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The following list represents books currently available from UFO Photo Archives, Box 17206, Tucson, AZ 85710, U.S.A.. Ordering information can be requested by mail or phone: (602) 721-9037.
The driving force behind UFO Photo Archives, Wendelle Stevens, personally investigates reportedly significant ET contacts. When his investigations satisfy his own requirements for authenticity and significance, a book is produced. The books contain direct quotes from the contactee and eyewitnesses with only limited comments from the publisher. They are published with the intent of reporting the interactions between Earth humans and ET's. The goal of proving ET activity on Earth is clearly secondary. This is a slight but significant difference. If you are looking for hard undeniable proof then you are going to find yourself up against the purposes of the ETs themselves (although evidence of such proof is possible to find within these books).
To try and explain this you must develop some understanding of the ET situation. It will simplify things to divide ETs into two major groups:
Group 1 - ETs in service to themselves. Such do not make significant contacts - contacts where information is exchanged. Such contacts would appose their aims.
Group 2 - ETs in service to others. Within this file I am referring only to the activities of this Group of ETs.
Neither group is interested in proving the possibility of interstellar space travel. Group 2 knows that this would encourage Earth humans to spread our style of society and philosophy. This style they find to be horrible. Perhaps they have been watching too much of our TV. Group 1 realizes that they will lose their ability to take advantage of us if we start to develop beyond certain understandings.
Group 2 is primarily interested in inspiring our spiritual awareness. More precisely the acceptance of metaphysics and the acknowledgment of the "higher-self". They wish us to learn and explore through the use of this higher-self and thus make the cognitions and intuitive jumps that are necessary for a civilization to truly move forward. This will not only advance our technology but will move us away from our false spiritual and scientific philosophies.
For the ETs to allow themselves to be proven to exist will retard our striving for understanding. It is the striving for understanding, not knowledge, that will cause us to develop the spiritual awareness that they consider so important.
If you understand what I am trying to say then you will realize why you need to immerse yourself in the experiences of the contactees and "feel" for yourself their validity. Reading brief summaries from the news media will only result in being mislead. Looking for some singular piece of evidence to hang your scientific hat upon will only yield frustration (this is by ET design). You must search and ponder or you will not *develop* significant awareness of the ET situation.
Most of the descriptive text is from the original list produced by UFO Photo Archives. This list was not available on a disk, therefore, I have to retype - any typos belong to yours truly. I have taken the liberty to leave out what I consider insignificant descriptions. Any comments in [square brackets] are my own comments resulting from reading the book myself and not the words of the publisher.
UFO CONTACT FROM RETICULUM - Sightings, conversations, abductions of William J. Herrman which occurred in North Charleston South Carolina, U.S.A. around 1978, 416 pages, some color photos.
UFO CONTACT FROM RETICULUM UPDATE - 444 pages similar to above.
UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET IARGA - Sightings, conversations, abductions of a Dutch industrialist from his yacht. An 8 hour conversation on board the ET craft, demonstrations of ET technologies, 363 pages.
UFO CONTACT FROM UNDERSEAS - Many abductions where the witnesses were taken to an underwater base maintained by the ETs. Main contact with Filiberto Cardenas of Hialeah, Florida. Much dialogue with ETs, 190 pages.
UFO CONTACT AT PASCAGOULA - Investigation by William Mendez into the Parker and hicks abductions, 174 pages.
UFOs OVER MODERN CHINA - From 1947 to 1982. Compiled from over 600 reported cases, 352 pages.
UFO ABDUCTION AT MIRASSOL - Ten abductions of Antonio Carlos Ferreira in Brazil since 1979.
UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET UMMO, VOL 2 - UMMO operations on Earth and many details of their society, 356 pages.
UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ITIBI-RA - From 1967 thru 1969 ETs worked on Earth to develop hardier strains of food producing plants for their planet. Contact was with a man named Pallmann, 286 pages.
UFO CRASH AT AZTEC - Report of investigation into the details of a crashed ET craft with 1 ETs aboard, New Mexico, U.S.A.. Cover-up details, 626 pages.
UFO ABDUCTION AT BOTUCATU - Many abductions of Joao Valerio da Silva. [Explanation why there is so much ET interest in Brazil. Chemical analysis of two medicines that worked a miracle on a sick boy, a crystal that performed unearthly functions, many witnesses], 221 pages.
UFO PHOTOGRAPHS AROUND THE WORLD, VOL 1 - 130 UFO photos in a 250 page book which also describes the events surrounding the photos.
UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ACART - Arthur Berlet was abducted and spent 8 days on this planet during the year 1950. [these ETs, from a nearby system, claim to be only 100 years more advanced than us, but have learned to harness an energy produced by their sun that we have thus far overlooked. While on their planet they showed Arthur something that, 20 years later, turned into proof of his visit.] 212 pages.
UFO ABDUCTION AT MARINGA - The abductions of the Mattos brothers of Brazil for genetic experiments.
UFO CONTACT FROM ANDROMEDA - A respected scientist from Mexico, Prof Hernandez, is repeatedly visited and taken on board to measure ozone depletion, 302 pages.
MESSAGES FROM THE PLEIADES, VOL 1 (401 PAGES) AND 2 (388 PAGES) [Over fifty contacts are documented in these volumes. Refer to my file "Conversations With ETs" uploaded 16 Sept, keyword Meier, for a summary of these two books. Vol 3 just became available, 388 pages. Other books on Meier's experiences are also available.]
Contact UFO Photo Archives, Box 17206, Tucson, AZ 85710, U.S.A.. or phone: (602) 721-9037 for a more complete list or books, posters or actual ET craft... - my fingers are tired.
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