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The x-files drinking game!
The Rules: its fairly simple, just get a beverage of your choice (preferably
not alcoholic) and take as many sips as mentioned when that scenario shows
1 sip:
Mulder says something funny
Either character smiles
1013 or any other sequence adding up to 5 shows up
A mutant/alien/monster kills someone
Characters show their badges
Mulder eats sunflower seeds
Scully drinks iced tea
Echo of opening music plays
Anyone says anything abot a conspiracy theory
Mulder contacts DT/ Mr X
Either character fires gun
A Computer does something computers cant do
Skinner appears
Cancer Man Appears
2 sips:
M+S appears in FOX ID Before the show
Mulder or Scully launches into an awkward sounding explanation
of some historical/scientific fact/principal
M or S kills someone
Someone dies an extremely gory death
Mulder does a voice over
Mulder goes into a dark place alone
3 sips:
M or S gets kidnapped
M or S goes into Quarintine
M or S goes on a date
You see M or Ss dreams
M or S is put in jail
An important person dies
4 sips:
Mulder loses his temper
Internet/ alt.tv.xfiles is mentioned
M or S seen in swimming suit
Alien Appears
An Actor from twin peaks appears (other than Mulder)
5 sips:
Space Craft appears
Scully goes into a dark place alone
A Dead person appears
Event Requiring special action:
Mulder and Scully get Romantic:(action)Smash your TV set and begin a letter
writing campagn to Fox asking the network to cancel the show.
Ending of episode is totally closed with no unanswered questions and the
Alien turns out to be a guy in a mask who is haunting the house to lower its
property values. At the end, Shaggy and Scooby Doo help crack the case:
(action)Same as above.