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132 lines
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Recommended reading list
In dealing with books on magic and other ritual practices, there are often
traps and unethical practices put forward. The following are some guidelines
for you to apply when trying to judge the authenticity of the author's
statements, and/or the consequences of perhaps using material found within. The
occult is like any other field - you find the crap alongside the gems...
Practices to Avoid
1. Ritual renunciation of your own religion as a pre-requisite of magick.
2. The desecration of any holy symbol.
3. The making of deals - promises to spirits, or other forms of energy in
exchange for aiding you in your desires.
4. Threatining any entity with harm if it does not obey.
5. Any practices dealing with revenge.
6. Any form of manipulation.
7. The usage of another persons belongings, such as clothes, hair, nails,
8. Never work with a language you don't understand, nor with any symbols you
are not familiar with.
9. Never go against your own inner voice.
The above list is from Positive Magic by Marion Weinstein and appears here in
a somewhat shortened form.
The Book List
A Guide to the Gods - Carlyon
Bullfinch's Mythology
Metamorphoses - Ovid
Celtic Myths and Legends - Squire
Hero of 1,000 Faces - Campbell
The Golden Ass - Apulius
The Mabinogion - Walton (four books)
The Egyptian Book of the Dead - Budge
The Book of Goddesses and Heroines - Monaghan
The White Goddess - Graves
The Golden Bough - Frazer
The Mysteries of Eluesis - 'Alviella
Our Celtic Heritage - Rees
Drawing Down the Moon - Alder
The Great Mother - Neumann
The Nature of Human Conciousness - Ornstein
Actualizations - Emery
On Death and Dying - Kubler-Ross
Man and His Symbols - Jung
The Darkover Books - Bradley
The EarthSea Trilogy - LeGuin
The Crystal Cave
The Hollow Hills
The Last Enchantment - Mary Stewart
Omega - Farrar
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Tolkein
The Joan Grant Books
The Eagle and the Raven
Child of the Morning - Gedge
Macroscope - Anthony
The Goad-Foot God
The Sea Priestess - Dion Fortune
The God of the Witches - Murray
The Meaning of Witchcraft
Witchcraft Today - Gardner
Witches - Lethbridge
The ABC of Witchcraft
Natural Magic - Valiente
Never on a Broomstick - Donavan
The Spiral Dance - Starhawk
The Grimoire of Lady Sheba - Lady Sheba
Aradia : The Gospel of the Witches - Leland
Positive Magic - Weinstein
Eight Sabbats for Witches
What Witches Do - Farrar
Witchcraft - the 6th Sense - Glass
Seeing With the Mind's Eye - Samuels
Rainbow Book - Grahm
Creative Visualization - Weihl
Experimental Magic - Brennan
All Dion Fortune Books
Journeys Out of the Body - Monroe
The Tarot : Psychological, Esoteric and Divinatory Symbolism
- Galadriel
The Tarot - Douglas
Maps of Conciousness - Metzner
The Book of Changes - (I-Ching) Wilhelm
Secrets from a Stargazers Notebook - Kempton-Smith
Astrologers Handbook - Aker and Sakoian
The Dream Game - Faraday
Hypersentience - Moore
Earth Magic - Hitching
William Gray books
The Roots of Witchcraft - Harrison
Mastering Herbalism - Huson
Herbs and Things - Rose
The Kybalion - The 3 Initiates
The Carlos Castenada books
Women's Mysteries - Harding
The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Hall
Vanishing Peoples - Briggs
Findhorn - SpangW+f/'k$x The Game of Life - Leary
The Sacred and the Profane - Eliade
The Book of the Goddess - Forfreedom
The Secret Doctrine - Blavatsky
Eliaphas Levi books
A dictionary of Symbols - Cirlot
Symbols, Signs and Signets - Dover Press
A Modern Herbal - Grieve