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183 lines
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Archive-name: Bestial/summfrut.txt
Archive-author: Nevyn
Archive-title: Summer Fruit
What can I say? Heather had been away for some time, and a man
has to keep himself entertained.
I've been doing some serious landscaping around my house; slate
paths through rockeries, cascading succulents and chunky stone steps. An
orchestrated symphony of stone meeting flora with rich flourishes, and
subtle timbrel changes. Well anyway, I was fair knackered from shifting
several tonnes of clay with a shovel.
Around 3:00pm I decided to call it a day. Last years project was
the swimming pool and spa pool. Ideal for helping cope with this years
project; the landscaping.
An unbroken dome of blue sky stretched from horizon to horizon.
No imperfection of clouds marred that perfect ceiling. There was the
faintest of breezes, just keeping the air from becoming stale. In other
words, it was a stunning summers day.
We are fortunate that we have absolute privacy on the grounds
surrounding our house. Hedges, shrubs and fences combine to make the
courtyard invisible from anywhere outside. That suits me perfectly, as
I am loath to wear clothes in the summer. While working on the
landscaping, I had been wearing jeans and boots which I quickly shed.
There is nothing quite like the bracing slap of cool water
against your naked flesh when you first dive into a swimming pool. I
surfaced at the far end of the pool spluttering from the shock of the
sudden cold. A few moments later and I had adjusted to the temperature
of the water.
I swam several lengths of the pool, mucked around in the water
for a bit, then decided to lie in the sun at the edge of the pool. The
cobblestones around the pool were warm, so I stretched out to dry in the
sun. I was suffused by that delightful feeling of well-being that comes
>from working hard, then relaxing hard.
I woke with a bit of a start, not even realising I had dozed
off. My patch of sun had become a patch of shade from one of the trees.
What had woken me was Hamlets tongue licking my dick.
Hamlet is my Great Dane dog. We have been good friends and
lovers for the last six or seven years. I also have an English Mastiff
bitch - Xanth - and she was lying in the shade panting slightly from the
warmth of the day.
Hamlets back feet were beside my head. I grabbed the closest and
lifted it over my head, so I was looking straight up at his ballbag with
his back feet either side of my head. It is a truly magnificent view!
Dogs like to have their muscles massaged as much as humans. I
kneaded my fingers into Hamlets leg muscles. He stretched with the
pleasure of it, then shook. I was rewarded by a brief, but intense rain
of dog hair.
I like the feeling of playing with Hamlets ballbag. His balls
are large and are erotic to play with in their black sack. He resumed
his licking on my dick, which was now quite hard.
His sheath is also fun to play with. A brief note for people who
aren't on quite as intimate terms with canine genitalia as I am:- a dogs
penis is kept withdrawn inside a protective sheath for most of the time.
When a dog becomes sexually aroused, the penis grows forward and extends
out of the sheath. At extreme arousal, a large swelling of flesh at the
base of a dogs penis forms. If the dog is mating, then this can become
lodged inside the bitch, and they 'tie'. The two can remain locked
together for upwards of 20 minutes while the dog ejaculates. Here ends
biology 101.
Practice (continual, excessive and enjoyed) has taught me the
best techniques for jerking Hamlet off. I was lying beneath him which
made the angles a little awkward, but nevertheless we perversered. One
hand rubbed his sheath back and forth along his dick, while the other
hand massaged his thighs and the flesh between his balls and anus. As
his dick hardened he humped a few times forward into my hand.
Someone asked me once how big Hamlets dick was. Well, I
actually got a ruler and measured it. At full arousal, from its tip to
its base, the length is eight inches. The diameter is around the same
as a normal human dick. If that doesn't make your eyes water, then the
swelling at the base grows to about the size of a tennis-ball. (that HAS
made my eyes water on more than one occasion!). Just as a brief aside,
a friend of mine has a St Bernard dog whose dick is over nine inches in
length (but slightly smaller diameter than Hamlets), verified by an
independant survey.
Normally, when I jerk Hamlet off, I keep his knot inside his
sheath. The reason for this is that it stops the sensitive flesh from
drying out which can cause the dog extreme discomfort. Also it means you
can still rub your hands over it through the sheath without damaging the
When the first squirts of clear liquid jetted forth from the end
of Hamlets dick, I quit massaging his thighs. I raised my self on one
elbow and twisted my head around so that I could take his dick in my
mouth. The taste of dog cum is great. It is vaguely salty, and vaguely
sweet. It is easier to swallow than human cum, in that it doesn't get
stuck in your throat. And I was swallowing Hamlets cum. Lots of it. I
kept a gentle massaging action against his dick with one hand, and
savoured the liquid that was pouring down my throat. When it comes to
orgasm, humans are amateurs compared to dogs. Hamlet can cum
continually for ten minutes, and be ready to mount again half an hour
later. I licked around the tip of his dick and nibbled gently on the end
with my lips. I never, NEVER touch his dick with my teeth. The flesh is
very, very sensitive, and teeth are a big no-way.
Gradually the frequency and force of Hamlets ejaculation eased
off. I released his dick which gave a couple of half-hearted squirts,
then Hamlet wandered off to lie in the shade and lick himself. That's
something I have always been jealous of. How come dogs can lick their
dicks, but humans can't (lick their own, I mean). Evolution has a lot
to answer for.
I was now really horny. Giving Hamlet a blowjob does that for
me. I rolled over and crawled on all fours toward Xanth. She looked up
and thumped her tail on the ground a few times. When I got close enough,
she licked my face and I licked hers in return. I scratched the top of
her head accompanied by her wagging her tail again. Crawling forward a
little more allowed me to scratch my finger-nails down her back. Xanth
stretched forward and then rolled over so I could scratch my nails down
her chest to her belly.
I crawled forward further over her head being careful not to
kneel on her ears, and leaned down. My tongue flicked around her
nipples (she has ten nipples. Ah, choices, choices) as I crawled
forward. When my dick came in range, Xanth licked up the steady stream
of pre-cum that was leaking out the end.
Finally my questing tongue found the entrance to Xanth's vagina.
I'm not normally too keen on the taste of Xanth, but I was horny enough
not to care, and today she tasted almost sweet to my tongue. Perhaps I
would have to do this more often, after all. I licked the velvety lips
that surround her entrance. They form a shape like an inverted 'Y' with
the tail of the 'Y' pointed toward her head. Nestled in there is her
clitoris. When my tongue found it, Xanth bucked her hips forward off
the stones at the burst of pleasure.
While I was licking Xanth, she was returning the favour;
licking my dick and balls. If anyone had been observing, they would
have seen us in a classic '69' position.
The humping of Xanths hips off the cobblestones became more
insistent, and she suddenly started to smack her lips loudly. Her
vagina muscles were spasming making the entrance clench slightly against
my tongue. An unusual feeling.
She orgasmed for a couple of minutes with my tonguing sustaining
her. I lapped up the excess lubricant that squeezed from her vagina.
The taste wasn't too bad after all.
When she relaxed again, I turned around over top of her. So now
my head was above her head, and my knees were next to her rump. She was
still lying on her back, and wagging her tail so it was slapping between
my feet.
Screwing a bitch missionary style is quite difficult. It takes a
fair bit of manipulations and fine tuning to get it right. It also takes
a fair bit of strength in your arms and legs to support yourself while
you line everything up.
Fortunately I was aided by my extreme arousal, and that Xanth
had just orgasmed. She was a little looser, and there was ample
lubrication to aid our coupling. However, the shape of a bitches
vaginal passage is all wrong to accommodate penetration from this angle.
It slopes almost straight downwards; if anything angled so it slopes
slightly to the rear.
So entering her involves doing something like a one-handed
push-up over her, while your other hand guides your dick downwards and
back. But the warm embrace of her flesh along your dick is well worth
the effort. Dogs normal temperature is slightly higher than human, so
you have this unbelievable feeling of warmth and tightness.
Unfortunately from this angle, you can only penetrate a few inches, so
you can only thrust in and out about 2 - 3 inches.
Even so, I was close to orgasm anyway from the erotic pleasures
of oral sex with both my dogs. I kept the pace of pushing into Xanth
slow to try and sustain the feeling of being inside her. Even at that
pace, I was teetering close to the edge.
Then I couldn't hold myself back. I picked up the tempo of my
thrusting into her while being careful not to pull out too far lest I
slipped out of her. My vision clouded over, and I felt the electric
jittering of orgasm building up. I pushed my dick into her as far as I
could as the jolt of orgasm hit me. I'm very noisy when I orgasm, and I
let out a half roar, half growl of pleasure.
I brought my head back down near Xanths head, and bit her
shoulder convulsively. Not just from the pure ecstasy of orgasm, but
the thought of cumming inside my dog makes me lose rationality for
awhile. I often joke that I cum my brains out, which is in a sense
true, in that while I am cumming, I'm certainly not thinking
rationally. And the intensity of the orgasm while I was screwing Xanth
was exquisite.
I inhaled deeply Xanths clean smell, and savoured the last
departing buzzes of my receding orgasm. I rolled off her with a deeply
satisfied sigh. Hamlet wandered over and industriously cleaned the semen
>from Xanth. When he had finished, Xanth rolled over and snuggled up to
me. When Hamlet had finished cleaning me off as well, he lay on the
other side of me. We lightly dozed there until the cool of the evening
became a little uncomfortable against my naked body, heat of the dogs
Mmmm, and I still had another five days of leave arrayed ahead
of me.
Nevyn, in the flesh.