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the Berserker - a new class for AD&D game
Berserkers are Sub-Class of The fighter class.
they are always Human and they are always true-neutral.
A Berserker's strength and constitution must both be greater than 9,
while the Intelligence must be less than 9.
at 1st level,a Berserker's best allowable AC is 6. Berserkers may use any
magical items available to fighters, with the exception of magical armor and
shields. in addition to any experience bonuses for strength, Berserkers
receive double Experience points for kills until they earn their
wereshape (see below). Berserkers will never have psionics.
each Berserker must become a Shield brother in one of the following
clans: Wererat,Werewolfs,Wereboar,Weretiger,Werebear.
when the Berserker earns his wereshape he will take that form when Berserker
,receiving all "to hit" and damage bonuses which apply.
the Berserker does not receive any of the special characteristics of
lycanthropes, though while in wereshape he may melee with creatures which are
only vulnerable to magical weaponry.
each clan has one ClanMaster, with combat for this top spot being
conducted as with other classes' hierarchies. Shield brothers will always be
friendly and help each other when possible. Failure of the ShieldBrother
to do so results in outlawry and open season on the outcast.
Neutral lycanthropes of the same type as the clan of a Berserker will not
attack the Berserker ,though they may refuse to give him aid.
when the Berserker earn his wereshape, he gains the ability to speak the
lycanthropic language while in human form, and communicate well enogh
empathetically with normal animals of his clan type to give simple commands
which will be followed.
Since a Berserker is careless of his person in battle, he relies
on his gods to protect him from the fatal blow, since the gods approve of
brave deeds (we hope!), the more of them the Berserker preforms, the more
protection he'll receive. Therefore ,for every 2 levels the Berserker rises,
his best allowable AC is bettered by 1.
Special abilities and restrictions.
level 1: not allowed to hire anyone for anything. Innate ability to recognize
alligment and clan of lycanthropes and other Berserkers on sight.
level 4: reduce chance of being surprised by 1.
level 6: ability to detect hidden and invisible enemies. Gains a 4th level
companion who may be any Neutral Fighter type.
level 10: the Berserker may hire others but hirelings are -2 on loyalty rolls
and may never have rating higher than 15.
The appropriate level ,the Berserker will be joined by 2-12 followers with a
loyalty of 16+. if killed, this followers may never be replaced.
the nature of each follower is determined individually by using the tables
which appear below.
There is only a chance of a character Berserkering when the DM deems the
conditions are suitable for the arousal of battle lust. the basic chance
is 10% for Berserker to go Berserk. a Berserker attack may only be triggered
once in a single incident of melee (which may be continuous over many rounds).
to the basic 10% chance of going Berserk, add 20% of the Berserker bites
his shield (voluntary); add 10% for eah round of melee (cumulative) that
has passed; and add 10% for each follower or shieldbrother whose death he has
witnessed during the currnet melee.
the death of Berserker's companion causes an automatic Berserk state.
advatages while Berserking : intelligent opponents must check morale, if
applicable. all attacks by the Berserker are at +2 "to hit" ,in addition
to any STR' bonuses. The Berserker is immune to psionic attacks while in
Berserk state.
disadvantages of Berserkering : a Berserker may not withdraw melee while
Berserk. a Berserker remain Berserk for as many melee rounds as he has points
of constitution, but he attacks at -2 "to hit" and damage for the rest of the
melee beyond that point. If in wereshape , he'll maintain it for the duration
of the melee ,even after returning to normal state (non Berserk).
If a Berserker is still Berserk in the end of the melee ,there is a 10%
chance per round thereafter (non cumulative) that the Berserker turn on
members of his own party. his chance should be rolled for each round until
the Berserk fit wears off or until the Berserker is killed or rendered
unconscious. deduct 1% per level from this chance, down to minimum of 1%
for all Berserkers except for clanMasters, who will never turn on their friends
the Berserker must rest for a complete turn after each turn
after each Berserk fit, regardless of it's duration.
EXAMPLE: A werebear Berserker of level 10 with a strenght of
16 and constitution of 10 will drop his weapons and attack as
a werebear when Berserk. Hit probability is +3,damage is
2-4/claw and 3-9/bite(3-17/hug). and AC is 2 (7-5).
After 10 rounds ,the Berserker fit will wear off and he will
fight at -2 each claw doing 1 and each bite 1-6(hug 1-14).
Berserker clan advance as gain wereshape max HD clanmaster
limitation wererat cleric 6th level 9 11th level
werewolf druid 7th level 10 12th level
wereboar druid 8th level 10 13th level
weretiger fighter 9th level 11 14th level
werebear fighter 10th level 12 15th level