial system. Let's say we give you a complete
cure for cancer, what are all these pharmaceutical companies
going to do? Who's going to get it first? Who's going to be
the one to market it? Everybody. Think about it logically,
at the same time what happens to all the companies that have
put out vaccines?
B: They would go bankrupt.
J: That's it. They actually don't want the cure, even for something
as simple as the common cold. But yet what would happen? All
the aspirin companies would go bankrupt. All the cough medicine
companies would go bankrupt. They actually want people to be
sick..I really don't understand you people. But if that's the
way your economy is concerned, who are we to say different. The
rest of it is up to you with what you want to do with your lives.
B: You said that after the formation all the contactees will have
the formulas for the precautions and the cures for these diseases.
You're telling me a lot won't want it, but what would be the point
of having it?
J: We're offering it to you at that point, but what you want to do
with it is an entirely different story. Don't forget if all of
a sudden you wake up tommorrow and the cure for the common cold
is on the shelves, who's going to buy it? Who's going to believe
it? The only way we can present it is if we present it ourselves.
It's a little more believeable that way.
B: So all the contactees would be just promoting it.
J: You're not really promoting it, but you'll be open-minded about
it. It'll certainly be a lot easier for people to accept. But
like I said we can give you a cure for the common cold tomorrow,
but who's going to buy it? First of all they wouldn't want it;
Secondly the people wouldn't believe it; Thirdly we're not there
to present ourselves showing it to you. There is a vaccine that
could be put in your system and in a matter of seconds completely
cure it, but unfortunately you people don't want to take it. We
have approached you, but you come back with the same world that's
out there. People are going to buy it, then what happens to all
the other medicine that is already marketed? It leads you right
back to the beginning again. If people want to kill each other
then that's fine, just don't start any nuclear wars.
B: I certainly don't want any nuclear wars..
J: We don't have any intentions of letting it happen. I'm not saying
that the earth will be destroyed physically, but it will be
destroyed to the point where the contamination will be phenomenal.
You would be fortunate to have any survivors because currently
there's a great amount of artillery and destruction power.
B: I would assume that a lot of land would disappear.
J: A lot of land has disappeared already based on your experiments.
A good portion of the Atlantic Ocean floor has been damaged through
nuclear tests, let alone killed off a lot of your own natural
resources which is the actual water itself. You have such a
beautiful planet, I don't know why you would ever want to destroy
it. Stupidity is one good explanation, and the other explanation
is that to us you're only just babies. You haven't even learned to
stand yet, never mind walking. And when you can appreciate what you
have, then mabey (sic) you can understand and try to help each other
rather than to kill each other. Not only will you be hurting
yourselves, but consider that there's other races out there besides
yourselves that you will be hurting.
B: So that would be the reason why I and other contactees would know
this information, to advance mankinds knowledge.
J: Somewhere along the lines, we hope it takes effect. We decided to
tell you all of this in advance so that you wouldn't be in a complete
shock. You could believe what you want to, but I'm just giving you
basic facts.
B: Do you forsee the people accepting this information?
J: We forsee a lot of things. A lot of people will accept it and a
lot of people won't accept it, eventually they will all accept it.
B: Did you also forsee that I would be caught off guard at that point?
Which is why I was told several years beforehand?
J: Like I said it takes a lot of sinking in. In East Germany's case it
just didn't happen overnight. We negotiated with them and they
negotiated with us. And what they wanted was actually very simple
..it was a nuclear power plant. It was a generator that was
efficient in operating for for their type of terrain. When they
first wanted it constructed, they couldn't decide on how to approach
it. It was a matter of us spending a couple of hours with them, and
we drawn (sic) it up completely. It's no big secret, within the
next 3 months from now people are going to hear that East Germany
has a nuclear power plant. It's not done through us directly, it's
presented by those who are in power in the government. And their
sources, which we know are us can never be said or told. They were
so grateful, they released more than what we negotiated for as a
figure. It was really good on their part because it showed a lot
of faith.
B: To end off, I'm still unclear on the method of how the implant was
inserted into my brain.
J: It's directed at you and it's implanted, that's it. You feel
nothing, there's no blood and there's no cut. It's basically like
shining a flashlight on a wall.
B: It's that simple?
J: It's that simple. Sorry to disillusion you if you were set for
some operating procedure. It's equivalent to taking a flashlight
and shining it against a wall. You're not capable of performing
that type of procedure, we are. It's an energy itself with a
condensed light source, and don't ask me to explain it because I
would lose you after the first sentence. Just us being here proves
that we're a little beyond you..
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