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Copyright 1991 by Steven M. Greer, M.D.
A comprehensive analysis of the UFO phenomenon, as well as original
research and experiences of members of the CSETI CE-5 Initiative Working
Group, has enabled us to make some specific conclusions about UFOs,
Extraterrestial Intelligence and their motives. The summation of this
analysis, which follows, is intended to assist both groups and
individuals in their efforts to understand this complex subject. We
have recorded only those conclusions for which we have a high level
of certainty.
* Some UFOs are extraterrestial spacecraft(ETS) which are piloted
by extraterrestial biological entities(EBEs) who originate on another
planet, and most likely another star system.
* More than one extraterrestial civilization is represented in the
current activities involving earth.
* These extraterrestial civilizations are working in concert and not
competitively, although there is some specialization in function and
activities for the various groups. This indicates that there exists
either an emerging or well established organization for these groups.
* These beings have bases within this solar system and may maintain
temporary bases on earth, particulary under water.
* While various reports and speculations exist, we cannot at this time
definitely state which planets or star systems are the home systems
for these beings. Any specific information on this subject is very likely
to be incorrect due to the security considerations of these beings. That
is, given human tendencies towards war, aggression and violence, open
disclosure of their planets of origin would put these planets at potential
risk should human military interests unravel the energy and propulsion
technology of their craft.
* The variety in sizes and shapes of ETs observed is due to a) varying
civilizations of origin, and more importantly, b) specialization of
function, which include general reconnaissance, medical research,
central command and base operations, energy generation and transfer,
and human technology, military and space program research and
* Sudden and fully open contact with human civilization has been
avoided becasue of a number of interrelated factors, including:
a) the need to avoid an untimely disruption of earth civilization
including military, political, geopolitical, cultural, economic,
technological and religious upheaval;
b) risks to their own civilization and 'people', as well as overall
mission, given human xenophobia and tendencies towards violent armed
c) up to this time, such massive and open contact has not been
necessary, and has not been consonant with their overall longterm
mission and purpose(see below "The Question of Intent"), since their
purpose is not acquisition oriented or disruptive.
* A plan is in place to allow for gradually broader and deeper contact
with human society and individuals so that humans may become accustomed
to the reality of other intelligent beings in the universe, and so that
needed research and observation may take place on both sides. Limited but
increasing opportunites for bilateral and human initiated contact will
occur in the reasonably near future.
* Sudden and large scale contact will occur only in the event of a
significant world-wide emergency(man-made or natural).
* While ETI observation and interaction with earth is probably an ancient
as opposed to purely modern phenomenon, the marked increase in activity
coinciding with World War II and the dawning of the 'nuclear age'
indicates that ETI are quite concerned about this transitional stage of
human socail evolution. They are particularly concerned about human nuclear
weapons and technology and their potential for world-wide destruction, and
possibly for their potential threat to ETI, although this is nominal. These
beings are further concerned with our peaceful transition to a world
society, international peace, and the establishment of a just, effective
and representative world government, expected to occur within 10 to 15
years or less.
* ETI technology is strictly guarded by both ETI and human governmental
agencies because of its potential for military applications which would
greatly threaten world security. It is imperative that this technology not
found significant human applications until such time as the earth attains
international peace and an effective world government.
* The US government, at least at the level of a highly compartmentalized
above top secret group, has known about the reality of these ETS and their
occupants since at least 1947. A strict secrecy and a world-wide cover-up
of these facts have been maintained due to:
a) fear of public panic and social disruption
b) security issues surrounding possible military and technology
applications of ETI technology, especially in the setting of a world beset
with Cold War tensions and competing interests.
c) uncertainty and mistrust regarding ETI motives and ultimate intentions.
d) embarrassment and consternation over human military inability to secure
world air space from repeated penetrations by ETS
e) embarrassment and loss of face resulting from disclosures concerning
how this matter has been handled, such as the harrassment and ridicule of
innocent civilians and military personnel, the withholding of information
from the public and Congress, etc.
* The US government possesses several ETS and the deceased bodies of
several EBEs. While there is evidence to strongly suggest that these agencies
are attempting to reverse-engineer these craft, such efforts have not been
functionally successful, although a number of secondary and partial
'discoveries' have resulted from this research.
* The nature or 'reality' of these craft and these beings has been incorrectly
characterized by some as belonging to 'another dimension or reality' from this
dimension. Unfortunately, these statements are made without fully considering
what 'this reality' is. A more correct understanding of this is that the Full
Spectrum of Reality is a singular, integrated one which may be pereived
wholly or in tis various aspects, such perception being entirely
dependent on the level of conciousness of the perceiver. The various
aspects or 'dimensions' of this reality, which are limitless in number, are
not restricted to or by time and space as we know it commonly. These
beings and their craft belong to the same Reality as humans, however their
advancement in the realms of physical science and the science of conciousness
has given them competence in a broader aspect of the Full Spectrum of Reality
than is usually experienced by humans. The difference, then, is one of degree
and not fundamental reality, since humans potentially have access to all
aspects of the Full Spectrum of Reality just as extraterrestial beings do.
These differences are not insurmountable, nor are they truly fundamental; in
fact they are relative and only temporary. While these beings are utilizing
and experiencing a broader aspect of the Full SPectrum of Reality, so too
can and will humans, for we are as 'inter-dimensional' by nature as they...
* ETS energy and 'propulsion'(or spave transfer) systems utilize principles
and laws of the physical universe not yet fully appreciated by human science,
and include:
a) gravity/anti-gravity and electromagnetic/gravity technology
b) space energy and so-called hyperdimensional energy systems
c) matter-energy inter-changeable technologies
d) possible Consciousness Assisted Technology(CAT) and Technology Assisted
* Some if not all EBEs have advanced mental capabilites which include
telepathy, precognition, remote viewing and others, indicating that they
have developed the 'scoence of consciousness' to a degree which parallels
or surpasses their advanced physical technologies. Humans also possess these
capabilities, but these remain largely undeveloped by most humans.
* EBEs are more developed or advanced than humans in a number of respects,
but are not superior to humans as beings. Our point of unity and equality
with EBEs is in our mutual existance as conscious intelligent beings.
* While these various EBEs may have values and priorities which are different
from those of some 20th century humans, their motives and ultimate
intentions are non-hostile and do not include the acquisition or subjugation
of the earth or its peoples(see below, "The Question of Intent").
* The establishing of a lasting world peace and a just and effective world
government is essential to the long term ETI-human relationship.
While not minimizing the strange and startling aspects of this phenomenon
which some humans have experienced, our assessment of these visitors' motives
and ultimate intentions, is that they are decidedly non-hostile. Their
primary operations and activities center around:
* General reconnaissance of earth and her societies
* Military(especially nuclear) observation and assessment
* Human social and psychological study and observation
* Human medical, physsiological and genetic research and observation
* Observation and assessment of human mental and spiritual development
* Earth ecology research and documentation, including documentation of earth
life systems, and mineral, plant, and animal specimens
* Observation of human technology and technological developments
* Observation, active monitoring and if necessary limitation of human space
programs, particularly those directed towards the nationalistic colonization
of space
* Close and active monitoring of international conflicts and international
* Careful interaction with humans to convey certain information about
themselves and to accustom humans to their presence
Our assessment is that these activities are derived from several ultimate
motives, which include:
I. Pure study and research of a rapidly developing intelligent species(human)
during a time of transition to a world community
II. A needed increase in ETI knowledge of world societies and human nature
preparatory to future significant interaction, which will be mutual in nature,
and which will eventually culminate in the introduction of earth civilization
into an inter-planetary network(this may require several centuries to complete)
III. Prepatory activities for continued readiness in the event that
intervention is required during a major world emergency, such as a large scale
nuclear war; such interventions would be in the protective form of -
a) interception and destruction of Intercontinental Ballistic Missles(ICBMs)
b) alteration of missle coordinates and readiness
c) emergency earth based activities when and where warranted
The minimum intervention necessary would be used, with the intention being
the preservation of earth as an inhabitable planet with adequate human
resources remaining to sustain intelligent life here.
IV. Emergency intervention in the event of an environmental or geological
catastrophe of world wide dimensions
V. Preservation of earth species, including human genetic preservation and/or
augmentation as a precaution in the event of a worsecase scenario(see above).
VI. Protection of space from hostile or military utilization by human
national interests.
VII. ETI self-protective interests, insofar as humans have a strong recent
history of coupling marked aggressiveness with rapid technological
development; in this setting, monitoring and perhaps even limiting human
capabilities may be important to ETI security - Human evolution to world
peace, non-aggression and a world government would remove this motive as well
as several of the motives listed above
VIII. ETI short and long time goals related to the attainment of a
significant human paradigm shift from one of fragmentation/seperation to one
of unity, to include the unity of science and religion, world political and
eventual spiritual unity, and universal unity. This paradigm shift is
dependent on the development of human consciousness, which is of particular
interest to ETI.
IX. The preservation and advancement of intelligent life in the universe.
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