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The Sculptor
As Marie headed towards the Little Rendezvous restaurant downtown
she sighed an enormous sigh. Her third dating service match! The first two
had been real duds. The first had such a big ego he had not even asked her
single question about herself instead just going on and on about his
business - automobile tires - and how hard he was working to expand his
sales and make the business grow.
Her second date had been really been insensitive. Marie was 28, about five
foot six, brown haired, and about 170 pounds, on the plump side. The
second date, as she opened her apartment door, he'd given a low whistle:
My we're a bit on the chunky side aren't we? The dating service never
said anything about this. But never mind, l'm a broad-minded guy. Let's go
out anyway, but dutch treat 0.K.! The last big woman I took out nearly broke
my bank account" Marie hoped the door had broken his nose as she slammed
it shut in his face. His yelp of pain has been the only satisfying thing about
that evening - that and the box of chocolates she'd polished off watching
old movies on TV that night.
Well, here's date number three. lets hope he's not an asshole too.
"Hi, My name is Henry, You must be Marie" Henry's smile seemed genuine.
He looked to be in his thirties, dark haired, about five foot eleven, dark
eyed, almost handsome. "What a welcome surprise! You look even better
then I dared hope. What color are your eyes, green?"
"Actually they're hazel, "Marie murmured appreciatively. Here was a guy
who knew how to make a good first impression.
A few minutes later they set down to dinner. The Little Rendezvous
served continental cuisine. They made some small talk about the menu.
"Oh look at all the pasta dishes. Pesta is my real weakness, Marie
confided. my favorite is Fettucini Alfredo."
"Why don't you order it then? Henry replied. And might I suggest an
appetizer to? The fried mozzarella here is really exceptional."
"Gladly! I was just trying to spare your wallet. I never order an
appetizer on a date, without some encouragement."
"Well, consider yourself encouraged. l want you to enjoy yourself. How
about a nice bottle of wine to go with your dinner. I'd suggest a California
Chenin Blanc."
"No argument from me, but l have to warn you that to much wine
sometimes makes me drowsy. I don't want to go to sleep on you."
"Don't worry about that, chuckled Henry. I hope my scintillating
conversation can keep you awake.
When the food came it was all heavenly and Marie attacked her plate
with gusto and murmurers of appreciation. Henry seemed to enjoy his food
too, but whenever Marie took time to look up from her plate she found
Henry looking at her with a dreamy sort of expression,
Anything the matter?" she asked
"I just enjoy seeing you enjoy your food, thats all, Henry replied
after the main course, Henry insisted that Marie sample one of the
rich desserts off the dessert cart. Marie ordered a napoleon and so did
Henry. She wound up eating half of Henry's as well as he couldn't finish it.
"Boy that was wonderful. l had no idea that the food here was so
good!" Marie leaned beck and patted her now swollen tummy, it's curving
bulge extending out beyond her ample breasts,
"Let's come here often then," enthused Henry. "lt's a large menu and
there's lot's more dishes to try." "Now, would you like to take a short ride
over to my gallery. l'd like to show you some of my work."
Henry refused to divulge a single detail of "his work" on the short
ride to the north side of town. When they reached the gallery, Marie noted
that it had a French name, "Galerie Embonpont". Henry wouldn't answer any
questions until they were inside.
"This gallery is my life's work," Confided Henry. "I studied in New
York and Paris and became determined not to depend on the critics or the
gallery owners for my livelihood. I scrimped for three years to save enough
to open my own gallery. I carry my own work as well as that of other
artists. this way I can do highly personal work without having to please
anyone but myself."
And it was "highly personal work" Marie had to admit to herself, She
suppressed her shock and made no comments as Henry showed her the first of
his sculptures. It was a life size work of a nude woman. Her upper torso
seemed normal in every respect, except perhaps that her breasts were very
full and rounded. Her bottom, however, was the largest Marie had ever
seen. She had the lower half of a women of six to seven hundred pounds in
weight. Her hips were over a yard wide. Her lower belly bulged out to join
massive thighs and legs. The ass cheeks were two tremendous globes the
size of watermelons. Each thigh was the size of Marie's own waist. The
calves were as big a Marie's thighs.
Magnificent, isn't she? I'm into steatopygia phase right now, that
means "fat asses." As they walked around the room each sculpture
mirrored the proportions of the first - normal sized upper torso matched
to a massively bloated lower body with huge ass and gargantuan legs.
"I don't know what to say Henry. I'm shocked to say the least. I've
never seen anyone shaped like this. In some ways the roundedness and
curves are erotic, but does anyone buy these sculptures? Are there really
any woman shaped like this?"
"They're among the most successful work I,ve done." Chuckled
Henry. "Something about these woman attracts people - especially men
There have been some really funny scenes of wealthy men begging their
wives to let them buy one as an "investment." The women usually agree
because the size of my women makes them non-threatening. As for your
second question, Statopggia is a relatively rare medical condition,
However, l've been privileged to know a few steatopggious women and they
were the inspiration for this work."
As the weeks went by, Marie saw more and more of Henry, The
initial shock of seeing his work was dismissed - he was an artist after all
and artists were to be allowed their quirks. Marie truly enjoyed his
company, He was witty and thoughtful. They always went out to nice
places to eat where he seemed always to be knowledgeable and made sure
she enjoyed herself. True, there was a down side, The rich food had caused
her to put on almost ten pounds in less than two months. Also, Henry
seemed to have little interest in sex. Though he was an excellent kisser,
his mouth always leaving her hungry for more, he always leaped up and made
some excuse before things got to hot.
Two months to the day after their first date they took a drive up
the winding road to the top of Mount Higbg to enjoy the view.
"Marie, would you marry me?" Henry shocked her with the
unexpected proposal. Wasn't it supposed to take longer to find the person
of your dreams? And yet Marie did love him, she now understood. She
couldn't bring herself to tell him no and so she said "yes" They toasted
each other with a bottle of champagne Henry had thoughtfully taken along
in the trunk of his car. Perhaps they had a little too much.
Marie woke up with a headache and a terrible pain in her nose and
throat and stomach. Everything around her was white, she could not move.
Her body was encased in white. Her cries for help brought a nurse, then a
"You and your friend had an accident about a week ago. You've
been in coma ever since. Your friend has not yet woken up; he's in a room
down the hall. You broke many bones and are in a body cast that you will
have to wear for about two months. We are feeding you via a nasogastric
tube - which gives you the sore throat. You are going to be getting
Pain killers that should ease that, now that you are awake."
Will I be all right, Doctor? Will my fiance be O.K.?
"Now that you're awake it appears you should make a complete
recovery" You're young and should heal well. As for your fiance, I really can't
be sure until he shows evidence of coming out of his coma. Otherwise he is
physically less injured then you are."
Marie sobbed with a combination of relief for herself and fear for
Henry. Despite the pain killers, the soreness of her throat and nose just
would not go away, and there was a constant uncomfortable overstuffed feeling
in her stomach that the nurse said was the result of her tube feeding.
That night she drifted off to fitful sleep and a vivid nightmare
in which she sat in a restaurant with Henry; his eyes were closed.
Some how she knew that he was asleep and would awaken when she
finished her meal. Though she ate and ate, first with realish and then with
discomfort, the waiters kept bringing platters and platters of food, mountains
of it. Her belly felt as though it were expanding and expanding, ballooning out
and stretching the elastic of her dress. She ate more and more, trying to keep
up with the endless stream of mashed potatoes, cakes and pies the waiters
brought. Finally she felt so stuffed that she would
surly burst if she ate another bite. She awoke in a sweat. The stuffed
felling was still vaguely there. She drifted back to sleep.
The days stretched into weeks. Marie watched television with
a remote control but could do little else, encased as she was in the body
cast. Each day she asked for news of Henry. His condition was unchanged.
Nearly two months after waking up herself the doctor came in one
morning with a smile. " Good news! Your fiance opened his eyes this
morning. He seemed to understand us but didn't speak. I'm very hopeful that
he will make a complete recovery."
Marie gave a silent prayer of thanks. That night her nightmare
of eating in front of her sleeping Henry recurred. Now, his eyes were open
but he did not speak. Marie felt that if she could finish her huge meal he
would speak to her. She ate helping after helping of puddings, meets, pies
and cakes. The platter contents seamed to slide down her throat one after
the other. She felt her whole body growing and expanding with thousands
of calories filling out every part of her. Her breasts seemed to swell along
with her belly, growing larger and larger, heavier and heavier. She stuffed the
food down with both hands. Henry's wordless gaze seamed to encourage
her to eat more and more, more food then she could have possibly imagined. She
felt her belly swell so much that the table was pushed away by her expanding
girth. Still she ate, filled now with her love of Henry. She would
do anything to have him back. He would speak to her, propose to her again.
They would be married and be happy forever.
"Marie, darling -It's me." She heard the words from Henry
but his lips did not move. She ceased her eating and then heard it again.
"Marie darling, it's me."
"Marie's eyes fluttered open. There was Henry, the same as
before, standing above her with a dazzling smile. "My precious, did you
miss me?" Will you still have me?"
Oh yes, darling, yes! l've had the most awful dreams while you
were gone from me."
"The doctor tells me that your cast will come off in four or
five days. Then we'll be married"
"Please, Henry, lets not wait another day. Can't we be married
here in the hospital?"
"Well, it should be easy enough to have our blood tests here in
the hospital. Why not?" '
It was the first wedding that had ever been held at Doctor's
Hospital. The preacher was a bit surprised to find the bride horizontal and
immobile but he did a very nice service. In honor of the marriage, Marie's
tubes had been removed and she tasted her first solid food in months. She
was astonished at her own capacity. She had third helpings of everything
and devoured half of the wedding cake by herself. his reminded her of her
nightmare, which she confided to Henry when the guests had left. He
smiled a broad smile, "Darling, I'd love you at any size, weight or shape."
Two mornings later, Marie awoke fully rested. Today her cast
would be removed. Today her new life as Henry's wife would really start.
She was determined to make him happy in every way she could.
Henry entered the room a few moments later with a strange
Saw-lie tool in his hands. Darling, the doctor said that I could remove
your cast myself. As a sculptor, l've had plenty of experience dealing with
plaster. He applied the saw to her cast down below her line of sight and a
harsh buzzing filled the room. Soon, Marie exalted, she would be free, soon
she would hold Henry in her arms. At last Henry shut off the saw and
peeled away the upper half of the cast. "Oh, your more beautiful then I
dared hope," he murmured.
"What do you mean, Henry?" Marie struggled to rise and as
she did so she glimpsed the massive expense of flesh that was her lower
body. You, you did this to me Henry?"
"Yes darling, it was the only way to mold you in to the woman
of my dreams, You were the woman of my dreams, spiritually, but
physically there could have been nothing between us, as you were before."
Now you resemble one of my sculptures, my physical ideal. He leaned over
and kissed her a deep wet kiss like no other he had ever given her before.
Marie struggled to get out of bed. From the waist down she was a mass of
rolls of fat, Her legs were spread wide by her gigantic thighs, each of
which seemed bigger then her waistline of little more then two months
past. Her lower abdomen bulged out to cover her pussy with a large roll of
bulging flesh. Her ass had spread in all directions, each cheek a huge ball
of adipose now bigger than the largest watermelon; her hips nearly
reached across the full width of the bed. From her hips down to her ankles,
rolls of fat, like a baby's but much much much larger, draped her legs. At
last she stood on her feet and took slow tentative waddling steps toward
Henry. It was hard walking with her legs spread so wide apart but there
was a wonderful friction in her pussy as her massive thighs rubbed against
each other. At last she reached Henry and held him tenderly in her arms.
Her upper body was no larger than before and his arms reached easily around
her, his kiss filled her and she felt him growing hard against her bulging
"For the past two and a half months darling, you've been on a
20,000 calorie a day diet. You've gained over three hundred pounds. The
Cast you wore molded your body; it was tight on top and very large below.
This is a small private hospital where I was able to arrange all this with
the help of a few physician friends. I can understand and would refuse
if I'd ask you to gain all that weight for me. Please forgive me for keeping
you in the dark. I love you so. I wanted to love your body too."
Marie's mind was racing. In her dreams she'd been willing to eat
and eat for Henry, hadn't she? Was this too big a sacrifice to ask? She
pulled Henry's head down into her crotch. "No, darling, l don't mind. In my
dream l ate for you, as much as l could - to help you. Now sweat heart you
eat for me. She spread her legs wide, forcing his head between, as he began
to tongue and lick her flesh. Being Mrs. Higgins was going to be very