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Archive-name: Bondage/surnder2.txt
Archive-author: Heather Dawson
Archive-title: Book of Surrender - 2
Chapter 2 - It Begins
Beth was taken into the house by Paul, Steve, and Bill.
Craig was waiting for them in the foyer. As Beth looked up
at her new surroundings Craig spoke lovingly to her, "Ahh
Beth, I'm so glad that you have finally arrived." Craig
turned to a pudgy man standing to his right, "This is
Humphrey, he will take you up to your room and help you get
settled, I will be up in a moment." Beth looked over at
Humphrey as he picked up her purse and held out his hand to
assist her in climbing the staircase. As Beth was going up
the stairs she looked down at Craig and her original
companions, she wondered if they were going to tell Craig
what they had done to her. They all went off into a
separate room and shut the door behind them, "I guess I'll
never know," she thought to herself.
Humphrey, who was leading her down the hall spoke up, "Beth,
Mr. Stansfield has requested that this be your quarters. He
has asked that you freshen up and join him in his boudoir in
an hour." Beth looked at him with a confused expression,
"But I don't have any clothes, I don't know if you know this
or not, but I wasn't exactly planning on coming here in the
first place." She could tell right away that Humphrey knew
what had happened by the tone of his voice. "Yes Ma'am, I
know. Mr. Stansfield has provided everything that you will
need, you will find it all to your satisfaction, I'm sure."
With that he unlocked the door and ushered Beth into the
room. After setting her purse on the dresser he left,
gently closing the door behind him.
Beth couldn't believe the room. It's tall, pale mauve walls
gave the room a soft warmth that accentuated the dark
cherry-wood furniture. "Good God, this is bigger than my
apartment!" Beth mused as she walked over to the bed. It
was up on a sort of pedestal and was oversized. The canopy
was covered in a flurry of violet sheer that feathered down
to the floor. She turned, taking in the rest of the room.
There were two closets, a personal room, and a large armoire
and high-boy. Beth went to the personal-room first. Upon
entering the room, Beth saw all of the personal items that
had been provided to her by Craig sitting on the marbled
vanity. "Gee, they pay slaves well on this side of town!"
Beth laughed out loud at her thought. As she was leaving
the bathroom, she saw the clock on the wall. It was reading
close to the time that she was supposed to be meeting Craig.
She went directly over to one of the closets and opened the
door. "Ohhh my God!" she said out loud as she saw the
walls of the walk-in were lined from side to side with
nothing but lingerie. She immediately went over to the
other closet and opened the door, it was just as the other
had been. She walked into the closet and fondled the silks,
sheers, and satins. "I think these guys have got the wrong
idea about providing a woman's wardrobe!" Just as she
spoke, there was a knock at her door. Without even coming
out of the closet she told them to come in.
Humphrey entered carrying a small gift box, "Ma'am this has
been sent you by Mr. Stansfield. He requested that you wear
this when you join him tonight. He also asked that I tell
you that he will explain to you the clothing rules, among
other things, at 9 o'clock. I suggest that you go about
getting yourself ready, it's almost time and Mr. Stansfield
does not regard tardiness as a favorable attribute." Beth
didn't have time to say a word before he was off again.
"Damn, what is it with these people, they never stay around
for anything?" She queried the universe as she retrieved
the box from the bed. She opened it up, careful not to tear
the paper too much. She turned it up so that the contents
fell on the bed. She took one look and then picked it up.
It was a white concoction of lace and satin, ruffles and
ribbons. Beth spread it out on the bed to take a closer
The article she saw was astounding, it was a maids uniform!
A short, (very short!) white satin dress that had a sort of
petticoat with it. Along with the black trimmed apron,
there were a pair of black thigh-highs, a white g-string, a
pair of white wrist-length gloves, and a black and white
lace neck collar. She couldn't believe it, the uniform
intrigued her as she looked over it once again. "Well, what
the hell!" She said as she threw her hands high in the air,
"Gotta start somewhere!" Beth turned and went into the
bathroom. Once inside, she removed the clothes she was
wearing and looked at her image in the mirror. She admired
the way her body looked, she had worked hard to get into top
shape. She figured that her body was at least part of the
reason that she was finally in Craig's life, and she
concluded that it was all well worth the hard work. Still,
she had a sense of apprehension about the whole thing.
After drawing a hot bath and relaxing in the tub
momentarily, Beth slipped out and dried herself off. While
standing, looking into the vanity mirror, she glanced again,
over all of the personal items that had been provided her by
Craig and his faithful assistant, Humphrey. She picked up a
bottle of perfume and sprayed the essence over her pulse
points. The aroma created a certain element of aura about
her, something she had never achieved on her own. She
opened a drawer and found the cosmetics. Careful
application gave her face a smokey, seductive look that
pleased her greatly. She dried her hair and decided to
leave it down rather than pull it up in her usual french
twist. With one last look in the mirror, she decided that
she looked stunning, and went off into the bedroom to don
her maids uniform.
She put the lace collar on first, being careful to tie the
ribbons in a perfect bow. Next came the thigh-highs, white
gloves, and finally, the dress. She went to the closet to
get a pair of shoes. She found a pair of black and white
trimmed heels that suited the dress very well. She slipped
them on and stood before the full length mirror across from
the bedroom door. "Wow, I can't believe that I look this
good, I'm sure Craig won't mind!" As she was admiring the
way the low cut maids uniform conveniently emphasized her
cleavage, Humphrey entered the room. "Ma'am...Mr.
Stansfield is waiting." Beth turned to face him, "Well
Humphrey, don't just stand there, how do I look, will Craig
approve, what do you think?" A sly smile came about her
face as she waited for Humphrey's reaction. "Well, I am
sure that Mr. Stansfield will approve." Beth was a little
confused, "Why hadn't he reacted, most men would flip for a
woman in this get-up?" She put her thoughts out of her mind
and followed Humphrey to Craig's bedroom.
Craig's room was furnished in much the same fashion as hers.
She stood by Humphrey, her hands fidgeting not knowing
exactly what to do next. Craig sat, naked on his bed
looking her over, she could see that he approved of her
appearance. "Humphrey, thank you...You are excused now."
Craig said as he got up and came over to help Beth to the
side of the bed. She sat down beside him as he began to
speak. "Beth, you look fabulous, I knew when I saw that
outfit, that it was perfect for you!" Beth smiled at him
knowingly, "Yes, it does create an image of me that I had
not before, been aware of. She flippantly inquired, "So
Craig, tell me kind Sir, just what is this 'arrangement' we
are going to have all about?" Craig just looked at her as
he got up and went over to a desk. He opened a drawer and
pulled out a set of papers, "There will be time for that
later. You will understand all of the stipulations when you
have executed this document. But before we go any further,
I would like for you to do something for me." He came back
over to the bed and sat at the head of it. "I know that you
want me, and I have known that from the first day you came
to work for me. I haven't been uninterested in you either
my dear. I wanted you from the first time I saw those
lovely legs flash from under a skirt you wore, convenient
isn't it?"
Beth stammered for a response, she knew that she was being
confronted with her exhibitionism at the office, "Well, I do
tend to take things a little too far at times, but I see no
problem here. After all,, we both got what we wanted didn't
we?" Craig's face broke into an evil grin, "Yes, Beth, we
did. I hope you understand that as of now you are my
employee, my personal assistant, at my disposal. I'm not
sure if you understand what all that entails, but soon you
will and I am sure that you will find it in your favor to
stay under my guidance and my employment." He stood up and
came around to the foot of the bed where Beth was sitting
and pulled her up against him. At first she recoiled a bit,
but as soon as the warmth of his hands hit her back, her
body seemed to melt into him. "No Craig, I'm not sure of
all of this. But one thing I know for sure is that if I can
have you, I am game!" Craig laughed out loud as he looked
her face over. "Yes darling, you are game!"
He pulled her harder against him and pressed his lips into
hers. They're tongues met with fire. Feeling the wetness
and heat spread in her mouth, Beth became engrossed in his
kiss and did not notice as he moved his hand down to her
skirt. They stopped momentarily as he spoke, "I like this
uniform on you Beth, it makes me feel like you want to do
things for me, do you want to do something for me Beth?"
She licked down his neck before speaking up, "Oh yes, I want
to do something for you, just tell me...anything!" Her
voice was soft and shaky as Craig laid her back on the bed,
and then brought his body on top of hers. "Good Beth." He
said as he slid his hand under her skirt. She involuntarily
shifted her weight so he could reach her naked pussy, "Yes,
yes....I like it when you want to and I don't have to force
you!" Beth wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that
statement, but she had a pretty good idea, and it excited
her beyond belief.
Craig moved his hand up under the petticoat and felt his way
to her pussy lips. They were moist with the anticipation of
his touch. He rubbed her pussy, and massaged her clit as
she nibbled and sucked on his bare nipples. He arched his
back so that she had to reach up with her head to lick and
fondle them. "Ok Beth, I want you to bend over on all fours
so that I can fuck that cunt and see it." Beth quickly got
up and started to take the uniform off. Craig pulled her
back down onto the bed, "Don't you do that!" he snapped.
"You don't ever do anything that I haven't instructed you to
do. I will tell you if I want you to take your clothes
off!" Beth was shocked at the abruptness of his stern
voice, but the intrigue of pretending to be a slave took her
over, "Yes Sir, I'm sorry...it will never happen again."
Beth got up on all fours and looked behind her to see
Craig's cock at full erection. It was rigidly hard and at
least 10 inches long and 4-5 inches around. He looked at
her, "I'm gonna fuck you bitch, just like you've wanted me
to for months!" Beth closed her eyes slightly, an
imperceptible smile forming in the corners of her mouth, as
she felt the head of his cock press against her cunt
opening. As he pressed it in she moaned out loud, "Ohhhh,
God, it's so big! I want it all the way up me. I am a
bitch Craig, I'm your bitch! I deserve everything I get
from you!" Beth was a bit awed at how sincere her words
Craig was pushing his cock into her cunt slowly and had his
hands on the sides of her ass, "You are a fucking bitch, I'd
like to tie you up to my bed and beat the shit out of you
and then fuck that pretty mouth until you gagged!" Beth was
on fire! She couldn't help but grind hard up against him as
he plunged deeper into her with each dive he took. Craig
was pumping his rod fervently between Beth's thigh-high clad
legs. She could feel her cum begin to seep down the insides
of her thighs as Craig picked up his pace. "I'm going to
cum, whore. I'm going to cum in your pussy and then you'll
be mine. You'll be mine to fuck and use like I see fit!"
Beth could hardly make out what he was saying because she
had become caught up in her own heat, and her own impending
orgasm. "Oh yeahhh, fuck me, fuck me like a slut!"
Craig was ramming into her. burying himself in her juices,
"Don't cum bitch, don't you dare cum, or I'll slap that ass
till it bleeds!" Beth's cunt was clutching his every stroke
as his body quivered. She wasn't sure how much longer she
could hold off, he told her not to cum, but if he didn't
hurry up, she was going to explode! Craig rammed her even
harder, pulling her against his crotch, his pelvis bone
crushing against her tail bone. "Oooohhhhhhh!, yeah, I'm
going to shoot it all in you and them you're going to clean
my dick off!" Just as he spoke, Beth felt his hot, creamy
cum rush into her, like a river filling the ocean. He let
out a loud moan on his last thrust. Beth was still grinding
on him, contracting her cunt muscles so as to drain his
every drop.
While his cock was still throbbing from his orgasm, he
pulled it out, "You can't cum Beth, not until I tell you
so." Beth looked around at him, "Craig," she pleaded, "I'm
on fire, please, please...let me cum." Her eyes begged him
to let her relieve the pressure that had built in her groin
but he refused her all of her pleasure. "No Beth, I cant'
let you cum, not until I know that you are faithful. You
have to prove to me that you are willing to be my obedient
slave and assistant." Beth rolled off her knees and sat on
her ass facing Craig, "What do I have to do?" She wanted an
answer, she wanted to be Craig's slave...she wanted to be
his bitch!
Craig looked at her lovingly, "I can give you everything you
have ever wanted, but I have to know that you will release
your body and soul into my hands with no resistance. You
have two requirements to meet: The first is simple, you
must clean your juices from my body with your tongue. In
order for you to do this, I have to tie you down to the bed,
I want to have complete control of your body. The second
one is the most important of the two: I have had a contract
drawn up stating the terms of your employment by me. You
must take it to your quarters after tongue-bathing me, read
it and sign it. After reviewing and executing the contract,
you must bring it to me...that is when I will allow you your
orgasm. I will, if you wish, help you become stimulated,
but I doubt that you will need assistance. After executing
the agreement, you are not allowed to ask any more
questions. You either sign and accept all of it or you are
free to go immediately on your way."
Beth looked down at the uniform she was wearing and thought
briefly about the ultimatum. She wanted Craig, and she
loved the way he and his friends had talked to and treated
her. With little hesitation at all she looked up at Craig
who was staring directly into her eyes. "Yes, yes I will do
it. I want to be your slave and servant. I will do
anything to be by your side!" Craig smiled brightly, "I am
so delighted that you are inclined to accept my offer, I
wanted no one but you to fill this position!" They embraced
tightly and Craig pulled Beth against him. He wanted to
hold, caress, and cuddle her before the real adventure