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Carlos Miguel Allenda
R.D. No. 1 Box 223
New Kingston, Penn.
My Dear Dr. Jessup,
Your invocation to the Public that they move en Masse upon their
Representatives and have thusly enough Pressure placed at the
right & sufficient Number of Places where from a Law demanding
Research into Dr. Albert Einsteins Unified Field Theory May be
enacted (1925-27) IS NOT at all necessary.
It May Interest you to know that The Good Doctor Was Not so Much
influenced in his retraction of that Work, BY Mathematics, as he
most assuredly was by Humantics.
His Later computations, done strictly for his own edification &
amusement, upon cycles of Human Civilization & Progress compared
to the Growth of Mans General overall Character Was enough to
Horrify Him. Thus, We are "TOLD" today that that Theory was
Dr. B. Russell asserts privately that It is complete. He also
says that Man is Not Ready for it & Shan't be until after W.W.III
Nevertheless, "Results" of My friend Dr. Franklin Reno, WERE
USED. These Were a complete Re-check of That Theory, With a View
to any & Every Possible quick use of it, if feasable in a Very
short time. There Were good Results, as far as a Group Math Re-
Check AND as far as a good Physical "Result", to Boot.
The Result was and stands today as Proof that The Unified Field
Theory to a certain extent is correct. Beyond that certain
extent is correct. Beyond that certain extent No Person in his
right senses, or having any senses at all, Will evermore DARE to
go. I am sorry that I Mislead You in My Presious Missive. True,
enough, such a form of Levitation has been accomplished as
described. True, enough, such a form of Levitation has been
accomplished as described. It is also a Very commonly observed
reaction of certain Metals to Certain Fields surrounding a
current. Had Farraday concerned himself about the Mag. field
surrounding an Electric Currant, We today Would NOT exist OR IF
We did exist, our present Geo-political situation would not have
the very time-bombish, ticking off towards Destruction,
atmosphere that Now exists.
Alright, Alright! The Destroyer type, AND ALL of its crew, While
at Sea (Oct. 1943) The Field Was effective in an oblate
spheroidal shape, extending one hundred yards (More or Less, due
to Lunar position & Latitude) OUT from wach beam of the ship. Any
Person Within THAT sphere became vague in form BUT He too
observed those Persons aboard that ship as though they too were
of the same state, yet were walking upon nothing. Any person
without that sphere could see Nothing save the clearly DEFINED
SHAPE OF THE SHIPS HULL IN THE WATER, Providing of course, that
the person was just close enough to see yet, just barely outside
of that field.
Why tell you Now? Very Simple; If You choose to go Mad then you
would reveal this information. Half of the officers & the crew of
that Ship are at Present, Mad as Hatters. A few, are even Yet
confined to certain areas where they May receive trained
Scientific aid when they, either, "Go Blank" or "Go Blank & Get
Going Blank IS Not at all an unpleasant expierence to Healthily
Curious Sailors. However it is when also, they "Get Stuck" that
they call it "HELL" INCORPORATED" The Man thusly stricken can Not
Move of his own volition unless two or More of those who are
within the field go & touch him, quickly, else he "Freezes".
If a man Freezes, His position Must be Marked out carefully and
then the Field is cut-off. Everyone but that "Frozen" Man is able
to Move; to appreciate APPARENT Solidity again. Then, the Newest
Member of the crew Must approach the Spot, where he will find the
"Frozen" Mans face or bare skin, that is Not covered by usual
uniform Clothing Sometimes, It takes only an hour or so Sometimes
all DayLong & Worse IT ONCE TOOK 6 MONTHS, to get The man
Result of a Hyper-Field that is set up, within the field of the
Body, While The "Scorch" Field is turned on & this at Length OR
upon a Old Hand.
A Highly complicated Piece of Equipment Had to be constructed in
order to Unfreeze those who became "True Froze" or "Deep Freeze"
GIBBERING, RUNNING MAD, if His "freeze" is far More than a Day in
our time.<2E>
Check Philadelphia Papers for a tiny one Paragraph (upper Half of
sheet, inside the paper Near the rear 3rd of Paper, 1944-46 in
Spring or Fall or Winter, NOT Summer.) of an Item describing the
Sailors Actions after their initial Voyage. They Raided a Local
to the Navy Yard "Gin Mill" or "Beer Joint" & caused such a Shock
& Paralysis of the Waitresses that Little comprehenssible could
be gotten from them, save that Paragraph & the Writer of it, Does
Not Believe it, & Says "I only wrote what I heard & them Dames is
Daffy. So, all I get is a "Hide-it" Bedtime Story."
Check obsever ship crew, Matson Lines Liberty ship out of
Norfolk, (Company MAY Have Ships Log for that Voyage or Coast
Guard have it) The S.S. Andrew Furuseth, Cheif Mate Mowsely,
(Will secure Captains Name Later)(Ships Log Has Crew List on it.)
one crew member Richard Price or "Splicey" Price May Remember
other Names of Deck Crew Men, (Coast Guard has record of Sailors
issued "Papers") Mr. Price Was 18 or 19 then, Oct. 1943 and Lives
or Lived at that time in His old Family Home in Roanoke, V.A. a
small town with Small phone book. These Men Were Witnesses, The
Men of this crew, "Conally of New England, (Boston?), May have
Witnessed but I doubt it. (Spelling May be incorrect) DID Witness
this. i ask you to Do this bit of Research simply that you May
Choke on your own Tongue when you Remember what you have
"appealed be Made Law"
Very Disrespectfully Yours,
Carl M. Allen
P.S. Will Help More if you see Where I can.
Notes in addition to and pertaining to Missive. (Contact Rear
Admiral Rawson Bennett for verification of into Herein. Navy
Chief of Research. He may offer you a job, ultimately.)
Coldly and analytically speaking, without the Howling that is in
the Letter to you accompanying this, I will say the following in
all Fairness to you & to Science.
* THE U.F.O. BBS - http://www.ufobbs.com/ufo *