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Archive-name: Family/slove1.txt
Archive-title: Sisterly Love
thru Vol 7
I. Closet Connections
Any of my friends could tell you the story behind my closet.
My sisters room is adjacent to mine on the left. Her facing wall
is the closing wall of my closet. The only thing that makes this
arrangement different than usual is that as long as I remember
there had been a hole in the wall sharing our rooms. Apparently
it was drilled for some wiring reason...I think the telephone
cable used to run through it. Anyhow, this quarter inch hole was
quite unnoticeable, it was about a foot from the floor and ,as I
said, was only a quarter inch at best in diameter. At first I
saw no use for this hole and was going to cover it up just for
looks. Until one evening, I was in my closet looking for an
record and heard my sister's door close loudly. For some reason
I thought about the hole and bent down to the floor and looked
through it. At first I could only see what appeared to be
carpet. I adjusted my position and it turned out that I could
pretty much see my sister's entire room. I learned that a small
hole can provide a large viewing field. I didn't see anyone in
the room as I panned around. I heard metal sounds and I
reasoned that my sister, Cathy, was around her closet( one of the
only blind spots ). I continued my spying and finally managed to
see what appeared to be some body part. After some thought, I
recognized the flesh as my sister's leg. I kept an eye on the
leg until finally she moved into view. My sister walked over and
sat down at her dresser. She was wrapped only in a towel,
apparently she just finished a shower. It was at that moment I
realized the possibilities. The obvious private view of my
sister was intriguing but it also meant the spying of those who
stayed in my sister's room. This included her friends as well as
guests! My sister was still at her dresser doing something to
her nails. I continued to watch her for many minutes then left
for a few moments to rest my eye. I returned shortly after and
took my position on the floor. My first view this time was of
knees. My sister's legs walked back deeper in her room and
allowed my best view yet. She still had the towel on and a bra
in her hand. The anticipation was tremendous! About five
seconds later, Cathy took off the towel and dropped it to the
floor. My eye focused intently on her beautiful body. I had
seen my sister nude many times before by casual living with her
but it had been a year or two; and never was I free to scrutinize
at her form. My immediate observation was my sister's breasts.
They had grown significantly since I had seen them last. They
were still quite lacking, but they looked good on her. The hair
between her legs was strikingly black and full. Her hair was so
placed that it began to creep up to her belly. My heart was
pounding now and I could feel my excitement in my pants. Cathy
took to the bed and sat down and looked around for seconds. I
withdrew my eye in case she might see it. That is when I began
to worry rather she could see me as easy as I could see her. I
would look later for myself and find that it was near impossible
to see me in the closet, even in bright lighting. I returned and
watched as my sister adjusted her neck and began to trace her
breast with her fingers. She played a seconds around her nipple
and then took the bra and put it on. I switched immediately to
viewing her remaining nudity. Her legs were pressed together and
hid her darkness. I saw no underwear near her and anticipated
her standing up soon. She seemed to be looking out the window,
daydreaming. She did get up eventually and walked out of view.
I rested for a moment and returned back to the show. Cathy was
back on the bed much in the same position she was before. She
reached over to her night stand and took some small object from
it. After squinting I noticed it was nail clippers. I realized
if she assumed the normal method of clipping her toe nails that I
would see a very nice view. Sure enough, her right knee went up
and she rested her foot on the edge of the bed. As she elevated
her knee a dark patch of pussy hair appeared slowly. This view
was too much. Her knee stretched her pussy tightly upward and
her black hair crept around the form of her lips. I didn't even
notice her nail clipping as I eyed her lovely body. She shifted
leftward only to give me a better view! I could see the
slightest beginnings of her asshole. Her well grown pussy hair
stuck all around her butt hole. She alternated feet and then she
finished clipping. I was already quite pleased. When she was
done, she looked down at her belly and caressed her legs as she
again daydreamed. Her innocent actions were enough to turn any
guy on. Just seeing her sexy body in everyday situations was
exciting. I couldn't help but to wonder the extent that I would
see ultimately. I knew a little about sexual behavior at that
age. I was only slightly younger than my sister and knew my
behavior. I thought how I masturbated frequently at my age, and
knew that girls, too, masturbate. They deny it, but it is true.
Later incidents proved it. I waited for the moment she chose.
I continued to watch her every chance I had. After showers
I would make excuses to go to my room and then go to my closet.
Much of the same happened frequently; sometimes better and
sometimes ordinary activity. One evening a friend of my sister
was to sleep over. Julie Messina, a long time friend of Cathy's.
She was attractive...enough. I was looking forward to seeing if
the hole would pay off. My parents had left for the night. My
sister and Julie retired to Cathy's room where an extra bed was
set up. I took my position. They were both on the roll away bed
talking about something. Sound is one thing the hole lacked.
They continued to talk for well over a half hour. I took
intermittent breaks from the action and then returned. Around
eleven o'clock my sister emerged from her room looking for me. I
got away in time and acted as if I was watching TV. She told me
that she was going to shower and for me to get Julie something if
she wanted it. I agreed. My sister left the room and I
scrambled over to the hole. I noticed my penis was quite hard
and hoped that Cathy hadn't seen it earlier. Anyhow, my sister
threw some clothes on the bed and spoke to Julie for a moment. I
heard the door close and my sister went over to the roll away and
sat on the corner as she continued to speak to Julie. My sister
began to undress while talking to Julie. I had always admired
how girls find it so easy to undress in the presence of other
females. Soon my sister was nude next to Julie. This was a real
turn on even though Julie was dressed. The hole allowed me to
see even things that my sister couldn't see. For example, not
surprisingly, Julie pretended not be embarrassed by Cathy's
nudity, and acted uninterested in looking her way while talking
to her. However, my sister dropped her brush on the floor next
to her and while my sister bent down to pick it up, Julie quickly
assessed my sister's whole body. I saw her scan her body from
breast to puss in a glance, as I would if it was a guy, I guess.
This is simply an act of y....proven right then. I knew how
Julie felt; she had recently entered her maturing years and was
just making sure that she was normal. Cathy got up and wrapped
herself in a towel. She left for the shower. Julie remained on
the bed and looked around. She glanced at her reflection in the
mirror on the wall. She propped her hair and fixed her
collar....she was just posing for herself, to see how she looked.
I found it interesting to see how people act in private...or when
they think they're in private. Many un allowed actions take
place. For example, I was viewing Julie when she began to pick
her nose. I though to myself how unfeminine but realized she was
human after all. She did however, quite mannerly, put her finds
in a tissue and threw it in the trash. It had been a few minutes
now and Julie stood up. Again, acting on her privacy, Julie
began to look through my sister's dresser drawers; and again, I
could relate to this behavior. She finished and sat back on the
bed. She leaned up and scratched her ass though her Brendas. I
heard the shower stop and footsteps followed in the hall. My
sister's door closed again and Cathy came into view. Her good
ole towel was around her. She talked to her friend as she
prepared herself at the mirror. As usual, even though Cathy was
covered, Julie pretended to look away. I began to appreciate
Julie more now that I could see her private feelings. A few
minutes later Cathy returned next to Julie on the bed and was
putting some Clearasil<69> on her face. It's unbelievable what
women do after a shower. Julie sat the whole while looking
around the room agreeing unconsciously to my sister's remarks.
Cathy unwrapped herself from her towel and I realized I was
becoming tolerant to her nude body. I no longer "wowed" when I
saw her naked. This time, Julie stared at Cathy as she talked.
This is a defense reaction in which she "is making sure Cathy
doesn't think she feels embarrassed by doing otherwise". My
sister, too, showed some interesting behavior. As Julie talked,
Cathy turned and positioned herself clearly her direction. This
was my sister showing her confidence in her body. I couldn't
make out the conversation, but my sister took her own breasts in
her palms and made a "look how small remark". Julie giggled and
made the "Yeh...me too.." response. Julie, indeed, looked much
like my sister, aside from her face. In fact, I pictured Julie's
body much like Cathy's. They continued the discussion longer.
Cathy looked at Julie and asked her something. Julie shook her
head and responded negatively. My sister used persuasion tactics
on Julie until she agreed; at what I didn't know. Moments after,
Julie quickly removed her T shirt. I was surprised at the least!
She had no bra and her keeping true to my expectation showed me
tits much like Cathy. I realized shortly that the two girls were
"comparing". Neither of them probably had seen each other nude
before...they both felt unsure about they're stature of normality
and wanted to prove, mostly to themselves, their very femininity.
Julie had dark nipples, almost dark brown whereas Cathy was quite
reddish. Cathy not only was topless, rather quite nude. It was
almost too much for me seeing those two lovely forms. I was
ready to call it a night...I thought they were ready to go to
sleep, and I was more than ready to "relieve my sexual pressure".
I was about to turn away but checked on last time. Good thing.
Julie was standing now, shaking off her Brendas. Her underwear
was bright red and showed quite a bulge in her V area. I suppose
Cathy had persuaded Julie to "learn" all she can from the
comparison....get the total result. I didn't think anyone could
compare to my sister for pussy hair growth. Cathy rested her
elbow on the bed as she watched her nervous friend undress.
Cathy, too, was nervous, her hand was shaking and she looked less
than at ease. If I were my sister I might have had doubts of
whether I had too much pussy hair, and I concluded this was the
purpose of my sister's persuasion. Julie shook her head telling
that she wasn't going to take off her underwear. Cathy
sighed,shook her head and made gestures of her bareness. My
sister stood and approached her friend. I was watching closely
now. My sister reached for Julie underwear and was apparently
going to help it off her. Julie quickly pushed Cathy's arms away
and made gestures that she would do it herself. Julie slid her
panties down but a few inches showing her whole pussy but left
her panties up around her thighs. It was easy to see Julies
pussy against the contrast of her bright red panties. I was
wrong in my estimate of Julie's coloring. Julie's head was
styled with straight black hair, but her pussy was coated with
bunches of red hair twined in a mass of brown fur. As for
quantity...I was right on the money. She had a very impressive
bush. One striking thing was how Julie's pussy seemed to "stick
out" more than my sister's. I wasn't sure of the reason but it
looked natural. Julie took a step back and let her panties fall
to the floor leaving her fully nude ,save her socks. The two
girls admired each other and complimented in unison. My sister
leaned over and flicked Julie's belly with her forefinger; then
reached over and got her clothes from the bed. They both quickly
dressed and the lights went out for the night. I was very happy
but needed relief. I masturbated right there and then, too, went
to sleep.
The next morning I sat in bed and wondered at the
possibilities of the "hole". The night before with Julie and
Cathy was just what I hoped would come of it. I thought of all
the possibilities that this innovation could bring. Of all the
hopes, the following paragraphs describe , perhaps, the most
exciting and arousing of all the events that occurred behind my
sister's wall.
A few weeks had passed since the night Julie slept over and
many a night between my sister amazed me with her beauty. I kept
thinking the odds were highly in my favor of catching my sister
in the most secret act of sensuality...self pleasure, the act of
masturbation. I knew she did it, all humans do it. This night
turned out to be the night where the odds played nature.
Luckily, so as to not run interference, my parents were already
out for the night. I could almost sense earlier in the evening
that this would be the night. My parents gone now, and I learned
that Cathy was not going for the night. I saw and watched
television with my sister during the start of the night. It was
a movie with quite explicit sexual scenes and in my mind I knew
this sparked my sister's sexual drive....whether she knew it or
not. Sure enough, as soon as the movie ended Cathy excused
herself to her room. Surprisingly, she didn't shut the door all
the way, but rather left it cracked very slightly; perhaps by
mistake. Either way, it mattered not, for the hole was superior
for viewing. As I took my place in the closet I focused on my
sister lying on her bed. Her futile attempts to relieve her
boredom weren't strong enough to ward off her want deep in her
mind. I knew it and was right, for Cathy soon put down a book
she was barely reading and gazed at the ceiling. She arose and
left my view for a minute or so. I heard her door open so I
quickly ran to my bed and acted innocent. Cathy entered my room.
She had changed now, wearing just a T-shirt and underwear. She
told she was going to sleep even though it was early. I acted
uncaring and persuaded her off to bed. As she left I regained my
position in the closet. To my dismay, however, her bedroom light
went out and the rustle of her sheets could be heard. I thought
this can't be...I was sure this was the night. Just when I was
about to leave in disappointment, a light broke on, from her
dresser next to her bed, and Cathy's form shone against the
strong bulb. She was not under her sheet at all, rather her
sheets were thrown to the floor and on the bed lay my sister. I
watched as she reached down the crack of her bed and felt around
for something. Cathy pulled from the crack a bottle; not a
glass bottle but more of a container. I was really excited now
in anticipation. I had never seen my sis masturbate before, of
course, and I was ready for learning. Cathy placed the bottle
next to her on the bed and slowly pulled off her T shirt. Only
her panties remained and her soft chest looked wondrous in the
light. She did not remove her underwear, instead my sister began
to caress her small breasts. I wondered if this was a ritual,
something she did every time or just spontaneous. I was
interested in her behavior and how it might compare to other
girls. I have known Cathy to be a sexual free spirit ;her
explorations with Julie and other times I have seen my sister act
quite creative in her secrecy. Actually once I did see my sister
finger herself, but it was not in seeking self pleasure, rather,
she was putting in a tampon. That sight was almost too explicit
to handle. Anyhow, now Cathy had stopped her caresses and took
the bottle into her hand. She rose the bottle to her chest and
allowed a few drops of liquid to fall to her warm chest. I
wasn't sure what the liquid was, but it was not water for it was
too consistent. I guessed it was baby oil and later found to be
correct. My sister again put down the bottle and began to spread
evenly the lubricant over her tits and her belly. A few times
she seemed to be glanced over toward me, but I knew this was only
a coincidence and it didn't bother me. Actually, this turned me
on in way, knowing she couldn't see me as I stared directly at
her. Cathy licked her lips as she went through the motions of a
woman in ecstacy. In her mind I could almost feel what she was
going through. She was playing her ideal experience out, with
full vigor. As her fingernails glided across her nipples her
mouth opened wide and closed with all but silent moans of
enjoyment. I was curious as to how kinky she would get. So far,
she was quite conservative, or normal, in her secrecy. My sis's
rubbing grew lower now, and soon her chest no longer satisfied
her needs. I could hardly breathe as Cathy slid a hand beneath
the lining of her slight underwear. One hand massaged under her
underwear as the other still played her tits. It was an art,
like none other. She continued in the same fashion for a minute
tops then laid her arms at her side. From all the activity her
panties had become quite wrinkled and unfit and had been inched
slightly down her thighs. The very beginnings of her impressive
pussy began to show form. With fervor, a sudden action by my
sister, and her underpants were down to her knees. Her black
hairs were amess. I watched as my sister with closed eyes began
to work on her body, like only a master could. She was indeed
quite creative for now she took to sucking her forefinger in
replacement of a male penis. In her mind, surely she believed it
was the real thing. Her free hand reached around under her back
and pulled and stretched her butt cheeks apart. I followed her
forefinger from her mouth down to her pussy where it was inserted
barely below the skin of lips. It came back up and now she took
it again into her mouth. This made me begin to ooze in my pants.
My sister had began to repeat this process feverishly and must
have scooped up her juices ten times before moving on. I
thought, "did she come already?". Surely she couldn't have or
atleast did not appear to have shown the face of orgasm yet.
With both hands she took the oil and spilled a large portion
between her legs, closer to her thighs but still near her vagina.
Cathy rolled over and faced the wall across from me. Her back to
my face meant the optimum view of her ass. I hoped that she
would not stay in this position during the whole act for her
vagina was hidden from view. The oil once applied to her upper
thighs now crept down the crack in her ass. Her bed was getting
messy now as the oil dripped off her butt cheeks onto the sheet.
Cathy's horniness surprised me as she reached down and lifted her
upper leg high into the air. Her back still to me, and her
spread legs revealed a view between her legs that everyone should
see. Soon her fingers appeared and slid across the moistness of
her pussy. I watched in amazement as her ring finger bobbed in
and out of her dirty asshole. I was almost sickened when later
she took the same finger in her mouth! Her cunt had begun to
open, as if her masturbation was actually a ritual in order to
get to a great land. Nearing what must be her climax, my sister
had sunk two finger a few inches into her vagina lips. With
great care she pumped her fingers in and out from her vagina skin
and each time got deeper. Faster , and faster she worked until
she must have had an orgasm. I couldn't tell from my view but
all activity had stopped. Her face was flushed and she seemed
full of life like I had never seen. Her leg nearest me was
propped up and prevented me from seeing her puss. As she rolled
over to me, her fingers were still pressed between the burning
flesh clitoris. Her eyes opened as she slowly popped her fingers
free from heaven. Much like glue, trails of cum dangled from her
fingers and snapped back towards her tangled pussy hair. Her
orgasm oozed from her blood red lips and ran like a river down
towards her asshole. Cathy looked at her cum spotted fingers for
quite a while as if she wasn't sure where to place her mess. I
said to myself, "you can't put it back", as my sister attempted
to wipe off the juice in the hair of her pussy. Cathy scooped up
an even larger mass of stringy goo and brought it near her face.
She took it near her nose and seemed to smell her juice like it
were a drug. With disbelief and erotic enjoyment I choked as my
sister happily licked clean her fingers. Quite thoroughly, her
tongued rounded her fingers until they clean of her orgasm. She
laid still for about five minutes after that and daydreamed. She
still had not cleaned up and I was really excited. I decided it
was time to make a rude interruption. I removed my clothes down
to my underwear. I was almost in a trance myself, for my hard
penis was obviously noticeable in my underwear. I had the
perfect plan however. I was surely going to catch my sister off
guard and she had no where to hide...her sheets were on the floor
and the oil was at her side. Not to mention the wet bed, her cum
still topped much of her belly and was laced between her pussy
hair. Even turning away would give her up since some cum fell
between her legs down toward her asshole. I made up mind and
walked towards my sister's room. Before opening the cracked
door, I looked at my penis, which was now pulsing with
anticipation. But wait, I though what would I tell her my reason
for entering. Without much thought; my excuse was, "Oh...I saw
your light on and wanted to know if you wanted to watch Lettermen
with me since you were up.". Perfect. With that I barged in on
my sister allay nude. Spastically her body jumped as she looked
frightfully at me. Her eyes bulged wide and her mouth ready and
searching for an excuse. I read her my prepared line and waited
to hear her reply. Giving up, she didn't even try to cover
herself for it was hopeless. I made it obvious that I was
staring at the streaks of wetness that covered her belly and
pussy. She shook her head and still lay there without answer.
I think my erection actually helped ease her, for she noticed it
and now shared a link of humiliation with me. Mine, however, not
quite at the level of her. I stood and looked at her and my
already primed penis popped from the tip of my underwear. I
wasn't embarrassed but instead horny as hell and was glad to be
able to show off without fear of persecution. This sex guided me
mindless and my sister's helplessness made play out my
spontaneous thoughts. Without thinking I slid off my underwear.
My hard dick pointed up towards my naval. Cathy seemed as if she
expected it, and made no gesture of surprise. I took my hot cock
in my hand and began to rub it. As I rubbed, I looked at my
sister's tired body. I had the feeling I was doing her a favor,
as if I could rectify her humiliation by giving her the same
chance at secrecy revealed. My sister leaned up and rested her
head on her shoulder as I continued to masturbate. I looked at
her, a small grin came on her face as she waited for me to
finish. She understood my action, maybe better than I. Cathy is
a smart girl, in these matters atleast, and I felt comfortable
doing this unspeakable action in front of her. Cathy, ever
forgiving, and equally helpful, waited patiently for my orgasm.
For the first time in my life I couldn't come. What was wrong I
didn't know...surely the situation dictated it. Perhaps I was
too nervous? I gave up after a minute or so and put my head down.
I was close to my sis now, and Cathy still had no reply. She
sighed and looked at me. She spoke softly and laughed quaintly
as the words came out, "What can I say? You caught me. No
doubt. Baby, I'm glad you took it well. And now you....well, I
guess we both needed it tonight.......I'm gonna clean up.
Here..", as Cathy pulled herself out of bed she handed me the oil
and consoled, "...this will do the job. Feel free to use my bed,
just clean it up.". As she left her room she slammed the door
shut behind her and left me in privacy. I did as she said, and
it did help. After I was done, my sister and I talked for a long
time that night. We both knew it would be different now. It
couldn't be the same. I hoped, and I think Cathy , too, that
this would not be the last time we shared sexual enjoyment. As
it turned out, it wasn't, but that's the subject of my next
II. Heat, and Other Turn Ons
Scarcely a few days had passed since that night when my
sister and I shared sexual experiences. It was a radiant, sunny
day and the heat called for me to get a tan. My parents were in
Hawaii on vacation for a few weeks and as usual the house was
left to Cathy and I. Cathy was still asleep at noon and I was
preparing my lunch. I was waiting on the microwave to finish my
hot dogs when Cathy walked sleepily into the kitchen. She yawned
as she remarked on the beauty of the day. I agreed and told her
I was going to lay out after lunch. My sister paused then
decided to join me in getting rays. Cathy left the room as I
prepared my ready lunch. Halfway through my hotdog Cathy
reappeared; this time in her bikini. This two piece was
stunning, bright bloody red, and had large black borders. As I
finished up my lunch Cathy was arranging the chaises out back for
us to lay in. I got the radio and walked at back to join her. I
was already beginning to have thoughts regarding my sister's hot
body. The formalities done now, we both took the lounges. My
sister took the tanning oil from her bag and propped up leg and
began to oil herself. This delighted me as I watched her actions
in the mirrored sliding back door. Just finishing one leg, Cathy
spoke up to me," Eric. Here...", she handed me the bottle,
"could you put some oil on me?".
I paused and immediately began to wonder if Cathy was getting as
thrilled as me.
"Uh, I guess.", I told my sister.
I took the bottle from her outstretched hand and waited for my
next instructions. My sister leaned back down onto her chaise.
She rolled over and lied face down on the lounge. Her lovely ass
stuck up high above her back. From my vantage point I could see
how tightly my sister's bikini bottom crept around the cheeks of
my sister's tan ass. I was really excited now and my penis was
starting to inch higher upon my shorts.
"Start on my legs please.", Cathy instructed me. I emptied a
glob of oil into my palms and began to apply it to my sister's
ankles. I was anxious about progressing and continued on my
sister's ankles and calfs. Soon Cathy noticed my delay and
prompted me to continue onto her thighs. I did so, but
cautiously stayed away from getting too close to her tush. As I
continued on my sister's thighs I was prevented from getting the
inside of her thighs since her legs were secured together. Cathy
realized my obstacle and adjusted her legs so I could get her
good. Her legs moved apart from each other; but much more than
was needed and I began to think Cathy was thinking the same as I.
Her legs now a good two feet between I dumped some oil onto her
now reachable inner thighs. I still stopped a distance away from
any "crucial" area. I made a sound letting Cathy know I was done
and waited.
She spoke, "Eric, your not done are you? Finish my legs alright,
then move onto my back please."
My heart was beating loudly and my penis was at full staff. I
reoiled my hands and worked slowly around my sister's butt. I
stopped before going onto the rise of her ass. I was horny now,
though, and I pressed on. I slowly greased my sloppy fingers
around my Cathy's ass. Her bikini was french cut and most of her
ass remained bare. I trickled a glob of oil onto my sister's ass
and watched as it oozed down the pucker of her ass. Her bikini
was getting wet now from the oil, and I continued. I took whole
her ass cheeks into my palms and squeezed her form softly. I
repeated this motion with both hands and began with each move to
sprawl her cheeks apart with each interval. Her tight bikini
snapped into place down her ass as I gave her room. I was done
with all uncovered portions of her ass. I wasn't sure if I
should press my luck and go under her bikini bottom. I decided
to try a little and slid just the tips of my fingers under
Cathy's bright bikini. Cathy began to moan ever so slightly now
and I knew this was going to be a good day. Feeling bold, I
plunged a finger moderately near to her asshole where her bikini
ultimately folded. Her legs bobbed and slid even further apart
as if she wanted it. Her bikini slipped into her asshole and
clung tight around her butt. I decided to move on, and began to
wax up her back. Her back was quite exquisite; her shoulder
blades were very alluring. The string of her top gripped tightly
around her physique. Massaging unhurried I pressed my slippery
fingers along the ridges of her tone back. I reached around her
side and pinched her sides and felt the burning heat of her
belly. Her back was complete save the skin under the straps of
her bikini. I began to do Cathy's neck when she turned slightly
onto her arm and blindly unfastened the strap of her bikini. As
the knot relaxed it slithered off her body and fell next to her
sides. I took this as a message to get under her straps. I
traced her back where her straps once covered. The pearly skin
under her released straps contrasted sharply against her tan
back. Her shoulder blades shifted as I pressed my fists against
her back. After a while I moved on to her neck and massaged it
carefully. I slid my forefinger between her head and her ear as
if it were the lips of her puss. Cathy relished this and
responded with growing moans and sighs. When my ear play was
done I paused and awaited my sister to give further guidance.
Silently Cathy rolled over onto her back permitting her loose
bikini top to fall under her back. Her rigid nipples pointed
from her petit breasts. I wasn't sure where to start; anyplace
was overwhelmingly inviting. My sister gave me instructions to
get the front of her legs which were oilless and looked out of
place in the company of the rest of her glistening form. In my
position, my waist was but a foot away from my sister's face. I
was sure my large erection was obvious to Cathy's eyes. I bent
over to reach my sister's legs. Once again I emptied some
lubricant onto my sister's body. I worked from her shins upto
her knees where my eyes were treated to the best site yet. Her
legs were closed but still I was no more than a foot away from
Cathy's snatch. I cuddled the knobs of her knees and then
ventured upward towards her thighs. Her thighs were very full
and soft. Her legs were tense and her muscles were outlined in
her legs. Now, closer than ever to the paramount area, I could
hardly contain myself. I looked down at my sister; her eyes were
shut and her mouth cracked a bit as moans occasional fell from
her throat. I was on her thighs for a while and inched closer up
to her crotch. As I neared the press of her bikini, her legs
spread apart slowly and stopped about a foot splayed. My eyes
were glued on her bikini as it sunk between her legs and showed
signs of being cushioned with pussy hair. The very tips of her
ass knifed out from the bottom of her crotch. My hands now
glided over her hips near the side lining of her bikini. Cathy
could barely handle this and shivered as I tickled her hip bones
with my fingers. Scouting further, I went back to her crotch
where her pussy hairs creep out from her bikini. I peeled up the
elastic of her bikini bottom and drifted a finger across the tip
of her fur. My sister's belly erupted with a gasp and her entire
body shook with apprehension. My penis was now creeping up out
of my pants. With both hands I slid her bikini bottom down
around her thighs. Her sopping hairy mass sparkled in the sun.
Her cunt stood above the fall of her belly about a half inch.
With my pinky I tickled the hair leading down to my sister's
vagina. I only browsed over, not touching any skin. Cathy was
in rapture and moaned loudly. She couldn't stand my teases and
spoke from under a sigh something unrecognizable. I walked
around to the front of my sister and stood in front of her feet.
I took her feet in my hands and wedged her legs apart. I removed
her bikini altogether and tossed it away. Cathy's cunt was truly
red. My sister primed herself and played with her pussy while I
got some oil. By the time she stopped her vagina was wide open
and sagged somewhat. I moved in and brushed across her pussy
with my tongue. As I repeated this motion Cathy held my head. I
dropped lower and put my soothing tongue between her red skin.
My sister tasted like sweat and smelled much like it, too. I
felt her clit bobble as I dug my tongue deeper into her mass. I
pulled her ass apart as I chewwed her out. Being so close to her
asshole was alarming but inspiring. As I held her cunt apart I
let my pinky slide into her asshole. Remembering Cathy's
masturbation I rose my finger to her mouth as she took it deep
into her mouth. I was licking her heavy haired pussy and tried
to mat down her bristles. As I did so, Cathy's hands found their
means to my cock. Beneath my pants my sister acted with my balls.
In her one hand she grapsed both my nuts and gently played with
them. My pinky again pierced my sister's asshole...this time
deeper; perhaps an inch at most. Either way, Cathy's body
spasmed wildly and her sighs quickly turned to painful grunts.
She didn't want me to stop, though, so I left pinky where it
belonged. I looked down at my sister's vagina and noticed to
opulent flow beginning to gather in the valley of her cunt. I
popped my pinky from Cathy's butt and brought it to her face
again. This time, she didn't want to try it, and shook her head
in refusal. I couldn't blame her, my dirty finger stunk of
bowel. I wiped my hands clean on a towel and went back to my
sister's pussy. Before I couldn't sink my tongue into her body,
Cathy's hands took me by the head and pulled my body on top of
hers. My pants had been previosuly removed and my strong penis
felt wonderful crushed against my sister's fuzzy belly. Cathy
and I kissed deeply and sloppily while we each felt sightless at
one other's body. Soon my sister's hand had found my dick and
began to pet it slowly. I stopped our kissed and wathced Cathy
perform on my ready dick. I was about to cum, and alerted my
sister. She immediately stopped her caresses and hurried to
apply a lotion of oil in her palms. I began to cum as my
sister's purple fingers approached my penis. She stroked and
polished my spouting dick with her soiled hands as I discharged
my sticky slugs along her wrist and forearm. I came for the
longest time in my record. I must have poured glue on Cathy for
almost ten seconds before drying the tap. I sighed heavily as my
climax ended. I was happy with my performance and was ready to
call it a day, but my sister, not surprisingly, wanted her turn.
I felt I had to favor her and stayed by her side. Cathy wiped
off my cum onto her hair and licked her fingers. I was tired and
collapsed on top of Cathy. Her arms reached to my back and
caressed my curves. I was surprised when I began to feel another
erection growing fast. We pulled away from a kiss and my sister
spoke. She begged me to fuck her but I told her I shouldn't.
Being brother and sister I didn't see much harm in messing
around, but I didn't want any penetration. I explained to her my
reason and she initiated a kiss to my lips. She stopped the
tonguing and seemed to agree with my reason. She explained that
she still wanted to cum and I can help her. I agreed. My sister
was already wet and it shoudln't be long before she came. I
leaned up and began to dip my tongue into Cathy's vagina. Soon
she began to spasm and she pushed my face away. Her fingers
crawled fast to her cunt and began to bob in and out. Her head
turned from side to side and I saw her orgasm begin to produce.
Unlike men, Cathy's juice oozed slowly from the complex of flesh
that was her vagina. Much more liquous than my cum, my sister's
cum was quite watery. As she flowed I had to take a taste and
did so. I wasn't overwhelmed by the flavor and took no more
helpings. By the time she done, we were both very tired.
Quickly we cleaned up and decided to take showers. Separate
showers, of course, because we both knew we couldn't handle it
III. Remorse?
Yes, I think we both had remorse about our shared
sensuality. Especially around out parents, who of course, had no
idea. We talked about our experiences and tried to develop a
rationale. Actually, it didn't take long for me to provide a
plan to satisfy both of us. I explained to Cathy that even
though we are brother and sister there is no danger (if we kept
it safe) to enjoy each other's sex. I reminded her, as long as
we refrained from intercourse that everything will be alright.
She agreed.
IV. About Me...
So far I've told you about my sister's secret escapades as
well as her shared experienced with me. However, long before I
ever spied on Cathy and much before she and I ever enjoyed
ourselves, I began to take interest in Cathy as a sexual being.
I think this is because she was the only girl who I could,
without much trouble, be close to. Afterall being my sister I
had seen Cathy many times in her underwear and less, and this , I
think, created a vent for newly discovered sexual awareness. Let
me discuss some of my behaviors as well as relate to you the
first time I had seen Cathy's naked body.
My family was on vacation at Myrtle Beach, a local costline.
One afternoon upon returning to our hotel room was the first time
I saw my sister in sexual eye. Before this day I had seen Cathy
nude, but it was a clean nude. For example, not long before
puberty my sister and I oft showered together. This was to take
less time, and our parents sponsored it. I was quite young,
though, and this meant nothing to me. Eventually Cathy called a
stop to it when her body began to develop. Anyways, in our hotel
room I sat on the floor to take off my shoes which I always wore
on the beach. My parents left the room to get some ice and
drinks. Cathy insisted she was first to shower because she
always took the longest. I agreed. Seeing my sister on the
beach in a bikini perhaps put my hormones over the limit for the
first time. I was still undoing my shoes when Cathy walked over
behind a section of the room near the bathroom. Where I was
sitting made it impossible for her to get by without walking over
me. When Cathy reappeared from the section she was in a towel
and carrying her bikini. I knew she was undressed and I knew she
needed to get her make up from her dresser across the room.
Cathy, thinking nothing of me, simply walked over and stepped
over me. As she did, I peeked up intently and saw my first real
sight of what nude truly was. Before this glance I had never
seen my sister below the tummy and I wasn't prepared at all. I
got quite excited and waited for her to pass by again. I
slouched down to get a better angle. Unexpectantly she did not
walk over me. Rather, she walked to me and took one step over me
then paused. She was searching for something in the dresser
right before me. She didn't have a clue to what I was
scrutinizing behind her. She knew I was there, of course, but
didn't think I was looking, and perhaps didn't realize the view
she gave me. As she bent over searching my eyes saw the prolific
whiskers of her pussy for the first time. It was my first sight
of rapture ever. I think maybe it was bad for me though, my
first view was very explicit. Perhaps too much so. They way she
stood before me, back to me, not only did I see her hair, but it
was the hair of her ass. Soon she left and walked to the shower.
I was in a trance, still frozen by her secret beauty. Having
great smarts I realized my position. To my sis', I was still
young, too young, she thought. I could play innocent and get the
things I wanted. And I wanted to see more. Immediately the
whole vacation turned into me thinking up ways to see Cathy. At
the beach, of course, what better place? And to top it off, we
shared a queen bed at night to reduce hotel costs. Of course, my
parents, too, thought me still to young. The night finally came
and I was first to get under the sheets. Unknowingly, Cathy
followed in her T shirt and undees. I was wide awake and played
with myself quietly under the sheets. I was turned on, afterall,
Cathy was next to me. Occassionally, our legs would bump and I
really enjoyed that. As the night grew longer, Cathy eventually
fell to sleep. I was waiting for this and got under the sheets.
My sister was curled up, fetus position, and her back to me. Her
large derriere was the angle in her body. I couldn't resist and
teased with my sister's asleep body. I played a games; the
object to get my finger as close to her ass as possible. I got
so good, that I actually could rest my thumb in the crease of her
underwear. I eventually fell asleep myself.
After that experience at the beach, my perversion grew
steadily. A few month later I began a fun endeavor. I had
already been masturbating for a year or so but still acted
innocent to Cathy's knowing. Many nights, Cathy would drag me
out of bed when I was reading and insist I come watch TV with
her; she claimed to be scared to go upfront alone. I had deduced
that everynight on weekedns that she was up later than I she
would come get me. I prepared carefully. I decided to slowly,
but innocently, let Cathy see my developing manhood. It took a
few more months before my plan went into effect. By the time, I
had grown significantly. My penis was capable of large
erections, and my balls were very hairy. I was careful to have
hidden myself from Cathy in these months. Surely, the night
came. Everyone was going to bed. I sat in my room with the
reading light on and pretended to be reading a magazine. As
usual, I was stripped except for my underwear; this was normal
sleeping atire. My goal was for Cathy to be surprised at my body
when she saw me. I , of course, was going to act innocent during
the whole affair. I wanted my underwear to show me off. I
looked at my underwear and noticed thet fit far to snug to show
anything. I pulled and stretched the leg openings and fly
untilthey began to rip. The final product was a far more
revealing garment. I fondled my penis until it was plump; but
not erect. I artistically laid my penis off to the side of my
underwear so as to define it nicely. Also, I lowered my
underwear down a bit; just enough to show some hair, but not
obviously. I waited. Like clockwork, Cathy came in to my room
and sat on the bed and explained her sob story of how she wanted
to me to keep her company up front...she was scared. Knowing
Cathy, I could tell she was serious. I played uninterested and
turned her down. She pulled on my arm and tried to drag me out
of bed. She explained it was early and I should watch with her.
I acted as if I was doing her a big favor and agreed. Caught off
guard, Cathy swiped the sheets from me and said ,"Let's go.".
She was just happy and thought nothing of her playful act. My
underwear arrnagement was still intact and I waited to see if
Cathy would see it. She looked my way and I could see her eyes
scan my waist. She pretended not to stare and sort of choked as
she told me to come up front. As she left t |