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Article 12373 of rec.arts.startrek:
Path: utu.fi!tut!sunic!mcsun!uunet!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucsd!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!husc6!m2c!swan!hawk!wgarmil
From: wgarmil@hawk.ulowell.edu (WildCard)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek
Subject: 3-D Chess Rules
Message-ID: <775@swan.ulowell.edu>
Date: 1 May 90 23:31:45 GMT
Sender: news@swan.ulowell.edu
Reply-To: wgarmil@hawk.ulowell.edu (WildCard)
Organization: University of Lowell, CS Dept
Lines: 169
I took this off the net last year, and unfortunately removed the lines
that said who posted this originally. To that person, thanks.
I hope you enjoy the chess!
The following Tri-Dimensional Chess game may be from THE STAR
TREK POSTER BOOK, circa 1977. I know there is also a small game book
on it which is available through SF merchandise companies like the
Interstellar Trading Company and Star Tech.
Chess board:
top board 4 x 4 squares.
middle board 4 x 4 squares.
bottom board 4 x 4 squares.
4 additional attack boards, each 2 x 2 squares; 2 for black, 2 for white.
The main boards:
The 2 last rows of the bottom board overlap the first 2 of the middle
board, the last 2 rows of the middle board overlap the first 2 of the
top board. Side view: '.---.' represents a square.
.---.---.---.---. top level
.---.---.---.---. middle level
.---.---.---.---. bottom level
The attack boards:
The center of a little attack board is any of the 4 corners of a
board. It can be placed:
1. over the corner of a board.
2. under the corner of a board.
All the corners of the top, middle and bottom board have pin
positions to place your attack boards. At the beginning of the game, 2
attack boards for white are positioned under the front corners of the
middle board and 2 attack boards for black are positioned over the
back corners of the middle board. The attack boards are not removed
from the game, only re-positioned.
A side view of the whole chess board with attack boards over the
back, and under the front corner(s) of the middle board (start position).
_____ \
| \
|------------| \
| \ /
----- \ /
\ /
------------ \ /
\ \ /
\ \/
\ /
Black always starts on the top board. Movement is identical to
conventional chess with the added dimension being used in like manner.
A black pawn can only move forward and down, a white pawn can only
move forward and up. A move between 2 levels is counted as 1 square
(up) with the exception of an attack board being positioned between 2
squares of different levels. In such a case a move (up) is 2 moves.
I.e an attack board is situated between level-1 and level-2.
Center of attack board is at x. A move for level-1 'A' to level-2 'A'
= 1 move. A move from level-1 'B' to level-2 'B' = 2 moves.
Front view:
--.---.---.---. level-2
.---|---. attack board
A B |
---.---.---.---| level-1
An attack board has a total of 24 possible positions. An attack
board can be moved either up, down, left or right to adjacent pin
positions only. A move of an attack board can only be done when the
board is empty or contains the players' pawn (but only 1 pawn).
Inverting an attack board can only be done when a board is empty.
Inverting means, for instance: over the corner of the bottom board,
to, under the corner of the middle board.
.---.---. |
| to.. |
| .___.___.
Moving an attack board constitutes a move. Diagonal moves of an
attack board are not allowed.
King = 0 (K)
Queen = 9 (Q)
Castle = 5 (C)
Knight = 3 (KN)
Pawn = 1 (P)
Bishop = 3 (B)
Starting positions:
'*' indicates black field.
|KN |*B*| B |*KN|
|*P*| P |*P*| P |
top level |---|---|---|---|
| |***| |***|
|***| |***| |
|---|---|---|---| BLACK
|---|---| |---|---|
| C |*Q*| | K |*C*|
|---|---| |---|---|---|---| |---|---| attack board(s)
|*P*| P | | |***| |***| |*P*| P |
|---|---| |---|---|---|---| |---|---|
|***| |***| |
middle level |---|---|---|---|
| |***| |***|
|---|---| |---|---|---|---| |---|---|
| P |*P*| |***| |***| | | P |*P*|
|---|---|-|---|---|---|---| |---|---|
|*C*| Q | |*K*| C |
|---|---| |---|---|
|---|---|---|---| WHITE
| |***| |***|
|***| |***| |
bottom level |---|---|---|---|
| P |*P*| P |*P*|
|KN*| B |*B*| KN|
Well, that's it. Good luck !
Addendum: Maybe you saw the note on the special move of a Queen.
As far as I can see, you can diagonaly move your queen and take the
pawn straight across your opponents' King and get a check, but not a
check-mate. By the way, you've then lost your queen.
_ __ _ __ How can we dance
' ) / // / / ) / when our earth is turning?
/ / / o // __/ / __. __ __/ How can we sleep
(_(_/ <_</_(_/ (__/ (_/|_/ (_(_/_ while our beds are burning?
(wgarmil@hawk.ulowell.edu) -Midnight Oil