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Chronology of Washington State UFO Reports
January - April 1988
1/20 Night Edmonds Woman saw a ice cream cone-shaped
object for few seconds before it
winked out. Neighbor reportedly saw
it for several minutes but refuses
to report it because of her religious
1/21 10:45 PM Oak Harbor Multiple witness sighting by Dan
MacIndoe and family. Circular-shaped
object with lights made sharp turn,
passed overhead. Seen for 25-40
seconds observed through telephoto lens.
1/21 11 PM Oak Harbor Navy enlisted man noticed bright light
in rear view mirror. When he turned to
look the light shot passed him. Engine
of car stalled on the next turn, car
stalls frequently since encounter, dash-
board displays (outside temp. gauge, oil
and radiator readouts) malfunction.
1/28 12:05 AM Oak Harbor Jerry Lang watched 3 objects--1 with
structure, 2 spheres of light--over
mouth of the Skagit River for 1 hour &
50 minutes, through binoculars. The
2 spheres changed to disk-shapes when
they descended to the ground. No sound.
2/29 6:25 PM Seattle & Hundreds of people called TV stations
Bangor and the UFO Reporting Center to report
a green fireball streak across the sky
from North to South. Reports were
received from as far south as southern
2/29 7:30 PM Orting A 17-year-old high school student
made a one-hour videotape of the planet
Venus that she mistook for a UFO. The
videotape was later broadcast on KIRO-TV
3/3 Evening Seattle Police and the KMPS radio station
received reports of balls of light
observed over Green Lake.
3/5 9:30 PM West Seattle A couple observed a huge (225-300 foot)
metallic object hovering 300 yds. over
the West Seattle golf course, rock back
and forth in a "falling leaf" motion,
shoot off straight up. 5 blocks away
another witness reported bowling ball-
sized balls of light zip up and down
the street.
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Chronology of Washington State UFO Reports
January - April 1988
3/12 1:55 AM West Seattle Witness observed a plate-shaped UFO
with 3 lights--red, green, and violet,
move in an erratic zig-zag, up-down
motion over Elliot Bay off Duawamish
Head for 2-3 minutes.
3/13 3:30 PM S. Seattle A distant black object was observed
by a witness while driving North on I-5.
3/21 3:45 AM Puyallup A diamond shaped UFO with a lighted
opening was observed by 4 witnesses at
treetop level at a distance of 300 feet.
Seen for 20 seconds.
4/4 9:00 PM S. Seattle A woman driving north on Rainier Ave. S.
noticed 3 small white dots of light over
Lake Washington in a triangle formation.
They shot off in different directions.
2 miles north at Rainier Beach she saw
a gigantic object shaped like the
Goodyear blimp, hovering over a house to
her left. It was dark grey with dark or
black lines coming up from underneath.
It had a red, blue, and flashing white
lights. A second witness north on
Rainier Ave. reported seeing what may
have been the same object with a diamond
shaped lighting pattern. Both witnesses
reported the UFO shot off to the West.
--Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 161
Kirkland, WA 98033