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Copyright 1991 by Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Center for the Study of ExtraTerrestial Intelligence
The advanced technology which UFO's represent creates several security
concerns which explain not only the secretive behavior of the world's
governments, but the elusive behavior of UFO's as well. Aside from the
broader social, cultural, and religious impact which contact with an
advanced extraterrestial civilization would entail, the technological
advances would appear to be beneficial - even ideal - it will be shown
that these technologies if introduced suddenly or prematurely would
further destabilize an already precarious world security, and potentially
threaten the embryonic ETI-human relationship.
Many proponnents of advanced technology argue that the ultraadvanced
energy and propulsion systems used by UFO's could revolutionize human
technology and create a near utopian society with a limitless source of
non-polluting energy. Various theories regarding UFO propulsion and energy
systems would point to an elegant "hyperdimensional" physics which provides
vast amounts of energy and an extraordinary means of transportation. It is
argued that the acquisition of such technology would revolutionize human
transportation, energy production, manufacturing, etc., and eliminate the
need for polluting combustion engines and hydrocarbon consumption. The real
and theoretical benefits of such a technology are extensive and too
numerous to elucidate here.
The problem with this scenario is that it assumes, rather naively, that this
technology would be used - first and foremost - if not exclusively - for
peaceful puposes. While this is a wonderful idea, the unfortunate fact is
that every new technology introduced in the past 100 years has had its first
and most extensive use in military applications. In an ideal world, ETI
technology would be used for progressive peaceful purposes, but this is
not the case, since the world is yet torn by competing interests and
militarism. Once the Pandora's Box of ETI technology is opened what - or
who - could prevent its application in weapons of mass destruction? It
seems clear that the technology behind UFO's - if put to destructive and
uncontrolled military purposes - would make H-bombs look like tinker toys by
comparison, and would beset an already disunified and fractious world with yet
a new wave of wildly escalating and destabilizing arms races and power
struggles. It would, on short, be disasterous.
World security - not to mention U.S. national security - would not be served
by the introduction and application of ETI technology at this time. On the
contrary, until world unity and a just and effective world government are
established, world security and stability would be greatly jeopardized by this.
Along with social and cultural concerns, this Pandora's Box issue of ETI
technology has been the motivating force behind government secrecy and the
so-called government cover-up of UFO events. While I do NOT agree with all the
methods and policies apparently used by this project, the general thrust of
securing this information until the world is less fractious and hostile is
not only understandable, but imperative. From this perspective, the
extraordinary U.S. cover-up of the 1947 Roswell and Plains of San Agustin UFO
crashes is very understandable. To acknowledge this event would be to not
only acknowledge the existance of ET people and craft(which I think SHOULD be
done) but would, unfortunately, also set into motion a world-wide call for
extensive open research into ETI technology - which is pre-eminently
dangerous and must NOT be done. The free and 'academic' exchange of such
research would certainly unleash a feeding frenzy by both governments and
private interests to be first in elaborating this ETI technology. In such a
scenario, we have no assurance that this technology would fall first - or
exclusively - into a benevolent ruler's hand. To argue even that this
technology would remain under the United States control should the United
States be the first to develop and deploy it is naive and irrational, for how
long did H-bomb fussion technology take to escape United States control, once
fully developed? It is obvious that this technology, once developed AND
APPLIED would result in a world security debacle that would dwarf the cold war
era of madness in scope, complexity, and severity. Moreover, I suspect that
once fully described, this technology will be both elegantly simple AND
highly reproducible, making its containment much more difficult than, say,
nuclear technology. The proliferation of this technology, coupled with the
world's predilection towards applying new technology to military ends,
would greatly threaten world security and could well lead to the demise of
human civilization as we know it.
Related to this, there is an implicit risk in developing this technology by the
secret agencies of the United States government, since no individual and no
government can assure complete secrecy indefinitely. At a minimum our
government - and others - must refrain from the development and APPLICATION
be fair to say that any research and development project utilizing this
technology - if ill-timed or premature - would prove to be disasterous in the
long run and would ultimately explode ruinously in the hands of those who hold
it. While the possessor of this technology would be able to dominate the
earth temporarily, it would be short-lived.
All this is not to say that the systematic ridicule, debunking and harassment
of individuals by the United States government and others is either wise or
justified. The world-wide UFO phenomenon is hardly a secret. For example,
over 20 million Americans claim to have seen a UFO. Beyond this, a not
inconsequential number of individuals have had direct contact with the EBEs
piloting these craft. While the actual craft and technology must be protected
from an ill-times disclosure or application, this does not mean that the
entire phenomenon should be covered up indefinitely. In short, our
government and others must continue to strictly secure technological
aspects of this phenomenon, but cease the debunking and harrassment of
individuals and groups investigating ETI generally since it is morally
reprehensible to so so, and such actions only serve to further erode public
trust and confidence in government generally. The majority of educated
individuals accept the idea that UFOs are real and represent extraterrestial
vehicles, and little is gained by this policy of total secrecy, silence and
debunking. A wiser course would be to immediately stop harrassment and
intervention. Then, gradually cease the denials and cover-up of sightings
and then gradually begin open disclosure and cooperation with civilian
groups, institutions and individuals. Failure to do this not only diminishes
the governments credibility, but also creates a situation wherein a singularly
undeniable ETI event could be revealed to a relatively unprepared world. While
maintaining the strictest security for technology related matters, it is time
for a more open policy towards UFOs/ETI generally, and it is in the long term
best interests of both the U.S. and the world to do so.
This policy will work so long as we do not aspire to unilaterally acquire,
develop or apply ETI technology. Unfortunately, if a number of rumors are true,
our government in the U.S. may already be attempting to reverse-engineer this
technology from captured craft. We can only hope that this research is
restricted to theoretical physics, general principles and the basic sciences,
and is not geared towards the significant application of this technology at
this time...
Beyond all this, it is unlikely that the extraterrestial beings responsible for
this technology would permit its deployment prior to the establishing of an
international peace and the world transition to non-aggression since to do so
would also threaten ETI security. The full acquisition of this technology
would permit humans to reach ETI home bases or planets, and given human
tendencies towards war-making and exploitation, I doubt very seriously that
this would be at all permitted.
As director of a private project developing protocols for bilateral
communication with ETI, I am frequently asked the theoretical question of
what we would do if we were offered the full knowledge behind the ET
technology. Our firm position at this time is that we do not want it, nor
would we accept it, unless it clearly has no possible destructive
potential. CSETI has determined that this policy is the only safe one to
persue and has formally integrated it into our principles. To those
yearning for the peaceful applications of this technology, the admonition
'the road to hell is paved with good intentions' is apt here. While we share
the desire to see the world free from pollution, energy shortages, poverty
and hunger, this technology is a double edged sword that requires skill and
wisdom for its handling. But significant work must first be done on the
issues of world collective security and non-aggression before such skill and
wisdom is possessed by the world.
Indeed, the determining factor in not only extraterrestial technology
transfer, but also more open extraterrestial contact and communication - not
to mention government disclosure - is the all important question of world
peace and the establishing of a just, effective and representative
government. Those who desire an increase in both government and extraterrestial
openness need to be supporters of such a world peace and world government,
because this alone can ensure the peaceful and wise use of these advanced
technologies for the benefit of the entire world. The world cannot long
afford the continued disunity of its peoples, nor the endless wars and
exploitation among nations. World fragmentation and conflict precludes not only
the transfer and peaceful application of this technology, but it prevents the
development of a meaningful and mutually beneficial relationship with the
extraterrestial civilizations themselves. Humanity is indeed one family but
our violent internecine squabbles certainly prevent an optimal interaction
between this family and the extraterrestial beings currently visiting earth.
Only when we have attained to a lasting international peace enforced by a
just and representative world government can we safely apply advanced ET
technology. International borders must be secured and non-aggression
assured by a pact among all the world's nations. Any aggression by one
country against another must be met with overwhelming resistance by every
other nation on earth. National arsenals must be reduced to only those
needed to secure a nation's borders, and not be allowed to swell to
offensive proportions. Once this world security is in place, then and only
then can we speak of safely applying advanced ET technology for the benefit
of all mankind. Within the next 10-15 years we will see such a world peace
and world government established, and this singular and inevitable event in
human history will in time permit the release of an amazing and progressive
power in the world. For everything there is a time, and indeed the maturation
of the world into a true world civilization is the event which will provide
the time for significant extraterrestial technology transfer and
Aside from these considerations, there is the question of developing a
sound and peace-oriented philosophical framework for the human/ETI
relationship. That is, how do we view ET peoples? What is the basis for
a positive future relationship? And what are our motives? Viewing these
beings as eithe threats or as sources for acquiring new technology is
indeed a very shaky and poor basis for a relationship! Scheming and
grasping for the acquisition of 'someone else's technology' is hardly
the path towards a friendly and mutually agreeable relationship. We can
safely assume that motives in this direction are quite transperent to these
beings and do not rebound to the overall health of a relationship. We are
deluded if we think that we can surreptitiosly or unilaterally develop and
deploy ETI technology, especially if the primary motivation is for military
applications. Such motives and actions are doomed to failure, if not
A healthier basis for this relationship is one based on peaceful mutual
interests, cooperation and consultation. Agreement, not aggression, is
required. Let us aspire towards sharing rather than suspicion, and peace
rather than hostility. The choice is ours. May we arise to a destiny which
is at once near and inevitable.
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