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212 lines
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Archive-name: Amazon/ship.txt
Archive-title: Ship Wrecked
I thought it would be a dream come true to be ship wrecked
on an island with a beautiful woman. Then it happened to me
and it was an experience that was unbelievable. It for sure
changed many of my ideas about the roles of men and women.
Brigette was her name and power was her game. She is making
me write this story.
My meeting her was in itself an unusual situation in that
I had chartered a boat to go deep sea fishing and Brigette
was the captain. When I had approached her and had asked
where the captain was and she had told me she was I was
shocked and the look on my face told her that. She had smiled
and had said, " Are you surprised ? I'm the best there is and
I'll take you all day for what anyone else will charge you
for a half day trip just to prove it to you. " I had agreed
and off we went. Nothing exceptional happened for awhile;
then we stopped and she set the gear up for me to fish some.
The bait had barely gotten in the water when I felt a
tremendous strike and the next few minutes are still a blur.
Brigette was yelling orders on how to hook the fish and I was
putting all of my strength into pulling back and reeling in.
But, I was worn out after about five minutes. Brigette took
the rod and we changed places. She worked that fish with ease
and after about an hour she was sweating and the fish was
ours. He was a 250 lb. sail fish.
I looked at this beautiful woman who had just done what I
had failed to do with new respect. Before I said anything
Brigette smiled and winked and then said, " Whew, I feel
great. That kind of a work out is what I love. I can feel my
muscles all tight and I feel so powerful. How do you feel ? "
I said that I felt just fine. Then she winked and smiled and
me and said, " I was just wondering how you felt after a
woman out muscled you and that little fish. I noticed that
your eyes were getting big as you watched my muscles flex
while I fought the fish. They are pretty pumped up now would
you like to feel them ? " She flexed her arm and I put my
hand on the huge biceps. It was like a rock that had been
covered with soft skin. She relaxed and with my hand still on
her arm she flexed it again so I felt the difference. I was
We were moving to a different spot when a violent storm
hit us. Brigette did all she could to get us out of the
rough seas; but, it was to no avail. We were hit by a huge
wave that tossed the boat around like it was a toy. The last
thing I remember was flying through the air. Then I felt
something tugging at my neck; it was Brigette putting me on a
piece of drift wood. The storm had passed and we were
floating around.
Brigette said she knew of a deserted island and we should
try to swim there until a rescue party could come and find
us. We made it to the island; I was so exhausted that I
couldn't do anything but drag myself up onto the beach.
Brigette came over and leaned over me, " What's the
matter, are you tired ? We need to get some sort of a shelter
built before night fall so get up and act like a man. " I
was too tired to move so she grabbed a handful of hair and
pulled me to my feet. I stood there on wobbly legs looking up
at this beautiful amazon. She leaned down and draped me over
her shoulders and carried me off of the beach. When we
reached the edge of the jungle like area she dumped me on the
ground. I looked up at her in shock; as she leaned forward my
eyes were drawn to her cleavage. " Look, you little wimp,
when I give you an order I expect you to carry it out
immediately. I can see that you need a demonstration of my
total power over you. So, before we begin to build the
shelter we are going to take a few minutes for me to give you
a little sample of what I can do to you. Now, stand up here."
I was reeling from her confidence and her words; I stood up
and she grabbed me in a bear hug. She lifted me off the
ground and crushed me until I thought I was going to pass
out. I started going limp and I could feel the power being
drained out of my body. " This is going to take less time
than I thought. I'll bet I could finish you off right now.
But I want you to also feel the power of my long legs as I
wrap them around that skinny neck of yours. " Brigette
dropped me in a heap at her feet and let me recover for a few
minutes. Then she straddled my body and almost gently raised
me by my shirt until my head was positioned between her
thighs with my face looking up into her face. She once again
smiled and said, " Now, baby you are going to get a quick
introduction to some real pain and power. There has never
been anyone who I haven't made to submit or knocked them out
with my legs. Are you ready ? " Before I could say anything
she slowly tightened her thighs. She placed my hands on her
thighs and flexed. I couldn't believe that such long,
beautiful legs could be so powerful. I was going out again;
but Brigette wanted to prolong this just a little so she
eased up and let me rest for a minute or two. Then WHAM ! The
flex again and this time I felt her inner thigh muscles start
to close into my neck. The look of panic and terror on my
face had Brigette laughing as she slammed another awesome
burst of muscle into my neck and I began to see stars, then
When I came to Brigette walked over to me and flexed her
arm and leg muscles, then she began to feel her own powerful
muscles as she said, " Now, that was fun wasn't it ? And we
are going to get to have a much longer session later. My
muscles like to crush men into jelly then I devour them
sexually. You are in for an experience you won't ever forget
little man. I am your superior in every way and before we
leave this island you will never look at women in the same
way. Get up and go find me some sticks and wood and I'll
build us a shelter. " Brigette got her wood and we worked in
silence for the next couple of hours building a shelter and
gathering firewood, etc. We went fishing and caught our
After Dinner Brigette told me to come over and sit beside
her and tell her how it felt to be so weak compared to her. I
tried to describe it to her so she could understand, but how
do you tell someone that it is both terrifying and exciting
at the same time ? Then she stood up and told me to do the
same and I did. Her next comment almost stopped my heart; "
We are going to do a little boxing. I like this best of all
to train my men. I"m going to cut you to ribbons then I'm
going to knock you out. I hope you can defend yourself so
that this will last for a little while." I had never boxed
before, so she slaughtered me. I was out on my feet from the
first punch. Brigette later told me that she had knocked me
all around the camp until she finally backed me against a
tree and then battered me a little before finishing me off.
When I came to I felt like a truck had hit me. Brigette had
leaned me against the tree in a sitting position. As she
approached my eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets. She
was wearing her shorts and nothing else. " Do you like what
you see weakling ? I told you I was too much woman for you
and now we move on to the next lesson. I'm going to whip your
little ass using only these 40D tits of mine. You are going
down for the count again with these babies wrapped around
your head." She knelt down and put one leg an each side of my
body, pinning my hands to my sides. Then she swung her tits
from right to left slamming them into my face. Then back the
other way. After several of these "punches" she told me "try
to do something to stop me you little wimp. I'm going to
release your hands. I'm going to knock you out with these big
tits until I'm ready to stop. " But I was helpless. After
she had knocked me out with them twice she asked, " Are you
ready to turn in for the night or do you want to continue
your training session ? " I told her I had had enough.
Brigette gently kissed me on the lips and then really put
some fire into the kiss. I could feel myself respond when she
slammed her tits into my face.
" This is my boob smother hold. Feel those big tits
surround your face ? Now feel my legs. That's a boy, now the
arms. Try to hold on as long as you can little man and you
can run your hands any where you like and get all of your
fantasies met. " I was like a dying man trying everything I
could to get a breath, but she was too strong and I went down
into the pit of unconsciousness.
The next morning I was laying beside her and I felt sore
all over. I was trying to get up when she reached over and
grabbed my arm. She pulled me down and whispered into my ear,
" I haven't told you to move yet my little slave. You don't
do anything unless I tell you. I like to have my muscles
felt, and greeted with a kiss each morning. Lets' start with
Ms. Biceps. If you do a good job I'll take it easy on you
today. " It was unbelievable, here I was afraid of the
physical strength of this woman and I was kissing her strong
muscles and saying good morning to them.
When I got to her legs as I kissed her thigh she brought
her other leg over and scissored my neck in a choking neck
scissors. A little burst of power and I was coughing and
gasping for breath. " I just couldn't resist. I can take you
out of this world just that easily, any time I want to. Now
continue waking up these muscles of mine. Pay special
attention to my calves 'cause I think we'll do some calf work
this morning. " She stood up as I was getting to her calves
and told me to put my neck between her calves. Then she
scissored my neck and began to do toe raises. " Count for me,
slave, lets see how long you last. " I counted to 200 then I
passed out. " You went out on me so soon, little one. I did
another 300 with your pathetic little body just dangling
limply between my legs. Now crawl over here and feel my
pumped up legs. " They were unbelievable. I was not even
close to being in her class in the strength department.
After she allowed me to rest for about 30 minutes she made
me crawl behind her down to the beach. " Lay down there and
rest while I do some pushups. I want you to count for me; but
first I want you to guess how many I can do. If you guess
exactly how many I can do then you can have the day off; if
you don't then we are going to do some arm and leg 'work'. "
I knew that she would never let me win. I guessed 100. I was
right she easily did 125. She came over and I kneeled in
front of this beautiful amazon; trembling from fear of her
great strength.
She pulled me to my feet with my hair and then she said; "
I'm going to tell you now what the schedule for the day is
going to be. I'm going back to camp; I want you to catch some
fish and then clean and cook them for us. After we eat we are
going to spend some time wrestling. The best three out of
five. Then we are going to box some. After I beat you up
boxing you won't be able to do anything for a day or two.