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Archive-name: Casual/sex-shop.txt
Archive-title: At the Sex Shop
Sorry folks, this is not no hot steamy sex story. This is my
first posting. I just thought I'd relate an experience I had one
day when I went to a sex shop. Even though I've been sexually
active since I was 15, I'm still very timid when it comes to
expressing my sexuality. Just so people can see that not
everybody who reads this board is a Hugh Heifner type. Maybe you
can even identify this story with your own period of sexual
Wait, there's more! I saw one of those ADULT ONLY stores
here in Kitchener and I thought about going in. (Well it was more
of a wanting to get out of the cold thing, because I was walking
around for about an hour looking for and trying to get to 2
different stylists that turned out to be closed). So there I am.
I see the store across the street. I think;
"Neat there's one of those sex shops, hey why don't I check
it out, this days' been a total bust anyway, might as well get
something out of it since I'm right hear." I stop, turn to cross
the street, but then I hesitate.
"No. I should just go to the bus stop and head back home or
go to campus." I start walking again. I look up the road and
realized there's no bus stop in sight. Actually I there's not
even a bus stop that runs on this road and I'm walking in a
direction away from home and away from the closest bust stop I
know of.
"Turn around fool!" I turn.
"Last chance. The bus stop is all the way back there and
you'll never be this close to an ADULTS ONLY store again without
a reason not to just go inside and check it out" I stop, fixate
on the store, as if I was trying to figure out if it was really
and ADULTS ONLY store.
"It looks closed, the way things are going today the I'll
believe it if the whole town is closed" I start walking towards
the bus stop.
"You'll never know if it's open if you don't go up and
check." I stop again, and again fixate on the store's front
"Yep. It's definitely one of those ADULT ONLY stores. I
don't see any people inside it must be closed. Of course you
can't see any people inside the windows are all tinted so that
people can't see inside. That's the way they all are. Oh. So
lets go. Ok." I start jay-walking across the road, and get half
way between the traffic, then I stop and panic.
"I get it! The windows are all tinted up so no one can see
what goes on in there. What is in there? What if people go in
and are never seen again? What if I go in there and they kid-nap
me, drug me up, and force me to perform in their sex movies?
Hey, that wouldn't be so bad. I'll probably be pretty good at
it. <slap> <slap> Come on, get real, nothing like that is going
to happen." Now I look to the left and right of me, and realized
I froze in the middle of the road. I'm starting to act like that
girl in the story At The Mall.
"That's it! No more hesitating. Your going in that store,
your going now, and your not going to chicken out!" I walk.
Across the street. Across the parking lot. Now I'm approaching
the door. The whole time I'm scanning the front window to see if
I can get any idea of what's inside before I have to comment to
going in. I still have the escape option to veer off to the
submarine shop beside it if I just can't go through with it. As
I get closer, I notice I can see into the store through the mail
drop slot, but the only thing I can see is the floor of the
store. Now I'm committed, I'm too close to the door to make it
look like I was going to any other place. I franticly look for a
open or closed sign, but I can't find anything. Now I'm wishing
the door to be locked. I pull the door, and its open.
"Dam! You did it now. I was just bluffing. I didn't want
to go in here. Now here we are in perverts heaven. How are we
gonna get out of this one now? Turn around! Abort! Abort! I
repeat abort the mission!" It's too late. Just the repetitive
procedure of opening a door and entering it didn't allow me to do
anything in between. Once it started, I couldn't stop, I didn't
know how. I never opened a door half way before then turned
around. Try it some day, once you start opening a door it takes
a lot of mental effort to just let it go and turn around without
entering. To make matters worst, the door hasn't even closed
behind me and the clerk starts talking to me.
'Hi there, good afternoon. How are you today?'
"Shit! Why is he talking to me? I hate it when store
clerks talk to me." And that's in regular stores. I get all
nervous and want to leave, so you could imagine my panic now.
Surprising a calm confident voice leaves my mouth.
'Oh, good afternoon. I'm ok' I wipe the snow off my shoes
on the matt and walk the rest of the way into the store.
"He must have been talking to me, I'm the only one in the
store." I continue to walk into the store right up to the
counter, glancing at the shelves on my way.
'I never been in one of these stores before, so you just
have movies and magazines. I guess you don't have any gadgets
and toys?'
'No, but we will have soon.' Now I notice there's another
guy sitting behind the counter, but the first guy does the
talking and goes into a kinda sales pitch. I nod and look
'I see, ya, well I just thought I'd stop in and look around.
I see these places popping up all over the place so I finally
decided to check it out'
"You mean you finally got the nerve to go into one of these
stores. Ssshhh! Let's just look around and get out ok." The
clerk goes on saying more stuff, but I'm already to caught up in
the covers of the videos just off to my left. Since he's on my
right, he's not blocking my view. Good thing for him, because
I'm being so unconsciously rude now, and so into the titles, that
I might of just pushed him aside if he was.
"Pay attention! <slap> <slap> Don't want to look like a
drooling pervert" Good timing I caught myself just as he was
going into his closing statements and answer with a polite,
'Thanks' So I turn to the shelves and start browsing, and
just then the second guy jumps up and says,
'And next weeks special will be on whips and chains!' We
all laugh, and I continue browsing. As I go through the store I
realize this place really well laid out. Everything is
categorized and presented professionally.
"This place is better maintained than some regular video
stores I've been in. What did you expect, a pack of dirty old
men hovering over a box of unmarked tapes" They had everything:
Girls on Girls, Bigins, Oral, Anal, Black, White, Asian, and
Inter-racial, Adventure, Sports, Kinky, Detective, Couples,
Amateur, even New releases. And I sure I didn't see them all.
They even had a Gay Men self, but I quickly walked by that
section. I didn't want the store clerks to see me looking
interestedly at that self, they might think I was gay (not that
there's anything wrong with that). So I completely circled the
shop and made my way back to the counter.
'Well thanks, have a nice day'
"I'm outta here!" But then suddenly the clerk came from
around the counter.
'Well since you took the time to come in and see the place,
I might as well tell you a little more about ourselves'
"Oh no, here it comes. They're gonna tell me I can't leave.
The make-shift studio is in the basement and tonight I'm the
guest star. <slap> <slap> Get a grip" He actually goes on to
tell me that every movie in the store can be bought or rented.
The price to buy is $69.95 and to rent is $4.99. Also, when you
buy a movie you can trade it in at some later date and half it's
purchase price will be put towards anything else you buy. Then
he showed me a special sale shelf where the movies where going
for 3 for the price of 1. He said people could even become
members and get some special privileges. Like a product list,
mail catalogues, etc.
'Well, I wasn't planing to get anything today, but I'll
probably come back and get something over the weekend.'
'Ok, so see you later. Have a nice day.'
'Ok, thanks again, bye' "See that wasn't so bad."