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SPRING CHICKEN (Chapter 1) by Gipetto
It was a warm April afternoon when I pulled into my usual parking
space in front of my condo building. I had seen and watched him
many times before. A young boy, about 9 or 10 years old, with no
friends, a tough-guy look, but sad eyes. Wild, untamed and unloved,
a young rebel who probably had no structure in his life, no
authority figure, and assuredly, no love. No nurturing, no hugs,
no caring... no childhood to speak of. At least, that's what I
BOOM!!! I immediately turned to see what had caused the ungodly
crash. Sure enough it was him. The little punk boy who I watched
out of the corner of my eye as I pulled into my parking space. I
saw him flying down the walk on his skateboard, with his messy
blonde hair, spiked at the top with a skinny tail down the back,
dirty sweatpants, tie-dyed shirt, and mandatory headphones. He was
lying there in pain but too incorrigible to act like it. He had
gone off of the sidewalk and into the side of my T-Bird. I walked
over, for a moment forgetting about my own lustful feelings towards
this beautiful boy, and with concern, asked if he was OK.
I was surprised at the look of fear he gave me when he stood up.
"I'm sorry mister", he said. "Hey, are you OK", I asked, with
sincere concern. "I..I..I'm really really sorry mister" he said in
a shaky voice. "Don't worry about that", I said, "It's only a car,
... How about you?.. Are you OK?" I was looking at his knee and
elbow, both of which were bleeding badly. I could not believe the
apprehension in his eyes and in his voice. "My mom is going to
beat the shit out if me when she sees my pants" he said. "Your mom
is going to beat you because you had a little accident?" I said
with a smile. "Yeah, if she's had enough to drink she will", he
said "she'll be whorin' tonight anyway, so I won't even see her". I
couldn't believe what I was hearing! "My name's Pete", I said as I
held out my hand. "I'm Eric" he said as he put his small hand into
mine and gave me a rather soft, gentle handshake. "Listen", I
said, "why don't you come inside and I'll put something on it, so
that it doesn't get infected". "No, that's OK, I'm alright", he
said. "No, really!", I said. "Maybe we can clean it up enough so
that she won't even notice". "Uhhhm....OK!" he said as he picked
up his skateboard and followed me into my townhouse. I remember
noticing for the first time, the soft features of his face which I
hadn't seen before... his soft red lips, and the small freckles
across his nose.
I hoped he would not notice that my hand was shaking as I tried
to unlock the door. I hoped the neighbors were not watching,
wondering if it was OK for the "loner" to be inviting a young boy
into his house. Once inside, Eric seemed to forget about his
injuries. My computer tower was the first thing to catch his eye.
"Wow, awesome", he said. "Do you have any good games on that
computer?" "Yea, I do", I told him. Just then I noticed a nudist
magazine that I had left on the end table next to the couch.
Apparently, I had forgotten to put it away after "getting in touch
with myself" the night before. I knew what page it was opened to,
the one of the two young Danish boys, one about 8 years old and the
other 10 or 11. The older boy was not circumcised and he had his arm
around the younger boy who was circumcised. Definitely one of my
favorite nudist pictures. I decided to leave it there and see what
Eric's reaction would be when he saw it. "Come on, we'd better take
care of those cuts", I said as I led him into the bathroom. Eric
followed me into the bathroom and I wetted a facecloth to clean
the blood off of his arm. I couldn't believe that I was getting
hard just because I was holding his little forearm in my hand and
his penetrating blue eyes were staring into mine with the trust of
a child. He had dropped all the tuff-boy facades that he used in
the street, and he whinced as I wiped the dirt out of the cut in
his elbow. A little scratch in my car is small price to pay for
this, I though to myself. I applied a bandage, and then I looked
down at his bloody left knee. Before I could even say anything,
Eric stood and dropped his dirty sweatpants down to his ankles and
sat down on the toilet. He stretched out his leg to expose the
wound but my eyes could not look at anything else but the tiny
furry hairs on his thigh. I looked to see if there might be any
kind of bulge in his underpants. Time to do something before he
figures me out. I had a fear of him calling me "queer" and running
out of my condo, telling all the other kids in the neighborhood to
stay away from me, that I was a "fag". But I got ballsy. Wetting
a facecloth, I got down on my knees in front of him. He sat there
on the toilet in his underwear, and as I went to wipe his knee
clean, I carefully placed my hand on his soft thigh. He looked me
in the eye and kind of smiled! My dick was hot and hard as I moved
my hand slowly up his thigh. The soft little hairs on his legs and
that certain smell you get when your head is in the crotch of a
sweaty 9 year old boy got me so hard that I thought I would blow a
big load in my pants! Better slow things down a bit, I thought to
myself. I still wasn't sure if Eric needed what I so desperately
wanted to give him. Now I was holding his calf muscle, I had wiped
clean the nasty scrape on his knee and put on a bandage. Eric said
"thanks" and as he pulled his pants back up, beamed "Can we play
some computer games now?" "Sure thing, buddy!" I said.
"People think I'm dumb" Eric said as I started him off slowly
with a mellow game of Tetris. I was raving about how smart he was
because he was learning DOS commands so quickly. His face would
beam the biggest smile whenever I praised him. It seems I was the
first person to ever give Eric any positive feedback about himself.
"Can I stay over here sometime?" he asked sheepishly. "I'm always
alone here," I said, "so you can stay over anytime." "Really, how
about tonight?" he said excitedly, bouncing up and down in his
chair. I was really excited about his enthusiasm. "Sure", I said,
"but you have to get your mom's permission". "No I don't," he said,
"she won't be home until Sunday night". It was only Friday
afternoon. "She leaves you alone for all that time?" I said. "Yes",
he said looking down at the floor. "She goes out on dates with men
for money every weekend, but I don't want to stay there alone again
this weekend", he said, "it's scary sometimes, and they turned the
lights off yesterday, PLEASE can I stay here with you?" Eric put
his arm up on my shoulder and flashed me a bullshitter's smile with
his plea. I was much more serious. "Eric", I said as I gently rubbed
the warm suntanned skin on the back of his neck, "anytime you
feel lonely or scared or unwanted you can come here. Anytime of day
or night, I'm your friend and you can come to me, OK?" "Thanks
Pete", he said. "You must be pretty hungry?", I said, "Do you want
some pizza?" I asked. "Oh yes", he said, "I love pizza and I'm
starving". Suddenly I realizes how dirty this kid was and how he
smelled kinda bad. I said, "But I gotta be honest about something,
puppy",(I don't know why I said it or where it came from but from
then on, 'puppy' was my pet name for Eric), "you need a bath real
bad." "We didn't have any hot water at home." he said. I told Eric to
go into the bathroom and throw out all his clothes so that I could
wash them and try to fix the hole in the knee of his pants, as I
had promised. I told him I would leave something in the bathroom
for him to wear until his clothes were clean. I called in our pizza
order to be delivered, then thought about what I'd like to see
young Eric wearing. I stuck my head in the bathroom and was
completely bummed to see the shower curtain closed(I wanted to see
a flash of something so bad). I picked up the pile of his dirty
clothes and left for him my white Pittsburgh Penguins #66 Mario
Lemieux jersey to wear like a dress until his clothes were ready.
As I headed for the washer, I couldn't resist rubbing his soiled
underpants on my face, smelling Eric's crotch sweat, the smell was
driving me wild. I stuffed the crotch in my mouth, I wanted to blow
a load so bad but I had to stop. I was thinking, maybe if he falls
asleep in my hockey shirt, I can feel his small, limp dick, maybe I
could gently rub my red-hot cock on his soft thighs or stick it
between his warm bum cheeks. DING-DONG!!!, oh shit! It was the
pizza guy at the door. I almost had a heart attack!
Eric looked so sexy in my hockey shirt. He sat across from me as
we wolfed down the pizza. Have you ever smelled a young boy right
after a bath? He smelled better than the pizza, and he kept pushing
his hands between his legs, pulling the shirt up and exposing those
thighs that I wanted to taste so bad. I wondered if the feeling of
the chair on his naked bum was making him horny. His hair seemed
longer and messier after his bath. I loved the way it was all
messed up in a mop and made him look like Macauley Culkin in "My
Girl". The evening went from pizza to hours of computer games and
Eric was amazed when I logged onto a BBS in Denmark. I let him
think that he did most of the work and he couldn't believe that he
had "hacked" onto a computer in Europe. Just then the dryer buzzed.
"Shit", I thought to myself. I didn't want him to get all dressed
again. I took his clothes out and said "You don't want to sleep
in your clothes, do you?" Eric took his underpants from the pile
and said, "I'll just put these on, I sleep in my underwear." Well,
I thought, that sounds OK to me. I didn't even try to hide my eyes
as watched him slide the briefs on, hoping for a quick shot of his
boyhood. No deals! "I sleep in my underwear too", I said.
It was 10:00 and one of the first warm nights of the spring. A
gentle breeze was blowing through the sliders as Eric and I sat in
the dark watching "The Three Ninjas" and munching on potato chips.
Eric was having a coke but kept bugging me for occasional sips of
my beer. I obliged. I'm useless when a young boy says "please" and
gives my puppy dog eyes. The few sips of beer were enough to make
Eric act silly. The more relaxed he got, the more I began to love,
not just lust, him. His personality was becoming more apparent to
me. He was actually a very intelligent boy, and he seemed to like
the fact that I wanted to teach him things. As Eric got sillier and
more comfortable with me, he got more "touchy". He started holding
my hands more and putting his arm around my shoulder whenever I
made him laugh, then he started calling me "Peteie". "Wow", I
thought, "he has a pet name for me".
Just then, Eric leaped on the couch and sat down near the end
table where, sure enough, he saw the magazine I had left out. I
wasn't ready to deal with this. I hadn't thought out what I'd say
about the pictures in the magazine. He looked right at it, and
picked it up as I tried to act like I wasn't watching him. "This
boy has a pee-pee like mine" he said, pointing to the circumcised
boy and giggling with an evil grin that told me he was feeling the
effects from the sips of beer I gave him. "And this one looks like
my Dad did" he was now pointing to the natural boy. "What's your's
like?" he asked. I liked the way he was so at easy with nudity.
"Mine's just like your's", I said, "only a little bigger".
"Our's look like rockets", he said laughing wildly.
"What kind of book is this?", he asked. "It's a nudist magazine" I
said. "Some people, especially in Europe, like to run around naked
outdoors for vacation." "Sounds like fun, huh puppy?" Eric flipped
through the pages, one by one. He seemed to look a little longer
at the pictures of bald little vaginas. I didn't like that. "How do
you know what your daddy's pee-pee looks like?" I said, trying to
keep his attention where I wanted it. He told me that he really
liked his dad, even though he never spent any time with him. His
dad played bass for a small time thrash punk band from Boston but
had moved to L.A. 4 or 5 years ago. He said he remembered at a very
young age playing with his coloring books on the floor of his
parents apartment in the projects while he watched his father have
sex with another man. Bi-sexuality was nothing shocking for this
kid who had also seen his prostitute mother bring home men and lady
clients as well. I asked him what he though about two boys making
love to each other. He told me that no one had ever loved him and
that he thought love was the greatest thing in the world and that
the sex of the people doing it didn't matter at all, that it was
"nobody else's business".
I had never been this close to the real thing in my life. With
balls that were enlarged by the beers I drank, I decided to go for
it and not look back. I had to trust my instincts here, that Eric
needed love and affection in the worst way and would gladly accept
it from me. My heart was racing with love, lust and insatiable
desire. He had the big, bright, trusting eyes of a child. I asked
him if he would like to spend the night in my bed with me. I told
him that I really liked him a lot and I thought it would be really
cool if went to bed together. I told him that I would like to hold
him in my arms and feel his skin against mine, feel the warmth of
his body against mine. Eric said nothing. He didn't have to. He put
down the magazine and threw his arms around my neck. This, I
thought to myself, HAS to mean "yes". I found the remote and the
room went black as I turned off the TV. I put my hands down and
picked Eric up(a 9 year-old is heavier than you think) by his bum,
and he wrapped his arms tighter around my neck. I carried him into
my bedroom.
"Wrestling move! Full body slam!" I yelled as I threw young Eric
onto my bed over my shoulder. My usually quiet bedroom was now
filled with Eric's laughter. As I sat on the edge of my bed,
thanking the gods for bringing Eric into my life, I felt his loving
hands on my shoulders, as he got up onto his knees on the bed
behind me. I turned around and pulled the hockey shirt off of his soft,
muscular body. Eric giggled at the static sparks that were visible
in the dark. "Do you want me to take off my underpants?" he asked.
"Not yet", I said, "let's see what happens, OK?". I stripped down
to my underpants and slid under the thin sheet. I was scared and
confused for a minute, then I went for it. With one hand running
through his hair, I started rubbing his chest with the
other hand, tweaking his nipples until he giggled again. I laid
back for a minute, to catch my breath when all of a sudden, Eric
rolled up onto of me. "Can I give you my special kiss?", he asked.
"Yea puppy, I'd like that a lot", I said. "Ok", he said, "It goes
like this". All of a sudden I felt his soft thighs slide between
mine as he straddled himself on top of me. I couldn't believe that
all it took was a little caring and love to win this boy's heart,
and that he was about to give me a special gift of passion that he'd
never shared with anyone else before. He kissed me on the forehead,
then he kissed me on the chin, then on the right cheek, then on the
left. I was thinking how great it felt when his soft, tender
lips, wet with love touched mine. He kissed me soft and slow
and then he whispered into my ear, "I love you Peteie". He laid
on his back and I couldn't wait any longer. Slowly, I slid my hand
under the elastic band of his underpants. I couldn't believe this
was happening. My fingertips were touching his small soft dick.
I could feel Eric's heartbeat get quicker. As I reached down further
and began to fondle his little genitals, I could feel his dick get
hard. "Do you like this?" I asked him. "Yes!" he said, half nervous
and half excited. I took my hand out and began to gently stroke his
velvety thighs. Then I threw off the sheets and got on my knees down
by Eric's feet. He put his feet up on my shoulders and I slowly
pulled off his underpants. I got so hot, I couldn't contain my lust
any longer. I started to lick his soft creamy thighs, as he giggled
nervously. Slowly, I worked my tongue up to his penis, which was
standing up hard and ready for action. I took Eric's hot young boyhood
into my mouth and licked and sucked it until I heard his little voice
go "ohhh..." this feels awesome, Peteie" "Oh puppy, I love you so
much", I said, as I was now licking his little ball bag. I pulled off
my underpants and began rubbing my hot, hard erection on his little
baby hard-on. Eric giggled with glee at this feeling. "Roll over,
loveboy", I said and Eric gladly obliged. As he rolled over, his soft bum
cheeks rubbed against my cock. I could have blown a load right then
and there but I pulled it away and instead stuck my face in
his bottom. I could not believe how soft his ass was and I could
have smelled his warm sweatty ass all night. I put my stiff dick
between the soft, warm mounds of Eric's sweet, virgin tail and
began pumping him, slow and soft, letting my balls bounced off the
tender mounds as I smelled Eric's hair and placed soft kisses on the
back of his neck. Eric turned his head so I could place my loving
kisses onto his lips. I was close to exploding!
"I want to put my pee-pee inside you, Eric", I said. "Ok", he said
happily. "We'll have to make it slippery", I explained. I stuck out
my tongue and began to slowly lick his asshole. Wetting the little
pink hole with as much spit as I could muster. "I'll need a lot of
spit on my pee-pee", I told Eric. He knew what to do. Without
asking any questions, he sat up and took my hot, hard cock into his
warm mouth. "Make it really wet", I said as he went up and down on
my cock, his drool running down the shaft of my dick and rolling
off of my balls. He smiled at me when he finally pulled away,
wondering what new feeling I would give him next. Eric rolled over
and proudly stuck his bum out. I spread the small cheeks and
applied a little more spit with my tongue, then I stuck my index
finger up into his warm anus, slowly instructing him how to relax
his muscles. Eric was now relaxed and telling me that it felt
"awesome". I now had two fingers up there and felt that he was
ready. I asked him to spread his legs a little wider. Eric was
quick to accommodate me. He lay there, face down with his legs
spread wide and his bum pushed proudly up in the air. I could see
the back of his little ballbag. I couldn't believe that this
beautiful young boy was here waiting to feel my hot shaft enter
his tight young ass.
I spit on Eric's small, pink asshole one more time, then slowly
rubbed my dick head around the warm hole. I stuck the head in as
slowly as I could. I had to push a little and I watched Eric's face
to make sure it was not hurting him. The hot tunnel of love was
better than I had ever imagined. I pushed it all the way in. I heard
Eric say "Ohhh, wow". I was humping him steady and slow, and as I
realized that Eric was enjoying the feeling, I decided I just had
to see his face as I fucked him. I pulled it out and Eric started
laughing again. "It felt like I just did a poop", he said. I rubbed
his back lovingly and said "roll over puppy, I want to try it a
different way". Eric rolled onto his back. Now his beautiful face
and bright blue eyes were looking right at me. I picked up his
feet and put them up onto my shoulders. Eric spread his legs enough
so that I could again stick my hot shaft inside of him. This was
heaven. I could do this forever(or at lease I wished I could).
My dick was pumping in and out of his hot virgin hole, his calves
were up onto my shoulders and I rubbed his velvety soft thighs. He
looked me in the eye with his trusting smile. I looked down and saw
that his little penis was at full attention. I spit on his little pee-
pee a couple of times, making him laugh again and I started rubbing
his stiff little dick and balls. "Ohhh, Peteie that feels so good"
he said. "Did you ever wake up with wet gooey stuff in your
underwear?" I asked him, knowing I was about to blow any minute now
"Yes, a couple times" he said excitedly! Quickly, I realized that I
was wrong when I thought that he was too young. I knew now that I
was going to make this sweet little angel cum tonight. I rubbed his
wet, slippery dick and balls as I pumped my dick into his tight
hole, the I got the rush, I wanted him to see it. I pulled my
throbbing cock out of his ass quickly and jerked it with my hand,
rubbing it on his wet dick and balls that were slippery from my
spit and the pre-jiz from Eric's dick. The first blast was intense.
I saw a stream blast across his chest and a couple of drops were
dripping off of his chin, the rest was hot and heavy, I never came
so much in my life! The blobs of hot load were jerked out of my
dick and onto his already wet penis. I was yelling out "Ohhh,
Eric, I love you, you make me feel so good!" Before I could even
worry about if this was freaking him out, he said "Please make me
cum too, Peteie" His voice was soft and serious now. I noticed
that his eyes were closed and his head was rocking from side to side.
I had my young lover in ecstasy! I had to make him cum. I went down on
him right away. His dick was hot! I could taste the slippery pre-
cum on the tip of his young boyhood. I did all I could. I went up
and down on the small shaft. I rolled it around and around my
mouth. I sucked on his tiny little balls, while I stuck my fingers
up his now loose asshole. "Does it feel good, puppy?" I asked. Eric
was breathing heavier and heavier, "I wanna cum!" he pleaded.
"Lay on top of me!" he moaned. I obliged. My face was in his. His
eyes were closed and he began pumping his little baby hard-on into
the side of my belly. I started kissing his upper lip. I slowly
slipped my tongue into Eric's mouth. He didn't complain. He just
started breathing harder and pumping harder. His tongue was now
wrapped around mine. I thought to myself that I would never, ever
forget the taste. "It's coming" he said, half crying. "Please
Peteie, make it wet, rub it again!" he moaned. I went down on him
again. Licking and sucking his hot kiddie penis. I started rubbing
the small dick and balls with my hand, then I started jerking him
off. "Ohhh....Ahhh" he screamed in a high-pitched whine. The shots
burst out at first, shooting right up onto Eric's face. I got my
mouth onto it as fast as I could. I felt three bursts of warm,
sweet little-boy jizz shoot into my mouth, and I milked his
little bone until it was dry. Eric beamed me his winning smile
and put out his arms for me to hug him. "I did it!" he said, "I
had my first cum, Peteie, it felt so awesome, I wanna do it again!"
"Oh my god!", I thought to myself.
I took him into may arms and kissed him gently for 10 or 15 minutes.
When I finally came up for air I looked Eric in the eyes.
He softly whispered "I love you".
YOUNG FRIEND, ERIC (Epilogue) by Gipetto
I picked my young lover up into my arms and carried him into the
bathroom where we shared a long hot bath that included soft
caresses, gentle kisses, and a little champagne. Eric asked me if
he could live with me forever. I told him I would talk with his
mom. She wouldn't be to hard to blackmail.
The next morning I awoke almost forgetting that the most
incredible, passionate life of my life had happened the night
before. That was until I felt the small warm penis pressed against
my bum. Next I noticed his little arm wrapped lovingly around my
waist. Little did I know then that my new "son" would become a sex
addict, and that we would team up to have orgies with many other
young boys and girls. But those are stories soon to cum...
Remember, a kid can never have too much love,
- fini -