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Path: moe.ksu.ksu.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sdd.hp.com!ieee.org!dorm.rutgers.edu!rutgers!psuvax1!psuvm!tab129
From: TAB129@psuvm.psu.edu (Todd Alan Bobenrieth)
Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative
Subject: BarTrek II: The Sequel
Message-ID: <91343.135606TAB129@psuvm.psu.edu>
Date: 9 Dec 91 18:56:06 GMT
Organization: Penn State University
Lines: 999
Hello, once again and welcome to part two of the much heralded parody...
BarTrek. I won't take the time to give a list of who is who again..that is
on part one. So without any further adieu...here comes BarTrek II.
Last time on BarTrek...
Picard: I am Jean-Luc Picard.
Crew: Ewwwwwwww!
Data: We...are...computer...locked...and...heading...to...the...Neutral...
Q: Why, my name is Q of the famous Q Continuum.
Picard: Beverly, I've so missed you. It's been o'er a fortnight since we last
gazed into each others eyes.
Daimon Bach: In fact, I wish to buy your ship. How much do you want for your
Picard: I need you to beam over to the Ferengi ship. There are...casualties
that they are unequipped to deal with.
Bach: You will pay for this, Pee-card!!!
Picard: Diane...urr.. Tasha...
and now the conclusion.
Sela: Well, Captain Picard. It seems as though fate has dealt you a rather
savage blow.
Riker: She even talks like Tasha.
Picard: Romulan Commander...we are amazed at how much you look like our former
friend, Tasha Yar.
Sela: That is not surprising. I have speculated that it doesn't take much to
impress you.
Picard: Kindly explain yourself.
Sela: You are the ones who tresspassed into our space.
Picard: I mean why you so much look like Tasha Yar.
Sela: Because the woman you knew as Tasha Yar was my sister at a Convent on
We close in on Riker's face. He looks dumbfounded as the screen fades to black.
Run opening sequence.
Fade into an exterior shot of the Enterprise confronted by five Romulan
Cut to the Main Bridge of the Enterprise.
Picard: A convent? A Romulan at a convent? That is like a Klingon at Alcoholics
Worf burps his approval.
Sela: Regardless of your nonrational human prejudices, I am the sister of Tasha
Riker: How can you prove you are Tasha's sister?
Sela: Beam me over to your ship and I will prove it.
Riker: Oh, let me beam her, Captain, it's been so long.
Picard: Hmmmm. I don't know if that would be wise. I'll beam her.
Data: You know, ah, the process of beaming was first introduced by...
Picard throws a lollypop at Data, who ducks and puts his head through the
control panel.
Picard: You have the bridge, Number Twelve.
Riker: OK...
Picard glances back once then gets in turbolift.
Riker: Well, looks like I'm in command now. As my first order of the day...
Troi..get undressed.
Troi gasps and we cut to Transporter Room 3.
Picard: Are you ready, Mr. O'Brien?
For all intents and purposes, O'Brien will be played by Leslie Nielson.
O'Brien: Ah, ready for what, sir?
Picard: To beam the Romulan Commander...
O'Brien: Ah, I'm not really into Romulans..anyway..I'm on duty.
Picard: No, I mean to beam her over to this ship...
O'Brien: Oh..I realize that.....now...
Picard: Prepare to energize.
O'Brien takes out a bottle of Gatorade.
O'Brien: Ready, sir.
Picard: Engage.
Suddenly the ship lurches forward a little.
Picard(taps his Comm Badge): Not you, Mr. LaForge.
Geordie(voice only): Sorry, sir.
Picard: Now, Mr. O'Brien.
O'Brien: What, sir?
O'Brien: Oh..right.
O'Brien punches some buttons and a figure materializes on the transporter
Sela: Well, Captain Picard. I guess you didn't expect to see me here.
Picard: Realizing that I didn't know you existed it would be impossible for me
to expect you showing up. When you think of it, your sentence was
Sela: Don't try to outwit me, Picard. I am ten times smarter and much more
sophisticated than you.
O'Brien(whispers to Picard): She's got you there, sir.
Picard: Romulan Commander, what is your name?
Sela: My name is Sela, and what I told you about Yar and I was factual.
Picard: Well, lets take you down to sick bay and get some proof.
O'Brien takes Picard arm in arm.
O'Brien: Ok, lets go.
Picard: Not you and I,Transporter Chief...Sela and I.
O'Brien: Aha.
O'Brien lets go of Picard and turns to walk away but bumps into the wall.
Picard: After you...(motions for Sela to exit)
Cut to sickbay where an unnamed doctor is examining Sela.
Dr. Nobody: All test are positive...she is Tasha's sister.
Picard: Well, it seems as though we have a situation here.
Sela: And now I request that you call a staff meeting so I can tell you my
Picard: Alright, we shall meet at 0800 hours.
(Commercial-probably DoubleMint gum and a preview of Beverly Hills 90125)
Fade into the conference room with the main characters sitting around a table.
Picard: I have asked you all to assemble here to listen to what Sela has to
Worf: Alright, but lets try to make it quick, I have an appointment with
Ten Forward at 0830.
Sela: As you all know, Tasha Yar attended a convent on Bostonia many years ago.
Riker: Yeah, and I'm the one that had to go rescue her.
Picard: Will...(waves him off)
Sela: Well, what no one else knew was that her father secretly married a
Romulan Princess who conceived a child.
Riker: Oh great, a Rihannsu Princess.
Sela: I was that child. During the time that Tasha was at that convent, I
secretly replaced her at the prayer conventions and all social gatherings
that occured.
Picard: But how did you pass as Tasha with those ears of yours?
Sela takes a pair of earmuffs out of her purse.
Picard: Well, we are rightfully confused, but the next thing we wish to know is
why we have been brought together.
Sela: Exactly...and here is your answer. (opens a communicator) Sub-Commander
Gary...you may decloak now. Captain if you will kindly look on your
Picard switches on the viewscreen and suddenly a strange ship that resembles a
small pub decloaks...the words Gary's Tavern blink on a neon sign.
Picard: Gary's Tavern!!! What is the meaning of this???
Gary: Well, Captain Picard..it seems as though we finally got the upperhand.
Picard: Mr. Data, tell us everything we know about the IRV Gary's Tavern and
her crew.
Data:(stands up) Hey, sure thing, Johnny. The IRV Gary's Tavern is one of our
oldest enemies. If memory serves, it, ah.. once tried to steal the
Tecumsah Statue on Massachussetts IV. Its commander, Gary is a Romulan
trouble shooter who has destroyed a whole bunch of Federation ships.
Riker: What do you mean a whole bunch?
Data: You know, a lot....
Picard: Understood, Mr. Data. Proceed.
Data: Thank you, sir. The last time anyone in the Federation saw his ship,
it was in a fight with a Klingon Bird of Prey, the, ah, IKV Snott.
It was said to have been severly damaged and fleeing back to Rom space.
Picard: Apparently not as damaged as reported.
Gary: That's right, Picard. And now we are back to make sure that our revenge
is complete.
Picard: Data, you may sit down now.
Data goes to sit down but his chair is pulled out from under him. As he hits
the floor, Q returns in a flash.
Q: Did you think I forgot about you?
(Commercial-The Medicare Bracelet for lazy people, etc.)
Picard: Q, I don't understand why you brought us here. The events that have
transpired today are just irrelevant. (Breaks out in a cold sweat after
saying that word for some reason)
Q: I don't know, I thought it would be fun.
Troi: I sense something good is on television. (changes the channel on the
viewscreen to the Fashion Channel)
Riker turns off television and Troi gives him a hateful look.
Picard: Look, Q...I realize that you must be pretty powerful...
Q is pulling rabbits out of a tophat and they disappear as he throws them into
the air.
Picard: ...But just maybe you will send us home now?
Q: Nope, you have got to settle this with the Romulans.
Worf tries to growl but ends up belching.
Q: With that in mind, I'm leaving now.(disappears)
Suddenly an dozen eggs materialize above Data's head and crack open as they
hit him.
Q: Don't think I won't be back.
Geordie: I probably wouldn't remember his name anyway.
Sela: So, Captain Picard. I think it would be best now if you would beam me
back to my ship and follow us to Romulus.
Picard: I suppose that would be the prudent thing to do.
Screen goes black, when it fades back in, the words "One Minute Later" appear.
We are now on the bridge where Worf is tapping a new keg, Data is again
chattering endlessly to Geordie and Riker is trying to make a move on
Troi. Picard is in his ready room.
Riker: Captain, we are picking up a subspace message from Starfleet Command.
Picard: I'll take it in here.
Riker: Ok, sir.
Picard switches on the little viewscreen and the Federation symbol is on.
Suddenly the screen switches to show circles traveling across the bottom of the
screen then a big circle forms in the center and Admiral Johnson walks in
the middle and sits down at a chair. For all intents and purposes Johnson
will be played by Sean Connery.
Picard: Admiral Johnson, so nice to see you again.
Johnson: Yesh, Picard..it ish good to shee you again.
Picard: I guess you know of our present situation.
Johnson: Yesh, Captain. Shtarfleet headquartersh picked up your dishtressh
shignal shome time ago. We are shending a fleet to rescue you now.
Picard: I see. Well, we will be waiting and praying, sir.
Johnson: Johnshon out.
Picard switches off the viewer and walks out to the main bridge.
Riker is sitting in the Captain's chair trying to glance down Troi's uniform.
Picard: Number Twelve...
Riker stands up quickly.
Riker: Yeah...
Picard: Starfleet is sending a fleet to rescue us, so we had better lock down
for a bout of fisticuffs.
Riker: A what?
Geordie: It means we are going to have a little skirmish with the Romulans.
Everybody looks at Geordie.
Geordie: Well, that's what Data told me.
Data sorta slouches down in his chair for the eminent onrush of objects that
will be thrown at him.
Picard: This is your Captain speaking...
A great wave of Ewwwwww comes over the intercom.
Picard: All stations prepare for battle, help is on the way.
We see multiple shots of people getting ready for battle...
Torpedoes are being readied, phaser banks are being recharged, O'Brien is
trying to fit a leg into a wet suit(several pairs are scattered on the floor in
front of him), Worf brings a new keg onto the bridge and sets it under his
control panel.
Worf: Hey, there's a message coming from one of the Romulan ships.
Picard: Which one?
Worf looks dazed as he searches the control panel.
Worf: Geez, captain, I dunno.
Picard: Well, put it on screen.
The viewscreen comes on and Sela looks upset.
Sela: You were talking to your headquarters and now you are powering up your
Riker: So?
Picard slaps the top of his head and Riker takes out his mirror and straightens
out his hair.
Picard: You can't expect us to simply submit to you.
Sela: Why not? Commander Riker did at the Convent...
Everyone turns to look at Riker, who is turning red.
Picard: We can't allow you to take control of a Federation starship.
Troi: We could set the self destruct and beam to their ship. And then when
they come over here...boom.
Picard: No, too cliched.
Worf: I know of a way that we can avert all this?
Picard: Oh? how?
Worf: Romulan Commander...I would like to buy each one of your crew...(looks in
his checkbook)...a ...drink...Hmmm. But since I lack the resources, I'll
just buy one for my pal, Data.
Data: Thank you, Worfy...don't mind if I do. (walks back to Worf's station)
Sela: Your foolishness bores me, Captain. But soon you will be slaves to the
Empire and your ship will lead the attack on the Federation.
Geordie(whipers to Data, who has returned with a mug): The joke's on her...
this ship can't run by itself...(snickers)
Picard: Close channel.
Screen returns to view of Romulan escorts.
Cut to Ten Forward
Guinan: So what'll it be, Worf?
Worf: Just open up the taps and....you can take the shift off.
Riker comes in and sits down by Worf.
Riker: Hey, Worf...funny seeing you here.
Worf: What's funny about that?
Riker: Ah, never mind. I was just wondering, what is your opinion of this Sela?
Worf: She is snotty.
Riker: Snotty?
Worf: Did I pronounce it wrong?
Riker: No, but I mean...do you think she really is Tasha's sister?
Worf: It's hard to say, Commander. She seems as obnoxious as Tasha was.
Riker: Hmmm...maybe I should pay her a visit.
Cut to Bridge of the IRV T'Spoon where Riker suddenly materializes.
Sela: What is the meaning of this intrusion.
Riker: Sela..you know how I felt about ...you..or Tahsa...or whoever...why
are you trying to harm us?
Sela: I couldn't get a job on any other show since leaving...I needed the
Riker: You could sub for Carson...everybody else has.
Rom #1: Commander Sela, the Enterprise is hailing us.
Sela: As all males should.
Rom #1: No, I mean they want to talk to us.
Sela: Oh...put them on screen.
The screen comes on with a shot of the bridge of the Big E.
Picard: Commander Riker has beamed over to your ship.
Sela: No, you're kidding.
Picard: I am serious...oh, there you are Number Twelve.
Riker: Hey, sir.
Picard: What are you over there for.
Riker: Trying to talk to Sela.
Picard: Are you having much luck?
Riker: I just got here.
Picard: Try to convince her to go away.
Riker: Sir, she's standing right here. (motions toward Sela)
Picard: Oh..I knew that. Carry on.
Suddenly the bridge shutters and Picard falls down.
Sela: Why did you fall down.
Picard: Gravity.
LaForge: Sir, we just shook. Could it be an earthquake?
Picard: Highly unlikely, Mr. LaForge. Mr. Worf, what happened?
Worf: A ship has just come out of warp and fired on us.
Picard: What kind of ship.
Worf: A big one.
Picard: Oh...well, put it on screen.
The screen changes to a shot of a gigantic cube shaped vessel.
Picard: Mr. Worf, open hailing frequencies with that ship.
Worf: Ok.
Worf touches a few buttons.
Worf: They aren't responding sir.
Picard: This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise.
A computerized EWWWWWWWW!!! comes from the ship.
Picard: What is the meaning of the attack on our ship?
Worf: Still no response sir.
Picard: Put Sela on half the screen.
Worf: Aye, sir.
Sela's image appears on half the screen.
Sela: Looks like you found a new friend, Jean-Luc.
Picard: What is the meaning of this? What kind of ship is that?
Sela: I don't know, Picard, nor do I care.
Picard: Worf, try to get them to answer.
Worf(looks all excited): Yes SIR!
Worf pushes some buttons and the Big E fires multiples photons at the ship.
Picard: MR. WORF!!!!
Worf: What?
Picard: I meant by talking to them.
Worf: Oh. (looks embarrased)
Worf pushes more buttons.
Worf: Still no good.
Picard: Was that ship damaged by the photons?
Worf: Not even a scratch.
Data starts waving his hand in the air, trying to get Picard's attention.
Picard: What, Mr. Data?
Data: Well, ah, Johnny, I don't believe we have ever seen a ship like this
Picard: Well that clears a few things up.
Data: I suggest extreme caution.
Picard: Really, Mr. Data? You think so? And there I was gonna use flagrent
Data: I do not think that would be wise.
Picard: Sit down and shut up, please.
Data: Aye, sir.
Guinan(v.o.): Captain Picard. This is Guinan down in ten forward, I might be
able to help you with this ship.
Picard: Get up here on the double.
Guinan: I'll be there when I'm good and ready.
Picard(wipes his forhead): Alright then.
Sela: Captain, will you please take your First Officer back now?
Picard looks up at the screen to see Riker trying to kiss Sela.
Picard: Mr. O'Brien, lock onto Riker and beam him back.
O'Brien: Allllllright.
Riker materializes in transporter room 3
Riker: Hey, what do ya think you're doing. I was making a little progress
back there.
O'Brien: Sorry, Commander. A ship is attacking us and he thought we had a
fifty-fifty chance of surviving without you, but there would only be
a twenty percent chance of that.
Riker: Oh, tell him I'm on my way to the bridge.
O'Brien: Allllrigt.
Riker leaves and the camera follows him down the hall. Suddenly a door opens
and a scantily clad female officer comes out in the hall and grabs his wrist,
then leads him into her room. The door shuts.
Back on the bridge.
Picard: Where the hell is Riker.
Worf: Sir, the enemy ship is hailing us.
Picard: On screen.
Worf: Its only audio.
Picard: Then turn on the speakers.
Worf turns a knob to the right.
Borg: Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise,
Registration NCC-1701-D. We have scanned your ship and have determined
that you could not withstand an attack from our ship. You are ordered to
beam to our ship immediately. Resistance is futile. If you do not comply
your ship will be destroyed. If you do not beam over your ship will be
Picard: That's quite a demand. Close channel.
Worf pushes a button and the Paramount logo comes on the viewscreen.
Picard: Comments, anyone.
LaForge: Thats a big ship.
Picard: Mr. Worf?
Worf: I say we fire all weapons at it.
Data: I say we challenge it to a round of Jeopardy.
Picard: Troi?
Troi is still smoking and painting her nails.
Troi: I don't know...ask Riker.
Picard: Where the hell is he.
Cut back to the female officer's room where Riker is smoking a cigarette.
Officer: Oh, Will you were fantastic.
Riker: I know, I know.
Suddenly a figure materializes in the room.
Riker: Hmmmm...hello there. Who are you?
The Borg doesn't respond to his question, but starts looking around the room
Riker: Riker to the bridge.
Picard(v.o.): Will, where the hell are you?
Riker: In an uncredited female's room. I think you better get down here. We
have a visitor.
Cut to a series of pathetic commercials.
Commercial #1...
Two men are fighting and one falls down. The one standing is Freddy Krueger.
Freddy waves his fingerknives around. Suddenly the Energizer Bunny comes
Voice: Still going after...
Freddy claws the bunny to pieces.
Freddy: Thats why I use....Radio Shack brand batteries. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
A package of Radio Shack batteris comes on the screen.
Voice: Radio Shack batteries. Hey...why not.
Fade back into the show. The entire bridge crew is in the room.
Picard: Mr. Worf, what do you make of it.
Worf: An excuse to go next door to ten forward.
Worf exits.
Picard: I am Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise.
The Borg looks at him with a sickened expression.
Picard: Who are you and why are you on my ship.
The Borg keeps looking through drawers and cabinets.
Picard: Mr. Data, fire your phaser at him..set it for stun.
Data: Hey, sure thing, Cap'n sir.
Data sets the phaser to stun and fires...the Borg is unaffected.
Picard: Change it to kill.
Data changes it and fires. the Borg falls down. Then another Borg comes in and
takes some pieces off and beams away. The dead Borg vanishes.
LaForge: Hey, that other guy stole his wallet.
Picard: MR. LAFORGE!!!
Troi: Captain, you better get back to the bridge.
Picard: She was left in charge up there?
Everyone looks at each other and hurredly runs out.
Cut to the bridge, now furnished like a coffee shop.
The crew enters and looks around, shocked.
Picard: Counciller, what have you done?
Troi: I just thought a change would be nice.
Picard: But...but..
Troi: Don't you like it, dear...ah...Captain?
Picard: Well, quite frankly....NO!!!
Troi starts to cry and runs to the turbolift, which doesn't open. Troi runs
into it and falls down.
Picard: Mr. Worf...open a channel to the Romulans.
Worf: Ok, Captain.
Sela comes on screen.
Sela: Now what do you want?
Picard: Hey...you brought us here.
The screen splits in half with Sela on one side, Gary's Tavern on the other.
Gary: Picard...is this a trick? That ship must be part of a new Federation
Picard: Hmmm...yes, that's exactly what it is...I bet you can't destroy it.
It's too tough for the famous Gary's Tavern. Come on...try it..
Gary: No one calls Gary's Tavern CHICKEN!!!
The viewscreen switches to an exterior shot of Gary's Tavern moving into
firing position and unloads into the Borg ship. The Borg return the fire and
Gary's Tavern goes spinning off into space. Suddenly the ship starts rotating
to reveal a large Peacock with the letters NBC below it.
Picard: What on earth?
Borg Voice: We are known as the Borg. We have come to assimilate your ship
into our culture. Resistance will be futile. You must surrender.
Riker: I know that voice...
The viewscreen changes to a shot of the inside of the Borg ship. A black man
wearing a big sweater. (Bill Cosby)
Borg: You shall become one with the Borg. You shall all become one with the
Picard: I don't think you understand. We have no desire or need to join with
you. We are doing pretty well on our own.
Borg: Your origins lie with the Borg. Your future lies once again with the Borg
and you will soon be assimilated.
Picard: Raise shields.
Worf: They were raised long ago, sir.
Picard: Oh yeah. Well, get me through to Sela.
The viewscreen changes to a shot of the Romulan bridge.
Sela: What is it now, Picard?
Picard: These beings intend to incorporate us all into their culture. This
presents a bit of a problem.
Sela: What makes you think they even want us.
Suddenly a Borg materializes behind Sela.
Picard: You were saying.
A Romulan officer phasers the Borg, who takes an extra long time falling.
Sela: We will assist you in destroying them.
The Romulan ships start to get in formation.
Picard: Now here this, we are about to attack the Borg ship. All hands to your
Worf goes to the coat rack, gets his jacket, and leaves.
Picard; Ensign Tortelli to the bridge.
Data: Sir, if I may...
Picard: If you may what?
Data: I have some thoughts on strategies.
Picard: Oh really? This should prove interesting.
Data: Well, Cappy. I think if we tried the Main Deflector Dish...
Picard: Hmmmm...that might not be such a bad idea.
LaForge: Captain, should I move the ship?
Picard: Why?
LaForge: I dunno...maybe to avoid the chunks of the Gary's Tavern that were
blasted off.
On the screen we see big hunks of metal coming toward the Big E.
Picard: Alright, make it so.
LaForge: Well...
Picard: Well, what?
LaForge: Where should I go?
Picard: Acapulco for all I care.
LaForge: Sir, isn't that a little too far just to avoid junk?
Picard: MOVE!!!!
LaForge punches some buttons and the Enterprise speeds out of the way just in
time to avoid being struck by the junk.
Borg: Time's up. You will now be destroyed.
Picard: Sela, now!
The Romulan ships start firing away at the huge cube. Chunks of the metal are
blown off as the Enterprise fires its phasors and photons.
Picard: Ensign Tortelli, how soon til we can fire the Main Deflector Dish?
Tortelli: Ahhhhh, about five minutes, sir.
Picard: Lt. LaBeck, how are the engines holding?
LaBeck: Oh, they're alright. I'm keeping them in check.
Cut to the engine room where LaBeck is pointing a hockey stick at a console.
LaBeck: Just try anything.
Cut back to the bridge.
Tortelli: Ready to fire, sir.
Picard: Main Deflector Dish...ready.....FIRE!
The Dish shoots forth a massive amount of power that rips through the Borg ship
and takes out two of the Romulan ships.
Tortelli: Captain, the Borg ship is retreating.
On the screen, the Borg ships warps away, leaving a trail of ionized dust.
Riker: Wow, we did it.
Data: That was the quickest victory in Starfleet History. The previous record
was approximately, ah...
Picard throws his command chair at Data.
On the screen, Sela appears.
Sela: It seems as though we have beaten the enemy ship. Now you must answer for
destroying two of our ships.
Picard: Sela, we are deeply sorry for doing that, but it was an accident.
Sela: I'm afriad that just isn't good enough, you intellectual deviot.
Picard: Oh, really? Then maybe this will change your mind...chi'pahkk mohkk
schlokkh rokkh.
Three Klingon Birds of Prey uncloak, surrounding the Warbirds.
LaForge: Captin, three Klingon ships have just decloaked.
Picard: I know that, Mr. LaForge.
LaForge: Ohhhhh, ok...sorry, sir.
Sela: Very nice, Picard. It appears as though I misjudged you.
Riker: Wench.
Picard slaps Riker in top of the head. Riker takes out his mirror.
Picard: I think it best if we would both leave this area now.
Sela: Agreed. I'll be seeing you again soon, Picard.
Picard: I'm sure you will. Close channel.
The screen switches to a shot of the Warbirds turning back to Romulan space
and cloaking.
Picard: Mr. Tortelli, hail the Pukke and tell K'boom I said thank you.
Tortelli: Yes, sir.
Riker: Well Captain, looks as though we got out of that one by the skin of our
Data starts to say something but sees Picard glaring at him and stops.
Picard: Mr. LaForge, lets go home.
LaForge: Yes, sir...what heading...
Picard: Home. Did I not just say that?
LaFarge: Oh, yeah.
Tortelli: Sir, a ship is coming into this sector.
Picard: On screen.
A Ferengi ship speeds into range, bouncing all about the place. The screen
changes to a shot of its bridge.
Bach: Pee-card Captain!!!! We will get you back..some day..some time...
Crusher: Captain...Jean-Luc darling...take me back...please....!!! These things
are ugly, dirty, and they smell extremely bad.
Picard motions for the channel to be closed.
The screen returns to the view of the Ferengi ship flopping off into the
Picard: I guess that ends a rather interesting first voyage of the Barship
Enterprise. I think we should all go to Ten Forward and join Worf for
a nice cool drink.
Riker: Aye, sir...right behind you. (runs to the turbolift and exits)
The screen switches to an external shot of the Big E
Picard: Captain's Log, Stardate...damn...my watch is broke. Well, anyway...
we have completed this unplanned excursion into the Neutral Zone,
brought up by a being called Q. We met a Romulan that claims to be the
sister of the late Tasha Yar, and we encountered a fierce lifeform
known as the Borg. We almost were destroyed on a number of occasions,
but on the brighter side, I won't have to wear a mousetrap on my hand
when I'm around Dr. Crusher. So all in all it was a magnificent day.
This is Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise...signing off.
Picard sits back in his chair and looks up at the ceiling. He puts on his brown
Picard: I wonder if holodeck three is open...
Picard exits. Suddenly Q appears, wearing a starfleet uniform, holding a drink.
Q(in Picard's voice): Mr. LaForge...set a course for Alpha Centauri Five...oh,
and send Mr. Data in.
Q starts laughing to himself as we cut to the outside of the ship. The Big E
warps away, leaving Data behind in a shuttlecraft.
Data(voice only): Hey, Johnny...where am I...where'd the ship go...help..
The screen goes black, we get the usual commercials, then the ending theme from
Cheers as the credits appear.
Well, thats it..the second half of the BarTrek story. Hope you enjoyed it...
E-Mail responses to tjc111@psuvm for any questions, comments, concerns, etc.
This is Todd Bobenrieth saying...so long from Happy Valley.
* * *
* * Todd A. Bobenrieth *
* But I am mortal. How can * We are strong. We have weapons. *
* I prove it to you? * TAB129@PSUVM.psu.edu *
* -Q * *
* * *
* Die. * Leiben Sie lang und gedeihen. *
* -Worf * *