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Snuggle Bunny
author unknown
Life, in general, had not been going well for me, or my friends for that
matter. I was very good in physics, a genius really, but my poor showing in
phys. ed. put my college scholarship in jeopardy. I was six feet tall, but a
bit pudgy. Girls didn't find me attractive at all. In a word, I was a nerd.
The only guys on campus who liked me were my best friend and brother nerd
Greg, Rick, a freshman who was geekier than me, and Tim, a former jock who
liked me for helping him pass math. Also, I was the only one on campus who
didn't blame him for fumbling the ball that cost us a slot in the Rose Bowl.
Though 6'5 and muscular, he wasn't very good-looking. Truth be known, he was
ugly. He was probably the only varsity football player in the world who
couldn't get laid. Just when things looked their worst, I had a vision. I saw
space as a series of concurrent realities, each with a specific frequency. If
I could tune in to those frequencies, I could see into other realities. Since
I lost my scholarship, I had little time so I decided to build a 'dimensional
scanner', as I called it. That would surely get me a new scholarship. Greg and
Rick helped with the math and computer programs, and Tim helped buy, borrow or
steal the parts I needed. In a surprisingly short time, I had perfected it.
What I discovered when I used it was astounding. I discovered that not only
are there 'alternate realities', but I could create a portal into one! The
algorithm I had written could project how a person would do in that alternate
reality and actually predict wealth, success, beauty, etc. I scanned through
thousands of possible existences. I soon found another reality where Tim,
Rick, Greg and I all had high levels of wealth, success, physical
attractiveness, and happiness. I couldn't be more specific as to how we would
achieve these things, but it didn't matter. In another reality, we were
destined to be rich and desirable. We discussed the possibility of 'making the
leap' as we called it. Greg suggested applying the algorithm to this reality.
Our future was so grim, I won't even bother with the details. "What have we
got to lose?" I said. Ultimately, we decided to go even though it was a one
way trip into a mysterious destiny.
We packed all our belongings and assembled in my room. Not knowing what
to expect, we had on winter coats. I adjusted the scanner to scan us and shift
our frequency to that of the new reality. I felt a strange - something in my
stomach. The miserable world I had known blinked out of existence, replaced by
a very large, obviously expensive, living room. We had stepped through right
into a fancy house. We could see through the windows that it was Spring. The
room was filled with four, young losers, all their worldly goods, plus a chair
and waste basket from my dorm room that had gotten scanned, too. We all stood
there, too stunned to speak for several minutes. We had done it! We were going
to be successful.
The house was very large, but not a mansion. It sat on several acres and
had a pool and tennis court. We found a game room, jacuzzi, and a garage with
a Cadillac, Suburban, and Corvette in it. We decided to rummage through the
den and discovered that this was Greg's house. Upon seeing this we all ran
back to the living room. There we found a picture of a tall, muscular,
handsome man cuddling a voluptuous vixen with a centerfold body. The
inscription said, "To My favorite Guy-man Greg- Happy Birthday. Love and
Kisses from your little Snuggle Bunny Rhonda" This was incredible. Greg was
going to be that stud in the photo. We found what had to be Rhonda's room; it
was an EXTREMELY feminine room, all pink lace and perfume with some dolls on
the daybed. I became envious when I found letters which said Greg and Rhonda
were engaged. Rick found a photo album of her. She was stunning, especially in
a throng bikini. It revealed she had a heart-shaped mole on her right buttock.
We all teased Greg about 'getting to see that up close.'
The equations had given the possibility that we might look differently.
This confirmed it. We all speculated on how long that might be until we all
had assumed our new identities. The best guess was it would take between 2
weeks and 2 months. That being settled for the moment, we all settled in to
enjoy the comforts of Greg's wonderful house. We swam, played tennis, watched
videos on the wide screen TV and lived the good life. A few days later I
looked through the phone book and found that Rick owned the place behind this
one! We went through the adjoining gate and found another place that was
equally impressive. It seems Greg had made some investments that paid off,
then Rick had joined him. That explained a lot. The equations had indicated
that Greg was the 'event precipitator'. Apparently Rick was also engaged, to
some foxy Asian girl named Maia with the most irridescent green eyes I had
ever seen. We went back to the phone book, but couldn't find any listing for
Tim or I. We checked the math and came to the conclusion that Tim and I hadn't
achieved our success yet, but there was an indication that our futures were
tied to those of Rick and Greg. It was decided that I would live with Greg and
Tim would move in with Rick until we found out what our new destinies were.
"Don't worry about a thing," Greg said as I settled in to my room. "I'll take
very good care of you." I knew what he meant, but it seemed like an odd way to
say it, none the less.
Greg and Rick were behaving differently. They kept calling us 'old
sport' and other preppy phrases. Greg complained of some achiness in his
joints. I thought his clothes looked tighter and his pants were too short.
Then one morning, Greg came down to breakfast completely transformed into his
new, studly self. He entered the kitchen, where I was making breakfast,
flexing his new muscles - stark naked. I took a look at him. He had classic
features, long wavy black hair, bedroom eyes - AND HE WAS HUNG LIKE A HORSE!
Suddenly, I blushed and turned away. I had a boner! What was I thinking! I
wasn't sure, but I think Greg saw it, and had smiled. Oh no! Were we destined
to be gay lovers? Nothing in the math said we couldn't be, but no. There was
Rhonda, somewhere. I felt relieved. Rick changed the next day. Rick and Greg
began to spend a lot of time at the country club, playing golf and tennis, but
mostly looking for Rhonda and Maia. Tim and I limited our trips in public to
the library. We weren't sure when, or under what circumstances, we would
change, so we decided it was best to stay close to home until we did.
It was more than a week after Greg changed that I awoke feeling - odd. I
got up and looked in the mirror. I didn't seem to look any different, but
something didn't feel right. Later that morning I was vacuuming. Lately, I had
been doing housework. I enjoyed it. It broke the boredom. I had been a little
curious where Rhonda was. After all, she WAS Greg's fiancee. I couldn't
imagine where she might be, so I went back to vacuuming and trying to decide
what to make for dinner. The door to Rhonda's room was ajar. I went inside to
look for some small clue we may have missed. I looked through her desk.
Nothing. I went through her closet, still nothing, but wow. She really had
nice clothes. I went into her jewelry box and found her engagement ring. It
was a real door knob! 3 carats at least. On impulse, I slid it onto my finger.
It wouldn't fit. I looked, next, in her underwear drawer. As the drawer slid
out, my nose was assaulted by the scent of lace, silk, cache', and perfume. My
prick stiffened. I picked up a panty and looked around. Hands trembling, I
slid off my pants and shorts, then slid my legs into the exquisite smoothness
of the panty. I moaned softly. This was incredible! It felt sooo good. I
walked to the 3-way dressing mirror in the corner. I looked at myself, turning
from side to side to see myself in panties. I tugged at the leg hole to make a
tighter fit and looked into the mirror. I screamed! On my butt was a heart-
shaped mole!
By now I was naked and other changes were noticable. I had lost some
height and musculature. My eyes had changed from gray-blue to a deep blue.
Besides the new mole, my ass seemed - cuter. I stared at my ass for a long
time as the full implications of this were sinking into my brain. A tear
formed in the corner of my eye.
"Oh, no!" I said to the empty room. "There is such a thing as karma. No
wonder Greg hasn't found Rhonda yet. I'M RHONDA; at least, I'm going to be."
I gasped. "That means Tim is going to be Maia. I'ld better tell him what's in
store for us." I called Tim, chuckling softly as I thought about that hulking
ape turning into the petite nymphette I saw in the photographs. Then I thought
about the first time I saw a picture of the equally buxom Rhonda. "Wow. Nice
headlights," was my crude remark. hmm. Now they were going to be MY
I could tell something had happened as soon as Tim picked up the phone.
I asked what was going on. He said that he had noticed some changes this
morning. His eyes were a different color. He sounded happy. "Are they, by any
chance, irridescent green?" I asked cautiously. He seemed surprised by my
response and asked me how I knew. "Tim, I don't know how to tell you this.
Maia has irridescent green eyes." There was a long pause before he said
anything. "Could - could - that happen?" he asked, fear choking his words.
"Yes. In fact, I have a heart-shaped mole on my ass. You know - like Rhonda.
Why don't you come over." He said he'ld be right there. I decided to make some
coffee and was momentarily concerned that I had nothing to serve, when I
caught on to what I was doing, but as I ran my hand over my slightly expanded
rump, I was began to understand these changes in my behavior.
I saw Tim jogging across the lawn. Already, there seemed to be somewhat
less of him than I recalled, and his carriage had become just the slightest
bit effeminate. That was a rather subjective observation on my part, but Tim
had always been so totally - Neanderthal, that any change toward what most
people would merely call 'human' behavior was a sure sign of a growing
femininity. Looking back, I saw that it had begun a few days ago; just about
the time I started to act like Betty Crocker. From the moment he walked in the
door and I saw those lovely eyes (His lashes were longer, too) I knew I was
right about what was happening to us. However, he was not ready to accept it
yet. At first he presented an argument that we were Rhonda and Maia's brothers
and had introduced them to Rick and Greg. Even he didn't believe that one
after he said it out loud. He then grasped at a comment I had made earlier
about Rick and Greg. I had hypothesized that they had changed first because
they were 'in their own place' and that we would change if only we could find
'our place'. He wanted to pack and get out of here - now. The recent
alterations to my gluteus maximus indicated the futility of that idea. I had
to get him to accept this. He wouldn't like it. I didn't either, but really;
what choices did we have. I sat him down and poured him a cup of coffee. We
sat quietly for a moment, sipping our coffee. I noticed Tim and I had both
crossed our legs, at the knee - like women.
"Don't you see? Greg and Rick haven't changed into their new selves because
they're in their own place and we aren't. This is our place, too. They changed
more quickly than us because they're still MEN, just better looking. But in
this reality, you and I are women. I guess we'll take longer to change, but we
will change. Look at us. We're both shorter already, and I feel - it's hard to
describe, like I'm getting fat."
"Just because you've been eating too much, doesn't mean we're turning into
"Oh, puleez. Let's not waste a lot of time with denial. I wake up with a
heart-shaped mole on my butt, and you have green eyes. Face facts. You're
GOING to be Maia, and I'm going to be Rhonda, though, unlike you, I'll wait
until I actually have tits and a cunt before I start acting like bitch."
"Watch who you're calling a bitch - you bitch."
"See! When was the last time you called a guy, any guy, a bitch. -- Oh." He
was putting me on. Tim smiled impishly at my being tricked by his wry comment,
but he was right, too. For all practical purposes, we were women already.
There was no way of knowing when, but soon apparently, we would become women
physically, as well. We both broke into laughter. It relieved the tension.
Now, I hoped Greg would take it as well- when I told him that we were engaged.
Tim and I sat at the table, making plans for more than an hour. The changes in
our behavior were probably caused by physical changes to our brains. Tim
actually said that he had feelings of being a woman trapped in a man's body,
and that he had been finding the rest of us more desirable. Upon hearing the
words, it occurred to me that I felt the same way. To avoid problems we would
have to go along with those changes, without resistance. It meant that from
this moment on, we should start behaving like the women we would soon be. We
even started calling ourselves, without actually planning to, Maia and Rhonda.
It sounded odd to be called 'Rhonda', but there was something normal about it,
too. We checked ourselves carefully. I had shrunk an inch and Tim had shrunk
two. Both of us looked way over due for a haircut. I could feel a thin layer
of fat forming under my skin and I semed to have lost some muscle. That
explained that 'fat' feeling I had. We found that Tim had also lost a lot of
muscle tone. He flexed his brawny muscles, probably for the last time, then
left for home. I called Greg at the club and told him I had some news on
Rhondas whereabouts.
I had decided what I was going to say, but I almost lost my lunch when I
heard his Corvette pull up. He bounded into the room with the enthusiasm of a
Labrador puppy. This was NOT going to be easy. "Well? What have you found
out," he asked expectantly. My eyes looked everywhere, except directly at him.
"Greg- I know where Rhonda is. You see, I started to change this morning."
Greg didn't understand what I was driving at. His impatience was growing. I
pressed on. "You know how Rhonda has that heart-shaped mole on her butt? Well,
I ......." I pulled down my shorts to reveal my new mole. I closed my eyes and
turned my head, unable to face Greg's reaction. That's when I heard -
laughter? Greg was laughing. I looked at him in shock. "What's so damn funny!
I'm turning into your fiancee and you think it's funny?" Greg wiped a tear
from his eye. "I'm not laughing at you, or your - situation. I'm laughing
because I'm relieved. After I changed, I began to have feelings of -
attraction for you. I thought I was gay!" I began to laugh, though giggle was
a more appropriate word for the sound coming out of me. "You did? Me, too!
Well. I guess I'm not gay either. Tell you what. If anyone ever says we are,
I'll have a baby. That will show them, won't it." We both collapsed in
hysterical laughter. You had to. The situation WAS funny, after all. When we
had regained some level of composure, I told Greg of my desire to start living
as Rhonda right away. He agreed. I took the keys to Rhonda's, uh- my, Eldorado
and went to the mall. The clothes in - my - room didn't fit -yet. I needed to
get some dresses and high heels; and a bikini. I couldn't go topless around
the pool anymore. Those days were over, now that I was a female, so to speak.
I was happy, I guess. After so many weeks of uncertainty, it was nice to know
I had a future again, and I just wanted to get on with it. The good thing
about taking this attitude was that I no longer was a man turning into a
woman, I was a big, ugly woman who was getting more beautiful by the day. That
was much better for my morale. On the way to the garage, I said goodbye to
Greg - and kissed him on the cheek.
It was a pleasant drive at first. I was listening to the radio when they
began to play 'Paradise by the Dashboard Light'. The imagery had always been
erotic until it occurred to me that I WAS GOING TO HAVE 3RD BASE BETWEEN MY
LEGS! Men - with cocks- were going to try to enter ME. I pulled to the side of
the road. I felt sick to my stomach. Reminding myself I had chosen this, and
recalling the misery of my 'other future', I pulled myself together. I got to
the mall and had my ears pierced (don't we always in these stories?). The
simple hoops were gender neutral, so no one really paid any attention. I went
to department store and bought some clothes that I thought would fit me for
now, which because of my still male body, meant PLUS sizes. I decided on
feminine colors and floral prints and got some fatlady mu-mus, tights, tube
tops, shorts and tennis skirts. I also bought some head bands with bows. I
didn't buy any make-up since there was plenty at home and I really didn't know
what to get anyway. I was sure the knowledge would come in time. I then
hurried home to become - a girl.
Upon returning home, I went to my room and locked the door. Greg knocked
and asked if I was alright. I replied, "Just give me some privacy for a few
hours. Ok? Once I'm in skirts and high heels, I intend to start being a woman
for you. Well, as much as I can anyway." He left. I hung all the 'plus size'
clothes in an empty closet and went to my bathroom. I applied depilatory cream
to my torso and arms and showered it off when the time was right. Next, I drew
a foaming bubble bath. (CLICHE' ALERT!) I soaked for a time, enjoying the
steam and warmth. Then with a heavy sigh - I shaved my legs and underarms,
like a woman. When I was done, I applied some of the lotions and creams I had
found. They felt greasy, but OK. I wrapped myself in a big, fuzzy towel,
remembering to cover my chest, and proceeded to put on my first dress.