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Archive-name: Family/sibco11.txt
Archive-author: Michael Kalen Smith
Archive-title: Siblings - Connie - 11
From Chap 11 of the "Siblings" novel; set 1977; he's 22, she's 21. Some minor
correcting and rewriting for continuity has been done since this section was
first posted....]
Midway through my first year of graduate study at Berkeley, a paper
I had submitted was accepted to be read at the June conference of the
Western Social Sciences Association in San Diego. I was excited and
Alex was happy for me, too; in our eyes, anything one of us did
reflected equally on the other. But when June arrived, Alex had her
hands full revising her senior thesis so she could graduate that summer,
and I had to fly down alone. I've never sought out crowds, but neither
do I particularly enjoy traveling by myself. If a place is worth
visiting at all, it's probably an experience worth sharing with someone
else. Well, what the hell, I could manage two days, I thought -- but I
wouldn't bother with the beach or Balboa Park.
A couple hours after leaving Oakland International, I stood near
the end of a long, serpentine queue before the front desk of the
conference hotel, trying to calculate how long it would be before I
could relax in my room. An hour at least, maybe two. The line shifted
a bit and I picked up my overnighter and my attache case, took one step
forward, and set them down again. I sighed and let my vision drift out
of focus, but a tinkling, elfin laugh just in front of me brought my
attention back.
I had paid no attention to the girl ahead of me in line and I
realized now it was partly because the top of her head barely reached my
chin. I had looked right over her head and sighed practically in her
As she turned and grinned up at me over her shoulder, her silky
black hair, cut in a medium-length pageboy, shone with reflected light
from the lobby chandeliers. Her face looked as smooth and flawless as
translucent porcelain the shade of sandalwood or cinnamon. The longest,
thickest lashes I had ever seen -- I knew intuitively they were genuine
-- shaded a pair of black-brown elliptical eyes so hypnotically ancient
and deep their twinkle seemed incongruous. Her small mouth was enhanced
by brilliant red lipstick. She wore a straw-colored linen suit over a
white silk blouse, both businesslike and alluring. I took in all this
in less than a second.
"Maybe we'll have to sleep here in the lobby tonight," she laughed.
Her voice was bell-like but included a nameless quality that I was sure
would grab any man by the throat, the heart, and the balls, all at the
same moment. No accent, either, so she wasn't an exchange student (I
took it for granted, on no evidence at all, that this tiny beauty
wouldn't be a faculty member somewhere.)
Without her two-inch heels I guessed she couldn't be taller than
4'10", but she was so properly proportioned that she seemed not short
but doll-like. A cliche, I know, but even cliches are founded in truth.
She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and tilted her head
quizzically. I was suddenly aware of my loosely drooping jaw and the
fact that I was staring down at her. I could feel the flush rising
above my collar.
"Uh, yeah -- I mean, they'll, uh.... I'm sorry -- I sound like an
idiot." I swallowed and tried to regroup my scattered thoughts.
"Let me try again," I apologized. The twinkle in her eye was
brighter; she *knows* she has this effect on men, I thought. "I think
it's going to take another hour, at least, to get to the front of this
line, and I don't think we're likely to lose our places." Only two
other registrants stood behind us.
I made a joking half-bow. "Would you allow me to buy you a drink
so we can wait this out in comfort?" Because it's unexpected, that sort
of formality frequently gets a woman's attention.
"You've got a deal!" We parked our bags behind the velvet
retaining rope at one side of the lobby, walked into the bar, and took a
small table in the quieter area at the back. As I held her chair for
her, I belatedly introduced myself.
She held out a small, elegantly manicured hand and I took it
carefully. "I'm Connie Liang, University of Hawaii." Her palm was cool
and satiny. I'm only a bit above average size, but this lady made me
feel like a 280 lb. linebacker.
Her surname was obviously Chinese, but she appeared to be a more
exotic blend of Japanese, southeast Asian, Polynesian, and probably a
little European. A typically Hawaiian background, in other words. We
chatted over a couple of bottles of Harp and she told me she about the
graduate work she was doing in social anthropology. She was also in San
Diego to read a paper. From remarks she made I re-estimated her age
upward; she had to be a year or two older than I was. Her voice was
wonderfully musical and I resolved to attend her session, regardless of
the subject, just to hear her read.
After a little while, I rose and peered out at the lobby. The line
was down to almost no one now, so I paid the tab and we retrieved our
bags and checked in. Connie was on the 10th Floor and I was on the
On the way up in the empty elevator, Connie mentioned with
elaborate casualness that she thought she might just go down to the pool
deck on the 5th Floor and "splash around a little." I caught her
calculating sidelong glance and allowed as how I might just do the same
thing. She flashed me what I hoped was a promising smile as she got off
at her floor.
During the few seconds between the 10th and 11th Floors, all by
myself in the car, I had an sudden, unnerving conviction that Alex was
standing beside me. The feeling was so strong I actually turned my head
to ask her how she had gotten there -- and as I did, she vanished,
leaving behind an amused chuckle, like the Cheshire Cat. Her voice
whispered in the back of my skull. "Michael, don't worry about it ...
have fun, enjoy yourself! I won't be angry. Don't you know me any
better than that?"
Yes, I did know her better than that. All the years we were
growing up together, learning about love and sex together, we were
nevertheless out there dating other people and sampling considerable
sexual variety.
I learned early not to be jealous when my sister quietly slipped in
from a late date radiating a lingering orgasmic flush, or when she
rinsed some guy's semen out of her mouth with ginger ale. Nor was she
anything but pleased when I came home with my zipper still half-open and
my fingers smelling of another girl's cunt. Often she wound up in my
bed or I in hers, sharing our experiences and still aroused and primed
by the evening's adventures. I must be feeling guilty, I thought.
Weird. Why should I feel I'm betraying my sister just because I'm
attracted to such a terrific girl? Ridiculous. The elevator door slid
open and I hurried down the hall to my room, trying to remember if I had
packed my swimming trunks.
* * * * *
Thirty minutes later I was walking out on the pool deck in a polo
shirt and my Hawaiian-print jams (good unintentional planning, I
thought), with a hotel bath towel draped artfully about my neck. It was
a half-hour till dusk, my favorite time for swimming and beach-
strolling, and there were only eight or ten other people present,
laughing and talking in two groups up at the shallow end. Everyone else
would be at dinner. I glanced around but didn't see Connie. Either
she'll come or she won't, I thought, and hung my towel and shirt over
the back of a deck chair.
I sat down on the pool curbing next to the diving board and
cautiously stuck one foot in the water. Great -- the pool was heated!
I glanced again at the glass doors; still no Connie. Ah, well. I took
a breath and pushed off into the deep end, headed straight for the
When my feet touched the cement eight feet below, I crouched down
with my knees bent. I paused a few seconds, enjoying the null gravity
sensation. Then I uncoiled and shot myself back to the surface, arms at
my sides, arching over backward to smack my shoulder blades against the
water. My "humpback whale" trick, Alex called it. Childish, probably,
but half the fun of a swimming pool is in not acting like an adult.
Then I heard that silvery laugh again, accompanied by a patter of
applause, and I looked up. Connie had arrived while I was underwater.
I splashed the few yards to the side of the pool and hooked my elbow
over the edge. She was wearing a one-piece smooth silver suit (to go
with the laugh, I thought inanely), cut in a deep V almost to her navel,
that contrasted sharply with her light brown skin and black hair.
She knelt and tried not to giggle. "Tell me ... did you do that on
I rolled my eyes, groaned in the expected manner, and reached out
as if to grab her ankle and fling her into the pool. She skipped back a
few steps, grinning, and waved me farther away from the diving board.
She stepped onto the board, adopted a serious expression, and shook out
her fingers as if preparing for a difficult dive.
As she paced out to the end, looking every bit an Olympian, I saw
that the back of her suit was scooped very wide and low; only the
thinnest of straps crossed vertically over her shoulders and had the
back been cut any lower she would have revealed a second cleavage.
There were no tan marks, of course, to spoil the gently rippling surface
of her upper body.
She took a precisely placed bounce on the end of the board and I
expected to see a 2-1/2 twist or something equally spectacular. On the
way up, she touched her pointed toes with her fingertips, arms and legs
absolutely straight -- a form obviously the result of many hours of
practice. But at the peak of her arc, she suddenly tucked herself into
a perfect, slowly spinning cannonball and hit the surface of the water
with a splash that caused a small tsunami at the other end of the pool!
I pushed out to the end of the board and reached up for an ape-hang
as she paddled back from her point of impact. "I can't think of a
horrible pun just now," I grinned, "but I'll give that one a 9.9!"
She reached me and rested a hand on my shoulder for buoyancy, and I
added in a softer voice, "And I have to give you a 10 just for looking
the way you do."
She smiled more intimately and ran her other hand across my chest
beneath the surface, pausing to trace a circle around each nipple with a
fingertip. "You're not so bad yourself, big boy."
Where did she get this dialogue? Well, I'd seen quite a few old
films myself. "I'll bet you say that to all the boys who are a foot
taller than you."
She nodded slightly in approval as if I had just passed a test.
"Speaking of 'taller', you might be standing on the bottom for all I
know, but my legs are getting tired." I doubted it.
"Want to get out of the pool?" I hoped not, not yet.
"No, it's too warm in here and too cold out there. Just let me
shift into my barnacle routine."
Her legs, which had been slowly scissor-kicking, slid up and
wrapped themselves around my right thigh. At the same time, she twisted
around to face me at an angle; now, one knee was pressed in a friendly
fashion against my crotch. In the water, her clinging suit had become
semi-transparent. I was very much aware of her dark nipples erect
beneath the cloth, especially since one was being pressed firmly into my
ribs. Even in the warm water, I could feel my cock stirring.
Her left arm slipped around my back and her thumb hooked itself
casually over the waistband of my trunks. I steadied my grip on the end
of the diving board. I didn't care if my arm developed a permanent
cramp, I was attached to that board as long as Connie wanted to stay in
the pool.
I put my free arm around her and stroked my palm up and down the
smooth resiliency of her back, registering the subtle muscles that come
with regular swimming. Other muscles were shifting slightly in her
thighs and calves. There were other activities besides swimming that
this well-maintained body was expert at, I was sure.
My hand slid downward across the small of her back, past the edge
of her suit, and I paused and watched out of the corner of my eye for
her reaction. She squeezed my thigh between hers, so I continued down
over the curve of her small, firm ass. She brushed her nose across the
top of my chest and leaned in closer. My chest was right at surface
level and my nipples had hardened, both from being in the water and from
her previous attention to them. She submerged a few more inches and
fastened her lips around one nipple, sucking as if it were a soda straw,
while her hand moved from my chest down to my abdomen. Connie's
aggressive ideas of foreplay were a revelation even to me, and the
experience was very arousing.
After several minutes of mutual stroking and caressing, she climbed
up and breathed into my ear, which produced a wave of delightful shivers
down my neck. "Why don't we move up toward the other end?" she
I watched the last of the other pool inhabitants gathering up
towels and sandals and strolling back into the building. It was full
dusk now, and the pool's underwater lights had come on, but they weren't
too bright.
"Sounds good to me," I replied.
Connie adoitly unwrapped herself and headed for the four-foot
marker with long, powerful strokes. After a few moments of stretching
my abused left arm, I set out after her.
When I arrived, she had her back to the pool wall and her legs
spread wide. "C'mere," she said softly. As I moved in and put my arms
around her torso, she wrapped her legs loosely around my waist and
hooked her wrists behind my neck. Her kiss was long and sensuous,
accompanied by rhythmic movements of her crotch against my groin.
Alex and I nearly always moved to each other by mutual but unspoken
consent, we had been together so long. Connie's aggressive style of sex
play was new to me and I found it exhilerating.
I gripped both cheeks of her perfect ass and pressed her harder to
me. She raised herself up a little and I attempted to suck her nipples
out through the surface of her suit. She grabbed a shock of my hair in
her teeth and tugged my head up, then wiggled her tongue between her
lips in invitation. She was expecting a deep kiss, but instead I
grabbed her tongue with my lips, as I had done her nipples a moment
before, and sucked. I was trying to match her "surprise" style of
foreplay by making it up as I went along -- and with that move I
Her dark eyes widened. She wrapped both arms around my head,
crushed her mouth hard against mine, and strained to push her
surprisingly long tongue down my throat. She growled a little and both
our mouths vibrated. Her thighs tightened around my waist and I
wondered in passing if I would end up with a cracked vertebra. She
mashed her crotch so hard against my cock I was certain I could feel the
lips of her cunt on either side of it, even through both our suits.
After a few minutes of convulsive dry-humping she seemed to regain
her senses enough to realize that I was becoming very short of breath.
She loosened her scissor-grip and pulled her head back to stare into my
eyes. Her lips were parted and her lipstick was smeared all over her
mouth. She continued to grasp and tug and release my hair with both
"Oh, you're beautiful! Where have you been all my life?" Her
voice shook a little.
Another cliche, but this time I had an answer. "I've been waiting
to meet a water sprite, and here you are," I replied. I combed my
fingers back through that shining black hair. "If you're planning to
lure me away to the bottom of the sea, I'm ready to go."
Connie was regaining control of her voice now. "How's your room?
Single or double occupant?"
"Just me and a double bed," I replied.
"Then I think we ought to get in out of this cool breeze. For our
health. And my bed's King-size."
I hadn't been paying attention to the weather, but she was right.
The cool San Diego night breeze was giving me goosebumps. I waded on up
the slope of the shallow end and went carefully up the steps; Connie
still had her arms and legs wrapped around me. She was so small I could
have carried her back to the room that way, but I didn't want to risk
running into some senior faculty member with a beautiful girl plastered
across my front like bronze armor.
She must have had the same thought because she suddenly let go of
me, landing perfectly poised and reaching for her towel. I was certain
now that she must be a gymnast as well as a swimmer and diver: Every
move she made, every step she took, was so effortlessly graceful. I
doubted that she had ever stumbled or tripped in her life. I admired
her as much as I lusted for her.
We kissed again in the elevator between floors until an older
couple got on. Then we stood silently in the back of the car, Connie in
front of me. I was running my open hands over her ass while she reached
back to caress my cock through my trunks. We both squirmed but neither
of us made a sound.
When we got off at the 10th Floor, Connie looked up and down the
hall, saw no one, and immediately pinned me to the wall with her body.
I assumed she was going to kiss me again and I began to lean down, but
instead she stuck out her tongue and painted a wet stripe up the front
of my throat, Adam's apple to chin. She giggled and trotted away up the
corridor while I stood frozen by the burning mark. I had to hurry to
catch up. Nobody had ever better take *this* woman for granted, I
Inside the room, Connie's first move was to lock and bolt the door.
I flicked on the overhead light but she turned it off again and switched
on only the small bedside reading lamp. Now it was private and dim.
She pushed me gently back to sit on the edge of the bed. Then she
spread her knees and sat astride my lap, leaning back on her heels so
she could scan my face. I put my hands along the sides of her damp
thighs to balance her, and she played with the hairs on the backs of my
wrists. Her expression had become serious.
"Michael, you seem like a sweet guy, not the sort to try to take
advantage of me." I raised an eyebrow and she smiled; who was taking
advantage of whom?
"I mean, I don't think you'd try to force yourself on me. So I'm
going to tell you some things up front that you ought to know about me.
First, I'm not as crazy as I sometimes act. I'm smart, I'm successful
at whatever I do, and I'm on my way up in my field. I do act silly when
I feel like it, and today I just kinda feel like it.
"Second, I like sex -- no, I *adore* it. I enjoy acting sexy, by
myself or with a man -- if I like him. I sure like you. I guess I'm
just a sensual person. But that doesn't mean I'm an easy lay; no one
carves another notch on his cock with me! I've had two serious love
affairs in the past five or six years and perhaps a dozen one- or
two-night stands. I even made it with a complete stranger once -- spur
of the moment, fifteen minutes of fantasy, bam, and I'm gone. But I'm
usually very picky; it's been more than two months since I fucked a guy
and a couple weeks since I even kissed anyone. Do you understand what
I'm saying?"
"I think you're saying," I replied, "that you'd like to spend some
time with me -- I hope you will -- but that it's your choice to make."
I shrugged. "Well, it always is, isn't it? The woman's choice, I
mean." I patted her legs lightly in what I hoped was a reassuring
"Connie, I like women, almost all women, beautiful or not. And I
respect them -- if that makes any sense right now. Rape is not my
thing. Seduction, maybe, but that's a game, and both sides take their
chances; if it comes out right, nobody loses. I think *I'm* the one
who's being seduced this time, and I don't mind at all. We don't know
each other well enough yet for you to tell the difference between my
brand of flattery and the honest truth -- but I tell you honestly and
truthfully that you are one of the most absolutely beautiful and
desirable women it's even been my good fortune to meet. We'll play by
your rules, I promise."
I took her by the shoulders and began to bring her within kissing
range, but she stopped me. "Third," she said. I waited.
"I hate to hurt the man I'm with as much as I love having fun with
him, as long as it lasts. I've been in love twice, or I thought I was,
and both of us were hurt each time it ended. I'm not fool enough to
think anyone can predict that they will or won't fall in love, and I
don't believe in 'love at first sight' anyway." I could see some
painful memories behind her infinitely dark eyes.
"If I get involved with a guy, for a few weeks or even a few hours,
I won't run around on him. I don't mind a little *temporary*
possessiveness in a man -- in fact, I take it as a compliment. I can be
possessive, too!" She flashed another smile.
"But I understand the difference between sex-for-mutual-pleasure
and real love. A couple of the guys I've had flings with have become
friends even without the sex; they recognized when that relationship
ended and became something else, and they accepted it." She took my
face in her hands and looked at me with an expression that begged me to
"Don't decide you're in love with me, okay? I don't *want* to be in
love, not now. If it happens, it happens, but I don't want anyone
getting hurt!"
I took her hands and kissed them, and tried to match her
earnestness. "Connie, I have a girlfriend back in Berkeley. We've
known each other and lived together for a long time, and we love each
other very much. We're not married, but I think of her as my other
half. In fact, I was a little depressed when she couldn't come down
here with me -- until I met you in the registration line." Her eyebrows
rose another fraction.
"You just now laid it on the line for me, in advance of anything
that might happen between us," I continued, "just to be sure I
understood what was going on here. That's very unusual and it's very
honest. That girl back home owns my heart absolutely -- but she's a
very smart lady, too, and she knows from experience that sex-for-fun is
temporary, like a ferris wheel. You have fun for awhile, you enjoy the
ride, and then you go back home to the one who loves you.
"She's gone round on the ferris wheel a few times herself, and I
always welcome her back with a smile and a kiss. Do you see? I don't
own her body -- I couldn't even if I wanted to -- but it doesn't matter,
because I know, absolutely *know*, that she loves me. Neither she nor I
has ever had anything to be jealous about."
I couldn't tell whether Connie quite believed I was telling her the
truth or not. "In my attache case over there is a copy of my conference
registration form, with my home phone number on it. If you like, you
can call her up and talk to her. Her name is Alex. She's as different
from you as the sun is from the moon, but she enjoys sex, too, believe
me. She might even make a few suggestions."
Still sitting astride my lap and holding my hands, Connie just
looked at me for another minute. I could practically hear the balance
scales clink in her head as she weighed out the possibilities. Then she
smiled broadly, pushed me onto my back, and began kissing and nibbling
at my throat. I was glad she had decided to believe me because what I'd
told her was the truth.
"Your suit seems to have dried," I commented as I slid my hands up
and down her back. "But mine's getting clammy. How about first things
She rolled off, laughing, and I stood up and unknotted the string
at the front of my trunks. Connie bounced off the bed and pushed my
hands away.
"No, no, no! Let me do that; I enjoy unwrapping presents!"
Barefoot, she came only to the middle of my chest, but her arms circled
my waist and her hands slid down under my jams and squeezed my ass. She
knelt and pulled my trunks slowly down. When my reanimated cock sprang
up, she made clacking sounds with her teeth and lunged playfully at it.
"Down, Toto, down!" I laughed. I hadn't meant it literally, but
she obediently lay on her back on the floor, arms outstretched, legs
slightly apart, her hair scattered around her face.
I stood over her, reached down, and slid the thin straps off her
shoulders. She raised her arms and I carefully pulled her bathing suit
away from her breasts and down to her hips, like peeling a banana. She
raised her legs straight upward, pointing her toes as she had when she
dived off the board. I worked the silver suit quickly down her legs,
untangled it from her ankles, and tossed it on the bed. Then I simply
stood and looked down at this perfect, miniature Venus.
She saw the open admiration in my eyes and proceded to give me the
complete tour. Her breasts were small but in proportion to all the rest
of her, and they quivered firmly. She cupped them in her hands, rubbed
her dark brown nipples between her fingers, and sighed. Her legs were
still in the air; she spread them slowly and curled her ass up a little.
Her pubic hair formed a tiny black rectangle ending just above her cunt.
Her clit seemed as erect as my cock, protruding from the cocoa folds of
her labia.
She curled her body smoothly to one side and I stepped back out of
her way as she suddenly became a three-sided pyramid -- ass at the apex,
legs still stretched out, the tips of her toes digging into the carpet,
her back perfectly straight, arms cushioning her head. She curled her
toes inward and her tiny asshole opened invitingly. Connie was exposing
to me everything her body had to offer, and the array of possibilities
was impressive. Her small frame, combined with her high degree of
physical conditioning and her obvious willingness to share it all with
me, was making me lightheaded.
Without conscious decision, I knelt between her slender, perfectly
turned legs and thrust my tongue into her cunt, flicking it against her
clit on the way in. She jerked slightly and I felt her thighs quiver
against my ears. I wrapped a hand around the front of each knee, to
balance her, and continued to stir my tongue around in her bare little
cunt, which was now beginning to drip with her juices.
I remembered the wetness of her mouth on my throat, out in the
hall, and now my tongue moved slowly, wetly, from the bottom of her cunt
up toward her asshole. A girl like this would always be absolutely
clean, I was sure of it. As my tongue traveled the last smooth brown
inch between her legs she moaned softly and trembled again.
When I reached the rim of her puckered anus I paused for a moment,
and not just to build the suspense. Rimming was something I seldom did,
and then only with Alex. I knew many women were uneasy about it. Yet
Connie hadn't stopped me; in fact her quivering tautness convinced me
this was something she would really enjoy.
My tongue began tracing rings around the rim of the deepest opening
in her body and I could feel her heart rate increase and her breathing
become ragged. Then I plunged it as hard and as far into her ass as I
could, burying my face again and again between her cheeks, and I could
heard her half-sobs of passion. I became aware of spasms ricocheting
between her cunt and her ass as the orgasm carried her away.
After a minute, I gently helped her to lie down with her stomach
flat on the carpet. Her spine curved back and her groin rose at an
angle in my lap. Her knees, locked straight for so long, were now bent
with her toes pointed away from me. My cock, still erect and throbbing,
tapped lightly against the half-open slit but I made no attempt to push
it into her, though I could hardly ignore the enticing aroma of the
wetness that beaded the back of her crotch.
I quietly stroked her ass and her thighs, and I threaded my fingers
between her toes and felt the tough smoothness of the soles of her tiny
feet. Finally, she attempted to get up but her position was awkward for
anything other than what we had been doing. I rolled her over on her
back and stood, scooping her up in my arms as I rose; she weighed so
little, it was like a lifting a little girl. I knew that was part of
what attracted me to her; she undoubtedly knew it too. I laid her on
the bed on her back and settled next to her on my side, head propped on
one hand so I could continue to look at her.
Her eyes had been closed in momentary exhaustion, but now they
opened and I was favored with a warm, dreamy smile. She held up her
arms and I lay down with my face next to hers and her arms around my
"He followed me home, Ma; can I keep him?" She kissed me once,
lingeringly, and then nuzzled my ear with her nose.
"How did you know something like that would turn me on so? *I*
didn't know it." Her full voice had been bell-like, but her whisper was
husky. She nibbled my earlobe and sighed happily.
"It wasn't just a lucky guess," I said, as my hand traveled down
her back, pressing her warm body against mine. "Besides, a gentleman
always lets a lady come first."
"What do you mean, it wasn't a 'lucky guess'?"
I was still down by one horrible pun. "Well, being an Island girl,
I figured you couldn't resist a Pacific rim...." She groaned and
laughed softly in my ear; then she licked one finger and marked a score
in the air.
"That's a hell of a start, but we've got all night to try and top
it. Don't we?" She hugged me affectionately.
"We certainly do," I replied, and hugged her back.
* * * * *
It was a long night and neither of us got much sleep. There was
too much of each other to explore, and I think we covered every
available square inch. We began with a conventional fuck there on the
bed, if anything about Connie could be said to be conventional. She was
a long way from being a virgin, but her cunt was still tight. As I
pushed my cock into her, she locked her ankles so high up on my back I
nearly slithered out again.
Finally, relying on her gymnastic strength, I hooked my arms behind
her knees and thrust up into her as far as I could reach. As she
breathed deeply with pleasure, I could feel the head of my cock
battering against her cervix. She made low growling noises again as I
positioned myself to apply maximum friction against her clit, and when
we both climaxed, one after the other, a few minutes later, she was
breathing rapidly with her mouth wide open, almost as if she were in
The taste of her own juices and my semen didn't bother her either,
because five minutes afterward she was stretched out atop me with my
cock in her mouth and the sweet smell of her pussy hovering just above
my throat. She went from sucking hard on my cock head to lightly
flicking her tongue up and down its length. I couldn't quite reach the
prize with my tongue, so I turned my head a bit and nibbled the insides
of her thighs while gently squeezing her ass with both hands. When I
finally came again, she sucked hard, not wanting to lose a drop of me.
After we caught our breaths, she urged me over on my stomach,
pushed my legs far apart, and lay with her face pressed snugly up
between my legs. She licked my balls and sucked them gently into her
mouth one at a time and then both together. A guy can't help but feel
vulnerable in that position, but I loved it -- especially when she
tugged just a little.
I couldn't reach her at all with my hands, of course, so I was
completely at her mercy. I suspected she liked to be in control to some
degree and I was content to let her orchestrate our lovemaking.
Besides, she was so very good at it!
She moved away from my balls and I felt my checks being spread. I
remembered her tapering, beautifully manicured fingernails, but what I
felt poking into my ass was too wet and mobile to be a finger. She
swabbed her tongue up and down, from the base of my balls all the way to
the base of my spine, pausing on each journey to flick it into my ass.
After a few minutes of that treatment, my cock was rigid again,
trapped between me and the bed, and I had to roll over on my back.
Connie was instantly on her knees over my cock, letting herself down
onto it, then lying on my chest and sliding slowly up and down on the
organ that filled her so completely.
I couldn't reach to kiss her very easily -- the only disadvantage
of her lack of height -- so I lay happily and quietly, smoothing her
glossy hair and stroking her neck and shoulders. We dozed off for
perhaps thirty minutes, arms around each other, a lovely woman still
impaled on my cock.
Connie brought me back to wakefulness by the simple method of
resuming her motion. After a minute, she sat up, hands pressed flat
against my chest, her hair curtaining her face, and began systematically
pumping me up into herself. I reached down with both hands and gripped
her ass, flattening her groin and bending her back. I could feel the
fiery friction between my cock and her clit. Her eyes were squeezed
shut and her mouth opened and closed without a sound. She seemed to be
in another place. Break on through to the other side, I urged her
silently. This time, I came first and that rush within her triggered
her own orgasm. She moaned breathily and collapsed on my chest again.
"Oh, God," she whispered between gulps of air. She was finally
tiring herself out, I thought. Good thing, too; I wasn't sure I could
manage more than three climaxes in one night. Unbelievable.
* * * * *
I was awakened about 3:00 a.m. by Connie's small, slender hand yet
again wrapped around my penis. Her head lay against my shoulder. Her
eyes were closed and she seemed almost to be running on automatic. My
cock was reacting to her warm grip, though, and I was willing to fuck
this insatiable woman as many times as I could manage, even if it put me
in the hospital. But I decided to take charge myself this time around.
I gently removed her hand from my cock and slid her head off my
arm. She murmured something incomprehensible. I wasn't sure I could
roll her over onto her other side without waking her, so, moving very
slowly and quietly, I arched my body across hers, trading sides of the
bed. Now she was facing away from me. Her lovely, athletic body was
lying loosely curled and I moved up against her from behind. Her frame
was so small, I could reach almost every part of her.
My hand crept over her hip and worked its way down between her
legs. When my middle finger slipped through the gate guarding her clit,
she shifted her legs to give me better access and sighed. She was still
asleep. After perhaps thirty seconds of gently stroking her hard little
center, her breathing deepened and her own hand moved down to replace
mine. In another moment she was slowly masturbating in her sleep.
My finger was wet with the juices of her cunt; I put it in my mouth
and sucked it dry. The taste of her was fantastic. The same finger now
moved to her asshole, lightly brushing the puckered ridges. Her
sphincter quivered involuntarily as I eased my finger past the muscular
rim. By the time it was in her up to the second knuckle, her hips were
visibly twitching and she was finally beginning to waken.
I leaned over and kissed the side of her neck and flicked my tongue
in and out of her ear. She opened one eye halfway and twisted her head
to see where I was. She continued to stroke her clit as we kissed --
and then I thrust all three inches of my middle finger past her relaxed
sphincter, all the way up into her small, tight ass.
Her mouth and both eyes popped open at the unexpected sensation.
She knew immediately what was where, however, and she gasped and
squeezed her eyes tightly shut as I flexed my finger several times.
Had I been completely awake, I would never have done any of this
without at least her tacit consent. Connie was small but she was strong
and very tough. Any man trying to force himself on her would come away
missing both balls and an ear, and I knew it. As it was, I was just
lucky. Connie liked the surprise of being gently dominated -- a little,
anyway -- as much as she enjoyed being the aggressor.
She drew up her right leg and moved it past my arm. Now she lay on
her back, legs spread wide, as I leaned over her with my wrist pressed
against her crotch and my finger gyrating in her rectum. I varied the
rhythm with random flexing motions, as if I were attempting to make a
one-finger fist, and each time I did, her body twitched and jerked.
Her hand was flashing across the wet, red tip of her clit and her
moans came from deep in her throat. As she neared her orgasm, I began
moving my finger smoothly in and out but no more than one knuckle. She
bent her knees up against her chest, giving me the greatest possible
freedom of movement, and I took advantage of it, moving my finger almost
completely in and out of her hole. Finally, at the very instant she
peaked, I slammed my finger all the way back into her. She gave a small
cry, though not of pain, and I could feel the convulsive contractions in
both her rectum and through the dividing membrane in her vagina.
* * * * * *
We slept in until 9:00 the next morning and missed the conference's
opening session, but our exhaustion was worth it. I woke Connie this
time. The hairlessness of her slit made it easy to send my tongue
probing down the crevice of her pussy. She made a husky moaning sound
that I was beginning to learn well and spread her legs. I settled in on
my stomach and pushed my whole face into her crotch, my nose opening her
labia and my tongue licking up and down the entrance to her cunt. She
smelled of sex -- equal parts sweat, my semen, and her vaginal juices.
She smelled wonderful. She woke fully after a few moments and laughed
softly and musically.
She clenched my hair in her fists and tried to push my entire head
into her cunt. My tongue teased her clitoris out of its hiding place
and I pursed my lips around the shaft and sucked hard. Her fists tugged
harder at my hair, and that was beginning to hurt a little. Okay, I
thought, and I nipped very lightly with my teeth at her clit.
She squealed and let go of my hair. "I give, I give!" she gasped.
I slid backward off the end of the bed onto my knees and began hauling
her after me by her spread legs. As her knees bent and her feet hit the
floor I stood and held out my hands. She smiled and accepted them, and
I pulled her upright and wrapped my arms around her tightly. She put
her arms around my neck and hung on.
I kissed her neck and shoulder and she kissed every freckle on my
face. We finally unclinched and looked at each other, grinning like
idiots. "You know what this room smells like, don't you?" Connie
laughed. "What are the ladies in Housekeeping going to think when they
walk in here and take a deep breath of all the pheromones?"
"Well," I laughed back, "we'd better make sure we don't smell the
same way when we read our papers this afternoon! Care to split a
Three minutes later we were standing under the hot, cascading
water, industriously soaping each other up and down, and paying special
attention to all the erogenous zones we could think of. I thought
briefly about how many showers I had shared with Alex. But this wasn't
the same thing at all.
After lathering up, we tried the "Bangkok method" of scrubbing --
rubbing our bodies together at all angles. Connie pressed her small,
firm breasts against my shoulder blades and slowly worked her way down
to my ass. Feeling her nipple travel down the crack in my ass gave me
chills even in the steamy shower. When it was my turn, I made certain
my stiffening cock made the same trip, down her lower spine and the
center line of her ass. I ended with my cock pushing between her legs
from behind. She reached under and grasped the head of it, pulling it
forward and up snug against her crotch. She flexed her thigh muscles,
as Alex sometimes did, but she was so much smaller that two inches of me
protruded in front of her.
She laughed delightedly. "Hey, it looks from here like I've become
a hermaphrodite!" She wrapped one hand around my intruding penis and
began jerking me off, all the while making absurd imitation-male sexual
Two could play at almost any game, and I remembered the night
before. Sliding my soapy hand down between our bodies, I slipped my
middle finger easily into her asshole. She sucked in between her teeth
and jutted her ass out without losing her grip on my cock. Then I
stiffened my finger into a hook and slowly lifted up. Connie gasped and
rose on tiptoe, letting go of my cock to brace herself against the wall.
I already knew her ass was, relatively speaking, the least
experienced part of her. Now I had a blinding flash of lust: I wanted
to get my cock up that ass. As tight as her vagina was, what must her
rectum be like? My cock came to full alert as the vision raced through
my imagination.
"Connie,... have you ever been fucked in the ass? I mean, I can't
tell you how much I want your asshole, but I won't do anything to hurt
Her breasts were pressed against the tile but her lovely little
bottom was cocked at an angle. "I tried it once," she admitted between
gasps of breath. "The guy tried to shove it in too fast and it really
hurt. But his cock was also bigger than yours -- too big." She paused.
"I want to try it again. Having your finger in me is making me crazy!
But do it slow, and if I tell you to, you have to stop. Okay?"
"Of course, Connie; I said I wouldn't hurt you, and I meant it."
I carefully removed my finger and picked up the miniature bottle of
moisturizer supplied by the hotel -- though probably not for this
purpose. Sliding my finger back into her asshole, I made it as slippery
as I could while I spread the remaining lotion thickly over the head of
my cock.
"It'll be easiest if you spread your feet and touch your toes," I
said. "I'll balance you, don't worry. Put your feet on the nonskid
I moved her around to face into the back corner of the shower and
as she bent over, I gripped her hips firmly and watched her anus opening
wider. "You have to relax your ass muscles. Push out, like you were
taking a shit. I'll take it slow, but you have to relax."
I felt the hot water pounding against my shoulder blades as I
pressed the head of my cock against Connie's anus. She was resisting
without intending to and I heard her bite back a whimper. But the
lotion did the trick and my cock popped through her sphincter. I paused
for a few seconds, then held her hips steady as I pulled her ass slowly
toward me. She was alternately groaning and gasping, but she didn't ask
me to stop. I lathered up a little more lotion on my cock as it
disappeared from view, and then realized I was buried in her tight brown
ass up to the hilt.
"Are you okay?" I asked softly. "I can take it out."
Her teeth were clenched. "It feels like I have an iron pipe at
the base of my spine. It hurt at first, a little, but not now. God, it
feels strange! But I want you to fuck me! I've never done this all the
way and I have to know what it feels like."
I eased my cock out an inch or so, then pushed it back in. I
continued, increasing the tempo, and it gradually became easier as her
muscles cooperated. After a minute or two, Connie was standing upright
with her back arched and her beautiful ass almost horizontal. She was
moaning now and catching her breath with each penetration. The natural
moisture inside her added to the lubrication and I soon found myself
having to control my frenzied lust, for fear of slamming into her too
For a minute or two, I wanted to climb all the way up into her. I
wished I had a twenty-inch penis, so I could reach all the way into her
intestines. The tight, smooth grip of her rectum on my cock combined
with the vision of her firm little rear as I watched myself sliding in
and out of her. And the knowledge that I was the first explorer in this
virgin territory added to the vision. All of this, combined with the
previous night's exertions, made me visionary. I was seeing tiny
colored lights at the edges of my eyes.
My hands moved up to her small waist and I held on tightly,
controlling the tempo. Connie didn't resist. In fact, she was pushing
her ass back against my cock, trying to deepen each thrust. Her mouth
was open and she was making repeated "Ahhhhhh..." noises. I realized
she was so far gone, she probably didn't know what planet she was on --
and that accomplishment was the last ingredient needed to trigger my
I made a final deep lunge and came like a fire hose, shooting what
felt like whole pints of come up into her body. Two or three more
spasmodic plunges, and I was empty. God only knew how long it would
take my body to manufacture enough replacement semen to have sex again.
Weeks, probably.
I felt Connie's knees begin to buckle, and I quickly wrapped one
arm around her waist and the other around her body and pressed her back
against my chest, leaning back for balance. One hand cupped her breast
and her nipple was so erect it poked between my fingers. Her arms hung
loosely at her sides and her head lolled back on my collarbone. She was
truly impaled; the balls of her feet barely rested on the wet tile. I
could never have supported a larger girl that way.
"Oh, God,... I don't believe it." She was gasping for breath and
seemed on the verge of fainting. "I came,... I actually came,...
incredible feeling,... I feel ... so full,... like ... like your cock
... is ten times bigger."
I began to ease myself out of her but she immediately fumbled
behind her, trying to grab my body. "No! -- Not yet! -- Don't leave
My own body was trembling and I wasn't sure how well I could
support even her weight. One careful step at a time, I turned around
where I stood. One slip and someone could break something, and it might
be my cock. The water now beating against Connie's body seemed to
revive her, and she raised one hand to cover her face. I backed up and
braced myself against the wall.
"Connie? I have to sit down before I fall down. If we're careful,
you can sit in my lap and I'll stay in you. Okay? Bend as I bend."
I anchored my heels on the nonskid strips in the floor and lowered
myself to a sitting position, trying to keep my pelvis pushed forward so
as not to lose possession of Connie. She kept her ass pressed back
against my crotch and her palms braced against the shower walls.
We made it almost all the way down, but the last couple of inches I
was overbalanced. My ass landed with a thump and my knees splayed out;
I was lucky not to crack my tailbone. Connie had unavoidably let half
the length of my still hard cock escape from her. When I landed, so did
she, and my penis plunged back into her with real force. She let out a
little cry of pain, but then stroked my thighs as she caught her breath,
to let me know she was okay.
I scooted my lower body forward a little and Connie pressed herself
down even farther. She sank her fingers in the sides of my thighs as
she moaned.
"Michael,... help me turn around. You'll have to turn my hips
around so I don't lose you...."
I rotated her body slowly and carefully on my cock and she lifted
one leg almost vertically to get it past my chest. I bent my knees so
she could lean back against them, and she lifted her own legs with a
hand behind each knee. Her legs were spread as far up and apart as it
was possible to do, even for a gymnastic body like hers. But to my
amazement, her weight added almost another inch of penetration. The
union between us was so tight, strands of my pubic hair were tucked up
into her rectum. She smiled, a little shakily.
"I had no idea," she said huskily. "I never came like that before,
without a guy in my pussy or eating me, or without bringing myself off.
I love having you in me like this! I'll be sore for days and I don't
know when I can do this again, but I don't care. It felt so
fantastically different.... I'm going to find a long vibrator, not so
big around, and have a *lot* of fun. Oh, Michael, you're so beautiful!
This'll sound strange, but you've given me a gift, a discovery. I'll
never forget the last twelve hours -- never!"
* * * * *
Connie was back in her tan suit, looking businesslike and
professional and academic, but still sexy and sensual ... or maybe that
was just my recent memories. Just before we left the room with our
bags, she leaned against me and pulled my head down, and we shared a
lenthy, soft, gentle kiss. Not passion this time, exactly, but
affection. And maybe a little love. Then she hugged me tightly around
the neck and spoke quietly into my ear.
"Michael, you are something else. And so am I. You fucked me and
I fucked you more times last night, and in more different ways, than
I've ever managed in any 24-hour period. God, you're good for me!" She
squeezed me again and there was a choke in her voice. "You're good for
me in other ways besides sex, too."
I squeezed her back. Even though I was going home to Alex, I knew
I would also miss this fantastic woman. "Connie, you don't know how
good you are for me, too. I told you I loved Alex, and I meant it,
absolutely ... but if she weren't there I'd be madly in love with you by
now. You're beautiful, sexy, smart, athletic, you have a personality
that any guy would fall for.... Did I mention 'sexy'? I don't know why
you aren't married. I know it's none of my business, but I sure don't
understand it."
Her voice softened even more, her lips brushing my ear. "Remember,
I said I had two relationships that ended badly? I've been proposed to
twice, Michael, and I said 'No' both times. That's why they ended. I
was in love both times, too. The first guy was really terrific but I
turned him down because I was afraid of the commitment. Maybe that was
a mistake, but I'll never know. Because if I ever marry someone, it
will be permanent and I'll be absolutely faithful. I couldn't do it any
other way.
"Then, when I fell in love the second time, I proved I was right
not to say 'Yes' the first time. See what I mean? I like men too much
and I'd probably fall in love once a week if I let myself. Hell,
Michael, I'm half in love with you right now, too! How could I give up
an experience like last night? I wouldn't run around on the man I
married -- but what if we got bored with each other? What if the sex
got to be too ordinary? I'm afraid to take the chance! I'm afraid of
myself, I guess."
I could feel the tears and the fluttering of her eyelashes against
my ear. I stroked the small of her back and her hair and held her close
for a few silent minutes. How could someone this wonderful be afraid of
anything? I almost felt like crying with her, or for her.
But there was a bond between us now, I had no doubt of that. I
also felt certain we'd be seeing each other again.
Copyright 1993 by Michael K. Smith. Copies may be made and posted
elsewhere for personal enjoyment, but all commercial rights are reserved.