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Archive-name: Fetish/susie.txt
Archive-author: Warlock
Archive-title: Susie's Coming Out Party
Susie shivered with excitement. Tonight was her big chance with
Sam. Susie had wanted to go out with the husky jock ever since
he had transferred to Hoover High. After weeks of parading
around during cheerleader practice, throwing her sexiest looks at
him, he had finally asked her for a date.
And tonight was the night! Susie wondered what to wear. After
all, Sam hadn't said where they were going or what they were
going to do. Better to plan for the best. She laid out her new
clingy red crepe dress. "Better not wear a bra; he might think
I'm old-fashioned. And instead of pantyhose, I'll wear a G-
string and garter belt with stockings. Just in case things get a
little steamy." She smiled broadly at the thought.
She admired her trim 38-24-35 form in the full-length mirror.
Her girlfriends on the cheerleading squad always marveled at the
bounciness of her boobs. She held them, and gave her nipples a
quick squeeze. Mmm, that felt good. Then she turned her
attention to her hair. Her shoulder-length hair was dark brown,
with subtle curls. She tossed her head experimentally, to judge
the effect. It was OK, no touchups necessary. Now for the rest.
She kept her pubic hair trimmed short because of the white bikini
that she had bought at the beginning of summer. One can't have
stray hairs peeking out the sides. Unless that's what one wants,
eh? She dressed, knowing that she was a knockout, as always.
When Sam showed up, she was surprised by his clothes. He was
wearing blue jeans and a torn tee-shirt with a beat-up leather
jacket tossed over one shoulder. His clothes looked like Marlon
Brando's in "The Wild One." "Looks like I'm a little over-
dressed" she said.
"Looks great on you" said Sam. "Strange, his eyes look dilated"
Susie thought.
"I'll only take a minute to change."
Sam leered a little. "No, don't. I like your outfit. Let's go."
"OK with me" thought Susie.
Instead of the night of dancing and dinner Susie had anticipated,
Sam took her on a long drive that ended at a sleazy-looking
roadhouse bar in Trevor, some 30 miles away. The roof sagged at
the far end, and the quality of the cars parked outside bespoke
the poverty of the patrons. Susie was mildly scared, but with
Sam there she was much reassured. After all, what could go
Inside, the atmosphere was dark and smoky. A slightly overweight
stripper gyrated on a low stage at the far end of the room, clad
only in a g-string and boots. Her flabby belly flopped in time
to the music, while her tiny tits were shiny with sweat. "God,
I'm glad I don't look like that!"
Sam ambled up to the bar and grabbed a stool. Susie was
surprised again, as Sam merely sat. "The jerk! Why doesn't he
act a little more like a gentleman?" She sat on the stool next
to him.
"What'll it be?" asked the bartender.
"Beer for me." said Sam.
The bartender looked Susie appraisingly up and down. "You here
for the contest girlie?"
"What contest was he talking about?" she thought. "No, I'd like
a rum and coke, please."
After the bartender had left, Susie asked Sam about the contest.
He told her that every Saturday night, this bar had an amateur
strip contest, and that the grand prize was $100. "Big deal, a
hundred bucks. I spend more than that every time I go to the
Sam turned and gave her a look of fury. "Maybe that's what's
wrong with you; you're spoiled rotten! I'll bet you don't have
the nerve to go up there and strip!" he snapped.
"I wouldn't if I were dying of hunger and this was the last
hamburger joint on earth! I have my reputation to think of."
Susie was hot with anger. Even the tired girls at the tables
around the room turned around at that comment.
She grabbed her drink and gulped it down, nervously. Her hand
was shaking a little. "Another one bartender." she said a little
unevenly. He served it up, and she drank half of it in a gulp.
Sam was looking at her, expectantly. "What are you looking at?",
Susie said.
"I'm looking at the most beautiful girl in the room. It's a
shame that she doesn't care enough to do a little thing for her
Susie could recognize a come-on when she heard it, but her
thinking was a little fuzzy at this point. "He still is kind of
cute. Maybe he's not all that wrong."
Susie looked him straight in the eye. "What's your proposition
Sam?" She toyed with her empty glass, and then signalled the
bartender with a shallow flick of her head.
"I can't tell you right now, but if you go along with me, I'll
make it worth your while." he said. His eyes twinkled, and Susie
took this as a good sign.
"What do you want me to do?" she asked coyly.
Sam snorted, "What do you think? I want you to go up on that
stage and strut your stuff like you do when you're cheerleading.
You can win the contest easily."
The bartender brought her refill then. She took the time to
think. "Well, it is $100, and nobody here would ever get over to
Hoover. What the hell?"
"I'll do it." she said.
She had three more drinks to loosen up as the night wound slowly
on, and when the contest was about to begin, there were several
new faces in the crowd. A few other women had shown up, and they
weren't all as ugly as the strippers on the stage.
The bouncer got up on stage as the last stripped flounced off.
He began to warm up the crowd for the contest. Then he asked
that all the contestants line up at the end of the bar. A few of
the girls were asked to leave, but not Susie. The bouncer looked
her over and grinned at her. "You'll do nicely." he said. When
he was done, there were only 6 contestants left standing.
The girls drew numbers from a hat to decide the order in which
they'd perform. Susie drew 6th place. "Not bad, I just hope
that the one in front of me is bad." Susie had gone through
innumerable tryouts for cheerleading over the years, and this
seemed little different. She wished that her head would clear,
The rules were simple. You had one song, about 3 minutes to
excite the audience. The girl who got the most applause was the
The first amateur stripper was young and slim, with dishwater
blond hair. She wore jeans and a tank top that showed her hard
little nipples. As the music started, she walked around the
stage, dancing a little and rubbing the sides of her breasts.
She didn't waste much time, pulling the jeans off over her high-
heels and strutting around the stage in the tank top and briefs.
After a moment, she pulled off the tank top, and rubbed her
smallish boobs. She spun around and pulled her briefs down,
thrusting her ass out seductively. As the song ended, she turned
around, showing her body completely nude. The audience applauded
sparsely. "I can do better than that." thought Susie.
The second contestant was more mature. She looked to be in her
late thirties. She was well-fleshed and tan. Her routine was
polished. She glided from one end of the small stage to the
other, taking off her clothing at a steady clip. When she was
down to her bra and panties, she turned her back to the crowd.
She unfastened her bra with a flourish, but trapped the straps by
holding her arms tight against her ribs. Then she turned around
to face the audience, her hips twitching in a figure-eight
pattern in time to the beat of the music. She laid her right arm
across the lower edge of the bra, pushing in against her large
tits to cause the upper slopes to spill out the top, as well as
to pinion the bra against her torso. Then she slipped the left
strap slowly off her shoulder, and then slowly withdrew her arm
from within the loose loop of fabric. She switched arms at this
point, replacing the right arm with the left in it's job of
keeping the bra on her chest. Then she slipped the right
shoulder strap off in similar fashion. Once both of her arms
were free, she cupped her breasts through the material of the
bra, pinching the nipples and wearing a slight grin. She slowly
leaned over, emphasizing the cleavage and sheer swell of the tops
of her breasts. They were obviously her best feature. She
slowly straightened up and removed her hands from the bra. It
stayed on, as if attached with adhesive. The straps hung down
limply from the sides, and when she shimmied slowly, they whipped
from side to side. She increased the shimmy, and the bra began
to slide off. Finally, it came free, dropping to the floor with
little preamble. The crowd roared, because her tits were
perfectly round, with triangular tan lines illustrating the
briefness of her bikini. She didn't stop shimmying; instead she
redoubled her efforts. She slipped her panties down slowly as
she continued to shake her tits. When she was done, the crowd
hooted in appreciation.
"My tits are at least that nice. I'll have to work pretty hard
to beat her routine, though." mused Susie.
The third contestant chickened out as soon as she got up on
stage. She fled sobbing into the lady's room.
The next was a young girl. She started by removing all her
clothes on the side of the stage except for a sequined g-string.
She did her whole song clad like that. Her routine consisted of
acrobatics and gymnastics. The crowd was uninterested.
Susie thought, "All I have to do is to take off my clothes and
shake my tits, show a little of my trimmed little bush and this
place will go up for grabs." She drained the last of her drink,
and waited for the fifth contestant.
This one was in her twenties, and was a looker. Her waist-length
ash blond hair fell in straight cascades over her shoulders, and
her body was easily the equal of Susie's. "I hope she falls on
her butt." thought Susie.
But instead, she grinned at the audience, and bared her ample
chest by ripping the bodice that she wore a' la Hulk Hogan. She
rubbed her breasts and teased the men by tweaking her nipples.
They erected to the size of pencil erasers, and she made a small
"oh" as if she had a mini-orgasm.
She shrugged out of the now-ruined shirt, and spun in tight
circles. The long skirt she wore rose up and up, showing her
long legs. She began to walk the edge of the stage, lifting the
skirt until her g-string showed to every man there. The crowd
Then she removed the skirt, dropped it on the floor, and laid
down on it at the edge of the stage. Her hips gyrated in
simulated masturbation. Then she began in earnest, by sliding
the g-string down imperceptibly, and reaching in with her
fingertips. You could see the material move in an up-and-down
motion. The crowd watched expectantly, as the woman masturbated
with one hand and pinched her nipples with the other. Her moans
of pleasure were heard even over the pounding beat of the music.
And then the music was over, and she began to come loudly in the
silence that followed. Her cries echoed off the walls in the
small bar. At last, she looked up and embarrassedly ran off
stage to thunderous applause.
Susie was tempted to throw in the towel at that point, because
she had little or no hope of topping that last performance. But
something in her wouldn't let her quit.
So she took to the stage. The song she had chosen was "Freeway
Jam" by Jeff Beck. She hoped it was enough.
Waiting for the music to queue up, she looked out at the crowd.
"Shit, there must be a hundred guys in here. They're all waiting
to see me take my clothes off." The thought excited her, and a
shiver ran through her body.
The music started with a guitar riff, and she walked quickly
around the stage, grinning at the men at the edge. She had seen
the last contestant do that, and it seemed to make them clap
louder. Someone in the back of the bar was chanting "Take it
off! Take it off!"
She began by turning her back to the audience, and unzipping the
tight dress. The zipper wound down into the crack of her ass as
she swung her butt from side to side in time with the music.
Someone yelled "No bra!", as if it were some kind of cheer.
She turned to face the crowd, and with her hands on her chest,
slid the dress down until the tops of her breasts were visible.
She rubbed her big boobs and pinched her nipples through the
fabric. They responded instantly, and a warm feeling spread from
her nipples down to her crotch.
She turned around again, and slid the dress down until her ass
was totally visible through the split halves. She reached down
one-handed and rubbed the smooth globe of her ass cheek. Then
she gave it a sharp slap. The red imprint of her hand stood out
in high relief on her butt. She dropped the dress.
Then she began to dance, as she slowly undid the clips holding up
her stockings. She paused and slid the right stocking off, then
the left stocking hit the floor too. She put her high heel back
on, since they did such nice things (visually) to her calves.
She dropped the garter belt, too, since it's function was now
gone. She was hot; a sheen of sweat covered the cleavage between
her breasts. Her nipples were erect as a cool breeze from an
open door chilled them briefly. As she danced around the stage,
she reflected on her performance.
She judged that the applause wasn't nearly as loud as the last
stripper's had been. She needed something to supercharge her
She had about 45 seconds of music left. She laid down on the
floor parallel to the edge of the stage. She arched her back and
removed the g-string completely. "Well, here goes." she thought.
She began to masturbate in time to the music. At first, she
rubbed her clit just to get things going. Then she spread her
cuntlips with one hand as she plunged two fingers in and out of
her hole. It felt so good.
The men were craning their necks to see what she was doing, and
she began to turn slowly to face them. As she rolled on her
side, she slowly raised her leg until it was pointed straight up
in the air. She held her leg up with one arm. She spread her
cuntlips further and further apart, while swiveling her hips in a
circle. Her cunt gaped wide open to the crowd. The music was
coming to a close, and as a finale, she slid a quarter turn until
her snatch faced the audience squarely, and lifted her legs in a
wide "V" shape. Then, as the last bars of music faded away, she
grabbed both of her nipples between her thumb and forefingers and
lifted, pulling her nipples and breasts up in the air. There she
rolled the buds until an orgasm began to spread throughout her
cunt. She moaned and lifted her hips, wishing for a hard cock to
fill her empty hole. Waves of orgasm swept over her, blanking
her mind to the crowd's cheers.
When she came to, she was still laying on the stage. Her legs
were rubbery, and when she stood, she swayed drunkenly. The
announcer gave her the hundred, saying that there was a clear
winner. After she had stumbled off stage, several men walked
toward her. She fled to the safety of the ladies john.
She dressed in mortified silence. "Did I really do that? Did I
really masturbate, and have an orgasm in front of a crowd of
men?" She shook her head.
Back at the bar, Sam grinned at her. "I told you that you could
do it." he said triumphantly.
The bartender walked over and handed her a note, saying that it
was from the owner. She looked where he indicated, and a man
seated at the front of the stage tipped his hat.
The note said, "If you want to make some easy money, come see me
tomorrow. I'll be here at noon."
Susie thought to herself, "Not in a million years buddy!"